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Rocky Mountain Heat: Six Pack Ranch, Book 1

Page 13

by Arend, Vivian

  Jesse paused, his tightly coiled body poised before them, his hair and eyes wild. “You really want him, don’t you, Jaxi?”

  Her blonde head bobbed, and Jesse breathed long and hard before raising his gaze to meet Blake’s. “No problems. You’re a lucky man, and you’d better treat her right.”

  He blew a gentle kiss toward Jaxi, squared his shoulders and left the barn.

  Travis still sprawled on the bale. Dark eyes flicked between Jaxi and Blake, and he answered grudgingly. “I’ve got no problems with it either. I’m sorry I was such a fool, both now and years ago.” He stood and shuffled toward the door. “I’m not going to lie and say everything is wonderful and I’m happy for you and all that shit. It hurts, burns like a brand inside me, but maybe a little time will help. I’m jealous as hell.”

  He stopped and chewed on his lip for minute before raising storm-filled eyes to meet Jaxi’s. “Thanks for not saying anything. Someday…but not yet.”

  “I know, Travis. When you’re ready.” Angel-soft words, tender.

  Travis strode away, leaving Blake alone with Jaxi as she shivered in his arms.

  Chapter Fifteen

  For long minutes Blake held Jaxi close, the familiar scent of the straw and the tack and the earth itself easing away the frustration and tension of the last hour. Whatever secret Jaxi and Travis shared, it was staying that way for now.

  He wasn’t sure he was upset about that either. It seemed there was a lot about Jaxi that was still a mystery. He hadn’t realized how much she’d impacted Travis, how involved Jesse had become while Blake stubbornly pushed her away. His father had been the one to point out her training, and only recently had Blake noticed the way the community rallied around her and looked to her for help.

  The bigger question was, did he really know the woman he had fallen in love with?

  Blake knew he would work the Coleman ranch after his father. Had always known as the eldest son he had the privilege and responsibility to keep the family together and strong, leading them into the future. For the first time the picture looked a lot larger than just deciding what crops to plant in what fields and when to buy and sell stock. The family needed him to set the pace inside the home as well. Something his father had demonstrated by doing what was right even when it was tough.

  A deep sense of remorse hit him. It appeared as if he’d fallen short on his calling in more ways than one.

  He stroked his hands over Jaxi’s hair, loving the way she fit against his body perfectly. Loving the smell and the feel and the rightness of her in his arms. There was nothing wrong with their bodies’ reaction to each other, but that was another problem, another mistake he had made. He had let his body dictate his reactions since the beginning of this relationship with Jaxi. First in wanting her and refusing to deal with that truth properly, then giving in too quickly.

  After approaching the whole situation wrong, now he would have to pay the price to make things right. He needed to step back so they could progress forward together properly.

  Damn, he wanted her. But he wanted what was best for her even more.

  Blake cupped her face in his hands and gently kissed her. Sweetly. When she would have crowded against him and offered more he resisted, holding himself back. It might kill him, but it needed to be done.

  “Jaxi, we need a breather. I think what we’ve got happening between us is what we’ve both wanted for a long time, but we need to be sure.” He led her to a bale, then sat across from her to watch her face. Watch the expressions that flitted there for him to see plain as day. The fear written all over her was strong enough to choke off his throat. “Hey. Don’t look like that. I’m not letting you leave the family because you think you’re tearing us apart. We had a misunderstanding as brothers. It’s not the first time, and it’s probably not the last. We’ll get over it and move on.”

  Her misery twisted into a small smile. “You guys are good at fighting.”

  He nodded, dropping his volume. Trying to put what ached inside him into words. “And I’m not calling us off as a couple—just changing the pace. We’re both guilty of moving too slow for many years, and now we’ve rushed like a Chinook blasting through the area.”

  She took in a quick breath, shaky with laughter. “Yeah, that kind of fits. But—Chinook winds blow through fast, and then they’re gone.”

