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Fire (A Special Agent Novel Book 4)

Page 25

by C. P. Mandara

  “Five strokes, Adie. That’s all I’m asking. That will get you your tears, right? You should know.” The man had practised the art for so long, he probably barely had to try these days.

  “I can get tears without paddles, whips, or canes, Lo. I am the fucking master of tears. You should know that. I don’t even have to touch you.” Adie stuck his foot in between my legs and pressed the toe of his shoe into my clit. My body clenched, but then he pulled himself away.

  I snorted. “You’re funny.”

  “Don’t believe me?” He walked around to the side of the bed, where I tilted my head to look at him.

  “Nope.” If he thought he was reducing me to tears by words alone, he was much mistaken. All other forms of torture required touching, bar water-boarding, perhaps, and I was in the wrong position for that.

  “Oh, ye of little faith.” He appeared most amused.

  “You’re not going to Tazer me again, are you?” I said suspiciously. I hadn’t thought much of that the first time around, and technically he didn’t have to touch me to deliver the shock. “Shooting me doesn’t count, either. I need to be able to stand this evening.” While neither of those would probably make me cry, if he put enough electricity or bullets in me, I’d probably lose it.

  “No, to both of those.” I saw him smirking and tried to rack my brains for anything that could have the power to break me in such a short space of time. I came up blank.

  “Fine, if you get tears out of me in under five minutes, you get to fuck me in any hole you want, and I’ll spill my secrets.” I may have sounded a little smug. There was no way Adie could reduce me to tears in that time, and I knew it. He’d had to spend hours torturing me to get tears back in Carte Blanche, and even then, they hadn’t come easily. “Do you worst.”

  “Done, and just so you know, I’m going to fuck you in all your holes.” He chucked my cheek with his knuckle and I trembled.

  “Your time starts now,” I said. He could keep his cute little caresses. He’d promised pain, and I wanted it. Now.

  “You’re so impatient, Lo. You’ll regret that in a moment, you know.” Adie reached in his pocket for something, and though I strained my neck to see what he held, he turned his body away from me. I decided it wasn’t cause for alarm. Anything small enough to be carried in a pocket wouldn’t be worthy of my tears.

  “Talk is cheap.” Burying my face in the starched cotton of the pillowcase, I inhaled a mouthful of fabric softener as I waited for my monster to begin.

  “And here I thought we didn’t want to go down the asphyxiation route?” Adie’s hand came down over the back of my neck, and I shot up quickly.

  “We don’t you bastard. Don’t even think about it.”

  “If I find out you are working for the enemy, Lo, I’m going to end you that way. Just so you know.” He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked my head back until I could almost see his eyes.

  “Gee thanks. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now. Are we doing the pain thing, or are you wasting your four minutes and thirty odd seconds by chatting? I’m game if you are.”

  He gave me a dark smile and said, “Relax, Lo. I’m setting my watch.” Fiddling around with the big silver bezel of his Rolex, I heard the ratchet click until he’d set the timer. His weight then settled down on the bed, as his right arm reached for my waist. “Curl your stomach up, Lo. I need to get my hand underneath you.” Blinking in surprise, I did as he asked. I couldn’t help but wonder what on earth he held in his hand.

  I felt the slide of his warm fingers upon my soft flesh, working their way from my stomach to my breasts. He cupped me and then flicked his finger against my nipple, making me moan into the pillow.

  “That won’t make me to scream,” I mewled, as he tweaked my nipple once more.

  “Maybe not, but it’s all going to add up in a moment. Be patient.” His other hand then burrowed underneath me, and I felt something cold and hard press against my flesh. Metal? He’d better not be pushing pins through me, or there would be big trouble. My hand was still recovering from those damn things.

  “If you even think of putting…” My sentence ended on a snap. Something hard, cold, and fierce had just clamped its jaws around my left nipple. Holy fuck. Gasping for air, it took me a moment to process the intense pain that thing imparted. I was so overwhelmed I couldn’t speak for a minute.

  When I could, I gasped, “What on earth was that?”

  “Alligator clamps. They’re the best there is.” He sounded smug.

