Book Read Free


Page 20

by Kenya Wright

  “Thank you.”

  A beep came next.

  “That was dope. I feel like I’m on some futuristic spaceship.” Simone quirked her eyebrows. “And did you just order the menu?”

  “Yes. My princess is hungry.” I pulled her into my arms and kissed her. “I don’t want to brag or anything, but when it comes to breakfast...or any form of cooking...I’ve been told that...I’m excellent at ordering room service.”


  “That’s right.” I bowed my head a little. “Skills.”

  She clapped for me. “Hard-earned skills.”

  After we put on our robes, three servers brought up silver trays full of everything one would have for a gourmet breakfast buffet—crepes and poached eggs covered in hollandaise, French toast and freshly baked croissants, fingerling potatoes with bacon and omelets made from heavenly ingredients. And of course, lots and lots of mimosas.

  Like kids, we ate on the bed cross-legged, stuffing our faces. Music played in the background. Tons of trays sat on crumpled silk sheets. We sampled each plate together, taking a bite here and there, never devouring the whole dish. Anything that I found especially pleasing, I fed to her. And she did the same.

  This was the most alive I’d felt in a decade. No drug or party or horny groupie had ever made me this high. No concert or Grammy. No interview or TV appearance or movie cameo or anything had ever captured my soul like Simone and set it on fire.

  No, not one.

  I sipped my mimosa from the flute and returned it to the bedside table. “This is a perfect morning?”

  “Yes, it is,” she mumbled through chewing.

  Even her eating was sexy. I sat there transfixed. Maybe it was the cute way she dabbed at her mouth with her folded cloth napkin, after every few bites. Perhaps it was the lovely way she held her fork and the urge that came over me as I wished my cock was in her hand instead.

  She licked the sauce off the fork.

  I groaned in desire.

  “Yes, Mr. Ferraro?”

  “You make my cock hard with just the littlest eating.”

  A blush tinted those cheeks as bold words left those full lips. “You make me wet...just from talking.”

  “Is that right, princess?”

  “Yes.” She leaned back on several pillows behind her.

  “Are you wet right now?”

  Her voice went low and so fucking seductive, tugging at my cock. “Yes.”

  “Damn you.” I slid over a few trays. A few lay near the edge of the bed, ready to fall over. And I felt just like those trays—close to the edge and almost toppling over.

  My phone rang. I hadn’t talked to my parents for the holidays and no one really called except them or Midnight.

  “I’ll be right back, princess.” I leaned back the other way, grabbed it, and answered. “Hello?”

  Midnight’s gruff voice came over the line. “You’re kidnapping people now?”


  “Ru said you kidnapped his singer.”

  I gestured to Simone that I would be right back, left the suite’s bedroom, and walked into the living room. “First of all, Simone is not Ru’s singer. Let’s get that straight.”

  Midnight’s voice held concern. “O-kay.”

  I went onto the living room’s balcony so Simone wouldn’t hear our conversation. Freezing air bit at my skin. I tightened the robe, but it did nothing to guard me from the falling snow. “Second of all, Ru is lucky I’ve let him stay in my house with all the accusations he’s created and has been telling her. He’s just plotting and trying to mess things up between us.”

  “Whoa. Whoa. What the fuck is going on, baby?” Midnight asked. “Is this the fucking Bold and the Beautiful, or are you all over there making music?”

  “We’re enjoying ourselves.”

  “It sounds like a soap opera is unfolding.”

  “It’s not.” I gazed out at the unparalleled view of Salt Lake City, wishing Simone and I were farther away. Snow fell over the city, painting everything in a somber white.

  “Ru thinks you’re being possessive and creepy. None of that made sense to me. In fact, I told Ru that you’re a player. That you would never fall for one chick. I even said that I watched you fuck five broads in one night and was still not satisfied.”

  “Gee thanks, Midnight.” I shook my head. “I’m sure he’ll report that to Simone the next time he sees her. That’s the last thing he needs to hear.”

