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L.A. Confidential

Page 17

by Julie Kenner

  He wanted Lisa on that bed, wanted to worship her with his body, wanted her to know how much had changed over the past few days and how much he still loved her.

  Wordlessly, he led her to the bed, stroking her arms as she sat on the edge. Hooking a finger under the hem of her shirt, he urged it over her head until she was sitting in front of him in her jeans and a lacy bra. The sight of her nipples, taut against the peach-colored lace, set his blood to burning, and he felt himself harden as the tiny bit of control he’d been clinging to slipped through his fingers.

  “Oh, baby.” Kneeling in front of her, he fumbled at the button on her jeans, then urged the zipper down. Her fingers splayed through his hair, caressing him, as her breaths came faster and faster.

  When he urged her, she lifted her hips, and he pulled her jeans down. She kicked off her shoes and he freed her from the denim, then pressed his face against the cool, soft skin of her inner thigh.

  Turning his head, he urged her legs wider as he trailed kisses upward. As he reached the satin of her panties, he slipped his finger underneath, inching them down. Her breath quickened, her moans whispers against his ear as she lifted her hips to help him.

  Her sweet musky scent enveloped him, making him giddy and dizzy with lust. He needed to taste her, to kiss her secret places and feel her writhe beneath his touch. He wanted to take her to the absolute height of pleasure, and then follow right after her.

  He kissed her intimately, breathing in her erotic scent, as she gasped and squirmed beneath him.

  “Ken…” Her voice was low, barely a whisper, but the passion came through loud and clear. “Oh, yes…yes…”

  With one hand under her hips, he reached up with his other to stroke her breast. She arched against him, her body tense, and he knew she was close to the edge. He dipped his tongue lower, deeper, tasting and teasing her until, finally, she rocked beneath him, her own pleasure coming close to urging him over the edge himself.

  He held her tight, and as she clung to him, he knew that, more than anything—more than his restaurant, more than his career—he wanted this woman in his life.


  LISA TREMBLED as Ken’s arms closed around her. Right on the heels of making love to her with his mouth, he’d made love to her with his body, bringing her again over the edge while he’d held himself in check. She was completely and totally satisfied, and she squirmed against him, reveling in the way he pulled her close. “Your turn,” she murmured, wanting to show him with her body how much she felt in her heart.

  “Sweetheart, I’d love for it to be my turn, but this is your evening.”

  She rolled over, quirking a brow. “Doesn’t seem quite fair,” she said, sliding her hand lower to see if he was still aroused. She found the hard length of him under the sheet and ran her fingers down, teasing him.

  He sucked in a breath, the effort of concentration apparent on his face. “This was my gift to you, remember? To make up for…well…” His breath was ragged against her ear. “You know.”

  “Oh, I know.” She slipped her hand under the sheet, feeling his velvety smoothness against her palm. “The thing is, I was thinking about changing that little deal.”

  She tightened her fingers around him, watching his face, watching the way he closed his eyes as control slipped away. A wave of power broke over her. He wanted her, and he was going crazy simply from her touch. She wanted to take him to the edge, needed to know she’d taken him there.

  Slowly, she crawled on top of him, lowering her lips to his as their bodies, still slick from their earlier love-making, glided together.

  She didn’t want to wait, couldn’t wait, and she lowered herself onto him, crying out when he thrust upward. As she rocked above him, never letting up the pace, giving him no chance to hold back, he drove deeper and deeper until both of them had reached the point of no return. Moving frantically to the same rhythm, they found release at the same exquisite moment. When the ripples of pleasure finally subsided, they collapsed against each other, warm and sated.

  She rolled off him, and he spooned against her.

  “I love you,” he said, the whisper of his voice soft against her neck.

  She smiled against the pillow and tightened her grip on his arms that held her close. But even though she opened her mouth to say it back, the words wouldn’t come. She was too scared of being wrong. Too scared of sacrificing everything she’d worked for.

