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Highlander's Sword: Paranormal Bear Shifter Romance (Clan Matheson Book 3)

Page 19

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Thank you for coming to my aid, Cherub. It appears we still have some trialing times ahead of us, but for now we need to leave.” Ronan nodded at Kirk. “How quick can we be gone from here?”

  “There’s a storm of warriors on our tail, warriors we need to divert and we’ll do so through one of Cherub’s portals.” Kirk sheathed his sword. “This very moment.”

  Shouts and thundering footsteps ricocheted down the passageway.

  “One second.” Cherub glanced at each one of them. “Who has the key to this cell?”

  “I do. Here.” Alec tossed the keys to her as he kept Ronan propped up and on his feet.

  “We need to lock ourselves inside since I dinnae wish for these warriors to jump into the portal I open. Our trip through time will be for those of Matheson blood alone. No other will be permitted through.” Cherub slammed the door shut and through the bars, twisted the key in the lock then tossed the keys into the far darkened corner and held out her arms. “Grab ahold, everyone. We’re about to return to Ivanson Castle and the twenty-first century.”

  They held on and once all connected to her, the Fae Angel of Love did as she was born to do, to protect and guard her people. With a flick of her fingers, she swirled the air blowing in and sent them all falling away into the dark abyss of time. They soared amongst the stars, thunder and lightning crashing and blazing all around. Aye, ’twas the most blessed portal Annella had ever traveled through, her brother now once again at her side and her mate so very close.

  She caught Alec’s hand in the churning darkness as she aided him in keeping Ronan upright, his fingers curling warm and firmly around hers. Then a minute or two later, they bumped down inside a large room holding white-painted walls and a bed on wheels that sat in the middle of it. So much white. The ceiling glowed white, as did the cupboards lining one side of the room, the steel benchtop the only concession to it all as it reflected the brightness of the lights overhead.

  “Hell.” Ronan jerked, his gaze wide on the lights above. “How is there is light without fire?”

  “The glass bulbs are run from electricity, and you’ll find there will be a million and one other new and amazing things to discover in this time.” Cherub patted Ronan’s hand. “Now you’re here for a visit, Kirk and I will be sure to show you around until you’ve healed well enough to return to your chase of Kyla.”

  “Aye, that is one chase I look forward to, provided I can remain out of those dungeons. I’ve no intention of visiting them a second time.” A sparkle lit Ronan’s eyes, his lips lifting. There was naught her brother adored more than fighting the good fight. Father too. Trialing days might lie ahead of them, but they’d also be days filled with a vibrant and soul-soaring hope. Ronan’s mate awaited him, not lost to him as he’d always believed, and although currently beyond his reach, not for very long. Her brother would never give up his chase of Kyla, and of that she had no doubt.

  “Here, let’s get you sitting down.” Alec aided Ronan to the white-sheeted medical bed and her brother shucked off the tattered remains of his black tunic and sat in the middle, a fluffy pillow at one end and a white folded blanket at the other.

  “I’ll go and fetch Tavish. He’s our clan doctor and an excellent healer.” Kirk strode out the door, his black war coat flapping at his sides and his sword gleaming.

  Never more glad to be back on Matheson land, Annella twirled around, caught Cherub’s hands and whirled her about too, such happiness overflowing her heart. “You’ve done so much for me, Cherub, stood right by my side during this perilous journey and never faltered with your aid. You have my immense thanks.”

  “I will always be wherever my fae kind need me, no matter what time or place that draws me toward.”

  “’Tis so wonderful to be back.” She released Cherub and bounced to the window. Palms on the windowsill, she took in the moonlit inner courtyard of Ivanson Castle, the curtain wall rising high and the forest’s treetops beyond swaying in the distance. Aye, she was back in Alec’s time and where he’d brought her physical body. Eyes closed, she reached out with her senses and found herself lying in her mate’s chamber one floor higher up and farther down the hallway, exactly where she wished to be, snuggled in his—

  Her chest tightened.

