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Page 10

by Kenya Wright

  “I definitely don’t have anything on my calendar, but you.”

  I licked my lips. “Good. I want to be your only focus.”

  She looked away and continued her quiche. “I had the oddest dream. I was dancing in this fantasy land with you and everything was made from fur. We were also wearing fur from head to toe.”


  “I know.” She shook her head and ate some more.

  “I dreamed of you too.”

  She quirked her eyebrows. “Really? What did you dream about?”

  Those visions of her naked and coming hit my mind.

  She giggled and widened her eyes. “You’re blushing.”

  “I’m not.”

  “You are.”

  “I don’t blush.”

  “Oh ok. Because you’re a manly man?”

  I shrugged.

  “Now, I must know what the dream was about,” she said.

  “It wasn’t a...PG situation. And remember, it was a dream. I can’t be guilty for having a dream like this.”

  She leaned back on her pillow, forgetting the tray. “We were having sex?”

  I didn’t respond. I let my eyes tell her the truth as I drank her in. My shirt had never looked as good on me as it looked on her, but in that moment, all I wanted to do was tear it off.

  Heat pulsed between us.

  “Are you done eating?” I asked.

  She cleared her throat. “Yes, thank you, and I loved the roses too.”

  “Do you need to go to the bathroom?”

  Giggling, she covered her face with her hands. “I already went, and I can walk on my own, Gio.”

  “I’m here, though.”

  She removed her hands. “Thank you, but you have gone above and beyond. I am able to walk.”

  I removed the tray from the bed and set it back on the stand. “I’ve got you, Simone.”

  “You do.” She moved the fur blankets off her. “I’ll take a bath and then we can check out your studio, if that’s fine.”

  “Sounds good.” I swooped her up before she could place one step on the carpet.

  She shrieked. “Gio!”

  “I told you that I’ve got you.” I carried her into the bathroom, sat on the edge of the huge tub, and placed her on my legs, hoping she wouldn’t want to move.

  She stayed and continued to hold me as I turned on the water. “You’re spoiling the shit out of me.”

  “Good.” I looked at her. “That was the plan.”

  Our faces were barely a few inches from each other. I saw her gaze looking around my face, falling on my lips and cheeks, slipping down to my chest and then landing on my cock. She bit her bottom lip.

  I whispered, “What’s on your mind?”

  “You’re a very sexy man.”

  I licked my lips. “And you’re a gorgeous woman. I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off you. Even when I found you in the car, sprinkled with snow and drops of blood, I couldn’t help but...”


  “I couldn’t help myself. I wanted you. Bad.”

  Chapter 9


  Love is

  a friendship set to music.

  ~Joseph Campbell

  He wanted me?

  With my arms still around his shoulders, I stared at him in shock.

  Oh my.

  Desire covered that gorgeous face. His gaze locked on mine, touching my skin, my cheeks, my lips.

  I glanced down and noticed his cock pressing against his pants and my thigh, hard. I yearned to touch it, slink my fingers up and down his length.

  He breathed me in. “Was it too forward?”

  A shiver of desire ran up my spine. “No.”

  “It is what it is.” His gaze turned intense as he continued to drink me in. “I don’t make it a habit to become aroused from the women I plan to work with. I’m sure you’ve heard my name around the industry, but if you’ve ever asked, no one would tell you a story about me sleeping with a singer that I worked with. Not even with the top female producers.”

  “I’ve never heard anything like that about you.”

  “Yet, here we are.”

  “Yes.” My nipples stiffened. “Here we are.”

  If I acted on my craving, I could press my lips against his, but I could tell he was just as unsure about how to handle this attraction as I was.

  Steam rose. The scent of lavender swirled around us. He kept me close to him while he turned off the tub.

  The water stopped and silence gathered among us. He pierced me with his gaze.

  “We should proceed with caution.”

  All I could mutter was, “Yes.”

  “I really want to work with you. I love your music, your voice. I think your writing is creative and diverse. You’ve made a new sound, one that’s fresh and exciting. I don’t want to jeopardize what we could become. I wouldn’t want to stop all of the amazing music we could create.”

  He took my breath away and shocked me even more than his earlier confession. While it was great that he desired me, it was more touching that he saw my talent and loved how my brain worked.

  And then he whispered, “But...”


  “I don’t think we can ignore this either.” He didn’t have to point to the this or draw a picture. I felt it moving through me, this nameless sensation linking me to him. I felt it the moment he walked in and wished me a good morning. I felt it as I lay in his bed and wore his shirt.

  What we would share would be more than music, more than what we’d ever had before. But I’d shoved it to the back of my head. How could I know this? How could I assume that this man would feel the same way?

  Yet, he sat with my arms on him, taking his time, holding himself back, giving me time to let his thoughts sink in.

  I slowly pulled my arms away from him. “I feel the same way. I have always respected your music. Some of your songs hold beautiful memories for me. It’s like you were with me the whole time, walking with me hand-in-hand, singing to me, giving me the lyrics I needed to make it another day.”

