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Page 8

by Kenya Wright

  Light snores rose from his heavy chest. The shirt tightened around his pecs with each exhale. A few memories came back to me of him whispering into my ears and telling me it would be alright. I remembered slipping in and out of sleep as he softly sang to me and brushed my hair.

  No way. That wasn’t a dream? No. It had to be a dream. But...maybe it wasn’t.

  It was sweet and such a shock. He had people who could’ve done it for him. Surely, he wasn’t the type of guy who had to sleep in a chair. He probably had a massive bed and spacious room.

  I tried to move my hands, but they were stuck in the cocoon of furry blankets dyed indigo and peacock. It took me a good minute to wiggle my arms, and it was in that moment I realized I was naked.

  Oh my God. Did he see me naked?

  He must have. I shook away my embarrassment. It was what it was.

  I bet I’m not the first or last woman he’ll see naked. I’m just happy he saved me.

  Sitting up, I scanned the space—lush, aqua carpet that made the floor look like a Caribbean ocean, sky blue walls, and a blueberry comforter. My bed stretched out for a king. At least twenty silk teal pillows lay behind me.

  Did he know I loved blue?

  I dragged myself from the bed and grabbed another furry blanket. It must’ve been mink or chinchilla, so soft and real, and dyed the color of sapphires. Getting up, I wrapped one of the blankets around myself and placed my foot on the floor. My knees gave out when I tried to stand. I crashed to the floor, soft carpet pressed against me.

  Big hands came from behind and helped me up. Gio’s deep voice sounded next.

  “You’re going to be weak for a few days.”

  “Dang it. Thanks. I was trying not to wake you.” I leaned my body into him as he helped me back to bed. “Thanks for watching over me as I slept.”

  “The doctor wanted someone to help you around. I was also told to make sure you rest. I could get a private nurse—”

  “No, it’s Christmas. That’s not fair to your staff or the nurse. I don’t want to be a bother and you should get some rest.”

  “You’re not bothering me.” He grinned. “This is the most excitement the house has had all year. I’ve been rather boring to my staff.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Do you have to go to the bathroom?” He picked me up like I weighed nothing and carried me toward the bathroom.

  I widened my eyes. “ I was just...I actually don’t know what I was going to do. Walk around.”

  “No walking unless you have to.” He turned us around and brought me back to bed.

  “Okay. I’ll rest, and you can go back to bed.” I lay down in the huge fortress of fur blankets and silk pillows. “You don’t have to worry. I can take care of myself.”

  “You’re my guest. You don’t get to take care of yourself here. Those are the rules.”

  I giggled, and my chest hurt. “Really?”

  “Really.” Towering over me, he leaned my way and ran his hands over my shoulders and cupped my face. “That was a bad fall from the bed.”

  “It really wasn’t. Your carpet is about two feet of pillowy softness and I’m not made of glass. I can take a good banging.”

  A wicked smile hit his face. “Can you now?”

  I blushed.

  “Are you warm?” he asked.


  “Do you need anything?”

  “Well, if it isn’t a big deal. I would love my clothes. I still feel a little cold.” My feet shivered in response.

  “Let’s get you in warm water first, wrap you in hot towels to dry off by the fire, and then cover you in something.”

  I just stared back in shock with nothing to say. He’d been on my television screen for as long as I could remember doing celebrity things in a world that I had never been a part of—partying with stars and cruising in expensive cars, selling out concerts all over the world, and dining with the most breathtaking women.

  But in all those times, never would I have figured he’d be a great nurse.

  “Are you ready?” he asked as he began to lift me up.

  “Oh, I can do all of that myself.”

  He wasn’t having it as he carried me into a bathroom the size of my living room. It looked like something for a queen—marble here and there, crystal and gold fixtures.

  I gasped.

  He paused and looked at me. “What’s wrong?”

  “This is the most beautiful bathroom I’ve ever seen. Are all the guest bathrooms this way?”

  “No and this is my bathroom. I wanted you in my bed last night...” The way he said his bed did naughty things to my body. He cleared his throat. “So that I could watch over you, of course.”

  I wanted to protest and tell him he didn’t have to, that I would’ve been fine, but it wasn’t the point. It was sweet and caring, and I instantly felt safe with him. So, all I could mumble was, “Thank you so much.”

  “We’re going to be together forever, so we have to see each other as more.”

  I opened my mouth and stuttered. “W-what...t-together?”

  He placed me on the edge of a huge jacuzzi tub, one that could have fit five of him, and laughed. “I’m sorry that sounded like a declaration of love. What I’m saying is, we’ll be working together. Once an album goes out, that music is attached to us for the rest of our lives.” He leaned over and turned a crystal knob. Steam rose from the water as it poured into the tub. “We make money from the songs until we die.”


  He grabbed an elegant jar, yanked out the top, and poured purple liquid into the water. Lavender rose and mingled with the steam.

  “Even if we’re eighty years old, they’ll want to wheel us out, put us in front of a piano, and have us sing the song. This partnership,” he pierced me with his gaze, “is forever, so we have to think of each other as something more, if it’s ever going to work out.”