  “Oh, hell, I don’t mean that at all. With all my heart I want this to be a forever thing between you and me.”

  Jaxi waited. He touched his knuckle to her cheek. “So…I’m going to court you. I’m going to woo you.”

  “But I’m already…” She raised a shoulder. “Seems as if you should already know how I feel about you. I told you straight out that I love you. Wooing seems like something you need to do with another woman, not me.”

  He clasped her hand in his. “You’ve spent years imagining me the way you wanted, while I was too scared to even be around you for fear of how I’d react. I don’t agree you’ve had enough time to see the real me.”

  “I know what you’re like, Blake, I know what kind of man you are.” Jaxi insisted.

  “Do you? We haven’t done things together on a regular basis since you were about sixteen. Since I decided having you around me was dangerous.”

  A flicker of confusion passed over her face. “Dangerous?”

  He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles, his tongue stroking between her fingers. “Uh-huh, way too risky. You weren’t ready for me and I wasn’t ready for you.”

  He turned her palm over and pressed a kiss to the center before folding her fingers tight, closing his hand over hers.

  “Go on.”

  “My idea isn’t something you’ll dislike, Jaxi. I’m talking about spending time together to play and work and just be. I want you to be sure this is real, that it’s not something you’ve dreamed about for so many years you risk everything to see the dream come true.”

  She stared at him with those big eyes of hers, silence all around them. His stomach tightened. What if after everything, she decided she didn’t want him? What if giving her time meant in the end he would lose her?

  Even though the thought made his gut ache, he realized he loved her enough that he’d give her up. He would miss a piece of his heart forever but if she needed something other than him, he’d let her go.

  In the meantime he was going to take his best shot at convincing her to say yes.

  Jaxi wrinkled her nose. “So, what does this…wooing…look like to you? Are you going to call at my bedroom door with flowers and chocolates? Escort me to the movies so we can make out in the theater?” She cast her gaze down at their linked fingers. “Are we going to make love?”

  Damn, she had to ask that question. His body knew what it wanted, but he didn’t think that was what the answer should be.

  “I’ll bring you flowers and chocolates if that’s what you want, only I’ll bring them to the door of the guest cabin. You’re going to move out of the house, and I’ll move back in. You’ll have more privacy there, and yet you’ll be close enough Ma can call you if she needs you.”

  Jaxi protested and he laid a finger on her lips. “We can go to the movies, or we can go fishing. We can enjoy long rides and fix fences together, as long as I don’t have to sit in the dirt after every fence post.”

  She snorted for a moment, her smile returning.

  Blake stroked his hand over her cheek, smoothing her skin, tangling his fingers in her hair before he dropped his lips to hers again. The kiss was deep and needy, a joining together of hearts and souls. Not desperate and hard but desperate and soft. Lingering, caressing and more meaningful than any kiss Blake had ever given or received in his life.

  They both drew back at the same time, breaths mingling as they remained inches apart. Blake reached deep for the strength to finish the job he’d begun. “I can’t promise I won’t touch you, but let’s try to keep sex out of this. We don’t have any troubles in the physical compatibility department. We need
to see if we’ve got everything else it’s going to take to last forever.”

  His thumb stroked her lips tenderly, sweetly. She kissed it and nodded acceptance with little jerks of her head.

  Their foreheads rested together, and Blake breathed in her scent, storing the sensation of that moment for the days ahead.

  A sudden realization struck him and he snorted. “So, Slick, in the kitchen you made me promise I wouldn’t throw any punches tonight. You planning on explaining that right cross to Travis’s jaw?”

  The twinkle returned to Jaxi’s eyes, and she shrugged mischievously, one brow rising high. “You never made me promise not to hit anyone, now did you, Blake Coleman?”

  He stood and lifted her, swinging her in circles as their laugher rose to the heavens.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Wooing. What the hell did that mean when every time he looked at her his body lit up and his brain shut down?

  Blake gave himself a mental smack. That’s exactly why they were doing this. Because it was more than the sexual attraction between them that he wanted to play with.

