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Don't Judge

Page 7

by A. E. Via

  Judge was staring, his mouth tight.

  Michaels turned and made a sharp whistle. The dog’s ears pointed up higher turning in his direction. Michaels voice was deep and commanding when he spoke to it. “Come go outside with me, big boy.” With his hand lowered, fingertips curved under, Michaels waited while the large Dane sniffed his hand, familiarizing himself with his scent. When he was satisfied that Michaels wasn’t a threat, he happily followed him outside. That a show him. He’d walked off with the asshole’s dog.

  He strolled at a casual pace with all the confidence that he could fake. When he got outside he looked around before leaning against one of the concrete barriers and heaved in a few large gulps of fresh air. Fuck. How he’d pulled off all that bravado, he had no freaking clue. But he thought he was convincing. Judge didn’t look like the type of man that accepted weakness. He squatted and the dog came over to him. His head was over his now. “Think I pulled it off, boy?” Michaels stood. He couldn’t stay down on the dog’s level too long. These types of dogs respected masters. Anyone else, they ran over.

  “You are one big fella. Jesus.” Michaels rumpled the dog’s scruff after scratching him behind his tall ears. Great Dane’s were always one of his favorite breed of dogs. He lived in an apartment so having a large breed was out of the question. Working the types of hours that he did, eliminated him having even a small breed.

  After twenty minutes or so, Day came outside to join him. “That was badass back there dude.” He clapped Michaels on his shoulder and the dog gave a low growl. Michaels smirked.

  “Look mutant dog. I got a nine millimeter with nine rounds, think that’ll shut your big ass up.” Day said looking the dog in the eye.

  “Jesus, Day.” Michaels scoffed, patting the dog hard on his flank. “He’s all talk, boy. No bite.”

  “Yeah okay, believe that if you want.” Day crossed his arms. “Come on back in. We’re ready to wrap up.”

  “Okay.” Michaels walked back inside with the dog right at his side. It was nice. Now he knew why the K9 team loved it so much. Dogs were fiercely loyal, it was like a partner.


  Judge was tucking a few papers that he felt were the most useful into a pocket folder. They’d head back South. He had a feeling the guy – Switch – might layup with a girlfriend he’d been off and on with in Miami and lay low until he could get out of the country. It would take time to unload those drugs, it was pretty safe to say he wouldn’t try to transport them out of the country. It’d been two days since the bust. Surely he had those drugs on a truck by now. Putting up road blocks out of state with trigger the feds getting involved, he understood why there were reluctant to go there just yet.

  It was a gut feeling that this guy wouldn’t use any of his contacts he’d had when he was with The Kid, especially since he’d turned state’s evidence. He’d have to go with his own personal ones. He had parents in Mississippi but they were churchgoers, so a no-go there, he had a brother in upstate New York, but he was into the petty drug life, and had been in and out of jail for the last ten years, no way he’d trust that amount of drugs with him. The sister in Atlanta wasn’t likely since she had a career and small kids. A cousin in Florida that had a juvie’ record only… could be worth looking into, then that left acquaintances. Best bet would be the girlfriend.

  “Why not the brother, he may have some connections Switch can use since he’s already in the game.” Syn said.

  Judge liked that guy. It was something about his drive and determination. He was in non-stop mode the entire six hours they were around that table. He listened intently before making a comment. His suggestions made sense and were worth debating. He didn’t cower to Judge’s decisions, he respected them… there was a difference.

  “Women aren’t as greedy as men.” Judge said. “If he hooks up with the brother, he’ll know he’s on the run, he’ll want to be cut a good deal for his help. A woman usually just wants food, compliments, and dick.”

  That got Judge a big round of laughs, but he was actually being serious. You’d be amazed how many women harbored fugitives if the man was fucking them good. “Alright, God. That’s my plan, like it or not.”

  “It’s fine. I’m not trying to tell how to do your job. I wouldn’t have called you if I had to micromanage. I got other shit to do.” God said. “I got a friend in the Miami PD, I think I get a tail on the girlfriend, see if she has company or is making preparations for it.”

