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The Marriage Sacrifice

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

He still hadn’t told her about the change in their wedding. Clearly, he wanted to say something, or didn’t he?

  “I got an interesting call today.”

  “You did?”


  “What about?”

  “It was about us. From my mother.”

  She noticed the slight tensing of his back.

  “You did?”

  “Yep. She wanted to tell me that our wedding date had been changed.”

  He got to his feet with the last of the gunk cleaned up. “She did?”

  “Do you know the change of date?”

  He nodded.

  “You’ve known for a lot longer than me, haven’t you?”


  “Before we had sex?” she asked.

  “I knew then.”

  “Is that what you were doing, priming me?”

  “You’re throwing a lot of accusations my way.”

  “You suddenly show a lot of interest in me and you don’t think I should question it?”

  He pressed his fingers to his feet, and he looked annoyed. “I know I’ve not always been a great guy. I’m not your first choice, but can’t you at least just take a moment to think that I might like you? Is that so hard?”

  “Like me?”

  “I’m attracted to you. I like spending time with you. Why is that so hard for you to even consider?”

  “We’re the complete opposite of one another.”

  “And yet I’ve had more fun in the past couple of days with you than an entire month with a bunch of people who call themselves my friends.”

  “That’s not my fault.”

  “No. I’m not trying to put blame. Fuck! I knew you’d act like this.” He threw the paper towels into the trash.

  “Act like what?”

  “Like this. As if I’ve done something wrong. The only thing I’ve done wrong is trying to make this work.”

  “You don’t want to marry me.”

  “Yes. I. Do.”

  This made Sage pause. “What?”

  “I want to marry you, Sage. I want to put my ring on your finger and to make this work.”

  “You’re kidding. You told me you didn’t want to marry me.”

  “That was a long time ago. You were sixteen. Of course, I didn’t want to marry a kid.”

  She put the bowl down. “And now what? You decide you want to, and that’s it, I’ve got to?”

  “Don’t do that. You’re attracted to me. You enjoy being around me.”

  “Ugh! You’re a pain in the ass. Sex is not going to make a good marriage.”

  “I notice you left out how good we are together. Think about it.” He held his hand out and began to count off. “We are fucking smoking hot in bed.”

  “How would we know that? We’ve done it once.”

  He smirked. “Is that what this is about? You want more of me, Sage.”

  “Screw you.”

  He held the back of her neck as she tried to walk away. His lips crashed down on hers as he claimed her.

  She tried to fight him, but there was no fight inside her. His lips were like magic, unraveling her. She moaned his name, and he bit her lip, not enough to draw blood but enough to make her pause.

  He pushed her against the kitchen counter once again, and she felt the hard ridge of his cock as it pressed against her stomach.

  “You feel that? I want you. I will always want you. I could bend you over this counter right now and have my way with you. Fuck you until you beg me, screaming for more. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? I know I’d love to have you coming all over my cock. You’d be so dripping wet.”

  He bit down on her neck before sucking on her pulse.

  She couldn’t think. All thought left her. Her body was in charge, and she craved his touch, hungered for his dick. She had never been a woman controlled by her carnal needs, but with Dom, he’d done something to her.

  “I’m not doing this to make our upcoming wedding easier,” he said. His voice was husky as he slid his tongue across her neck. “I’m doing it because I want to. I want to feel your pretty pussy wrapped around my dick or watch you smile as I say something funny. Why is that so hard to believe?” he asked.

  “We barely know each other.”

  “That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy each other or want this. I know I want you, Sage. I can’t stop thinking about you. I don’t know what you’ve done to me, but I don’t care. I know you mean the world to me.”

  She wanted to believe him so bad.

  Why don’t you?

  What’s hard about believing him?

  He began to open the buttons of her shirt until there were no more left. He slid it off her shoulders, and it fell to the floor.

  “Don’t you want to make cake?” she asked.

  He pushed his hand into her jeans and cupped her pussy. “Why would I want to make cake when I know how wet you are?” He withdrew his hand, and she watched him suck on his digits.

  Flicking the button of her jeans, he pushed them down until she stepped out of them.

  She didn’t want to be the only one naked, so, taking charge, she sank to her knees before him, gripping his waist.

  Starting at his belt, she looked up at him.

  His eyes were dark, hypnotic, and she couldn’t look away. She slid the zipper down, the sound seeming to echo around the kitchen as she did so.

  Dom kicked off his shoes as she dragged his suit pants down. The hard ridge of his cock pressed against the front of his boxer briefs. Sliding her hand across the length of him, she marveled at the size. He wasn’t a small guy.

  She reached inside, finally grasping him. Pulling the boxers down, she stared at his cock. The tip was already slick with pre-cum, and the vein along the side pulsed with his arousal.

  Unable to resist, she slid her tongue across the tip and heard him moan.

  “Fuck, that feels good.”

  She smiled as she took the entire head of him between her lips, sucking him until he hit the back of her throat, and pulling off, using her hand to work him at the same time.