  “Annella.” Alec moved in behind her, slid his hands over her shoulders then turned her around to face him. “Do you wish to return to your true form?”

  “I must stay with Ronan until—”

  “Nay,” Ronan grumbled from across the room. “Time is marching on and you’re still in your spiritual form. Return, little sister. I’ll speak to you again once I’m done with the healer.”

  “Are you certain you wish for me to go?”

  “Aye, too much time spent away from your true self isnae good for you. Do you no’ remember how Mother was toward the end?”

  “I remember and you’re right.” The tightening in her chest was her true body’s warning to her, and that tightening would spike into fierce pain should she not take care and return. She filled a tumbler with water from the sink and handed it to Ronan, gave him a gentle hug as she made certain not to touch an open wound. “Be good while I’m gone, and do exactly as the healer says.”

  “Aren’t I always good?” With a teasing smile, he sipped the water.

  “No’ that I’ve ever seen.” Giggling, she twirled back to Alec and twined her arms around his neck, slid her fingers deep into his silky black hair and looking into his golden shifter eyes, got lost, her very heart and soul now held within his hands. “Without you I’d have no reason to live.”

  “Then it’s time to live.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” On her toes, she reached up to touch her lips to his but her true form pulled more strongly at her. Her heart skipped a beat, her breath coming harder. Her physical body would wait no longer.

  “What’s wrong?” He gripped her arms.

  “I must leave. There is no more time.” She dissolved her form, shimmered away through the starlit expanse of dark and breezed back to her body, her heart throbbing at having left her chosen one.

  She gasped, flung her eyes open and dragged in a deep breath and rubbed her aching chest.

  “Are you all right, my dear?” A woman in her mid-forties wearing a wine-colored woolen skirt and white blouse with a ruffled neckline, her dark wavy hair bobbing on her shoulders, leaned over her in the bed, two fingers pressed to her wrist. “Your pulse stopped then started then skittered right out of time. I’m Megan, Kirk’s mother and the chief’s wife. Alec requested I guard your body.”

  “’I’m fine now that I’m back, and ’tis lovely to meet you Megan. When I’m gone too long from my body, it sends me a warning, one I must always heed if I’m to ensure I remain right here on this Earth. Thank you for watching over me while I was gone.”

  “I shall always do so if you need the aid.”

  “Annella!” The door banged open and Alec was there, his chest pumping out and almost popping the buttons on his steel-studded gray jacket. He rushed toward the bed, hauled her out from underneath the black fur cover and crushed her in his arms. “Don’t you ever leave me like that again.”

  The door clicked shut, Megan having quietly left.

  “I’m sorry. I didnae mean to worry you so.” She brushed her lips across his then snuggled her cheek against his chest and—was that chocolate on the pillow? Smiling, she snatched it up, broke off a piece and popped it in her mouth. Mmm, delicious. Her belly rumbled for more and she broke off another square, waved it in front of her mate’s nose. “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m famished, but for far more than mere chocolate alone.” With his teeth, he nipped the square from between her fingers then he scooped her into his arms and strode with her into his bathroom, hit the light switch with his elbow and knocked the door shut with his hip.

  Gently, he set her down on her feet on the white tiled floor in the center of the room, unstrapped her sword belt from her waist and her dagger from her wrist, placed
her weapons on top of the black marble vanity and removed his own weapons and added them to the pile of armory.

  Hands on the hem of her dusty red tunic, he lifted it over her head and tossed it into the corner wicker basket then gazed at her breasts, all full and pink-tipped and now bobbing free. “Beautiful. I want to eat you.”

  “Make sure you take your time when you do.” She popped another square of chocolate into her mouth.

  “Now we finally have all the time in the world, I shall.” He dipped his head and laved each beaded nipple, his tongue rasping over the tips and making them pinch even tighter. Exquisite. Her legs trembled and she dropped the chocolate bar, her chosen one the only treasure she wished to consume. She wanted each and every inch of him touching each and every inch of her, their bodies unclothed and not a breath of air separating them.

  “You are far too overdressed, my mighty bear.”