  And when she rolled over to face him, still silent, she saw the disappointment in his eyes. But she also saw hope. And seeing that, she knew she’d love him forever.

  She gave him a tender kiss on the cheek, then rolled back over, pressing her body against his. His arm closed around her, pulling her close, and she said a silent prayer that someday, sometime, she’d have the courage to tell him she loved him. The courage to say it out loud.

  THEY’D FORGOTTEN to close the curtains, and now the morning sun streamed through the window sheers, glinting off her hair, fanned over her pillow. Lost in sleep, she looked beautiful, her lips still moist and swollen from his kisses. Ken’s fingers itched to touch her. To wake her up and sink into her once again. To make love to her over and over until she finally said the words back. Until she finally told him what he was already certain of—that she loved him.

  But that wasn’t something he could force or rush. He knew she loved him—knew it in his heart—but until she realized it herself, it would never be real. And for her to discover it, he needed to give her space and time to think.

  He didn’t want to leave her, but he’d been neglecting the restaurant long enough. Fighting every resisting muscle, he dragged himself out of bed. Not only was leaving her warmth torture, but after only three hours of sleep, leaving his bed—any bed—was pure torment.

  Next to him, Lisa stirred, and the movement was almost enough to make him change his mind. He held his breath, knowing that if she so much as opened an eye or smiled in her sleep, he’d lose all self-control and crawl back under the covers, pull her close, and lose himself in her sweetness.

  No. He was a responsible business owner. About time he went and had a look at how his livelihood was faring in his absence.

  Not that he was really concerned. His people were the best, and Tim could run Oxygen with his eyes closed. Still, Ken had never been comfortable delegating authority, and he’d left the day-to-day operations in someone else’s hands long enough.

  Quietly, so as not to wake her, he sat up, then padded naked to the closet. He rummaged in the semidarkness, needing to find something to wear but not wanting to disturb her.

  Finally dressed, he headed to the door, pausing just long enough to look back at her.

  “I love you, Lisa Neal,” he whispered. “So help me, I do.”


  As soon as she heard the door click shut, Lisa rolled over, hugging her pillow to her chest. When she reached up to push her hair out of her face, her hand came away wet, and she realized she was crying.

  She was making this so difficult. Lots of people juggled careers and family. But she wasn’t most people. She knew herself. She wouldn’t feel right—wouldn’t feel whole—until she was certain her career was on the right track. And that wasn’t something Ken could help with. And it certainly wouldn’t be fair to him to tell him she loved him. What was love, after all, if she couldn’t back it up with action? If she wasn’t willing to give it her everything?

  And she couldn’t. Not now. She needed to make something of herself. If she backed away from her dreams for him—even just a little—she’d just end up resenting him. She’d seen it happen in her own family, and she didn’t want it to happen to her. Not to Lisa Neal, the girl who always accomplished whatever she set her mind to. For five years she’d been struggling, and now she had a real chance. She intended to hold on tight and not let go.

  It just wasn’t fair. Five years ago she was still young and naive enough to actually convince herself that she didn’t love him. A lie, of course, but one she’d b
ought into. But she was older now. Smarter. Now she knew she loved him. Now she knew how terrifying love could be.

  Sitting up, she wrapped the sheet around her, remembering the way his hands had felt on her. Ken’s hands. Maybe she was selling him short. Of all the men in the world, Ken understood ambition. Maybe it could work. Maybe, together, they could make it work.

  Or maybe she was just grasping at straws in the aftermath of passion.

  The phone rang, and she reached for it, assuming it would be Ken. It wasn’t.

  “Ms. Neal?”

  “Yes?” She frowned, wondering who on earth would have found her in Ken’s room.

  “This is the front desk. Mr. Harper left instructions to inform you if any messages were in your hotel voice mail. Shall I patch you in?”

  “Yes, please.” An electronic beeping ensued, followed by a generic message, and then Winston’s voice was asking her to call as soon as she was free.