  Without waiting for him to instruct her, she took him back into her mouth, bobbing her head, working at a pace where she knew he was highly aroused. His fingers sank into her hair, and she didn’t stop sucking him, wanting more of him.

  “I’m not going to be able to last if you keep on doing that.”

  She didn’t care if he lasted or not. He tasted incredible, and she wanted this. Regardless of his reasoning for wanting their wedding to go through, she no longer cared. All she wanted was to feel his dick in her mouth.


  The wedding was going ahead if Sage wanted it or not. For Dom, he wanted it. As he stared down at her while she took him into her mouth, it was fucking incredible. She licked and sucked at his length, gagging on the tip as he went as deep inside as he could.

  Wrapping her long, black locks around his hand, he began to pump his hips, wanting her to take more, feeding her his cock, and she moaned around the length. The vibration nearly set off his release, but he held back, not wanting to let go just yet.

  He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold off forever.

  When he felt her lips, wanting them all over his body, he knew Sage had fucked with his plan. It wasn’t only the company he was marrying her for, but for himself. He wanted her, and each day that went by, drawing them closer to his wedding, was a day he anticipated even more.

  He wanted to put his wedding band on her finger, and to fill her with his cum so she got pregnant.

  Even thinking about another man made him insanely jealous, and it was intense. He’d never felt so obsessed or possessive with a woman in his life.

  Sage was the reason he felt all of these things.

  “I’m not going to be able to hold back.”

  She pulled off his cock. “Don’t.”

  She truly was a dream come true, and as he fucked her face, he didn’t hold back his release. He spilled inside her mouth, and Sage
took all of it. She swallowed every single drop as he filled her mouth until there was nothing left.

  Afterward, he did no more than pick her up. His knees felt a little weak, but he didn’t give a shit about that.

  “Dom, put me down. You’re going to drop me.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of dropping you. I’ve got you.” He wasn’t going to let her go. Kicking open her door, he placed her on the bed, hoping to make his point even more. He didn’t give her a chance to get away as he spread open her legs. She wore a pair of white lacy underwear, and he tore them from her body so he could see her wonderful, slick pussy.

  He pressed a hand between her thighs, finding her wet. “This is how I like to have you, Sage. Wet and ready for me. Only me.”

  Dom dipped a finger inside her, feeling her tighten and squeeze around him. Pulling his finger from her pussy, he circled her clit before diving back down.

  He wanted to taste her, so, nudging her up the bed so her head was against the pillows, he settled between her thighs.

  Gripping her hips, he held her in place as he pressed his face against her center, inhaling her.

  She smelled incredible, and as he licked her pussy, her taste was just as good. He rapidly flicked her clit before moving to plunge inside her.

  Fucking her pussy with his tongue, he drew it out and touched her clit again. He didn’t give her the chance to reach her peak as he continued to tease and torment her.

  “Please, Dom.”

  “You want to come, baby?” he asked.

  “Yes. Please.”

  He loved hearing her beg.

  “I don’t think you’re ready for that.”

  “I am. I’m so ready. Please stop torturing me.”

  “But it’s so much fun.”

  She let out a cute little growl, which he found so sweet, but it didn’t speed up his movements on her pussy.

  He took his sweet time, licking and sucking at her clit, driving her wild with each touch. She was so responsive, and he loved feeling her against his tongue.

  His own cock started to thicken once again. It didn’t matter he’d come only moments ago; he wanted inside her again.

  He let go of her hips and slid a finger inside her, then a second, fucking her as he was going to do with his cock.

  In and out, he also licked at her pussy, letting her clit have his attention.

  She began to pant and say his name. Her body seemed to come off the bed as he worked her, wanting her to come all over his face so he could take even more of her. They were more than good together, and she needed to see that.

  There was no way she could deny what they had.

  He added a third finger, stretching her even more until she screamed his name as he flicked her clit. She came hard, and he felt her cunt hold him like a vise as she screamed his name.

  The sounds echoed off the wall, filling his head with need, and it was addictive, at least to him. There was nothing else more he wanted than to watch her come.

  Before she had finished her orgasm, he moved between her spread thighs and filled her cunt with his now rock-hard cock.


  Taking her hands, he pressed them above her head so she was trapped on his cock. “Do you feel it too?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  He pulled out of her, only to slide back inside her. He did this several times, watching her as he went to the very hilt inside her. She was so tight, and he wasn’t small. He loved feeling her wrapped around him.

  He pulled out until only the tip was inside her, and he saw his length covered in her release. Fucking her harder, he held her hands beside her head, and the bed hit the wall with each force of his thrusts.

  “There’s no one else I’m ever going to want. Just you, Sage. Only you.” He let go of her hands, sliding one beneath her head, and the other to hold her hip, keeping her in place but wanting to be body to body with her.

  He didn’t want there to be any space between them.