  “Then let me get rid of my clothes.” He shrugged his steel-studded gray jacket off, stripped his billowy white tunic over his head and sent both items sailing into the basket. His golden skin, broad shoulders, and chest packed with muscle made her fingertips tingle with the need to touch him.

  Carefully, she walked around him, inspected a long cut on his shoulder and back, a few on his sides then coming back around in front, she touched a nick along his neck and frowned at the grazes slashing his chest. Red, each and every one of them, but also partially sealed over, the healing process having already begun. “You said making the Change increases your ability to heal. Shift again.”

  “Are you certain? My bear might get a little pushy with you being half undressed and in the same room as him.”

  “I can handle your bear.”

  “Aye, that you can, and with sheer perfection.” Grinning, he kicked off his boots, shoved his black pants to the floor and stepped out of them. His cock rose sure and strong from the thatch of dark curls at the juncture of his groin, the head of his shaft plumping to a deep purple color. “Are you ready?”

  “Almost.” She leaned in, licked across one cut on his chest then sucked his tight male nipple into her mouth. She moaned at the deliciousness of him.

  “I can’t shift if you keep doing that, love.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m getting greedy, and you’re still injured.”

  “I’ve been injured far worse than this over the years, but I’ll make the Change and show you my injuries never last long.” He stepped back, shook his dark mane of hair that brushed his shoulders then in a lightning bright display, shifted and lumbered around her, his beast’s silky black pelt the same stunning color as the hair on his head. He brushed against her legs then pushed her back toward the shower until her back knocked into the glass door.

  On his hind legs, he rose up, slammed his paws down either side of her head, the shower door rattling as he growled, all low and throaty, and just the way she loved.

  “I dinnae believe I’ll ever tire of seeing you shift.” Her magnificent bear, so fierce and demanding, completely enthralled her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he loomed over her, his hot breath pulsing from between his sharp teeth. “I would like to thank you for guarding me so well these past few days.”

  His growl tapered away, turned into a hungry rumble as he swiped his tongue across her cheek then he pushed his chest toward her and she giggled and scratched his belly until one long purr vibrated from him.

  “Do you feel better?”

  A low moan as he stretched, pushed off the glass door and plopped down onto the tiled floor and flopped onto his back, paws extended and his belly on full display.

  “Oooh, I finally get full submission.” She knelt, spread her hands over his belly and gave him a tummy rub until he closed his eyes, his purr so loud it made her sigh with delight. Such a magical moment, one she wanted to experience each and every day of her life. Just the two of them like this, both together and his big bossy bear showing her exactly how very docile he could be. “Will your cuts have healed sufficiently by now? I want my chosen one in the flesh, returned to me and showing me exactly how very well we come together as one.”

  In a bright sizzle of lights, he made the Change and she gasped as he lay on the floor, the cuts scattered across his body now barely visible.

  “That’s incredible.” She caressed his skin, smoothed one finger down the center of his wide chest and along the dusting of hair narrowing between his impressively defined abs. Along his trim waist, she swept her finger back and forth, his cock lengthening and thickening even further and her desire to touch more of him swarmed through her. Leaning over him, she swished her breasts across his chest, her nipples tightening at the decadent touch then with her lips a mere whisper from his, she murmured, “I wish for you to make me yours.”

  “You’re already mine, fully and completely.” He wrapped his arms around her, rolled them both over and pressed her back into a plush white bathroom rug in the center of the room, his glorious body spread perfectly over hers.

  She gripped his bulging biceps, roamed down his arms, over his sides and cupped his backside. “I cannae wait to hold your body deep inside mine.”

  “I can’t wait to wed you and call you my wife.” He eased down her body then on his knees, knelt between her spread legs, bent and with his teeth, gnawed on the ties of her black rawhide breeches. His warm breath feathered across her skin and sent a bolt of heat straight to her core.

