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Liars' Games (Project Chameleon Book 1)

Page 28

by Susan Finlay

  Steve chuckled. “I should have known you’d figure it out.” He sat down in a guest chair facing Frank. “You know, I’m usually not secretive, but, well, I’m not in the habit of dating employees either. I wasn’t sure what you’d say about it. And I do have a pretty good idea what the school board would say.”

  “Oh, yeah. I can hear them now,” Frank said, pausing, thinking about the board. “Screw them. Anyway, I guess congratulations are in order, pal.”

  “Thanks. Are you super busy right now? I could use some food.”

  “I’m busy, yes,” Frank said. “But I’m hungry, too. Let’s go out to JayJays Café. Celebration is in order.”

  They walked a block to the café and continued talking over lunch. Frank agreed that he would love to go to their wedding and he was sure Gloria and the kids would feel the same way. He would call Gloria right away to confirm.

  Frank was surprised, though, when Steve told him that Claire had a son. He hadn’t expected that at all, but he told Steve that he didn’t think it would be a problem for them to take care of him on the trip. He’d let him know for sure after he talked to Gloria. Steve and Frank both agreed they shouldn’t tell anyone else about the wedding plans.

  Late in the afternoon, while Steve was sitting at his desk working, Frank peeked into his office and said, “I wanted to give you a head’s up. I talked to Gloria and she’s thrilled. Says she wouldn’t miss it, so you can count us in.”

  “Thanks, Frank. This means a lot to both of us, all of you being there with us when we get married,” Steve said. “I’ll book the flights to Las Vegas right away. You’ll bring Amy and Kyle, too, right?”

  “That’s okay with you?”

  “Of course it is. They’re my godchildren after all.”

  CLAIRE COULDN’T BELIEVE they were getting married. She loved Steve and she was excited about marrying him, but it also felt more than a bit scary. Callum had proposed to her, too, and they’d been planning a big wedding until that fateful fall day in Boston.

  She tried to imagine what it would be like living with Steve. Her mind was so occupied with thoughts and daydreams about it that she couldn’t concentrate on her work. She found herself smiling all the time, and forgot about a few appointments. Staff were beginning to ask questions, wondering what was going on with her. Worrying that they would become too suspicious, she tried to push the thoughts out of her head at work and concentrate as best she could. It wasn’t easy.

  Frank stopped by Claire’s office Tuesday morning, shutting the door behind him, and smiled. “Congratulations, Claire,” he said. “I’m really happy for both of you.”

  “Thank you. I’m grateful for your approval. Your blessing matters to me. I know it means a great deal to Steve, too.”

  They chatted for a few minutes about the wedding plans, then Frank got up to leave. He smiled slyly at her and said, “We’ll be happy to watch Marcus while you two lovers consummate your marriage and take a mini honeymoon,” making Claire immediately blush. Frank’s smile turned more casual as he continued. “I thought you said you weren’t good at keeping secrets. Your son was almost as much of a surprise to me as you’re engagement. Seems to me you’re pretty good at it.”

  Later, when she told Marcus about the marriage and about their trip, he jumped up and down giggling in excitement. He asked lots of questions. Where would they live? What was Steve’s house like? Would he still go to the same preschool? Would he get to see Angie? He wanted to know if he would get to take all his books and toys, or if he would have to leave them behind the way he did when they left their last home.

  Claire assured him nothing would change except they would become a family with Steve and they would live in his house. He looked relieved and smiled broadly again. Claire gave him a giant hug and kiss and Marcus said he was the happiest he’d ever been.

  STEVE AND FRANK were in Steve’s office on Tuesday discussing the wedding and trip plans, when a voice broke in and said, “You’re getting married? When?”

  Both men turned and looked at Jim Halloran who was standing in the doorway. Steve’s jaw tightened. Now he’d done it. It had been his idea to keep this a secret and he’d blown it almost immediately by talking about his private life at work. He should have waited to talk to Frank. Damn. Unless he flat out lied to Jim, which he didn’t want to do, he would have to come clean. The only saving grace was that it was Jim, instead of one of the other board members. Jim Halloran was the only board member with whom Steve had developed a friendship. Hmm. Actually, if Jim doesn’t have a problem with it, this could work in our favor. Having a board member on our side could be a great help.