  The line went quiet.


  “Yo, Mee Mee give me a minute. I need some privacy,” Midnight said to his favorite manicurist. I heard movement over the line and then Midnight cleared his throat. “So...”


  “Are you...”

  I scrunched my face in annoyance. “What?”

  “Are you fucking her?” Midnight asked.

  “Since when have we talked about my sex life?”

  “Shit, it’s been a minute. I thought you’d given up pussy altogether. And I wasn’t even going to shed a tear because you’ve had more than any man should in one lifetime.”

  A smile broke across my face.

  “But, baby, you’re acting like you’re pussy-whipped. That’s making my bank account nervous. I hate when that motherfucker gets nervous. Change needs to come, when that happens. And I don’t mean pocket change.”

  “We’re enjoying each other.”

  “Ru said you kidnapped the poor girl and took her to some undisclosed place, cut off her communication, and have probably forbid her from talking to him.”

  “Ru is overexaggerating. I took her on a trip. We’re in Salt Lake City, for god sakes. He’s back at my house. She has her phone.”

  “So, you took the pretty new singer on a...trip...and left her manager at your house by himself?”


  “Because?” Midnight asked.

  “It was a better option than strangling him.”

  “Goddamn it, Gio. Am I going to have to come to white ass Utah to check on this? You don’t sound like yourself.”

  “I’m fine. She’s fine. I didn’t kidnap her.”

  “Why hasn’t she answered her phone? Ru said he’s been calling all day.”

  I smiled. “I took her phone and turned it off. It’s in my car.”

  “Wow. And you sound happy as hell with yourself.”

  “I’m not displeased.”

  “Have you made any music at least?”

  I frowned. “What’s up with everybody asking me that question?”

  “Because motherfucker, that’s what you both are supposed to be doing. That’s the very reason why she flew out there.”

  I shrugged. “We’ll be in the studio soon.”


  “When Ru gets his ass out of my house.”

  “Goddamn it.”


  “How cold is it there?”

  “Twenty degrees. Why?”

  Midnight grumbled. “You, motherfucker, you.”


  “I’m coming.”

  Pain hit my temples. I raised my hand to my forehead and massaged. “No, you’re not.”

  “This shit sounds crazy. And even worse, Ru is threatening to cancel the contract. In some ways, you’re breaking it, being that you’re not starting the business and putting your dick in her. If she wants to yell sexual harassment, she could.”

  “She won’t. It’s not like that. Ru is the predator, not me.”

  “Ru’s a lot of things, but I don’t see him as a predator.”

  “He’s in love with her. He has no control over his emotions, when it comes to her.”

  “Yeah, well you don’t sound that in control either. In fact, I want to meet this amazing singer that’s got you boys open.”

  I shook my head. “Please, don’t bring your fat ass up here. Last time you visited me in Paris, my chef quit from being overworked.”

  He chuckled. “We
ll you better hire a sous chef and stock up your pantry. The king is on his way.”

  I groaned. “And will you be bringing guests?”

  “Of course. I don’t look this good all by myself. The team will be with me. Just a few people.”

  I sighed.

  “My stylist, masseuse, nail technician, chakra specialist, taster, and one of my new side chicks I’m breaking in.”

  “Oh joy. It sounds like a fucking party.”

  “Hey, I’m not excited to come to Utah either, but we all have to make sacrifices.”

  “Whatever. I’ll tell the staff. Come for a day or two. No more. You’ll see everything is fine and that Ru is acting irrational. And then you can deal with him, before I do.”

  “You both are sounding irrational.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” I considered something else. “It’s actually good that you’re coming. Simone will need a manager eventually.”

  “Damn man, you just dove over the ledge with this one. She must have that Queen Elizabeth pussy.”

  For some reason, Midnight had this odd fascination with England’s royal family. One could find him on a regular Sunday afternoon, not looking at football, but snacking on chips as he updated himself on royal gossip.

  “Eh, Mee Mee!” Midnight yelled on the phone. “Get the gold nail polish. We’re going on a trip.”

