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Awakening Abduction

Page 9

by Becca Jameson

  “I would have preferred you had more time, a few more years to grow and mature before meeting James again, but when your father found out Gerald had men snooping around Boston, he had to act quickly.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell me all this?” Frankly Hannah was a little hurt by her mother’s blatant omission.

  “I’m sorry I never told you that you were lupine. I never quite thought the time was right and I knew as long as you weren’t mated you could live blissfully in your ignorance. If we’d had more time, I would have explained the situation before your return to Seattle.

  “As far as mating is concerned, it just wasn’t my or your father’s place to interfere with what nature had planned for you two. We were pretty sure, hoping really, we’d been right all those years ago and you two belonged together, but there was no real guarantee.

  “It was James’ place to claim you and his right to explain the process. Not ours.”

  Hannah slumped against James and released a breath. She still wasn’t sure she shouldn’t be angry with her parents for making decisions on her behalf. She was an adult, for Christ’s sake. But somehow, her emotions were tangled up in her need for James and overshadowed any aggravation with her parents.

  “So what happens now?”

  Maxwell cleared his throat. “Now my women return home and I get to know the daughter I haven’t seen for sixteen years.”

  “Where will I live?”

  “With me, babe, with me.” James turned her to face him. “We’re going home to my place now so I can show you around, let you get accustomed to where I’ve been living, and we’ll stay there permanently as soon as this threat with Gerald has passed.”

  “Actually,” her father added, “we haven’t had a single moment to bring you up to speed. Three of Gerald Hariger’s sons were captured last night by a friendly pack in Boston. Under great duress, they babbled that their father’s plan had always been to marry into our family and take over this pack, increasing his numbers and making it stronger.”

  “God,” Hannah jolted.

  “I always knew that man was…off. He’s a lunatic,” Maxwell continued. “His pack sent a letter of apology to me early this morning informing us of their disgust with their leader and assuring me there would be no further trouble. I have their word. The fact that you two mated is proof that you never belonged to Gerald as he’d insisted. He’ll be forced to step down as Alpha.”

  Moments passed. Suddenly James stood, dragging Hannah up with him. “I know you have a lot of catching up to do with your daughter, but…if you don’t mind, sir, could you start, say, next week? We really need to go now. Hannah needs to see her new home, get adjusted—”

  Laughter stopped him midsentence. “Go. We’ll catch up later. Come for dinner on Sunday and we’ll talk all afternoon.” Hannah’s father covered his mouth, merriment dancing in his eyes.

  James pulled her, not out the front door, but to the back of the house. He didn’t stop until he’d entered what appeared to be a large closet and closed the door.

  “What are we doing in here?”

  “Mud room. Strip.”

  “James. You can’t mean to have sex right this moment in my father’s house.”

  James laughed. “No, sweetheart, I mean for us to shift and run through the woods to get home.”

  “Really?” Her shoulders relaxed, but part of her was actually disappointed they weren’t going to have sex yet. Instead they were going to frolic in the woods as if they were wild animals.

  “We are not going to ‘frolic’ anywhere, honey.” Naked now, he stood and glanced down her still-clothed body before bringing his gaze to hers. His glorious cock stood at attention between them. “We’re going to run helter-skelter through the trees until we reach home and then fuck like wolves as soon as we enter the house. I’ll give you the grand tour after. Much later.”

  Hannah smiled at the man she realized she loved more than anything in the world. Surely he’d picked up on that from digging around in her open mind, but it was time to say it out loud. “I love you, James Morgan.” She pulled her shirt over her head, dropping it and her bra in the pile he’d started on the floor.

  “And I love you, Hannah Stone.”

  She stepped forward, naked now, and tried to kiss her mate on the lips, but he wouldn’t have it and jumped away from her.

  “Don’t start. I’ll never be able to stop. Let me get you home.” With that, he grabbed her hand and pulled her out the back door.

  Moments later, Hannah and her mate had shifted into wolf form and ran into the trees behind her father’s house toward her new life.

  About Becca Jameson

  Becca Jameson lives in Texas with her husband and two kids. When she isn’t writing, she can be found reading, editing, scrapbooking, running, swimming, biking or taxiing kids all over creation. She doesn’t sleep much…or sit down often…but she loves to be busy! To learn more about Becca Jameson, visit her blog or email her.

  Becca welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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  Also by Becca Jameson

  Deceptive Liaison

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Awakening Abduction

  ISBN 9781419941504


  Awakening Abduction Copyright © 2012 Becca Jameson

  Edited by Briana St. James

  Cover design by Irene Adler


  Electronic book publication August 2012

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