  Gnawing on her lip and wondering what current crisis he was facing, she hung up and immediately dialed New York.

  “Lisa!” Winston’s voice was just as exuberant over the phone as it was in person.

  “What’s up?”

  “I’ve got a little proposition for you, my dear. I think you’re going to like it.”

  A chill raced up her spine, and a lump settled in her stomach. “Okay…”

  “How’d you like to work for me, be a development exec here at Avenue F? You’d be my right hand. Office overlooking Central Park. Power to green-light my films. The whole nine yards.”

  She held the receiver out and stared at the phone, trying to process what he’d just said.

  “Lisa?” His voice, far away and tinny, seemed alarmed.

  She yanked the phone back and pressed it to her ear, still unbelieving. “You want to hire me? At your production company? To work in Manhattan? With you?”

  “I always knew you were a smart kid.”

  “But…” She snapped her mouth shut, trying to decide if the room had always been spinning or if that was a new development. “Are you saying…” She took a deep breath and tried again. “You mean, you want to hire me permanently? Not just on the crew of Velvet Bed II? Read scripts? Develop projects? Go to work everyday to your offices across from Central Park?”

  “That’s it, kid. You know my assistant, Daniel?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “Well, he got an offer from the BBC. He’s moving to London and leaving me in a lurch. I thought of you, kid.”


  “We’d be working close together. Daily meetings. That kind of thing. You’d be right in the thick of things. You interested?”

  She pinched herself. Wondering if she was dreaming. Winston was offering her exactly what she’d wanted—a development position. Power. Control. And at a stellar company with two Oscars under its belt. Avenue F had deals with all the major studios. She couldn’t have crafted a better job if she tried.

  “Why me?” She frowned, wondering if she was an idiot to question fate, but needing to know. “I mean, I had to beg you to give me a shot on just one movie.”

  “You told me you were good. And now you’ve proved it. You’ve done a heck of a job lining up locations in Los Angeles. I like the notes you’ve sent back on the script. You’ve got good ideas about casting. I like what I see.”


  He chuckled. “And I checked you out a little bit more. You’re right. You’re one of the ones Tyrell screwed. So what do you say? You wanna make movie history?”

  She certainly did. And she opened her mouth to say yes. But something held her back. “I need… Can I call you tomorrow?”

  She held her breath, afraid he’d tell her to take it or leave it, now or never. Instead he just said, “Sure.”

  She hung up, exhaling in relief and not at all sure what she’d just done or why’d she’d done it. All she knew for certain was that she needed to see Ken.


  WHEN HE UNLOCKED THE DOOR to his office and stepped inside, Ken was in a perfectly good mood. Two seconds later Alicia walked through the doorway, and his entire day went to hell.

  “Not now, Alicia. I’m really not in the mood to argue with you.”

  “Good.” She threw her purse on his desk and sat in a chair, facing him dead-on. “Because I really don’t think you should be arguing.”

  He rubbed his hands over his face, wishing he’d stayed in bed with Lisa. “What do you want now, Alicia?”

  “Same thing I wanted before. And when I’m done, you’re going to wish you’d agreed from day one.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Ken, sweetie, a picture is worth a thousand words.” She rummaged in her tote bag, finally emerging with a manila folder. She slid it across the desk to him.

  Black-and-white glossy photos. He and Lisa. On Mulholland. And it was very, very obvious what they were doing.

  “So?” He hoped he sounded calm, despite the pounding of his heart in his chest.

  “So, I wonder how pleased Miss Neal or Mr. Miller will be to see these pictures published in Variety or the Hollywood Reporter? I can see the headline now— ‘Avenue F Location Scout Uses Unique Methods To Close Deals.’”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  Her smile was icy. “Come on, Ken. You know me better than that. I most certainly would.”

