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Vampires' Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 4

by Sara Anderson

  Devon jumped and grabbed a branch, swung his body, and then landed behind a Vampire that was ready to slice into a Lycan's back. Since Vampires were harder to disable than a ghoul, Devon pulled a short sword from the sheath strapped to his back. With a powerful sweep of his arm, the short blade sliced through the Vampire’s neck and his head separated from his body. The Vampire collapsed, the Lycan enforcer turned, and Devon noticed it was Dylan. His eyes widened for a moment, and then he smiled. “Thanks, I owe you one. This parasite took a bit longer to die than I planned.”

  Devon grinned back and saluted. “I will keep that in mind.” Although he sincerely hoped he never needed to call in that debt.

  When Devon turned, he spotted Veer, the Vampire controlling the ghouls. His gaze shifted from one ghoul to another as he kept firm control of their minds.

  Watching for just a moment, he waited for the perfect opportunity and then jumped. As he landed, he swooped his arm with the blade down hard and it sliced through Veer’s body. Veer opened his mouth to scream, but blood flowed out and then he looked down in shock. His body was nearly sheared in half. His control of the ghouls broke as he bled out. Once he was dead, Devon pulled his blade from Veer’s body and severed his head.

  As Devon had planned, Veer had no chance to implant any sort of order into the ghouls’ heads. They all stopped and stared with blank looks on their faces.

  Kieran arrived just then with a large sack of the accelerant Enon made that would incinerate the Vampires’ bodies to make them truly dead. “Get the dust on all the Vampires and ghouls.” Devon looked around and found only Kieran and the Lycans remained standing.

  Fighting in the house drew Devon’s attention and he ran to the house where his uncle tried to kill the Lycan enforcer Logan’s mate, Emily. Seconds before he made it to the building, he saw a Lycan run out with her.

  Devon could scent the blood thick in the air coming from the female. “Shit, he fucking bit her,” Devon swore. He glanced up at the stars and sent a prayer that the girl would survive.

  He had to wonder how many deaths in the council were Mortef’s doing. He’d always blamed the Lycans, which inflamed the animosity between the two. Now, as Devon picked up speed to follow the Lycan holding Emily, he clearly saw his uncle for the sociopath he truly was. He was pure evil incarnate, and he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

  Logan nearly crashed into him and he let out an earth shattering roar of pure anguish. “He’s killed her.” He grabbed Devon’s coat and shook him with a force that jarred his teeth.

  Devon gripped Logan’s shoulders in a bone crushing grip and added compulsion to his voice. If he didn’t get through Logan’s grief, then Emily would die and a war very well could start. “Listen to me, enforcer. I can save her, but I will have to give her some of my blood.”

  Logan shook his head at Devon. “I can’t have my soul mate a sex slave to you!”

  “It has nothing to do with sex. Vampire’s blood can heal and replenish lost blood supply. If I do nothing, she will die, quickly. I won’t do it without your permission, though.”

  Logan’s eyes were tortured for a split second and Devon couldn’t blame him. The years of animosity and mistrust were not easy to overcome in an instant, even with the life of a mate.

  Before Devon could remind him that every split second mattered, Logan nodded. “Do it. I’ll do anything to save her. She’s my life. If you turn her into your slave, I’ll rip you apart, Devon.”

  Devon ignored the threat. He had no intention of keeping Emily as his own. Devon wanted a mate that wanted him, not someone he had to coerce through blood. He followed the scent of Emily and the Lycan to a large cargo van. Once he reached the vehicle, he threw open the door. The scent of blood hit him a second before he took in the sight of Emily on the small gurney in the van. Bright red arterial blood coated her chest and the sheet under her.

  “Are you looking to die, Devon?” the sorcerer, Yerel, asked.

  “No, sorcerer. Her mate knows I am coming to help.”

  Yerel pulled him closer. “I’ve healed the artery, but she’s lost so much blood I am losing her.”

  The van rocked and Devon scented Logan behind him.

  Yerel glanced over and then nodded. “Do it, she won’t last otherwise.”