  “That’s a matter of opinion,” I croaked, as living, breathing fire raged through my body.

  “Hang on, I’ve just got to do the other one, and I’ll be right with you.”

  Oh, Lord. I had to deal with two of them? Breathe, Lois. This isn’t going to make you cry. It wouldn’t but it would be a hard-won battle by the time Adie had laid five strokes into me.

  When Adie’s hand reached further underneath, searching for the other breast, I tensed up. He laughed, pressing his face into my neck as he nipped my shoulder gently. “Getting worried, Lo?” Another piece of metal slowly worked its way up my body, and I could feel myself clenching in anticipation of the evil bite. When he got to my nipple, he rubbed the cold metal over it in little tiny little circles, until the nub stood proudly to attention. This time the sensation was far worse because I knew what was coming.

  “Ready for number two?” His fingertips grazed me as the metal continued to work its way over my delicate tip, and I shook my head, no.

  “Hold your breath, Lo.” Another sharp bite ate into my flesh, and then I howled. I couldn’t help myself.

  “God, Lois. You have no idea what you do to me.” He moved up the bed, grasping my hair again as he yanked my head back. “Oh, fuck.” His face lit up as he saw my eyes smarting, the corners twisted, as my throbbing nipples bleated all kinds of swear words at me. I was sure I could withstand four minutes of this, but it wouldn’t be easy. If that weren’t bad enough, when he took those clamps off, I would be screaming. What had I signed up for here?

  Adie ran his fingertips down my extended arms, a light touch that would have been arousing, had my teats not been speared with vicious metal points. “Speak to me, Lois. How do they feel?”

  Swallowing tightly, I said, “They are truly evil.” I meant it, too.

  Holding in floods of tears for four paltry minutes might just be the hardest thing I’d ever had to do in my life. The man had played me. Adie did this shit for fun all the time. I was toast - blackened and burned, and ready to disintegrate into dust.

  Chapter Twenty-Three - Lois

  Adie sat closer to me and pushed his head towards mine. “Evil? Nah. You’ve not seen anything yet.” Bringing his hand out from under my body, I whimpered and tossed from side to side. I suddenly began to have a bad feeling about my chances of success.

  “Steady there, poppet. We’ve got another one to go as yet.” He then gave me a wicked grin, and I knew he had this in the bag. Never trust a fucking deviant. Never.

  “Oh, God,” I whispered. “You can’t.”

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “Christ, Lo. Your face looks like it’s been bleached. Surely you aren’t giving up already?” Argh. I wanted to scream at the bastard. He knew what I was thinking. Adie knew. There was no way I would be able to take that kind of pain down there without serious consequences. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. This served me right. If you danced with the devil, you had to expect to burn in a few places.

  “I…” I don’t think I can do this. I don’t want you to come anywhere near me. I can’t think about taking one of those clamps down there. All of that and more spun through my head.

  “Don’t chicken out on me now, Lois. You’re the strongest woman I know. If anyone can survive this without tears, it’s you.”

  “What’s my safe word?” I whispered. I needed a get-out clause. This would be beyond agony.

  "‘Stop it you fucking bastard, I’m ready to spill all my secrets,’ will do nicely, I think. C
an you remember that?” His hand let go of my hair roughly, sending my face plummeting back to the pillow and he then stood up. I felt him moving behind me, and sure enough, his legs were between mine seconds later. My heart suddenly felt like it had been in a car crash, all torqued metal and shattered glass. I could barely think. Part of me desperately wanted to stop this, but my pride wouldn’t let me, and the old adage, ‘Pride comes before a fall,’ was about to haunt me.

  When his fingers captured my clit, I yelled into my pillow. By now, my body was tense and ramrod stiff due to the clamps on my nipples, but this would be so much worse. The knowledge of what was to come made my body clench in panic and fear.

  Adie didn’t care a whit. Using his fingers, he gently worked my clit, rubbing his thumb along it gently to make sure there was plenty of blood flowing to it. It was clear he wanted to make this hurt, and to be fair, I had egged him on. Leaning over me, his fingers continuing in their current pursuit of pleasure, I felt the scrape of his suit jacket against my naked flesh and bit my pillow. I would not give up at the first hurdle. I would not.