  Staring into her blue eyes, he knew she was the woman for him. Not because of the company or her father, or the money, but because no other woman had ever made him feel like this.

  This wasn’t an act of desperation.

  This was … something.

  He didn’t know what it meant, and part of him was terrified about what it could all mean, but he wasn’t going to give it up or let it go.

  Slowing down his thrusts, he made love to her, not fucking her.

  “What are you doing, Dom?”

  “I’m making love to you. You ever just took it slow?”

  “Making love is more.”

  “I know.” He took possession of her lips, hoping she got the message. Hoping she read what he was trying to say to her without words. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything.

  This was mind-blowing to him.

  He’d never been the kind of man to make love or to take his time with anything. Sage was destroying him, and she didn’t even realize by how much.

  Keeping his thrusts deep and slow, his body pressed to hers, he felt her come on his cock. It wasn’t as strong as a real orgasm, but he’d give her another orgasm soon.

  Staring into her eyes, he felt the answering spark in his body as he rocked inside her. When he came, he did so, spilling his arousal deep inside her. He didn’t care if they made a baby; he only knew he didn’t want this moment to end with her.

  “What is it?” she asked. There was a hint of a smile on her lips.

  “I had no idea it could feel like this.”


  “This. Us.”

  She placed her hands on his shoulders. “You’re being serious when you say you want us to get married?”

  “Totally serious.”


  “More than anything. It’s what I want. Have I not shown you that you can trust me?”

  She nodded. “I guess.”

  “You guess? Give a guy a break here.”

  She chuckled. “I don’t know. I’ve spent so much of my life trying to prove my parents wrong.” She shrugged. “I don’t want them to be right about this.”

  “About us?”

  “I don’t want to get married because they say so. It scares me a lot.”

  “Do I scare you?”

  “No. I rather like you.”

  “That’s good to know.” He had a feeling he more than liked this woman.

  “I don’t know. I’ve seen the way my parents’ marriage is, and I don’t want that. I don’t want to sit in a restaurant and watch my husband eye a waitress. I don’t want to have a boy toy on the side because my own husband won’t touch me.”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I know myself, Sage, and I promise you, I won’t let that happen. You mean too much to me. I won’t be a dirty old man. Besides, when I have you, there won’t be anyone else that I’ll ever want. I’ll only have you.”

  Chapter Seven

  Dom held the strawberry out to her. He’d already dipped it in some heavy cream, and the white liquid was spilling on their picnic blanket.

  “Come and get it.”

  “Dom? Come on. You’re making a mess.”

  “You’re a neatness freak.”

  Their wedding was days away, and instead of being home with their parents to prepare, they were out at the park, enjoying each other. He’d called her away from her work, not that she was having a lot of joy with her latest story.

  Her muse had vanished since this wedding prep had started.

  Her characters weren’t talking to her.

  It was scary. She did love to write most of the time, but between the wedding and her charity work and volunteering, her stories had taken a back seat.

  “Come on, have a bite of my strawberry.”

  She rolled her eyes but leaned over. Just as she was about to take a bite, Dom took possession of her lips, kissing her.

  She didn’t fight the kiss as she want
ed his lips on her.

  This was what had been scaring her.

  Her wedding was days away, and she had this horrible feeling she was falling in love with her soon-to-be husband.

  It wasn’t possible. How could it be?

  They were … friends. That was what it was.

  He broke the kiss and slid the strawberry between her lips. She took a bite of the fresh fruit, closing her eyes at the taste. The cream had all but dripped off.

  Some of it hit her chest.

  “Oh, dear, it looks like I’m going to have to lick it off.” He leaned down, and his tongue danced across her heated skin.

  “Dom! We’re out in the open. Anyone could see.”

  “I don’t care. You’re going to be my wife in a matter of days. I’m not having a bachelor party because you’re the only woman I want to spend any time with.”

  “You’re not having a bachelor party?”

  “Nope.” He got another strawberry, dipped it in the heavy cream, and ate it himself, leaving the green cap and stalk.

  “I thought it was every single guy’s rite of passage.”

  “To get totally wasted and to watch strippers?”

  She shrugged. “It’s what I’ve heard.”

  “Yeah, because watching a woman who has so many men drooling over them is my idea of fun?”

  “I didn’t say it was your idea of fun, but come on, you’ve got to admit, it sounds tempting.” If he was going to have a bachelor party then it meant nothing had changed. He was still the same party animal she remembered and these feelings she had for him were an anomaly. In time, she’d get herself in control, and nothing would come of it.

  “Do you want me to have a bachelor party?” he asked.

  “I’m saying I wouldn’t completely mind.”

  “I’d mind.”


  He finished off his strawberry and lifted her up so she was sitting. Crossing her legs, she glanced at his hands, which held hers.

  “What is this all about?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I’m just saying, this wedding is kind of rushed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it as well.”

  “No, something else is going on here, and you’re not going to hide it from me.”

  She didn’t like his intense stare. She had a feeling he could see more than she wanted him to.


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