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by Unknown

  My Wolf Protector


  Rose Wynters

  Wolf Town Guardians

  Book 2

  Copyright Notice

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events listed in this book are products of the author's imagination, or used fictitiously.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark ownership of all trademarks, service marks, and/or word marks (if any) mentioned in this book.

  My Wolf Protector (Wolf Town Guardians, Book 2)

  All Rights Reserved

  © 2013 Rose Wynters

  Book Cover Image Credits:

  Close up on red eyes of a dog, © melis, 2013

  Custom Motorcycle A fractal filtered image of a custom motorcycle. Horizontal., © Ricky Barnard, 2013

  3D fantasy Illustration of a sexy male vampire holding a rose standing in a dark passageway

  surrounded by mist, © Kachinadoll, 2013

  Used under license from

  No parts of this book may be used, scanned, duplicated, copied, or reproduced without written

  permission from the author, with the exception of small quotations used in reviews or articles.

  This e-book has been provided for your personal enjoyment only. Sharing or posting publicly is strictly prohibited.

  Other Books by Rose Wynters

  Series: The Endurers

  The Endurers - Immortal warriors chosen to fight the evil that stalks humanity. Major players in the upcoming Armageddon. Single, and sexy as hell.

  Rubenesque Rapture (Book 1)

  Curvaceous Condemnation (Book 2)

  Delicate Devastation (Book 3)

  Series: Territory of the Dead

  Tabitha Alexander is an 18 year old that has just graduated from high school. Working as a checkout girl in the small town of Pleasant, her long-term goals for the future don’t go beyond enjoying the upcoming summer and possibly finding a boyfriend.

  Fate has something else in store for her, though.

  One night, right before closing time, her world is turned completely inside out with the first screams and sounds of gunfire that tear through the dark night. Nothing will ever be the same again….. If they even survive.

  Phase One: Identify (Book 1)

  Series: Wolf Town Guardians

  Wolf Town Guardians - Born to walk this world as both wolf and human, these men take their role as protectors very seriously. Enjoying sensual pleasures as they please, this group of alpha werewolves are the finest when it comes to protecting their hidden settlement.

  Guardians are the masters of self-control, taking pride in their authority and hard, muscled bodies. That all changes at the first scent of their mates. Their control snaps. The mating heat begins.

  This is their stories.

  My Wolf King (Book 1)

  My Wolf Protector (Book 2)

  Bookmark for the latest book news and giveaways.


  August 1982

  The El Lobo Apache Nation

  The night air was sweltering hot as the biker sped down the dark, desolate road in Jagged Rock, New Mexico. The moon was nearly full and hanging low as it illuminated the powerful male that

  controlled the large motorcycle so effortlessly. His long, black hair flowed away from his body while the bike quickly ate up the miles. He wasn't afraid of the danger of riding without a helmet. It wasn't even a consideration.

  He surveyed the area behind the dark lenses he wore, his firm, well-defined lips tightening into a grimace. His eyesight was perfect, even in the darkest of nights, and they didn't fail him now. Despite his absence, Jagged Rock was the same as it had always been. The road itself was flat and surrounded by dry, dusty dirt, broken up only by the sagebrush that dotted the landscape. It was a harsh land, designed by nature to challenge those who lived on its surface. The tribe had learned to adapt to it, but they'd never conquered it. Nobody could.

  The Mesa was off in the distance, standing tall and mysterious in the glow from the moonlight.

  It had always been a source of superstition, from the time his tribe had settled there, hundreds of years before. His mouth twisted cynically. He couldn't imagine anything scarier than a population of people that shifted into a werewolf every full moon.

  Already the moon was affecting him, its light calling to the beast that lived inside of him. His body felt even more powerful than it generally did, the clothing he wore making his skin itch. He fought the urge to rip off his clothes and shift. Waiting one more night wouldn't kill him. Werewolves could turn anytime, but during a full moon, they absolutely had to.

  This area was perfect for the New Mexico pack, at least, it had been. Times were changing,

  though. More humans were filtering in, and the wolves had to be careful. Remaining hidden was the only way to ensure their peace and survival. Even during the full moon they were cautious, although at night most humans would believe them to be just a pack of wild wolves.

  Humans were the reason he was even back at the reservation. Alonzo, a fellow pack member

  and chief of their tribe, had sent a desperate message along their channels to return home. The tribe was seeing an influx of humans around the community, and the wolves were uneasy. Trouble was brewing, and they needed to eliminate it as soon as possible.

  He'd just spent several hours with Alonzo, discussing ways to keep the pack safe. The braves

  were already keeping watch and asking questions, attempting to discover what the humans were after.

  In the end, it was decided to warn the pack and post sentries the following night. The rowdy wolves weren't going to enjoy staying around their homes during the full moon, but it couldn't be helped.

  Hopefully, the humans would leave fast.

  Although he'd been gone for a year, he still had a home here in Jagged Rock. It was a log cabin he'd built himself, many years before. The cabin was perfect for a bachelor, and it was completely set off by itself. Marrok was definitely the loner of the pack, and he enjoyed his privacy. His nearest neighbor was a mile away, which suited him just fine.

