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GI Joe and Ebony, An American Love Story

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by Brenda Stokes Lee

“See you soon. Be safe, I love you.”

  Jay laughs. “Ebony, I got to go. You never would let me get in the last word. Look, I love you too. I promise I'll be safe and careful- whatever that means. And now I'm hanging up.”

  Ebony quickly interjects, “Love you!” She smiles as the phone goes silent, confident that she still got the last word.

  Chapter 8

  Several days pass, yet Ebony hadn't heard a word form Jay. Refusing to add to her stress by worrying she doesn't dwell on it. But today is her wedding day and understandably his absence is starting to freak her out. Her house is busy as people run in and out- back and forward in preparation for the wedding.

  Ebony is in her room with her Bridesmaid getting her makeup done when the phone rings. “Somebody get my phone that has to be Jay. He probably needs a ride from the airport.”

  Hannah, her cousin retrieves the phone and gives it to her. The disappointment on her face indicates that it is not Jay. “It's the Videographer.”

  “Please tell him I'll call him back in a few. Where in the hell is Jay? I swear, this man is about to give me a heart attack.”

  “Ebony, stop worrying. Jay knows what time the wedding starts. You know that he's doing everything in his power to get here on time.” Jasmine her Maid of Honor responded.

  “Jazz, I know but I'm starting to trip. This is not like him. He should have been here yesterday. At least by now he should have called.”

  “Nonetheless, worrying is not going to get him here any quicker. Calm your nerves. This is your day. Everything is going to go your way.”

  Somehow she found comfort in those simple words. “You're right. The Best Man is probably picking him up from the airport as we speak.”

  The ladies continue to pamper Ebony and the photographer sneaks in to take some pre-wedding shots. Ebony relaxes and enjoys the attention. Moments later, one of her co-workers appears in the bedroom door with a puzzled look on her face.

  “Ebony there's a couple of Marines looking for you. I told them that you were getting dressed. They're waiting downstairs.”

  “Oh Thank God. It's Jay. He must have brought a friend. Tell them I'll be down in a second.”

  Ebony quickly slips on her bedroom slippers, gathers her robe together and heads downstairs.

  “It's about time you got here. Boy you scared me to death. Jay, where the hell have you been?”

  Two Marines stand to greet her, upon hearing her voice. Ebony stops mid sentence and mid step when she realizes that neither of them are Jay.

  “Who are you? I'm sorry that's rude. Hi I'm the Bride. Did Jay invite you to the wedding?”

  “Hi, are you Ebony Saunders?”

  “Yes. Yes I am. Are you here for the wedding?” She asked confused.

  “No mam, I'm afraid not.”

  “Then who are you and what's going on?”

  “Ms. Saunders, my name is Lieutenant Gregory Bonner and this is Lieutenant Richard Williams we're here on behalf of the United States Marine Corp. We hate to interrupt your family gathering but we need to speak to you on a very urgent matter. Is there somewhere that we can speak in private.”

  “About what? Where's Jay? Is Jay okay?”

  “Ms. Saunders, can we please speak to you in private?”

  Ebony immediately starts to panic. Her head is spinning and the air is leaving her lungs. “No! Where's Jay?”

  Lieutenant Bonner attempts to calm her. “Ebony, please. I promise we'll explain everything if we can just speak to you somewhere private.”

  Ebony's aunt clears everyone out a room off of the family room and leads Ebony and the officers into the room. Ebony is urged to sit while the two Marines stand. They begin to speak and Ebony begins to unravel and loose her composure. She quickly becomes hysterical and inconsolable when she discovers that Jay was killed in Saudi Arabia two days ago.

  Chapter 9

  Distraught, Ebony is curled up on the bed quietly sobbing. Her eyes are closed and tears are freely flowing. She is alone, except for the spirit of Jay. Helpless to console her he is slumped over in a chair beside her bed. His head is down and he rings his hands- obviously devastated by Ebony's sorrow. It tore him apart that he could not comfort her.

  Ebony ignores the faint knock at her bedroom door. Her aunt Lottie enters the room and sits beside her on the bed and tries to comfort her. “Baby I know that you are hurting, but I need you to do something for me. This is going to be the hardest thing that you'll ever have to do, but Ebony I need you to get up and get dressed. It's time and everyone is waiting for you.”

  “I can't. Please don't ask me to, because I just can't. I can't and and I won't.”

  “Yes you can and yes you will. Ebony, life doesn't take a back seat to death. Death must always take a back seat to life. So, get up and get dress. Your family and friends are all waiting. Child, everybody's hurting. They need this as much as you. Believe it or not it'll make you feel better. Besides, it's what Jay would want you to do. So get up, get yourself together and let’s go.”

  Ebony draws her body further into the fetal position. She ignores the pleas of her aunt. Her aunt gets up and quietly leaves. Suddenly, Ebony hears a familiar voice in the room. “Ebony, she's right. Get up. It's breaking my heart to see you like this. Mourn for me tomorrow, if you have to. But take advantage of this opportunity to celebrate my life tonight. Now, get up and get dressed. Everyone is waiting. You're going to be late.”

  Ebony jumps up and looks around for Jay. She doesn't see him, but she knows that he is there. He gently strokes her hair from her face and attempts to wipe a tear from her tear stained face. She closes her eyes as she feels his touch.

  “I love you, and I always will. Now, get dressed.”

  “Jay, I love you so much. I can't do this without you.”

  “Yes, you can. Not another word. Get dressed. I'll meet you there.”