  “Are you ready, Lois?” I nodded my head. I didn’t trust myself to speak.

  “Suit yourself.” The next thing I knew, two jaws had clamped down upon my clitoris and lightning was streaking through my body - the really fucking painful kind that makes your body go rigid as you drop to the floor. I couldn’t even open my mouth to say, ‘Stop.’ The pain was that bad my eyes instantly filled with water and the shock of it was crippling.

  “Now getting the whip, Lo. Is there anything you want to say to me before we begin?”

  There was, but my mouth wouldn’t open worth a damn, so I shook my head instead. My brain couldn’t function. I wanted to scream at him to get all these clamps off me, but I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, couldn’t do a damn thing.

  Adie was rustling about as he searched for yet another instrument of torture, but I barely heard him. The first tear had already leaked down my face and there was a waterfall left behind my sore, scratchy eyes, just waiting to explode.

  Between my legs, Adie had straightened because I could feel his hand on my backside, kneading my flesh. Oh, God. This was happening. What had I been thinking? What sort of stupid idiot asks a monster to hurt her?

  The first lash landed without preamble on my left butt cheek. The second came immediately after me, on my right. If I’d thought the clamps were bad, they had nothing on the sharp, stinging bite of the whip. I started screaming almost immediately. How had Adie endured this? It was awful. The next three strikes ripped into my back with loud cracks that destroyed both me and my body. James and Alain might have done a good job in bringing me down to my knees, but Adie would break me.

  Floods of tears ran down my face in lines of abject misery, blurring my vision. My ears didn’t work properly, either. All they could hear was the echoing fury of the whip as it rained down upon my body, and my screams, which were still coming as fire licked up and down every nerve ending I possessed. There wasn’t enough water in the world to put them out. My neural circuits felt fried and my brain had just dumped a shed load of cortisol into my system to deal with the mess. Sobbing, hiccupping, and yelling as loudly as I could, it took me a while to realise that Adie was untying me.

  “Shh,” he murmured, stroking my hair as he released my left arm, and then my right. He then released the Velcro cuffs around my feet, before scooping me into his arms, and dragging me into the bathroom.

  “Get the tears out of the way now, Lo, and maybe you won’t have to spill any this evening. Alain loves them as much as I do, but he doesn’t deserve them.” Putting his face close to mine, I watched as his tongue lapped up my misery.

  “The clamps,” I pleaded through stilted, wooden lips. “Take them off, please.” My voice was hoarse with the screaming, but he heard me and shook his head.

  “That will hurt - more than when I put them on. Give me a sec. The warm water will take the edge off the pain.” Adie then set me down on the floor and tugged open the glass door to the shower cubicle before pulling the chrome lever that released the water spray. In a single, swift, efficient move, he had set the temperature to something acceptable, and when he was satisfied we wouldn’t die of hypothermia, he stripped naked. Normally, this would be the point where I’d have my tongue hanging out of my mouth like a dog in a heatwave, but today the pain was all-encompassing, and I couldn’t even appreciate beauty in its purest form. The tears continued to fall, and everything blurred into a white void of nothingness, as my body slowly sagged against the wall. My head felt too heavy to lift, and before I knew what was happening, I’d crashed to the floor.

  “Shit. Hang on, Lo.” Adie’s arms were underneath me once more, as he picked me up and placed my legs around his waist. He then manoeuvred us inside the shower with a single thrust of his body and flipped the door closed. Standing underneath the powerful spray of warm water, I felt him press his swollen cock into my body. It was jerking around all over the place, so I knew he was desperately aroused.

  “The things you do to my body, Lo,” he growled. Rubbing his thumb over the bottom of one of my swollen eyes, he then crashed his lips into mine so hard, I thought my head might bust the travertine tiles off the wall behind me. Thankfully, my mind exploded instead. His lips sucked me into his body, attacking nerve endings I didn’t know I had, before suddenly morphing pain into pleasure. I couldn’t breathe - but I didn’t want to. I just wanted to be consumed by the white-hot fire that sparked all around me.