  “And when shall we wed?” Mmm, his touch, so sinfully delicious, made her ravenous for more and she raked her nails over his scalp until he growled. He nabbed one knee-high leather boot, tugged it off then tossed the other aside as well before gripping her waistband and hauling her breeches down her legs. With his hands on her hips, he nipped her belly button and nuzzled her mound.

  “The first moment we can.” He blew a soft breath across her mound, his teasing touch drifting over her entrance. “You’re so beautiful, every single inch of you. I need to taste you and it can’t wait any longer, but if I go too fast right now, tell me to slow down.” He spread her legs even wider. “Both me and my other half are roaring for more of you.”

  “I have no need to be anywhere else but right here with you. Take all the time you need, fast or slow. It matters not to me.”

  “I love it when you get all agreeable.” Pure need laced his tone as he rubbed his cheeks against the insides of her thighs, his nose bumping her nub. He breathed deep, slid one finger along her seam then pushed inside her and touched a spot that had her arching into him.

  “I can be this agreeable whenever you wish.” Her breath came harder and she gripped the rug underneath her. “Give me more.”

  “More you shall have.” Licking her most private place, he plunged a second finger inside her and caressed her, so wickedly, so deliciously, his rhythm making her rise toward a peak she only wished to fly from. Every flick of his tongue and stroke of his fingers built her desire higher and higher, until it rose to such a swift and thunderous level she could no longer hold on to.

  She rocked, her breasts thrust high and her need for him consuming her. “Alec.” She cried out his name. “I cannae hold on any longer. Come inside me.”

  “Are you certain?”


  “I love how very much you need me.” He flipped her over onto her belly, lifted her onto her knees and crawled in over top of her. Completely covering her body with his, he teased her with the caress of his skin across hers.

  “I will always need you, to the depths of my soul.” Over her shoulder, she smiled back at him, her hair sliding over her side and swishing onto the floor. “Take me.”

  “I intend to take you over and over until this night has passed and a new day dawns.” Folds opened with his fingers, he gazed at her, stroked along her slit and scraped his teeth back and forth along her neck. “Are you ready?”

  “Aye, mark me so well that there will be none who could ever say I am no’ yours.”

  “Good answer.” With her hips clasped in his han
ds, he pushed his cock between her legs and before she could draw her next breath, he plunged deep inside her with one fast and sure stroke, his mind tunneling deep inside hers and locking around tight. He shared his fierce pleasure and she shared her own.

  More. She still needed more.

  “I’ve got you.” He sank his teeth into her neck and a wild surge of pleasure barreled through her. Her inner muscles contracted and as he thrust, she urged him deeper, pushed her backside back into his groin and met each and every one of his hard and fast moves. His possession was everything she needed and desired, their bodies joined so completely together as he sent her soaring to the stars.

  Such indescribable pleasure roared through her. She’d been gifted with such a wonderful mate and an incredibly deep soul bond that sent her heart lifting high. “I love you, Alec, your fierce bear and your complete and utter devotion and possession. I will always want you, only you.”

  “As I love you. You’re my match in every way, my every hope and dream. We’ll stand at each other’s sides for the rest of our lives.” He plunged balls-deep inside her, his seed shooting to her core and caressing her with its warmth. “This day, I give you all of me.”

  “As I do with you.” Flying over the edge, she soared and joined him in heaven amongst the brilliance of the stars, her body clamping tightly around his and their souls now forever entwined. Aye, she was his for all time, just as he was hers and together, they’d journey to where their souls would always remain united, until the end of time.

  * * * *

  Such pleasure ricocheted through Alec’s body as Annella pulsed around his cock. His hunger for her increased even though he’d just come. Aye, he needed her with a thirst his bear would never relinquish and he only hoped his mate was prepared for the depth his hunger would rage this night. He stroked deep inside her, her breathy little moans making him stiffen and go excruciatingly hard all over again. Grazing her neck with his teeth, he scraped over the mark he’d made then soothed it with a lick or two before he pulled out of her. Not for long though. He turned her over onto her back on the white rug, pushed her inner thighs wider with his knees and thrust his cock back through her lower folds and into the heart of her welcoming heat.


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