  He pulled to a stop in front of the fanciest restaurant in town and winked at Jaxi. “You stay right there.”

  She giggled. Honest to God giggled, and he fought his own amusement. Yeah, this had been plenty of fun—to take the time to build on their attraction and let themselves move one step further. Heading to a lonely bed each night when he wished he was curling up next to her was the rough part. But learning new things about Jaxi had been delightful and intriguing. He didn’t want to just ask her what she’d been doing and learning over the past years, he wanted to find out as they went along.

  They’d gone for walks. Sat on the banks of the creek and fished. And now, a week into the wooing, it was time for a little high-class experience.

  He tugged open the truck door, and she slipped out before he could catch her. “You’re supposed to let me help you down.”

  She lifted her chin, mischief all over her face. “Oops. Okay.”

  Before he could say another word, she was back in the cab, sitting forward and blinking expectantly at him. “Oh, my hero. What a big truck you have. I’m so so far up in the air.”

  “Stop that.”

  She grinned. “Would you assist me, dear sir? I’m afeared that it’s too far a journey for my delicate little self.”

  Delicate little self—horse hockey. That from the woman who had helped muck out stalls for three hours the previous day in addition to her house chores? “You’re looking for a spanking, miss.”

  “Yeah, but since you said that was out of the question for a while, I figure I’m safe.”

  Minx. He offered his hand, and she took it, spinning her legs toward him and delicately lowering herself to his side. He couldn’t stop staring at the long length of skin showing. “You wore that miniskirt on purpose, admit it.”

  She blew him a kiss as she tucked in her shirt and smoothed the skirt. The twinkle in her eyes increased as she shimmied closer. The tight shirt emphasized every curve of her body, the deep scoop of the neckline showing off the perfect swells of her breasts.

  He opened the restaurant door and led her into the dark elegance. All eyes turned their way, accompanied by some smiles, some frowns. The flurry of attention their direction hadn’t died down yet. One of the joys of small-town living—any new match-up was an attention getter, and Blake had been single for long enough he figured the biddies would have a heyday for a good two to three months, not to mention that it was Jaxi he was squiring around.

  They were seated in front of one of the fireplaces, Jaxi’s chair to his right. They picked up their menus even though Blake knew exactly what he wanted. This wasn’t his usual stop for a meal, but the few times he had come in he’d discovered the steaks they served were thick and juicy. His favourite, outside of barbecuing himself.

  Jaxi wrinkled her nose. “You sure you want to eat here?”

  She stared at the menu as if there was something disgusting on the page. Blake leaned to see if she had something different than him. “You don’t see anything you like?”

  “Well, I’m kinda distracted by the rather large numbers down the side of the page screaming at me.”

  “Oh no, don’t you even look at that part.” He snagged the menu from her. Damn, it was like taking his parents out. Skinflints, the lot of them. “If you’re going to do that, you’re ruining the whole idea of going out to a fancy place.”

  “But I can cook just about everything on that menu. And for a lot cheaper.”

  “You can, but then we can’t visit and talk, and there’d be dishes to do afterward. This is supposed to be talkin’ time, not complaining-about-the-cost time.”

  “But it doesn’t make any sense—”

  Blake leaned back and crossed his arms. Jaxi’s chin lifted in the air as she cut off in mid-sentence.

  “I want to take you out for a meal, and I don’t want to hear another word about ‘this costs so much’ or ‘I could cook that’. Then pick something you can’t cook—that would work, right?”

  Jaxi nodded slowly. “Do I get to pick for you too?”

  Damn. There went the steak he’d been drooling over. The garlic mushrooms—he could almost smell them as they floated away. “Of course. Why don’t you pick something you can’t make, then for our next date I’ll pick something we can cook up together—we’ll set up a restaurant back at the ranch house. You good with that?”

  Mischief streaked her face. “You sure about this?”