  Judge had to admit, God’s team was making his job way easier with all these additional resources, and guys that could put data in his hands in an instance. His IT guys were sheer brilliance and his men were competent. Working together like a well-oiled machine. Judge almost wanted to ask how the guy got away from them in the first place. But that wasn’t his job.

  “Can you trust the cop in Miami to be discreet?” Syn chimed in.

  “Yes.” God said with no delay.

  “Green and I can fly down there and watch her for you.” Ruxs added.

  “Hell no!” Everyone said at once, including Judge.

  Ruxs and Green tried to look offended. But Judge had a feeling those guys knew how much trouble they got themselves into… accidently.

  Judge eyed the gorgeous detective walking back in with his dog next to him like it had a new master. Bookem sauntered up to him, nuzzling his palm. “Judas.” He whispered. Bookem was faithful to him, but if you dangled fresh air in his face, he’d walk off with the devil himself.

  Judge put his long coat back on and faced his new traveling partner. “If you gotta go, go. I don’t stop very much on the road.”

  Michaels hefted a dark blue, ATL PD bag on his shoulder and scoffed a look of disgust at him. “I don’t need a fuckin’ potty break, lets go.”

  Judge hid his smile when he leaned down to pick up some more papers. Standing with the feisty detective in front of his Lieutenants he boldly listened to their exchange. There would be no secrets from here on.

  “Alright, guys. I’ll be back with our man.”

  “I know you will.” God said, shaking Michaels’ hand.

  Day’s silly ass leaned in with a solemn face and gave Michaels a warm hug, like you’d give someone in funeral line. Michaels shouldered him off with a light-hearted laugh.

  “Make us proud, Michaels.” Day said softly, holding one hand over his heart. “It’ll be an adventure. You, Morpheus, and that noble steed.” He flicked his hand at the dog. “I’m so excited… and terrified for you… wait… scratch excited.”

  Judge and Michaels both cursed in annoyance and walked out on Day’s ridiculousness. Outside he gestured at Michaels to throw his bag in the covered bed. He was secretly glad he’d straightened his truck up before he got there, he wouldn’t want Michaels to think he was a slob. Why do I care? Michaels climbed up in his truck and quickly got adjusted for the long ride. Judge let Bookem do his business. After he cleaned up behind him, he let the dog in and got behind the wheel. After a couple seconds his eyelids fluttered at the scent that was wafting off Detective Michaels. Damn’em all to hell. He smelled like something he wanted to rut against and come hard on. Fuck. Judge rolled his window down all the way. He’d rather smell the trash on the street rather than get a hard on for this good-smelling, eager-to-prove-himself, straight asshole.

  He chanced a look at Michaels and was shocked to see him slouched and confident riding with him. He had a dark pair of aviator shades on, staring out the window with one hand propped on the door. It was almost as if he didn’t know he was hot. And damnit if that wasn’t sexy in itself.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Michaels watched as the city view from interstate seventy five changed to nothing but trees. Because of how much paperwork they had to sort through in the office, they hadn’t got on the road until after seven. It was almost a ten hour drive to Miami, not including stops, not including there were a few other places they’d check along the way, just in case Switch was taking his time getting there. He checked his cell pho
ne for any updates or messages but there were none.

  “There’ll be no secrets.” Judges deep voice burst through the silence like a Mack truck. Michaels startled a bit, just refraining from yelling at him not to do that again. “If you get any messages, text, emails, fuckin’ tweets, any update whatsoever, I want to know about it.”

  Michaels chuckled slightly and shook his head in disbelief. “You do know where after the same person, don’t you? Why the fuck would I not tell you something?”

  Judge didn’t respond, unless you counted the grunt. Another couple hours of darkness and silence Michaels asked, “How long you been a bounty hunter?”


  Michaels was confused by the answer. “Excuse me.”

  “Nope. We’re not doing this. We don’t need to get to know each other. You don’t care about my life story and I don’t care about yours.”

