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A Little Harmless Sex

Page 3

by Melissa Schroeder

  Max pulled Anna even closer, one hand still resting on her rounded ass. Using his other hand, he pushed back some of her hair. Even though Anna kept her eyes closed, a smile curved her lips. In satisfaction? He was sure of it. He kissed her temple. Hot and moist from their lovemaking, her skin smelled of passion, of Anna.

  Max closed his eyes as the memories flashed in front of them. Nothing had felt as good as sinking into Anna’s hot pussy. When she had tightened around him…

  His dick hardened. He pushed deeper into her. Anna hummed, arching her back. He slid back out and pushed in again, and both of them almost toppled onto the floor.

  Anna laughed, and the sound of it skittered across his skin and sank into his heart. “I think we need to head into my bedroom.” Her husky voice slid along his senses.

  “I agree.” Max nipped at her earlobe. “Although, I’ll never be able to sit on this couch again without thinking about sliding into you and hearing you moan my name.”

  Anna shivered and his body immediately responded, growing harder, pushing deeper. Reluctantly, Max pulled back from her, but couldn’t resist kissing the tip of her upturned nose. Drawing in a deep breath, he pulled off the condom and threw it in a nearby waste bucket. He sat up, then maneuvered over her. Max scooped up the rest of his condoms, then turned back to face her again. Grabbing her hand, he yanked her to her feet and lifted her in his arms.


  “What?” He liked the way she felt as he carried her. She was warm and soft. Just like she felt when he slid into her.

  “I’m too heavy for you to carry.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “I think I’ve proven you wrong there, Anna. Besides, doesn’t every woman want to be carried up the stairs like Scarlett? Hell, we live in Georgia. It’s a rule.”

  Anna chuckled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her fingers played with his hair. The touch had his dick twitching. After undoing a few shirt buttons, she ducked her head and, a moment later, her tongue slid across his nipple. Max took the stairs two at a time and headed to her bedroom. He paused at the doorway.

  Since she’d bought the house three years ago, Max had only been in her bedroom once, before she moved in. Before she bought her bed.

  It was a massive, king-sized brass bed. He’d actually gone with her when she bought it. She’d jumped on the bed, smiling up at him, her dark curls bouncing as she tested the mattress. All Max had thought at the time was how much he had wanted to screw her. He knew never to enter that room, because if he had, he wouldn’t have let her out of the bed until she could barely walk.

  That barrier was gone now. Thanks to two broken relationships and a lot of tequila, Max could throw her on that bed and join her. Determinedly, he stepped across the threshold, and did just that.

  Surprise and pleasure fill her gasp. Anna landed in the center of the purple comforter. Her legs were spread and Max could see her bare pussy. Her pink, pouty lips still glistened. Another surge of lust pounded through his veins. His balls tightened as Anna rested back on her elbows, raising her legs and parting them further for a better view.


  Max stepped forward and almost tripped over his own feet. She laughed. Anna had a husky laugh that sank into his bones every time he heard it. Max shuddered. Primitive urgings raced through him, heating his blood to boiling. He wanted -- no needed -- to make her his. He pulled off his clothes, throwing them on the floor behind him. She still wore her skirt so he grabbed the waistband, and yanked it off her. He joined her on the bed, serious in his expression, in his actions.

  Max settled atop her, the warmth of her sex heating his cock. He closed his eyes and slid his shaft along her slick folds.

  Anna hummed. The sound vibrated through her to him, all the way to his toes. He lifted his upper body, resting his weight on his elbows.

  Her eyes were closed, but a smile curved her lips. The sight of that simple little smile shot right into his chest. Her rebellious curls flowed around her, contrasting with the pale pink pillowcase. The scent of aroused woman surrounded him.

  “You feel good, Max. Very, very good.”

  She moved her hips in rhythm with him, humming all the while. Warmth curled in his stomach and crept up into his chest and coiled right into his heart. Before Max could come to terms with what that meant, with what would come to pass from their actions, Anna slipped her legs around his waist.