  He hesitated. He’d never looked that close at the menu before, going straight to the steaks and eight-ounce burgers. “What kind of frou-frou stuff you planning on tormenting me with?”

  Jaxi straightened her face and held out a hand for the menu. “Oh, I think I can come up with something we can both enjoy, if you’re willing to be a little flexible.”

  Blake stared at her as she opened the folder and her gaze raced over the page. Every now and then she smiled, or frowned, and he fought to keep from twitching.

  “I don’t think I can listen to this.” Blake stood as the waiter approached. “You order, I’m going to wring out my kidneys.”

  Jaxi licked her lips and waved him away. “I changed my mind. This is going to be fun.”

  Fun. Yeah, like the time they’d been castrating and the snippers slipped and nearly took off more than he’d intended.

  He took his time, then wandered back slowly, wondering if he should nab a menu to peek over and figure out exactly what she was going to torture him with.

  “Psst. Blake.”

  Off in the corner he spotted a set of frantically waving hands. Two of his brothers stuck their heads from a hidden booth. Joel grinned like a maniac. Travis wore a more sarcastic leer.

  “What the heck you two doing?”

  They exchanged sheepish gazes. “Chaperoning.”

  Blake scratched the bridge of his nose with his middle finger and listened with amusement to their whispered squabbling about whose bright idea it had been in the first place. “Seems more like stalking than anything. I doubt we need much watching, but if your wallets want a kick in the teeth—be my guest.”

  Joel groaned. “You bastard. Had to pick the most expensive spot in town…and Jaxi can cook most of this for way cheaper.”

  Bloody hell. “I’ve already heard that argument.” Blake stared at Travis. His bruises, courtesy of Jesse, had faded to purple and green. “I’m surprised to see you here.”

  “Matt had some kind of urgent date pop up and cancelled at the last minute. I had nothing else happening tonight and Joel wanted company. I have no objection to eating steak while I watch you make an ass of yourself.” His anger was still there, simmering underneath the surface. Travis jerked and swore at Joel before deliberately changing his expression. Breathing slower, relaxing his shoulders. He grimaced, then glared across the table. “Sorry, Blake. Momentary lapse. Joel, keep your fucking feet to yourself.”

  “You said you’d behave. Be th
ankful I’m not wearing shit-kickers.”


  “Takes one to know one.”

  Oh, Jesus. Blake couldn’t believe this. It was as if they were all still in their teens at times. “Well, this has been wonderful, but I’m kind of busy right now.”

  “You going to take her dancing later?” Joel leaned forward and stared down the length of the restaurant. Blake followed his gaze to find candlelight reflecting off Jaxi’s face. His heart thumped hard a time or two, just thinking how lucky he was to even have this chance. After all the times he’d pushed her away.

  “Why? You boys want to show us how to two-step? Who’s gonna lead?”

  Travis snickered. “Can’t be Joel. He lets Jesse do all the leading from what I hear.”

  “Oh, that’s a load of bullshit, right there.”

  The squabbling started again and Blake gave up. He had better things to do with his time than referee his brothers. “Have a nice night, boys.”

  He ignored their continued whispered suggestions as he made his way back to his table. Jaxi had changed her seat and was now in the chair across from him. “You didn’t like the view?”

  “Didn’t want to sit next to you. I thought it would be more fun to have a clear shot of your face as the food arrives.”

  Oh sweet mercy. Heaven save him from this disaster of a get to know Jaxi better idea. “That’s a marvelous idea.”

  She reclined in her chair and crossed her legs. One high-heeled shoe dangled from her toes as her foot bounced lightly. He stared in admiration, considering whatever it was that she’d ordered as a minor penalty to pay for the view he was enjoying.

  At least, he thought that until the waiter arrived and placed a single plate between them. The pristine white surface had a tiny mound of twisted tube-like brown lumps in the middle. A thin line of dark sauce had been artistically drizzled over the entire thing in a zigzag pattern.

  Jaxi leaned forward to examine the offering more closely at the same time he did. “What’s that?” he asked.


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