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The Scarlett Bell FBI Series

Page 41

by Dan Padavona

  A tear pushed at her eye. She squeezed the lids shut before it could show itself. When she forced herself to look, he was halfway to the beach house. Something cold and heavy was on the wind.

  Her phone rang and startled her. Bell’s first thought was Lucas had called to make amends, but his back was to her and he showed no sign of slowing. She didn’t recognize the number. After a moment of contemplation, she answered.

  The caller was silent for several seconds. The line crackled like distant lightning.


  A shiver rolled through her body. She jumped to her feet, feeling exposed on the empty beach.

  “How did you get this number, Wolf?”

  “You disappoint me, Scarlett. Why did you reveal your secrets to a devil like Gavin Hayward? I trust you won’t disclose our relationship.”

  She switched the phone to her other ear and paced toward the surf.

  “We don’t have a relationship.”

  A moment of quiet, then—

  “I saved your life.”

  “I didn’t ask you to.”

  “You needn’t ask. That is what friends are for, no?”

  “Get one thing straight. We aren’t friends, we aren’t accomplices. You’re a deranged killer, and the only thing we have in common is you’re a fugitive and I will find you.”

  Bell wished Lucas was still here. Or better yet, Gardy. Someone to run a trace on Wolf’s number. The phone was a burner. Wolf wasn’t a fool. But at least they’d have a shot at pinpointing his location.

  “Don’t be so hasty. You need a friend. And I dare say young Lucas proved he wasn’t your friend when he turned his back on you.”

  Bell spun. Searched the beach. She saw no one except Lucas, and he was but a pinprick on the horizon.

  “Are you watching me?”

  “He’ll come for you now, Bell.”

  “What the hell do you mean?”

  “Remember what I told you in Kansas? I found the man who destroyed your childhood, your life. I know who killed Jillian.”

  Bell’s throat was too dry for her to reply.

  “He hasn’t killed in a long time, Scarlett. But the need is always there. He’s awake now, and he’s more dangerous than ever.”

  She hadn’t considered the possibility Jillian’s murderer was still alive. In her mind, he always seemed older. A quick calculation in her head—if the murderer was in his mid-twenties when he abducted Jillian, he would only be in his late-forties now. The realization turned her cold.

  “He’s seen The Informer and knows who you are now. You claim you can enter the mind of a killer. What is our target’s motivation?”

  Bell turned again. Saw the beach grass waving like laughing children.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Yes, you do. He’s ready to hunt again, and you’re the one who got away, Scarlett. Find my wife’s killer, and I’ll deliver Jillian’s murderer to you. His name, his address. Even his head on a platter if you so desire.”

  “I won’t work for you, Wolf.”

  “Then we have nothing else to discuss. Good luck, dear Scarlett. Watch your back.”

  The line went dead. And winter returned.


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  Author’s Acknowledgment

  Mind of a Killer would not be possible without the encouragement, support, and efforts from my patrons.

  Lydia Capuano

  Tim Feely

  Lisa Forlow

  Steve Gracin

  Michelle Kennedy

  Anthony Allen Ratliff

  Dawn Spengler

  I value each one of you more than I can express. Thank you for believing in me.

  To find out how you can become a patron, please visit me at:

  The world of entertainment has changed. While I enjoy movies, I watch Netflix series and comparable programming more frequently. Movies are too short to match the story and character arcs of a well-written series, and that’s why I favor a long series of novellas over a few novels.

  I prefer a long series which I can lose myself in, but broken up into smaller, manageable episodes that don’t take up my entire evening.

  In short, I’m writing the types of stories I enjoy and composing them into forms I find preferable.

  I sincerely hope you enjoy the Scarlett Bell series as much as I love writing it.

  How many episodes can you expect? Provided the series is well-received by readers, I don’t foresee a definite end and would prefer to expand on the characters and plot lines for the foreseeable future. I still have plenty of devious ideas for upcoming stories.

  Stay tuned!

  Copyright Information

  Published by Dan Padavona

  Visit our website at

  Copyright © 2018 by Dan Padavona

  Artwork copyright © 2018 by Dan Padavona

  Cover Design by Elderlemon Design

  Proofreading - Lydia Capuano

  All Rights Reserved

  Although some of the locations in this book are actual places, the characters and setting are wholly of the author's imagination. Any resemblance between the people in this book and people in the real world is purely coincidental and unintended.

  About the Author

  Dan Padavona is the author of the The Scarlett Bell thriller series, Severity, The Dark Vanishings series, Camp Slasher, Quilt, Crawlspace, The Face of Midnight, Storberry, Shadow Witch, and the horror anthology, The Island. He lives in upstate New York with his beautiful wife, Terri, and their children, Joe, and Julia. Dan is a meteorologist with NOAA’s National Weather Service. Besides writing, he enjoys visiting amusement parks, beach vacations, Renaissance fairs, gardening, playing with the family dogs, and eating ice cream.

  Visit Dan at:




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