  “Is that how you saw Jason?”

  His forehead wrinkled as he put back the pretty jar. “Yes. Jason was my best friend and brother. When he left, part of me went with him. And when I saw you last night in that car, I almost broke down thinking that I would have to bury someone else, someone who I hoped to develop something more with.”

  I balanced on the edge and held the blanket to my chest. “I’m sorry about that. I really shouldn’t have driven in the snow last night. I was just so excited.”

  “Ru should’ve handled your travel arrangements.”

  “I wouldn’t let him.”

  He frowned. “He said the same thing, which struck me as odd.”


  “No one stops Ru from doing anything. We haven’t hung around, but I know his reputation. He’s not so much a bully, but he has a reputation of being an alpha boss. You know his history. He’s a kid that has gotten his way most of the time and turned into an adult that demands his way.”

  “I see what you’re saying, but I can’t believe that. Ru’s always gentle and caring with me. He never bosses me around.”

  “Hmmm.” He watched the water rise in the tub. “How else is he?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you happy with him as your manager?”

  “Yes. He’s gotten me a contract with you. For that, I owe him everything.”

  “I would’ve found you regardless. Talent doesn’t hide.” He lifted his hands up slowly. “Talent rises high above the clouds for all to see.”

  I smiled.

  He dropped his hands, walked to a cabinet, opened it, and pulled out two solid white plastic pillows. “What else does Ru do for you?”

  “He makes sure I’m taking care of myself, although I see it as an interruption, but he’s nice. He brings me flowers and gifts all the time. Sometimes, he tidies up my place. I can get obsessed with a song and have my apartment a bit disorganized.”

  Gio raised his eyebrows. “Ru cleans your place and brings you flowers?”

  I giggled. “When you say it like
that, it sounds shady, but seriously, I feel like he does this with everyone.”

  “Most of his acts are rappers from the streets. I can’t see him bringing Killer Ray flowers.”

  “Well, I bet he brings Killer Ray something. He did hit platinum last year.”

  “Hmmm.” He took the plastic pillows over to the tub and stuck them into the water.

  “Ru has never come onto me, if that’s what you’re getting at. I think he just sees me as a little sister.”

  “I doubt that.” He changed the discussion. “What’s your heritage? Sometimes when you talk, I hear an island accent.”

  “I try to push it away.”

  “It peeks out every now and then.”

  “I’m Geechee. Most call us Gullah people.”

  “I don’t know much about them, but I keep thinking of Charleston.”

  “Good guess. There are a lot of Gullah that live in Charleston, since it’s so close to the islands.”

  It was weird to be talking to Gio with this much comfort as if we were longtime friends. For god’s sake, I was naked in his bathroom and this was our first real conversation. Yet, there was an ease about him, a soothing energy that made me want to be around him more.

  He must’ve wondered why I’d gone silent. “On Ru, I won’t push the topic any further. I just want to make sure you’re protected and not left on your own. This industry is filled with monsters.”

  I nodded.

  “If I ever ask too many questions just tell me to mind my business. I have thick skin.”

  “You’re fine.”

  In more ways than one.

  It was hard not to want to taste him as he moved around the space, setting up a lovely bath for me, spoiling and waiting on me like a queen. Did he do this often? I didn’t want to think about the other women that had probably gotten this treatment. Instead, I focused on the moment and enjoyed his doting while I could.

  He walked over to me. “Okay. I’m going to help you in.”

  My heartbeat sped up.

  “I’ll close my eyes.” He did and held his hands out.

  I rose from the tub and placed my hands on his chest, using him to keep my balance, my legs still wobbly. As my hands pressed on his pecs, his chest stiffened, and a soft noise left his lips.

  I undid the blanket and it dropped to the floor, leaning against his legs. I saw him inhale deeply and my breathing shifted to panting.

  The room had been warm due to the hot water and the fireplace in his bedroom, yet my nipples stiffened like it was freezing cold, hungry and wanting Gio’s attention.

  How could my body not react to this moment? He was gorgeous, talented, and standing right next to me willing to do my bidding. Unable to help myself, I leaned into him, pressing the tips of my nipples against his chest, and drinking in that expensive cologne with hints of pine and Jupiter.

  He whispered, “Do you need any help into the tub?”

  Do I?

  No, but I needed his hands on me.

  “If you don’t mind...I just need you to guide me in.”

  “Can I open my eyes?” he asked. “Trust me, I won’t look. I just want to make sure we both don’t fall in.”

  “That’s fine.” My voice lowered. “I’m sure you saw something already.”

  He licked his lips, telling me I’d been correct. “Not as much as I wanted to see, but I’m not that type of guy.”

  “I didn’t think you were.”

  He opened his eyes, hitting me with heat. Lust pooled within them. My whole body lit up with fire. Steam filled the space and rose around us, dampening our skin. His hands went to my hips while that heated gaze remained locked to me.