  “Come on in and close the door, Jim. Can I trust you with something confidential?”

  “Of course. We’ve got a pretty decent relationship, don’t we?”

  Steve took in a deep breath and said, “I think so, too, and that’s why I’m going to let you in on my secret. I’m eloping in Las Vegas over Thanksgiving break.”

  “Yeah, like a teenager,” Frank said, smiling.

  Steve laughed. “Yup. Frank and his family are going with us. We’ll come back the Sunday after Thanksgiving.”

  Jim smiled and said, “Congratulations! I’m happy for you. Who is the lucky woman,” he joked. “Do I know her?”

  “Yeah, you know her. It’s Claire Constantine.”

  Jim’s mouth twitched in secret amusement. “Thought so. You’re really going to frost John. You know that, don’t you?”

  Steve nodded.

  “Well, I’m happy for you both. And I don’t give a damn about John’s reaction.” Jim shook hands with Steve and then patted him on the back."

  “Thanks,” Steve said. “Hey, how did you know?”

  “Well, I wasn’t sure, but I saw your reactions when we all watched those videos, you know which ones I mean.”

  Steve nodded again.

  Jim coughed and then continued, “Is anyone else from work invited to the wedding, besides Frank?”

  “To be honest, everything has happened so quickly and we are trying to keep it secretive to avoid John finding out, knowing how he’ll react.” Jim nodded assent. “And well, most people already have plans for the holiday. If you don’t have plans and want to go with us to Vegas, we’d love to have you there.”

  Frank looked surprised at first, then Steve detected a slight smile twitch at the corner of Frank’s mouth. Jim’s face beamed and he said he’d love to go.

  Steve grinned. “That’s great, Jim. I’m sure Claire will be happy, too. I’ll call up the airline and see if I can get you a ticket on the same flight.”

  After Frank and Jim left the office, Steve sat at his desk and picked up the telephone. He hoped Claire wouldn’t be mad at him for inviting Jim.


  MOVING CLAIRE’S BELONGINGS turned out to be a rather large and tiring task. She was thankful to have help from Frank, his wife Gloria, and their kids, Kyle and Amy. Steve’s basement was mostly empty, so they put excess furniture they didn’t need down there. When the move was finally finished, they all collapsed in the living room for coffee and sodas. Having rested a while and finishing their drinks, Frank announced that they needed to get home and give the soon-to-be couple some alone time. Claire and Steve thanked the Lawrence’s profusely, and then the family of four departed, leaving the new family to their thoughts. Claire walked around surveying the living room and Marcus’s bedroom and concluded, “It looks amazing. I already feel as though we belong. Thank you, Steve.”

  He smiled and pulled her into his arms.

  “I love our new home, Mommy,” Marcus said. “We have a big screen TV and fish and a big backyard and a basement.”

  “We have a lot of kids in the neighborhood, too,” Steve said. “In spring, after the snow ends, I’ll put up a swing set in the backyard so you and your new friends can play.”

  Marcus jumped up and down, then ran over to Steve and hugged his legs. “Can we get a dog? Or a cat?”

��Whoa. Slow down there partner. We can talk about that later,” Steve said, smiling.

  CLAIRE SAT IN the seat next to the window on the Boeing airplane and fastened Marcus’s seatbelt while Steve stowed their bags in the luggage compartment above their seats. Claire was experiencing what she knew were typical pre-wedding jitters in spades. The fact that flying also made her very nervous was not helping. Was she doing the right thing? She and Steve barely knew each other. She’d known Callum much longer and look what had happened. Obviously, she wasn’t the best judge of character. But hadn’t she learned more about people since then? Thoughts just kept spinning around in her head, making her anxiety level soar.

  She watched Steve and couldn’t help but smile. When he finished dealing with their carry-on luggage and sat down next to Marcus, a commotion coming from the row behind them made them turn and look over their shoulders.