  He ran his hands through his hair, then thumbed through the photos. Lisa couldn’t afford another scandal, especially not one that centered around her. She’d already lost years of her career because of the Tyrell debacle. Ken didn’t intend to let her career die because of another scandal, not one that he caused.

  Dammit, he loved Lisa, even more than before, if that were possible. And he’d do anything in his power to see that she didn’t get hurt.

  He took a deep breath, knowing exactly what he was giving up. “Okay. You win.”

  “I always win,” she purred, her supercilious smile making him almost reconsider.

  “When we open the restaurant up to film the movie, why don’t you shoot an episode of your show here? That way you not only get to air the first shot of the inside of Oxygen, but you can interview some of the cast and crew of The Velvet Bed, too.”

  She cocked her head, as if looking for the hitch. “That’s it? No strings? You’re just going to let me film here? Open access, plus the movie? Film whatever I want and talk to whomever I want?”

  “One string.”

  “I knew it.”

  “You return the photos and the negatives. You sign an agreement to never disclose what you saw.”

  “These photos are one heck of a story.”

  “No, they’re not. They’re trash journalism. And I’m betting you don’t want to go there.”

  Her mouth thinned as she inspected her fingernails. “Tell me this, then. Why?”

  He scowled. “Why what?”

  “For five years, you’ve kept this place more secure than the Pentagon. Now suddenly you’re opening it up to a film crew, and to me. It goes entirely against everything you’ve done over your whole career.”

  “I think my career will survive. It’ll lose a little mystique, sure. But I’ll gain some publicity.” He shrugged, deciding maybe he even believed that. “Doesn’t matter, anyway. My career’s not my primary concern right now.”

  Her mouth thinned. “She’s not worth it. She’s a little tramp, not even worth worrying about. And your career will be safe. She’s the one who’ll be smeared. She’s using you, Ken. Don’t you see that? I only want to protect you.”

  “She’s not using me, Alicia. I love her. I always have.”

  Alicia flinched, and he understood. Jealousy. “There’s nothing between us, Alicia. You and me. There never was.”

  “Of course there was, Kenny.” She smiled, her teeth dazzling for the camera. “We were perfect together.”

  “No. I’m sorry. We had some nice times, but there’s nothing there.”

  She ran her tongue over her lips, her eyes not meetin
g his. “You don’t love me—don’t even care for me—and yet you love this Lisa person?”

  “I love her.”

  She tossed her head back, her thick coat of makeup catching the light. “She’s not worth it, you know.”

  “Well, that’s where you and I disagree.” He held out his hand. “The pictures?”

  He could practically see the wheels turning—weighing a fit of jealous revenge against a stellar career opportunity. “All right,” she said finally. “It’s a deal. No story, no photos.”

  “Thank you. And for the record, if a stray photo or comment gets out, I’ll sue you for every last dime you have.”

  “Why, Kenny, and here I thought we were friends.”

  “I mean it.” He smiled, trying to take the edge off his words. He wasn’t sure he completely trusted Alicia, but he did know that she wouldn’t do anything to risk her own reputation, which meant, at least for now, Lisa was safe.

  “She doesn’t love you, you know. Lisa Neal loves herself.” Her sardonic smile caught him by surprise. “Trust me, sweetie. I know the type.”

  “She’s not like you.” But he wasn’t so sure. She’d left him for her career once before. Did he really think she’d changed so much? They’d had a few nice moments, sure, but did he really think that gave him the world?

  He shook his head, frustrated. He wanted to believe in Lisa and, dammit, he would. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I love her. It’s not a give-and-take situation. I’m doing this for her. And because you got in the middle, it looks like you’re reaping some of the benefit.”

  “That’s my job, Kenny. To be right in the middle of it.”

  “The photos?”

  She nodded toward the manila envelope. “Keep them.”

  “I mean it. Not one word.”

  “You’re not even going to tell your little Lisa?”

  “What? That a reporter photographed her half-naked on a bench above Mulholland Drive? I don’t think she needs to know that.”


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