  “Good lord.” Michaels mumbled turning his eyes back to the darkness. This was going to be the partnership from hell. It was clear that Judge was used to riding alone, he wasn’t interested in small talk or making the miles go by faster using entertainment. It was dark now and Michaels couldn’t pull out his novel so he steeled himself to keep his mouth shut unless spoken to.

  Since he hadn’t slept the night before he leaned back and closed his eyes saying he was just going to rest them a bit. He must have been more tired than he thought because the next thing he heard was the truck door slamming shut. He jolted awake, instinctually reaching his hand behind his back for his weapon. Fuck. Looking up he saw they were in the parking lot of a pretty shitty motel. Shit, where are we? He hated that he’d fell into that deep of a sleep. Pulling out his phone he saw it was after midnight. Son of a bitch, he’d been slept for over two hours. He got out and stretched his back. His neck and knees cracking and popping from being cramped up so long. Judge came back a few minutes later, not bothering to say where they are or what the plan is. “Our room is around the back,” he said and hopped back in the truck.

  “You want me to let your dog out first?”

  “No. I don’t let him out until we get out of sight of the office. Even if they allow pets, they don’t allow them that big.”

  Judge drove around to the rooms on the back side. It was only a two level motel and a few of the rooms were occupied while some looked like they were condemned. “This place looks like a crime scene itself.”

  “You scared?” Judge said almost seductively.

  Michaels looked over at him, hating the way his cock responded when the man talked. “Do I look scared?”

  Judge gave him a good once over before getting out the truck. Michaels lingered against the bed while he waited on him to let his dog out. He went ahead and fell in beside them whether his company was wanted or not.


  Judge walked Bookem, thinking his best buddy was getting up in age. He wouldn’t be able to keep doing this for long. He was seven years old, so in actuality he was fifty-four in our years. His vet was one of the best and had diagnosed Bookem with a slight case of arthritis, so either Judge would have to stop taking him on the road with him or find another line of work. He’d had a lot to consider lately. He couldn’t leave Bookem in his home in South Carolina, under the care of some random dog sitter or kennel.

  Judge was shocked to see Michaels was quietly walking along beside him, hadn’t noticed him until he spoke in his deep, silky voice.

  “What’s his name?”

  Judge waited a few seconds before he answered. “Bookem.”

  The laugh was quiet and masculine. “Interesting. He’s a good boy.” Michaels let Book sniff his hand again before petting his large head. He stood up to their hip and although he was huge, he was extremely gentle. It was clear Michaels knew how to interact with dogs. He supposed that was somewhat of a turn on as well.

  “Have you had since he was a pup?”

  “Yeah. I knew he’d be easy to train.”

  “He’s a working breed. I bet it was easy.”

  They walked in silence and stood off to the side while Bookem did his business in an area littered with unkempt bushes. He noticed how close he was in height to the handsome detective. He had a strong aura about him and found he did want to know just a little more than the guy’s name and title. “How long you been working with God.”

  Michaels slowly turned and faced him. “Nope.” There was a real satisfied smirk on his face right before he walked off.


  Judge used the key to open the door. Yep, that’s how old this motel was off of seventy five in Lake City, Florida. It was ten classifications worse than seedy. Judge could’ve drove a few more miles to a Comfort Inn but he wanted to see just how gritty his new riding companion was. If he was pampered princess.

  The room’s interior was not only beyond his expectations but so was the smell. It was dank and musty. There was two full size beds, a night stand with a dusty lamp in the middle. A nineteen inch television that didn’t look like it was cable ready, and one dresser with a mirror that had what could be a coffee pot sitting on top, but he wasn’t sure. Judge grimaced himself when he looked in the tiny bathroom and saw the tub was filthy as was the toilet and sink. Okay. Maybe I overshot this a bit. When he came back out Michaels had shed his boots and jacket and was sprawled across the bed on his back with his forearm thrown over his eyes.

  “Too grimy for you?” Judge laughed.

  “I don’t give a damn. I could sleep in a doghouse with Bookem right about now, as long as I’m not interrupted for at least four hours.”