  Frank was grumbling and huffing. He’d apparently put his and Gloria’s bags in their overhead compartment, next to Jim’s bag, and slammed the door only to have it bounce back open. This went on for three more rounds. “There’s too much damn crap in one of these bags,” Frank said, “and it’s not mine. Did you have to bring the whole damn house? Either someone is going to have to learn to pack less, or the airline is going to have to make the storage compartments bigger.”

  Steve and Claire laughed, and Gloria rolled her eyes.

  “I vote for making the compartments bigger,” Steve said.

  “Wise ass,” Frank said.

  After he closed it, Frank sat down next to Gloria, and then Jim squirmed and stood up. “Hey, Frank, switch seats with me, will ya? I should sit near the aisle. Got a bad bladder. Getting old really sucks.”

  Frank grimaced, stood up again, and grumbled while he, Gloria, and Jim moved out into the aisle to make the switch. They were about to sit back down when Gloria said, “As long as we’re all standing, I want the window seat, if you don’t mind.”

  “Oh, for Christ sake, will you people make up your minds,” Frank said.

  Steve and Claire chuckled, then Steve stood up and leaned over the seat, and said, “All right now, settle down kids. Do you need me to referee?”

  “Oh, very funny,” Frank said. “I don’t know why everyone calls me the wise guy. You’re being a bigger wise-ass.” He sounded mad, but gave a teasing smile after he said it.

  “Ha, ha, ha,” Steve said, laughing.

  After Steve sat back down, he and Claire fastened their own seatbelts and prepared for their flight. Then, in the row in front of Steve, Claire, and Marcus, Amy and Kyle fought over which one of them would get the window seat. Marcus giggled, and shouted, “Maybe your dad should sit in-between you two.”

  “Hey,” Kyle said, as he stood up, and turned around to look down at Marcus. “Maybe you should sit up here with us. The grownups are having a bad influence on you.”

  Marcus giggled harder and Claire shook her head and smiled.

  When the plane pulled away from the gate and headed toward the runway, Claire tried to divert her nerves about takeoff by looking out of the window, noting that a light snow had already begun falling, and smiled, knowing they would soon be out of winter and into warm, sunny Nevada. She and Marcus were excited about their first trip to Las Vegas. She considered it a bonus that they’d be escaping the big snowstorm that was predicted for later in the day in Denver.

  As the airplane taxied toward the runway, everyone quieted. Every bump in the runway and every noise the plane made set Claire’s nerves on edge. She dug holes in the armrests with her fingernails gripping them tightly, as if that effort would control the plane and lessen her anxiety.

  Marcus said “What’s the matter, Mommy, isn’t this exciting?”

  “Yes, dear, it is,” she said as she smiled and mussed Marcus’s hair. Steve, noting her discomfort, took hold of her hand to try to help calm and comfort her.

  After a flawless takeoff, Claire settled down a bit. The plane reached cruising altitude and the flight attendants pushed their food carts down the long aisle to serve drinks, distracting Claire and lessening further her fear level. In truth, it was the coffee that helped. Claire loved the smell of the freshly brewed coffee that filled the confined space of the airplane’s interior.

  Soon, the flight attendants picked up the cups, cans, and napkins and the pilot announced their impending approach to Las Vegas International Airport. Claire was amazed at how short the flight was, and she watched eagerly while the airplane descended toward the spectacular city.

  Upon exiting the airport, Claire was assaulted by the sudden dry heat of the city. She knew it would be warm, but the intensity and dryness of the air was something she hadn’t expected. When they all arrived at their hotel, using the hotel’s shuttle bus, it was only ten o’clock in the morning and too early to check-in so they left their bags at the front desk to go exploring.

  They were intrigued by the enormous hotels/casinos, and everyone had their own ideas of where they wanted to go. After several minutes of arguing, they agreed on a direction and set out to explore the strip. They wandered in and out of casinos, and Claire’s senses were overwhelmed by the ever present clanking and jingling of slot machines, bells and whistles when someone hit a jackpot, changes in lighting when they went from bright sunlight into dark casinos filled with colorful flashing lights, and the smell of exhaust from the massive amount of torturously slow automobiles traveling up and down the strip.

  The hardest thing to get used to, though, was the crowd. Throngs of people everywhere, filling the sidewalks, casinos, and the shops. Claire and the others were bumped into more times than Claire could count—and it wasn’t even noon yet.