  He slipped his hands to my hips and didn’t touch further, never moving from that spot. Careful, gentle. Yet his cock jerked a little and rubbed against my thigh. My mouth watered, wishing I could suck his cock into my mouth.

  “And...” I cleared my throat, “I’m definitely attracted to you. But I must admit that I’m a fan. I’ve always been attracted to you, so on that level, we’re fine.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “But?”

  “I need to get to know you. Like I told you before, I haven’t dated anyone in several years. I’ve just been focused on my music.”

  “Of course. And now you’ll be focused on your music and me.” He said it like there was no other option to consider, smooth and sensual, yet confidence dotted each word. “There’s nothing wrong with giving this time, Simone, as long as you’re willing to explore the possibilities.”

  “I am.”

  He inhaled my scent again. “Good.”

  I took my time rising from him. “Thank you for bringing me in here.”

  “Of course.” He turned around while I got ready to take off his big shirt.

  It fell to the floor. I took my time getting into the tub. Bubbles layered the top and steam continued to rise. I closed my eyes as warm water rose around me, swallowing my body in relaxation.

  “I’m going to get you a towel.” He went to a cupboard across from us and pulled out a fluffy blue one.

  “Blue is your favorite color?” I asked.

  “Always. Granted, that’s what boys are given at birth. I just let it stick to me. There’s so many shades of blue, I can never get enough.” He brought the towel over to me and set it on the edge of the table.

  “Do you always pamper your guests like this? I love it by the way.”

  “No, I don’t pamper anyone but myself. At times, I was a mother hen to Jason, but it was mainly me telling the staff to check in on him.”
br />   “A mother hen? Interesting.” I tried to picture two R&B legends depending on each other and living regular days. “What do you like to do besides music?”

  “I’ll show you later. It’s on the third level. Besides the staff and my parents, no one else has been invited up there.”

  “I’m excited to see what it could be.”

  “It’s a bit dorky, but I love it.” He shrugged. “We all need hobbies outside of music. What’s yours?”

  “Black and white movies. I’m all about the cinema classics.”

  “That makes sense. You did say you’d seen ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ fifty times.”

  “It’s one of my holiday favorites.”

  He leaned his head to the side. “What’s your favorite classic film?”

  “Citizen Kane.”

  “Orson Wells.” He nodded. “You have impeccable taste. Every music video director I’ve worked with says Citizen Kane is their top classic movie.”

  “It was modern for its day and still relevant, when thinking about humanity.”

  “Damn, you’re so smart. Tell me more.”

  I blushed. “The movie makes you ask questions.”

  “Like what?”

  “Why was the hero successful, why was he a failure? Why was he a triumph and a tragedy all in one? Why is he, simultaneously and almost symbiotically, all of us and none of us at all?”

  “Do you think you would ever work in film?”

  “I don’t know about acting, but screenwriting would definitely be a long-term goal.”

  “I should definitely introduce you to my parents.”

  Shocked, I said nothing, grabbed one of the folded wash cloths to give myself something to do, and picked up the rose-scented soap.

  Bath time number two with G-fucking-O. I don’t think anyone would believe me. I should bathe like this every day.

  Silence filled the bathroom as I made the cloth sudsy and rose-fragranced.

  “Should I leave?” he asked.

  “I actually feel bad for having you here, but I love it. Every second. This morning was perfect. Breakfast, your company. All perfect. And now. I can surely get around on my own, but I love the attention, the pampering, the doting.” I laughed.

  “I never thought of myself as a doter, yet here I am.”

  I raised one leg at a time out of the water and rubbed the soapy cloth on them. Gio directed his attention to my every movement, gripping the edge of the tub like he was close to jumping in. “Do you need any help?”

  I grinned. “I’ve got it, but thank you.”

  “I’m here for anything. There could be places on your body that you can’t reach. All you have to do is whisper my name and I’ll be there.”

  “You’re my own little personal bathroom Batman.”

  He held a wicked grin. “More like BathMan, but yes.”

  “BathMan? Hmmm. What would your logo look like?”

  “Me in a towel, looking like I could conquer all suds.”


  I thought about him in nothing but a towel and shuddered in the warm water. I was close to telling him to come inside, so fucking close, but I couldn’t rush this. I had come here for a job, not dick. While the dick belonged to a man that was on posters I’d been drooling on for years, I couldn’t just jump into a sexual relationship with him.

  Make the music. Do the job. Then...damn it. Then, let him tear this pussy apart, if he wants to. Jesus. Look at him.

  “You look like you need some help.” His tone was firm and soft, pumping need sweetly between my thighs.



  I dripped water onto my back. “What’s your usual morning routine?”

  “I usually meditate on the balcony, if it’s not too cold. If it is, I meditate in the gym. After that, breakfast and workout. After a shower and lunch, it’s all about the music until the sun sets. Then, I switch to my hobby and fall into my bed.”


  “Yeah. Why?” he asked. “What did you picture?”

  “Royal balls. Supermodels. Orgies. Strip clubs. Golfing with the stars.”

  “You clearly know how to live.”