  This guy was actually starting to ease of Judge’s ‘shit list’ to his ‘smart ass’ list. “Never know in this place. Usually there’s some kind of mayhem in the middle of the night.”

  “Well if my hand goes under my pillow, they’d wished they stayed quiet.”

  So he also sleeps with his gun under his head. Interesting.

  Judge removed his leathers, they were never comfortable to sleep in and pulled out a pair of track pants from his bag. Bookem sniffed around a bit before he took up his usual spot, directly in front of the door. Not bothering to turn on any lights or try the television, Judge tucked one of his guns under his head and put the other underneath the bed closest to the wall. He leaned back on top of the thin comforter and closed his eyes. His dreams immediately ventured to hot, naked sex with a head-strong detective.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Michaels was so glad he’d brought his shower shoes, anticipating that they might be using a truck or camp stop to clean up. The shower in this motel was just as dirty as those. He stepped out to dress trying to keep his eyes from venturing to the deliciously large male specimen still sound asleep in the other bed. Even without all the leather, he was a sight to see. On his back with one hand under his pillow, very close to his own sleeping position. It was the thick, silky-straight black hair the spanned across that broad chest that had Michaels’ mouth watering. Turn and look away, turn and look away. There’s no way a guy like Judge was gay. If those dark eyes popped open and caught him gawking then he was going to have a whole other set of problems.

  It was a little after five am, they’d need to get on the road soon. They were only a few miles away from the cousin’s house. Showing up early was the best element of surprise. The cousin didn’t work, got disability from a previous warehouse job injury, three years ago. He could be persuaded to help out a guy on the run for the right fee. Worth a peek in. Michaels remembered a quaint dinner off the interstate before the motel, he figured Bookem could use a little walk and he could damn sure use some fresh coffee.

  The walk was quiet and refreshing. The temperature was still warm in Florida in the early Fall. But it was a cool breeze this early, so him and Book enjoyed it. He walked inside, not trusting Bookem out there without a leash. The place was small but thank the heavens it was clean. The older man behind the corner, balked before easing back towards a set of double doors that led to the kitchen. His wide eyes focused on the large
beast at his side. Michaels pulled out his badge, “relax, he’s a police dog.”

  The guy gripped his chest and stepped back up to the counter. “What the hell happened to regular old German Shepards?”

  “Hell if I know.” Michaels shrugged looking up at the chalk board above the counter. “Let me get two large coffees and -” He paused wondering what Judge liked to eat. The man probably wasn’t picky, living on the road most of his life. “Let me get two bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches.”

  “Wanna make it a combo? You’ll get hash browns and a cup of fruit. I just got some fresh cantaloupe in this morning.”

  “Sounds good, thanks.” Michaels said. He tossed his thumb over his shoulder, “I’ll be right in front.”

  Leaning against the side of the building, his head down, thinking what the best approach would be when they got to Switch’s cousin’s house, he hadn’t noticed the tricked out Cadilliac that turned down their street heading towards their hotel until Bookem growled. Obviously this dog had a great criminal instinct and Michaels knew not to ignore it. “Alright buddy, calm down.” He darted back inside and his order was already in a bag waiting for him.

  “I was just getting ready to come out and ask if you needed cream and sugar.” The guy smiled up at him.

  “Uh. Just two of each. Thanks.” Michaels let him drop in his condiments and was out the door, throwing a ‘have a good day’ behind him. Bookem looked anxious but he didn’t leave him. Michaels hurried his pace back up the street, he could see the hotel parking lot was still mostly empty and he didn’t see the Cadillac. There was only one way in and one way out. So it had to be in the back. Bookem growled again and Michaels wondered what he sensed or heard. They walked past the first set of rooms on the side and that’s when he heard the loud voices. A man and woman. Arguing, cursing. Well, he was cursing and she was crying and pleading. He didn’t turn the corner just yet and Bookem waited quietly by his side. He figured there was no danger so he came into view just in time to see this guy cock his fist back and level the woman like she was a man.


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