  Already, I could picture Midnight and his entourage crowding my house. All I’d wanted was Simone to come to my home and make music with me. And now Ru had arrived, and Midnight would be following with his gang.

  Fuck. Who else will be there?

  “Keep your traveling under the radar please,” I said. “I don’t want any paparazzi out here. And no more than two days, Midnight.”

  “Baby, Utah would be lucky to have a brother stay there for one day. I’m going to try to bring the sun to that motherfucker, if I can.”

  We hung up and I returned to Simone, wishing that the world would leave us alone and let us enjoy ourselves.

  I stuck my phone in my pocket. “Sorry. That was Midnight.”

  “The legend himself.”

  I snorted.

  “He is a legend,” she said.

  “He’s the legend of something. Anyway, he’s coming for a visit.”

  Her face brightened like I told her Prince had been resurrected and would be performing Purple Rain in our suite’s living room. “I’m going to meet Midnight?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes.”

  “So cool.”

  “Yeah. I’m so excited.”

  She quirked her eyebrows. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m becoming obsessed with you. I just want you by yourself. No one else around. Not my manager or yours. No one.”

  “I actually love that idea too.”

  “Good, so then you’ll join me with plan B?”

  “What’s plan B?”

  “I figured we could hide in one of the countries in Africa for a few years. Live the simple life in a hut. Have five or ten babies. Hunt lions and shit.”

  She laughed.

  I let out an exasperated breath. “I have some fun things planned today. We should get to it, since are schedule is tighter now.”

  She pouted. “Okay.”

  “Take a shower, princess. I have some surprises.”

  Her face brightened as she rose. “I love how you spoil the shit out of me.”

  Good, because that’s all I want to do for the rest of my life.

  Perhaps Shakespeare’s quote went even deeper. Maybe when it came to love, one had to be a lunatic, lover, and poet. Crazy, compassionate, and an artist with words. Because all I could think of was doing irrational things. Suddenly, my future didn’t seem so fogged and unsure. I saw her in my coming days. I knew it deep down in my heart, and it was crazy to think that way. I’d just met her.

  Insta-love was something people mocked and found corny when looking at it in movies. Until the moment love hit them so hard, all they could do was stumble around in the madness of emotions, daydreaming about the other, anticipating the next time they saw their lover, and filling their imagination with the future of love.

  Ru can call Midnight, the police, and anyone else. If he thinks that he can stop us...if he thinks he can stop me, he’ll end up losing it all—Simone, his career, shit...maybe even his life.

  Chapter 19


  It's the melody within the heart

  that helps us to endure.

  ~John McLeod

  When I left the shower, he’d disappeared from the bedroom.

  “Gio?” I called out as I tied my robe.


  Where is he?

  Entering the bedroom, I scanned the space and opened my mouth in shock. Sometime during my shower, the staff had come in, cleared away all the dishes, and cleaned up the whole suite. Bright pink roses filled several crystal vases on every surface. I was impressed with their sheer speed and ability to keep quiet. My shower had barely been ten minutes.

  When did he have them do all of this?

  My clothes and the shoes I’d worn the night before were gone too. All I could do was wear my robe.

  This was high-end living for sure. Luxury even decorated the suite’s robe that I had on. It was snow white, soft and silky, exceptionally woven, sumptuously plush and smooth on my skin. It even had black fur trim along the collar and wrists. To top it all off, my name had been monogrammed on the front.

  I pulled the robe closer and walked to the bed, noticing my other surprise for the first time. “Hmmm. What’s going on?”

  A large scroll sat in the center of the bed. I picked it up, rolled it open, and read it out loud. “Go to the piano.”

  This place has a piano?

  Last night, I hadn’t really explored the space. I’d been too busy craving the feel of Gio’s lips and cock.

  I guess I’ll have to find the piano.

  I set the scroll back on the bed and wondered where he’d gone and what surprise he had up his sleeve.

  Gio. Gio.