  Devon let one of his black claws grow out and he sliced open his wrist, and he felt his blood running into the palm of his hand. He let it pool there for a moment before raising her head to meet the palm of his hand.

  Emily’s face was deathly white, and she struggled weakly in his grip. “Vampire,” she whispered before she turned her face away.

  “No, Emily, drink my blood. Let it heal you.” Devon held her head in an iron grip she couldn’t escape from and poured the blood into her mouth. He met her eyes and poured his power of compulsion into his voice.

  Emily met his eyes and he could feel the moment he captured her will. She was strong for a human, but not strong enough to fight a Vampire’s compulsion. “Drink, Emily.”

  Emily turned her face and drank his blood while Logan stroked her hair.

  Devon stared into her eyes. “Good, drink it down. You’ll be better before you know it.” He could feel her pulse growing weaker even as she drank his blood. She wasn’t one of the supernaturals that healed fast, but a fragile human. They all died far too easily, so he pressed his wrist to her lips. He lowered his face closer to hers and intensified his compulsion over her. “Drink it faster, Emily.” Devon felt her swallow more often as she obeyed his compulsion.

  Devon breathed a sigh of relief when her skin regained some color and her pulse grew steadier. Finally, his blood was healing her faster than her blood loss was killing her.

  When her eyes closed, Yerel felt her pulse. “She’s just sleeping. Even with your blood, it will take a while for her fully to heal.”

  The door opened and an enforcer announced, “Ash has been shot.” The other healer, Garrett, went with the enforcer as Yerel stayed with Emily.

  Devon stood up as well as he could in the van. He’d done everything he could for Emily, and the rest was up to Yerel and Emily’s ability to come back from such a massive blood loss. “I have to go and try to find my uncle. He must be stopped.”

  Yerel’s eyes were grave as he regarded Devon. “Yes, he does. He craves the old days of Vampire domination and blood flowing in the streets. I’ve heard rumors he has been trying to summon a demon.”

  Devon shook his head in denial. “He wouldn’t! Even the Vampire council would turn on him if he unleashed that kind of an abomination on the earth.”

  Yerel turned back to Emily. “Your uncle wants a return to the days where humans feared and hunted supernaturals. He is close to getting his wish. A demon will summon his hellhounds, and there is no way Lycan Alphas and the Vampires could contain that kind of exposure.”

  Devon turned away and left the van. He stopped to stare at the stars for a moment. Had he done the right thing by waiting? Should he have acted sooner? They were on the brink of all hell breaking loose, and he couldn’t help but wonder if it was his entirely his fault.

  * * * *

  The dark night was unnaturally still and silent. Not even the song of a cricket could be heard by the Vampires that stood around the memorial. Devon and the soldiers from his nest stood over the final resting place for their fallen comrade, Vhlan. It had been a long time since the death of a friend affected him this deeply. He felt crimson tears filling his eyes, despite his attempts to push them back. He needed to be the strength for his soldiers. Vhlan had been well liked and respected among those in his nest that had rejected Mortef’s insane plans.

  He swallowed a lump in his throat as his grief threatened to overwhelm him. Mortef had cut his heart from his chest and burned it, but left his body intact so Devon would be sure to know it was his friend that was dead. Guilt flooded Devon’s soul as he stared at the lifeless body of his friend. Should he have sent another soldier? Vhlan had been much like Kieran in his love of
life. He was as powerful as he was compassionate. He stayed in Mortef’s ranks to protect the innocent, and he paid with his life.

  Kieran stirred beside him and he glanced over to see tears streaming down his face. He felt slightly envious of his bondmate at the grief he could so easily express. Growing up and training with the strongest Vampire soldiers, he’d learned that emotions equaled weakness. While he no longer felt that way, he still could not openly express his overwhelming sorrow as well as Kieran could.

  When a heavy hand landed on his shoulder, Devon turned his head just enough to see Kieran gripping his shoulder. “Share your heart with me, brother. I can take it for both of us.”

