Unfinished Business with the Duke
Page 16
He looked so embarrassed, sounded so frustrated, her bubble of amusement burst out without warning.
‘What’s so funny?’ he asked, his frown deepening.
‘Gio,’ she said, placing her hand on his cheek as she tried to stifle the giggles, ‘what on earth are you waiting for then?’
His lips quirked. ‘Good question.’
Putting his hand on her nape, he rested his forehead on hers, blew out a frustrated breath. ‘As much as I love my family, let’s sneak out. I’m liable to explode if we have to say goodbye to all these people. And I don’t fancy walking around with an erection the size of the Leaning Tower of Pisa while I’m doing it.’
Issy had trouble keeping her mirth under control as they crept furtively through the olive trees to their car. As Gio strapped the sleeping baby into his seat, swearing softly in Italian in his haste, Issy felt desire curl low in her belly and a thrilling surge of heat make her head spin.
Issy rested her palm on her husband’s thigh, slid it up seductively as the low-slung car jolted down the rough farm track,
‘There’s no need to hurry, Gio,’ she said, smiling cheekily as his harsh handsome face turned towards her in the shadowy light. ‘We’ve got the rest of our lives.’
He gripped her hand and drew it deliberately off his thigh. ‘I know,’ he murmured, kissing the tips of her fingers. ‘And as soon as we get home I plan to make the most of every single second.’
The cheeky smile turned serene as a rush of love overwhelmed her.
‘Well, good.’ She sighed. ‘That makes two of us, then.’
ISBN: 978-1-4268-6981-5
First North American Publication 2010.
Copyright © 2010 by Heidi Rice.
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