  I walked down the hallway, drinking in this massive place. There were hotel suites and then there were Holy-shit-luxury suites. This fell in the latter.

  The living room had a large balcony on the outside. There, snow fell on the table and lounge chairs. On the inside, bright yellows, fuchsias, and gold splashed the space in regal and timeless opulence. It was an exotic fairy tale—gilded trimmings, lush curtains, and decorative silk pillows. Fine art hung on the walls. All the windows ran from the floor to the ceiling. In the center, a decadent chandelier dangled over a grand piano.

  Damn. That’s a beautiful piano.

  A tiny box sat on top of the piano covered in cherry red paper and with two tulips stuck to the top. I picked it up and took my time unraveling it. A copper key sat inside with another tiny note.

  “Take the key and follow the rose petals to the next surprise.”

  How the hell did he do all of this in so little time?

  Someone had scattered pink rose petals in a trail leading past the kitchen and down a long hallway.

  Damn. This place is big.

  I gripped the key and twisted it between my fingers. Excitement coursed through my veins. No one had ever surprised me on this level. I knew Gio was sweet, but I had no idea that he was just beginning. There seemed to be no end to how sweet and romantic he could be.

  Gio. Gio.

  Following the petals down the hallway, I looked to my right and a sign on the door explained that it led to the steam room and saunas. On the left, there was a wooden door. I opened it and ducked my head in. Shelves of books decorated every wall. In the center, chocolate brown leather chairs sat by end tables and green-gold reading lamps.

  Alrighty. That’s a freaking library. How big is this place?

  Still exploring, I discovered another hall on the side of a kitchen that was bigger than mine.

  Are you fucking with me? This suite is bigger than my parent’s house. We must be on the
entire second level.

  The rose petals guided me to a black door at the end of the hall. When I walked down, I couldn’t believe what I saw. It was a tiny little cinema room with three rows of seating, a popcorn machine that one would see in an old carnival, and a large screen in front of the seats. I backed out of there, freaked out for some reason. All of this was bigger than what I was used to. Anticipation beat in my heart.

  Wow. I’m so out of my element. Breathe. Just breathe.

  After chastising myself, I walked back inside the cinema. A large present sat in the front row. Sky blue paper covered the big box. A white satin ribbon tied around the bulky thing and lay on top in a bow. The paper alone was expensive and decorated in glittering designs. Part of me wanted to take my time peeling it back, fold it up, and save it for later. The other part yearned to tear it all away.

  I ended up taking my time, opening it. I just wanted to keep memories of this day, this time with Gio. He’d already changed my life and made me feel so special. What more could this wonderful man give me?

  I pulled off the ribbon and opened the lid. A pale blue card lay on top of polka dot tissue paper. I pulled out the card, and his message was embossed in gold.

  “Since this is your first time in Salt Lake City, I wanted to show you why I love it. Please, wear what’s in the box. When you’re dressed, take the key and put it in the elevator door near the screen. Meet me on the roof at one.” I looked up and realized that there was, in fact, a small elevator door. Instead of buttons, there was a place to put a key in.

  Where does it go?

  I checked my watch. I had an hour to get ready and meet him.

  My heart hammered in my chest. With shaking fingers, I removed the tissue paper and let out a long breath as I drank in the beautiful gown inside. I had no idea where we were going, but it was upscale.

  My bestie, Yvonne was big on fashion. Due to her, I knew a couple designers’ styles just from looking at the clothes. And in this box, I could’ve sworn Oscar de la Renta had made this gown. If I was right, the gown cost more than my rent for two to three months.


  Black and gold, the gown was an extravagant design with decadent embroidery and lustrous, dark silk-satin with striking gold sequin floral embellishments. It was fit for royalty, sleeveless cut with a V-neckline with a crossover front. A fitted waist and a flared skirt with a high-low hemline trailed a dramatic train. A gold, silk-wrapped box of shoes matched perfectly with the dress, even having similar embroidering along the six-inch heels.


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