  Despite Devon’s determination to keep his emotions in check, the overwhelming grief poured out of him like a dam that just burst with a violent torrent of water. Feeling lightheaded, Devon suddenly felt weak, and he hit the ground, landing hard on his knees. He bowed his head, curled his body, and rested his hands on the hard ground where Vhlan had died. He felt the tears he’d suppressed start to fall despite his determination to keep his tears from falling.

  Mortef had become far more than just wicked, a power hungry Vampire. His callous indifference to life proved his malevolence. Rage, grief, and guilt raged in his soul as the bond between Kieran and himself stirred his suppressed emotions like a pot of soup.

  The first light of dawn started to color the black night when Devon and Kieran finally stood. He was feeling infinitely more in control now. He looked around the gravesite and for a second time, his knees nearly buckled again at the sight. Raeff, as well as the other soldiers in his nest, all knelt in silent grief and camaraderie, patiently waiting for the storm in Devon’s heart to pass.

  Raeff stood soon after Devon and Kieran. “He was the best of us and taken from us far too soon. May you rest well, brother.”

  “Rest well, brother,” the other soldiers repeated and then stood.

  More of the sun’s rays filtered through the trees as it rose higher in the sky as the Vampires slowly drifted away from the final resting place of their fallen brother.

  Devon’s phone vibrated and when he picked it up, he was stunned to see the text message: Dylan here. Yerel wishes me to inform you that Enon felt the stir in the gates between the earth and hell. Whatever that means. I trust you know.

  Devon closed his eyes and shook his head. Thank you, Devon. I do know what that means. Tell Yerel, I understand.

  “What?” Kieran asked as he glanced at the phone.

  “Mortef is attempting to breach the barrier to hell to call forth a demon.”

  Kieran’s eyes widened and his lips parted in shock. “He wouldn’t! That is an obscenity, even for one as power-hungry as Mortef.”

  Devon’s gaze rose to meet Kieran’s. “I no longer believe he is simply power hungry. I think he exchanged his soul for the promise of power. It is the only way he could pierce the veil to hell. Now more than ever, we have to stop Mortef.”

  Chapter Four

  Rachel held a soft throw pillow in her arms as she stared out the massive picture window of Anna’s book and coffee shop. Marcus had given her permission to leave, and she did miss home terribly. Keeping the secret of what Mortef had done to her was starting to affect her in ways that terrified her. She could almost see the cracks in her psyche forming. Thankfully, a call home and a long conversation with her mom soothed the wounds. Perhaps she was being a baby, but damn, she missed her mama.

  She usually drove to Texas at least once a month to see her family before everything, but for obvious reasons, she’d been stuck in North Carolina. She was free now though, and she nearly tingled with anticipation.

  A barista appeared with a pad and pen. Glancing up at her, Rachel smiled. She could almost see the kindness in her personality. It was like a colorful aurora around her. The lavender color shimmered around her with fine sparkles and hints of deeper purple. “Can you give me a minute? I need to make a phone call.”

  “Sure thing, I will be back when you’re done talking.” She walked away to the next customer and took their order. She could see the faint coloring around most of the customers in the store. Most people had varying degrees of pastel colors, unless they had a darkness inside of them. Then it was an angry color with flashes of deeper colors that reminded her of malice. Her mom and friends thought she simply had an overactive imagination, but it never went away. She didn’t always notice it, much like a person who got used to living by a train crossing, but it was always there.

  She pulled out her phone, hit her mom’s contact, and hit the green phone.

  The phone rang once before her mom’s cheerful voice came through clear. “Rachel, baby girl! I haven’t heard from you in a while. How are you?” Her mom, Karen, was always so delighted to hear from her.

  She normally called her mom every few days, but weeks had gone by somehow. The constant lying about why she couldn’t come home wore on her too much. “Sorry, Mom, I’ve been busy at work.” Sorry, Mama, I just can’t think of what to say when all I can think of is I need you to hold me like you did when I was little, but I can’t tell you why. “I’m okay, Mama. Promise.”

  “You don’t sound like yourself. Anna said you had a little accident, but you were okay.”