  “I never told you Merry Christmas.” He directed his attention to my mouth. “This moment just made me think of that. I hadn’t been excited to celebrate anything since Jason.” He licked his lips again and his grip on my hips tightened. “Thank you for spending the day with me.”

  His overwhelming presence demanded my attention, those blue eyes focused on me, piercing and compelling. My breasts tingled. I took a deep breath, trying not to get lost in his eyes. As handsome and alluring as he was, he had one flaw I couldn’t overlook.

  He was a celebrity musician. To take one seriously would be to set up my heart for failure. I didn’t know any celebrity male singer that didn’t have a side woman in every state. They were like football and basketball players, always with a different chick on their arm whether they were married or engaged.

  And these guys’ wives, fiancées, and girlfriends dealt with it, happy to be with a star, so happy to shine with them in the limelight and count their money. However, the diamonds, cars, mansions, and fame weren’t enough for me. I needed commitment, loyalty, and honesty.

  “What’s on your mind?” he asked.

  “Nothing.” I exhaled and looked away, cutting off the trance he’d trapped me in.


  Gio had to be the most tempting man I’d met and damn sure the most talented. I knew I was weak. I knew I was recovering from an accident and hypothermia. But I wanted him. Right in that moment. Right in his bed or massive tub. I craved his hands and the big dick I was sure he had.

  However, I couldn’t get involved with another musician.

  He lowered me into the tub, doing his best to not ogle my breasts and thighs. He was a perfect gentleman, even though I wouldn’t have minded if he’d been a little wicked and snuck a glance. I damn sure had been drooling over him since I’d woken up.

  Calm down. Remember, it would be fun to do something with him now, but think of tomorrow and the next and next. What could really come out of this?

  I sighed and pushed my horny thoughts away. Warm water caressed my skin, and bubbles rose around me.

  He sat on the edge and placed the plastic pillows behind my back. “Do you mind if I stay here with you?”

  “No, I would love the company, but...I do feel guilty.”


  “I’m sure you have plans—”

  “All my time is dedicated to you. I invited you up because I wanted to completely focus on...our music.”

  I pretended to ignore the break in his statement.

  “What type of flowers do you like?” he asked.

  “All of them. I’ve never met one that I hated.”

  “What type of flowers does Ru get you?”


  “Roses.” Sarcasm dripped from his words. “That definitely says this is all business.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Hey, maybe I’m jealous. My manager has never brought me flowers or cleaned for me.”

  I laughed, picturing his notorious manager, Midnight doing anything more than wearing expensive jewelry, smoking a cigar, and being surrounded by women.

  “You mentioned women,” he said. “I’ve been on a sort of retreat for a year. I haven’t had much contact with my family and friends, and there’s definitely been no women around.”

  “You did say you were bored up here. You were serious?”

  “In some ways. Usually, I’m content, but when I talk to you on the phone, I suddenly realize I’m bored as hell.”

  “So, no dating or anything?”

  He grinned. “You mean sex? No.”

  I nodded. “Me too, but it’s been much longer.”

  His expression changed to something unreadable. “How long?”

  “About five years.”

  “Jason would’ve said you were officially a virgin again.”

  I giggled. “He sounds like he was funny.”

  “He was, when he wasn’t swimming against the current of darkness.” He reached out and touched my curls. “Would it be weird, if I washed your hair?”

  “Yes, but it would also rock my world and be the coolest memory in my head.”

  Gio grabbed another elegant jar full of a liquid that looked like blended pearls. “Why haven’t you been dating?”

  “Very long explanation.”

have time.”

  I sighed. “I’m not a fan of dating musicians and for the past five years, that’s all I’ve been around as I try to make it to the top.”

  “We do get a bad rap, but it’s not like we don’t deserve it.”

  “You want to hear a joke?” I asked.


  “What’s a new musician without a girlfriend?”

  “I don’t know.”


  He nodded. “That’s definitely true. I’ve seen a lot of women foot the bill for their guy as he follows his dreams and then he makes it, breaks up with her, and she’s broke and alone.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are good guys in the industry.”

  “Not many. You’re right to be weary.” He poured the pearl shampoo onto my hair. Cool liquid tingled against my scalp. He cupped some water and spilled it onto my hair and then massaged those perfumed suds into my curls. It felt so good, I forgot what I’d been talking about.

  He asked, “So, your policy is no dating musicians?”

  “My policy is no dating, period, until I’ve reached some of my goals. I’m focused.”

  “You sound like me back in the day.”

  “It’s hard dating guys that are climbing the music ladder like me.” I leaned back and drowned in his attention. “They only want us to focus on them. My songs, my time, my goals…they’re not important.”

  “This is why most male musicians marry women who aren’t doing anything,” he said. “Think about it. There are a few that married models and actresses that were always successful, but when you get to the top of our world, you tend to see a lot of narcissism. And narcissists like compliant, doting wives. For her to have her own dreams and goals would be disrespectful to him. Selfish even.”

  “I can see that.”

  He poured water through my hair and I closed my eyes, melting away with the water. “How do you feel, Simone?”


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