  Worldly possessions didn't matter much to him, but his freedom did. He could come and go as

  he pleased, with nothing more than the backpack underneath his seat. It was a simple existence for a simple man.

  His lips curled up ruefully. Over the years there had been a lot of speculation about his finances among the hopefuls in the pack, or so he'd heard. The hopefuls were the unmated, female wolves living in Jagged Rock. It wasn't that he couldn't afford something much more prestigious. He was over two hundred years old and rich beyond belief. Prestigious meant more commitments, though, and a whole lot of obligations he didn't want.

  He looked wistfully to the north, his hands gripping the handlebars tightly. There was nothing he'd like more than to ride straight out of the reservation, leaving it far behind. When he'd gotten the call he'd been in California, traveling with a group of bikers he'd met in a small-town bar. All of them had been human, but it hadn't mattered. Marrok was a free spirit, used to living footloose and fancy-free. He would have traveled with them for awhile, enjoying the parties and the women, until

  something else appealed to him.

  There was one hard and fast rule he always stuck to, though. When the moon called, he listened.

  He made sure to keep to himself during that time, always steering clear of humanity until it phased out.

  Nobody really noticed or cared about his disappearances. The bikers were used to others joining and leaving their groups as they pleased.

  Lost in his thoughts, it took his mind a moment to process the change in the air. He slowed

  down the bike, inhaling deeply to ana
lyze it. His supernatural sense of smell picked up an odd and elusive scent in the wind, mixed in with the acrid smell of smoke and alcohol. The scents didn't go together, one of them pleasant while the others were repugnant. His eyes flickered with interest as he pulled off onto the shoulder of the road.

  The night was silent when he cut the bike off. Marrok carefully scanned the horizon while

  opening his senses wide. Over the noise of the crickets, he faintly heard the sounds of motorcycles, loud rock music, and laughter. His dark eyes zoned in on the area it was coming from. In the distance, a large bonfire illuminated the darkness, far enough away it wouldn't have been visible to the average human.

  He was anything but average, though.

  A group of bikers were having a late night party at Jagged Rock Lake. It wasn't anyone from the area. He would know their scents if they were. The majority of the tribe was werewolves, and a wolf could easily recognize one of their own. Trouble was oozing from their pores, the stench reaching him even from a distance. This group was up to no good, and the last thing their pack needed was more trouble.

  The wind blew through his hair, bringing in more of the captivating scent. He inhaled deeply,

  his body humming with excitement. It was a combination of jasmine and musk, purely female. It was delicious, unlike anything he'd ever smelled before. His eyes glowed red behind his dark lenses. Who was this mysterious female affecting him so deeply?

  The answer slammed into him, his body stiffening in a mixture of shock and overwhelming lust.

  His massive hands tightened on the handlebars, nearly crushing them with his strength. It was

  undeniable. The wolf inside of him had lived for this very moment, and there was no force on earth strong enough to keep him away. Nothing existed or mattered beyond the burning need pulsating

  through his body. He had scented his mate, and he was determined to claim her.

  * * * * *

  Taylor sat quietly with her back against the base of the tree, hoping that the loud group of bikers would forget she was ever even there. She was quite a distance away, the light of the bonfire just barely hitting the treeline. A mosquito bit her on the shoulder and she smacked it, praying there weren't any other insects intent on investigating her body.

  She was hot, miserable, and afraid, wishing she'd never let Nicole talk her into coming. After all, what business did a twenty-five year old, virginal accountant have out with this raucous group?

  They had brought them to this deserted area to party, or so they had said.

  One of the drunken bikers stood up and walked in front of the bonfire. Unzipping his jeans, he relieved himself in the fire while yelling and gyrating his hips wildly. The others encouraged him on.

  Taylor turned her face away, repulsed. Yeah, some party it was turning out to be for her.

  Nicole was her best friend and had been for years. She'd nagged her to get out and live a little, which resulted in her going out to a bar with her friend. It hadn't taken long for trouble to find them.

  Nicole had taken a liking to one of the bikers, and it had ended up with them being here. Not wanting to hurt her friend's feelings, and more than a little worried Nicole had bitten off more than she could chew, she'd agreed to come with her.

  She sighed. If only they hadn't drunk those beers, one of them would have been able to drive

  Nicole's car. As it was, they'd rode out with the bikers, and she was stuck. Hindsight was always 20/20.The men had quickly built a bonfire and broke out the liquor. They were all sitting around the fire now, listening to music and getting louder and crazier by the minute. At least, from what she could see. Her glasses were back in Nicole's car, left behind before they'd walked into the bar, in an attempt to ditch the nerd girl look she generally had.

  She waved her hand around in the air around her, attempting to shoo off the mosquitoes. She

  was dressed skimpier than she'd ever been before in a sleeveless top that ended right below her breasts, a stretchy skirt that ended halfway down her thighs, and some boots that nearly touched her kneecaps.

  Riding on the back of a motorcycle had been terrifying enough, the outfit had only made it a hundred times worse.