  “Ayyeeeiiiii.” That was the sound of my scream as Adie removed the clamp from my clit. It was immediately muffled as his lips returned to mine, and his hands began roving all over my body. Oh, fuck. I couldn’t think worth a damn. When he eventually released me and moved his talented mouth down to my neck, I was almost swooning with a heady combination of pleasure and pain. My clit felt like it had been nuked, but now that it had swollen to three times its normal size, it also felt hyper-sensitive to the slightest touch. When Adie’s cock began twitching against me, all I could think about was having him inside me.

  “Better now?” He gave me a nip on the neck before his thumb moved down to my massacred sex, gently caressing the throbbing bud.

  “Fuck me, Adie. Please finish what you’ve started. I can’t breathe.”

  Adie stared at me and shook his head, a slow smile spreading across his features. “You owe me secrets, Lois. Spill.” His thumb then pressed itself into my clit and I squawked loudly, trying to slap his hands away, before he captured both wrists in his free hand and pinned them above my head. I slammed my head back into the tiles and groaned. I didn’t have the energy to fight him.

  “Lo, Alain has microphones everywhere. He’s heavily invested in tech. One of his companies, Proveria, has developed microphone transmitters so small they can be sewn into clothing. This is how he tracks everyone, including James. I know James told you he has people watching him, but that’s only half the story. He sends someone in to James’s place every week or two, and plants microphones on everything he owns. When you add in the fact that he also clones everyone’s cellphone, and plants the odd camera here and there, there is no escape from the fucker. The only place you can be safe to tell all is somewhere under water. Trust me.”

  That would explain a few things. Oh, sweet Jesus. Adie now had the tip of his cock entering me, and he was giving me tiny little thrusts while his thumb gently stroked my clit. I was a quivering mess of hormones that didn’t know left from right, so I naturally put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer towards me.

  Adie was having none of it. “Uh, uh, uh. Secrets, Lois. That was the deal. Are you working for the enemy?” His tongue lapped at the pulse point in my neck and I groaned frustratedly.

  “You’re an animal, Adie. You know that, right?”

  He pulled his head back and smirked at me. “You know it, baby. Now tell me what I want to know, and I guarantee I’ll give you the biggest fucking orgasm they’ve seen around these part
s for centuries.”

  “You can’t guarantee something like that,” I whimpered, as he flicked my sore little nub, sending frissons of torment and desire up towards my shattered heart. He then slammed my back into the shower wall, and the five strokes of the whip I’d just taken splintered into sharp shards of glass. I cried out, my fingernails digging into his chest, but he didn’t bat an eyelid.

  “I’m the worst monster they’ve seen around these parts for a while, so I think I can, sweetheart. Now either start talking, or I’ll pull both clamps off at once.” He began pulling on my left nipple and I screeched out, my hand trying to bat his away, but the effort was wasted. I was exhausted and there wasn’t an ounce of strength left in my body.

  “When did you start working for Alain?” His mouth was back on my throat, kissing and biting, and I arched my back, hissing as I did so.

  “After you were whipped,” I moaned brokenly, and his cock slid a little deeper inside me. Adie’s back then stiffened, and he slammed me into the wall again. My mouth opened automatically, trying to suck air into my body, only to be filled with the pounding spray. Spitting it out over his shoulder, I wheezed.

  “If you want your orgasm, Lo, I’ll need more than that,” he purred. The fingernail of his thumb then bit into my clit, making me scream, as he gave me a single long thrust of his cock. Long bubbles of air caught in my throat, and I let out a gasping vowel sound - something like an ‘O.’

  “Fine. He had a nurse with a syringe standing over you, threatening to pump you full of some kind of hallucinogenic which would make you thrash about busting your stitches, and he had a guard over James with a gun, who would start peppering his body with holes until I did what he wanted. Yes, I am weak. I caved. I couldn’t watch either of you suffer like that, nor did I want to be left here alone while both of you died. So, I did what I had to, and I don’t regret it.” I looked him square in the eye with grit in my gaze.


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