  “Not really. My daily routine is music and snacks. Just those two continuous things back and forth.”

  “We’ll have to change that. At some point, sweet Simone, you have to stop the work and breathe. Sometimes you should take a break and do anything else—paint, run, cook, dance, TV, anything but music. If you don’t shut the light off, the bulb will explode.”

  “Now, you sound like Ru.”

  “Writing music can take a lot out of you. It requires patience, time, effort, and a serious connection with your inner self.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “And that connection gets stronger when you put the music down and walk away from it. Basically, you need to find a balance between your passion for music and the love you have for yourself.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I’m glad you get it. That was Jason’s biggest problem. He drowned in his passions until the music choked him, had him gasping. To the point that when he came out of it, he had no way to make himself happy. So, he went to drugs and sex. Make sure you have other things besides music that keeps you happy.”

  I was scared to ask, but I had to. “It really hurt you when he left?”

  “It broke me apart. That’s the other reason I came out here. I needed a break from all the flashing lights. I had to get away.”

  “I can see that.”

  He looked uncomfortable talking more about it and switched to a new topic. “Speaking of Ru, I called him and left a message saying you were okay.”

  “Thanks. I should call him too, before he rushes out here.”

  His jaw twitched. “Yeah. At this point, I only want you to myself. To focus on the music, of course.”

  “Of course.” I finished washing. An urge came over to just lay in the water, close my eyes, and listen to Gio’s deep voice all day. Never move. Never leave. Just turn on the hot water if it got cold.

  It would be perfect to stay here all night.

  I let out a long breath, squeezed the washcloth, and placed it on the edge.

  “You’re ready?” he asked.


  “Do you need help getting up?”

  “Really, Gio? You’re perfect, but I didn’t break my leg. I truly can take care of myself right now.”

  “Then, just give me two days to dote on you.”


  “Tomorrow you’ll be princess for the day.”

  “I love the sound of that.”

  “Should we make it princess for a week?”

  “No, my ego isn’t ready for all of that. We have to feed her in sips or I’m scared I’ll probably turn into a spoiled bitch.”

  “No, we can’t have that. Will the princess need my help with drying?” Gio tossed me this wicked grin and I knew exactly what he meant by that. But I’d told myself that this stay with him would be business first and possibly pleasure later.

  I had to get to know this gorgeous man who’d taken hold of me, pampering the shit out of me. I needed to learn about who he really was. Not the Gio I saw on TV, but the Gio in front of my eyes, bringing me dinner, caring for my injuries, helping me in any way possible.

  And even more, I needed real answers about what he wanted out of life, and what he saw with us. It wasn’t like I was thinking marriage and kids with him. But I didn’t want to fall into this beautiful man—to drown—and it be nothing but a one or two-night stand.

  I don’t know if I could fuck a man like Gio once and be happy with walking away.

  I hadn’t dated in so long. I was still new to dating, love, and even the music industry. I had to take my time, figure this all out so that months later, we were on the same page as lovers, friends, or just co-artists.

  One thing I knew, we could be awesome with whatever path we chose. I just had to t
ake my time and figure it out.

  After helping me into my towel and carrying me off to my bed, he rushed down to get my luggage. He’d become my personal butler, taking care of all my needs.

  The rest of the day we talked about music—our favorite songs, styles that we enjoyed. We fell asleep to that sweet conversation.

  The next day, he brought me breakfast and washed my hair again as I bathed. Later, he showered and dressed himself as I changed in his bedroom. I put on something comfortable—jeans, slippers, and a chocolate brown shirt with Marvin Gaye smiling on the front. It was super casual, but he’d barely wanted me to even leave the bedroom. I doubted I would be out and about for too long and chose comfort over style.

  Besides, Gio made me feel at home. If I’d been around any other guy, I would’ve tried to stumble around in heels and a dress that was too tight and constricting on my stomach. My insecurities would’ve told me that I wasn’t beautiful enough, still not as gorgeous as the women around me.

  Meanwhile, Gio gazed at me like no other female existed. He watched me with this intense look, trapping me in those blues, forcing me to swim around that ocean between his eyelids.

  A knock came from the door.

  “Are you dressed?” he asked from the other side.


  He had the nerve to open the door and roll in a wheelchair.

  “Gio! It really isn’t that bad.” I giggled. “I’m fine.”

  “You had hypothermia. The doctor wanted you in bed for several days. I shouldn’t even be taking you down to my studio.”

  “I don’t—”

  “Seriously, Simone. I’ll give you anything, but I won’t let you walk around today.”

  I gave him a skeptical look. “You won’t let me?”

  Force rode that deep voice. “No.”

  Damn. Why did that just make me wet?

  I swallowed. “Fine.”

  “Thank you, princess.”

  “But, we both agree that you’re a bit much right now. You’re definitely being extra.” I walked over to the chair and sat. The wheels had plastic coating, probably making it easier to glide over the carpet.

  “Comfortable?” he asked.

  “Definitely. Maybe a bit too much, but apparently, I’m on vacation.”

  “My place is too big to have you walking all around it while you’re weak.”


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