  Nicole had disappeared in the woods with the biker she'd met, despite Taylor's pleas to do

  otherwise. Over the last few years they had grown apart, maybe more than she had realized if her friend was so comfortable going off in the woods with strange men. They were polar opposites, and it had never been clearer than it was that night. While Taylor had finished school and gotten her degree in accounting, Nicole had taken a job as a waitress.

  There had been times she'd almost envied Nicole's free-spirited ways. While she was working

  two jobs and going to school full-time, Nicole had been out dating and having fun. Once she'd left college and gotten a job as an accountant, the pressures and responsibilities really hadn't changed. Her mom and dad needed the money that she made, which meant she had to work forty-plus hours each


  Now she had a one-bedroom apartment, while the majority of her money went to her parents.

  She loved and respected them, but sometimes she wondered why they wouldn't work. Ever since her dad had been laid off, seven years before, the financial burden had fallen on her shoulders. Instead of working, they drank. She didn't know where they got the money for their alcohol, but it was all she could do to keep a roof over their heads.

  Even though it was a Friday night, she felt overwhelmingly weary. Weekends weren't anything

  special for her. Her boss knew she wanted as many hours as possible, although he didn't know what for.

  They had a new client that needed a lot of work done on their books, so she was due in at the office early the next morning. She grimaced. Hopefully they would leave soon, and if she were really lucky, she'd even manage to get a few hours of sleep.

  A tall, bulky man got up from a log and belched before laughing loudly. He had long, bushy

  hair with a bandana tied around his forehead. His full beard was graying, as was the hair hanging down his neck. Taylor assumed he was the leader of this particular biker group, but she didn't care enough to find out.

  He slapped his large pot belly with both hands, staring at the flames. His t-shirt had seen better days, leaving a gap between the bottom of his stomach and the waist of his jeans. Although he was wearing a vest, when he lifted his arms to stretch Taylor could see the large sweat stains darkening the material in the light from the fire. Her stomach churned.

  Grabbing the glass bottle of whiskey from the man next to him, he took a long swig of it before bellowing, “Now where's that other woman that rode out with us? Rex, you seen her? I'm in the mood for a little fun.” He grabbed his crotch area suggestively as her body tensed in fear.

  The man she rode in with laughed. “You mean the plump one? I thought you liked them long

  and lean?” The other men snickered.

  He shrugged his broad shoulders before replying. “Hell, man, after a little liquor who gives a shit? You know what they say. It's all pink in the middle, right? Big Reb here is looking for some release, and she's got the right parts to give it.”

  Taylor quietly crawled behind the tree, preparing to run if he came after her. She was stuck

  between a rock and a hard place, miles away from anyone that could help. And what about Nicole? She gnawed at her lip nervously.

  Another man spoke up loudly, his voice easily heard above the music playing from the radio

  behind them. “When you're done, I might want to take a ride on that myself, Reb.” The woman leaning up against him drunkenly didn't react. “Janet won't mind, will you?” She didn't respond.

  Taylor had heard enough. There was a steady drone in the distance, but she was to panicked to

  think about it. She went down on all fours, and started crawling away. The ground was rocky, biting into the tender flesh of her kneecaps. It was slow going. It didn't take long fo
r the others to see her.

  “There she is right there,” Reb said belligerently, handing the bottle to one of his lackeys sitting on the log.

  She looked back over her shoulder as she quickly stood up. Her body was frozen in fear, her

  mind panicked. If it weren't for Nicole, she'd already be gone. A long walk in an isolated area sounded like paradise compared to this.

  Reb was marching in her direction, his expression angry. “Get over here, Bitch. It's time to have a little fun.” Despite the heavy amount of hard liquor he'd consumed, his body was steady. His feet quickly ate up the distance between them until he was towering over her.

  He grabbed her arm and yanked her to him, locking her body to his with his massive hand. His

  fingers dug into the plump and tender flesh, and she knew she'd be bruised in the morning. The action alone angered her, turning her fear to rage at his audacity. “Let go of me, now,” she demanded, her voice firm and decisive. “I didn't come out here to find a quick roll in the hay, and I don't intend on having one with you.”

  He laughed, revealing missing teeth and black cavities. “Let's see how you feel after a few

  swigs of that bottle over there.”

  She yanked on her arm, but he refused to release it. The drone got louder, penetrating the haze of horror in her mind. Something was moving in fast. Dread consumed her. Was it more of his group coming in?

  He turned at the noise as the headlight from the motorcycle cut across the darkness of the night.

  “Look at that ride,” one of the bikers murmured appreciatively as the motorcycle quickly swerved to a stop. Kicking the stand down, a powerfully built male climbed off of it.

  Immediately, he started to them. His shoulders were broad, his long legs quickly eating up the distance between them. “Release her,” he growled, stepping into the light. When he did, Taylor couldn't do anything but stare.

  Her unlikely rescuer was simply the most gorgeous man she'd ever laid eyes on. He was

  extremely tall, towering over the biker still gripping her arm. His body was sturdy underneath the black leather he was wearing, his hips lean and his thighs broad and strong. Taylor felt the heat of his gaze upon her before moving on.


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