  She closed her eyes and dearly wished she could tell her mom the truth. No, I’m not okay, but I am slowly getting there. I am able to function and those horrible nightmares that had me up most of the night screaming have finally passed. “Yeah, I’m okay, Mom. I’m just tired.”

  “Oh, well, get some rest, baby girl. When do you think you’ll get some time off to come home? I hope you are not staying away due to money. Do you need money for airfare?”

  “No, Mama, I am planning to head home in the next few days. I’m sorry that work got so hectic that it kept me away from home for so long.” Truth is, I wasn’t working at all, Mama. The alpha of a werewolf pack came up with that lie as an excuse to explain why I suddenly couldn’t come home. A Vampire kidnapped me and forced me to watch him brutalize people. He raped and murdered so many people, the room stank of death, pain, and fear, and I’ve been too mentally broken for the pack to allow me to leave. But, you are so happy right now, Mama. I don’t dare ruin it by telling you about the nightmare I lived through.

  “Well, take it easy, sweetheart. You sound plumb worn out. I am glad you’re coming home. I will send you the address to our new ranch.”

  “Okay, Mom. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, Rachel.” The phone clicked and she hit end call.

  As she sat in the window seat, she stared out the window. She recognized a Lycan family. There were two men with one woman and two children in a double stroller. It was traditional for Lycans to marry one woman to two men. One man tended to be more dominant and another was more of a nurturer.

  The intimate way they walked along the sidewalk made her think of her own parents. They had a strong love for each other. Against most of today’s society norms, her dad was clearly in charge. Her mom was submissive to him, but only to him. She longed to ask them if they had a power exchange relationship, but she couldn’t see herself bringing that up to her parents. What if she was wrong? That would open a case of awkward worms.

  It made her wonder if that was where she got the longing to submit. Is that how she ended up in a paranormal BDSM club? It was sad if that was all she was looking for, since all she found was empty kinky sex. Not that the sex was bad, but at the end of the day, she went home alone.

  That made her think about the Vampires that filled her thoughts during the day. Ever since her encounter with them at the club, she caught herself daydreaming quite often about them. Kieran with his blond hair and Devon with his dark hair and eyes were both perfectly matched, as they were opposite. She’d used her vibrator almost every night at the memories of how they stared at her as if they owned her. The look Devon gave her was more than just a heated stare. He looked at her as if she was his. That look melted something deep inside of her that longed to
be claimed.

  Thoughts of them kissing her and even biting her filled her dreams at night before she fell asleep. Fleeting memories of them even chased away her nightmares. Instead, she had erotic dreams of Devon biting her and sending her into a mindless abyss of pleasure. She’d never been this obsessed about someone in her life before.

  She still felt a bit intimidated and yet in awe of the powerful pull she felt to them. When she stood outside, she almost heard their names whispering in the wind. It felt like when Kieran had kissed her, he’d somehow imprinted himself on her very soul. Devon had been so powerful, that he hadn’t even needed to touch her to claim her heart. The force of his words alone gripped her heart until she longed to see them again, and she longed for someone to love her like Marcus and Derek loved Anna. Your Vampires would love you like that, that whispering voice claimed.

  Despite her horrific experience with Mortef, the two Vampires were nothing like him. She felt safe with them. It wasn’t until Kieran kissed her that he’d said the words that brought the fear and terror back that Mortef had caused her.

  In that moment, she’d heard the screaming, felt the burning pain and Mortef’s claws as they sank into her flesh. She’d backed away from Kieran. She’d said her safe word and said some unkind things to shock them into letting her pass without a word. She felt terrible for bringing Mortef’s name into that conversation. They were nothing like him and to compare the two was beyond cruel of her.

  Standing up, Rachel decided to gather her courage and see if they would be at the club tonight.It wasn’t a long drive to cross the state line into Tennessee and to Chattanooga. Perhaps she could apologize for the heartless way she’d talked to Kieran. She was free to come and go from Wolf Creek as she pleased now, and there would be a lot of Lycan enforcers at The Underground since it was a Saturday night. It was their busiest night with plenty of humans, there longing to fulfill the fantasy of playing with a deadly predator but in a somewhat safe environment.


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