  “Can we at least go to a show?” Amy asked, as they walked through the Treasure Island Casino. “I can’t go back to school and tell my friends I went to Las Vegas and didn’t do anything.”

  “We’ll see,” Frank said. “I don’t even know what kind of shows are playing here. We’ll have to check it out.”

  “Can I go too?” Marcus asked.

  “I certainly hope so,” Steve said, laughing. “You can’t stay in the hotel alone.”

  Marcus laughed, and Claire looked at Steve and smiled.

  “I’m hungry,” Kyle said. “Can’t we stop and eat?”

  “Kyle, you’re always hungry. You were born hungry,” Frank said, as he clapped Kyle lightly on the back of the head. “Good thing you have a good metabolism or you’d weigh a ton.”

  It took almost an hour for the small group to agree and find the right place to eat, but when they finished eating, they all agreed they’d made a good choice. After lunch, Steve and Frank checked out the list of shows that were playing in the theatres on the Las Vegas strip. They found a family show they decided to see on Friday afternoon. On Saturday night, the adults would see Celine Dion while Amy and Kyle babysat Marcus.

  When they left the casino, Steve looked at his watch, and said, “I guess we should get back to the hotel and check in. We’ll want a little time to get cleaned up and change clothes before the wedding.”

  “Yeah, this place is a lot hotter than I remembered,” Frank said. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I need a shower.”

  “Boy, I can agree with that,” Jim said.

  “Hey,” Frank said.

  Everyone laughed, and Jim said, “That didn’t come out the way I meant it. I meant that I need one, too.”

  “Sure you did,” Steve said.

  Jim laughed, and said, “You two never quit, do you?”

  At the hotel, it took a while to get everyone checked in but once accomplished, they agreed to meet in the lobby in two hours.

  Claire hadn’t been sure if she should wear a wedding gown since it was going to a simple ceremony, so she had selected and was now adorned in a lacy white tea-length dress with short bell-shaped lace sleeves with a low-cut neckline. She accessorized the gown with a simple pearl necklace and matching earrings. She finally finished styling her hair and placed a few blu
e flowers in it.

  Someone knocked on her door. Claire’s heart started racing. It must be time. Momentary jitters struck, unwanted, again. Was she doing the right thing marrying a man she barely knew, and dragging him into her nightmare? She loved him and wanted to marry him, and it felt right. But what if she was wrong? She didn’t always make the right decision. Well, too late to turn back now. She took a deep breath, blew it out, and shook her hands, hoping to relieve some of her nervousness.

  When Steve saw her, his face beamed approval and her nervousness suddenly vanished. He looked so happy and relaxed. She’d never seen him in a three-piece suit before. How distinguished he looked. His dark brown suit looked perfectly fitted. The blue dress shirt brought out the blue of his eyes and was appointed with a tie in the same blue and accented with darker blue stripes. His beard was neatly trimmed, and his eyes simply sparkled.

  When everyone was ready, the entourage proceeded to the reserved wedding chapel. It was a charming little chapel, perhaps not the most romantic place for a wedding, but she was satisfied with it.

  During the ceremony, Claire felt as if she were drifting along on a cloud, everything seeming so unreal, watching and listening to it all it a dream-like state. When the minister asked her if she accepted Steven Alexander Jensen as her lawfully wedded husband, she didn’t respond and had to be prodded. Stunned back into reality, she enthusiastically said, “Yes”. Steve slipped a beautiful diamond ring on her finger and kissed her, as everyone cheered them on.

  After the ceremony, they exited and strolled to a fancy restaurant set in Roman décor, complete with Roman centurion waiters, for a celebration dinner. During the meal, Frank, Gloria and Jim toasted to the new bride and groom, clanking their pewter wine mugs, and the kids laughed and joined in with their ginger ale filled counterparts. Claire was ecstatic. She looked around the table, feeling a sudden wave of emotion as she realized she was surrounded by wonderful friends—and family. She knew, better than anyone, how lucky she was to have them all in her life. Her only minor regret was that Ron and some of the other faculty members couldn’t be here.


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