  Ebony immediately gets up. For once she let Jay have the last word. She opens the bedroom door to look for help and a crowd of women swarm in to get her dressed and ready.


  Ebony nervously stands at the top of the aisle. She is joined by Lieutenant Bonner. “Thank you for doing this for me.”

  “It is an honor and a privilege to stand in for your brother.”

  The organ begins with a jubilant rendition of Here Comes the Bride as Ebony watches the flower girl skip down the aisle, dropping rose petals she went. Even though her legs felt like jellyfish tentacles, Ebony walks proudly and purposely to her waiting groom. The crowd quickly rises to salute her. Although their hearts are broken their spirits instantly lift as they watch the stunning Bride slowly make her way down the aisle.

  “Dearly beloved we are gathered here in the sight of God to unite this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Who gives this woman to be wed to this man?” The minister asks.

  “I do. Sir on behalf of Major Jason Terrell Saunders of the United States Marine Corp I proudly present to you your beautiful Bride.” Officer Bonner proudly announces as he places Ebony's hand into the hand of her anxious groom, GI Joe.


  Later at the reception Ebony takes the microphone to make a speech. “I'd like to thank you all for joining us tonight. Many of you may have heard that I lost my brother Jay to the war two days ago. But what most of you don't know is that we received the news of his death earlier today. And even though this is hard for us and even though our hearts hurt like hell and even though we haven't had an opportunity to really begin the mourning process we are going to do what Jay would want us to do and that is to live. So, tonight we are going to have a good time. We are going to celebrate a life that was way too short but very well lived.

  Everyone who knew Jay knows that he loved music and he loved to dance. There will be plenty of time for us to mourn. But tonight I invite all of you to dance with me in honor of my brother- Major Jason Terrell Saunders of the United States Marine Corp. And I petition you to dance in appreciation of all the soldiers, like my brother and m
y husband, who have dedicated their lives to the United States armed forces so that we can have the right- no, the privilege and the opportunity to live, to love, to dance and to be free.

  Wedding guests wipe tears, hold back tears and allow tears to flow freely. The room is silent as the DJ cues a fast paced song. Ebony starts to dance alone and is quickly joined by GI Joe. One by one everyone begins to dance in celebration. No one could see him, but Jay was out there dancing with them. Happy, at peace and with no regrets he celebrated his sister's wedding and his extraordinary life.


  After the reception the happy couple rushes to the limo to the cheers of the crowd who threw rose petals’ at them. The car pulls off and barrels down the road. They continue to wave goodbye to the cheering crowd as the car disappears. An elated GI Joe grabs Ebony and kisses her hard in the mouth.

  “Woman, I am so in love with you. And I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving it to you every day that I live.”

  Overwhelmed, Ebony was completely speechless. Tears burst from her eyes and flowed down her beautiful face like pouring rain. By some miracle she had survived this day from the bowels of hell and she knew that GI Joe was that miracle.

  “You’re the brightest part of my day… And you have been since the day I met you. I love you. I love you more than I love me. As hard as today was for me, when I saw your face, you made my heart smile. I love you GI Joe.”

  “Ebony, I’m so sorry about Jay. I feel guilty that I made it home and he didn’t.”

  “It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about Jay right now. Today is our day.” Ebony put her finger over his lips to silence him.

  She then wiped a lone tear that trailed down her husband’s handsome face. She sampled his lips and found them to be sweeter than she had ever known. A virtual bundle of nerves and mixed emotions she drew a deep breath, sighed and then exhaled deeply. Finding some resemblance of peace for the moment she turns to take one more look back, only to see Jay, in full military gear, standing alone in the middle of the road. He slowly waves good-bye. She smiles and blows him a kiss good-bye. He pretends to catch it and place it in his shirt pocket. Then he smiles, turns and runs away into brightness of the late setting sun. Ebony smiles, turns away and snuggles in the massive, loving arms of her groom, Colonel Joseph Carr AKA GI Joe.

  Not the End, But the Beginning of a Life Full of Love.

  Thank You

  Brenda would like to thank you for the opportunity to entertain you. If you have enjoyed this book, please don’t forget to give our author a rating and a review at your place of purchase. Also tell a friend about the book you’ve just read. Please also take a moment to browse for additional titles by Brenda Stokes Lee @ Grown Folks Books or Lulu

  About the Author

  Brenda Stokes Lee is an author, screenwriter, novelist and a good old fashioned storyteller who refuses to let a trivial little thing like the truth come between her and a good story.

  Born in North Carolina, but raised in the suburbs of Washington D.C., this writer is a Morgan State University graduate who currently resides in the Washington DC Metropolitan area.

  Creative, funny and full of tall tales of love, mystery, fantasy, action, intrigue and grown folk's drama, Brenda is determined to make you laugh, to make you cry and most important to make you feel alive.

  Other Books by Brenda Stokes Lee

  All Mye Queen’s Men Chronicles of Love series

  Book 1 All Mye Queen’s Men- A Love of Her Own

  Book 2 All Mye Queen’s Men- Weathering Love's Storm

  Book 3 All Mye Queen’s Men- No More Secrets

  Book 4 All Mye Queen’s Men- New Beginnings

  Book 5 All Mye Queen’s Men- Two Forbidden Loves

  Book 6 All Mye Queen’s Men- There Can Be Only One King

  A New Toy for Christmas

  A New Year, A New Toy

  GI Joe and Ebony, An American Love Story

  Georgia on My Mind

  All Available for Purchase @Grown Folks Books and Lulu

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