  “Maxwell, hon.” A mixture of sexual longing and frustration colored her voice. Irritated amusement filled him. The woman was trying to control everything. Again.

  Before she could assume command of the pace of their lovemaking, he broke free of her legs. Kneeling on the bed, Max looked down at her. The little frown marring her face almost made him laugh. His Anna was a demanding wench. Anna was used to getting her way. She liked controlling those little boys she dated.

  “Max, what the -- ”

  Before she had a chance to complain, Max grabbed hold of her hips and flipped her over to her stomach. She let out a screech, muffled by the pillows.

  Anna tried to lift herself up, but he rested his hand in the center of her back. He grabbed pillows with his other hand.

  “Get up on your knees.” His voice rough with need. She hesitated, for just a second, and it irritated him. But she soon obliged him, lifting herself to her knees. He shoved the pillow beneath her pelvis. Max settled on top of her, sliding his penis between the cheeks of her ass. Her hair tickled his chest.

  “Now,” he whispered in her ear, “for once you are going to let someone else handle things.”

  Anna shivered. Not from cold, he was sure, but from desire. His balls tightened in reaction.

  He lifted himself away from her. She brought her hands to the mattress to lift herself, but Max smacked her ass. His hand stung from the slap. Before he could apologize, she chuckled.

  She turned her head, pushed her heavy hair aside, and looked back at him.

  “Maxwell, I had no idea you were naughty.”

  Her voice was soft and husky and perfect for the bedroom.

  “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me.”

  Like how badly he craved this. Being here, being the one to make her scream.

  Max skimmed the backs of his fingers down her spine and stopped at the small of her back. Earlier, he hadn’t had a chance to see her completely naked, but now that he did, the rose-and-vine tattoo above her rounded ass held him mesmerized.

  He traced the intricate design with the tips of his fingers. She shivered.

  “When did you get this?”

  “Last fall. You know, when I went with my cousins to Hawaii. We all said we’d get them. I was the only one who did.”

  Of course Anna did. She always rose to the occasion. She did anything guaranteed to raise a few eyebrows in their little town. It might be the twenty-first century, but Park City, Georgia, tended to be just a bit more conservative than the rest of the country. Anna’s independent streak had always set her apart from most of the women in town.

  Her independent attitude made her the complete opposite of most of the women he dated. Most of them, including Cynthia, were clingy and a bit bland. He’d never realize until this moment how much that irritated him. Of course, none of them got under his skin like Anna. Knowing his self-control were being tested, he grabbed a condom and rolled it on before it went too far. Then he slid his fingers across her rounded ass cheeks. She wiggled.

  “Hmmm, that feels good, Maxwell,” she purred.

  His erection throbbed. He had to taste her or he would go insane. “Really? Well, if you think that feels good…”

  Max grabbed Anna by the hips and flipped her over. She landed with a bounce and a squeak. He covered her body with his and sighed as he reveled in all her soft curves pressed against him. He pressed the head of his dick against her clit. Her warm juices poured over it.

  Before she could do anything more than moan, Max kissed a path to her breasts. As he swirled his tongue around one nipple, h
e teased and pinched the other.

  He moved from one turgid peak to the next, giving it the same treatment. He raised his head. Her protest ended with a moan as he blew softly against her glistening nipple.

  Max continued his journey down her body, licking, kissing, nipping. When he reached her belly button, he stopped. There, glinting in the center, was a belly ring shaped like a zipper.

  A surge of heat swept through him and he shuddered. Max had always had a secret thing for belly rings. There was something so sensual, so naughty, about them, it sent his blood straight to his cock.

  Anna moved restlessly against him and rose, settling back on her elbows. She opened her mouth to protest, but Max slid down between her legs and nipped at the soft skin of her inner thigh. She didn’t say anything, just watched him as he kissed his way to his final destination.

  He closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. Her musky scent filled his senses, and heat seared a path to his balls. God, there was something so sweet about her. Something that always crawled into his heart when he looked at her. Touching her, feeling her, making her come…it went beyond any feeling of joy Max had ever known.

  He looked up and caught her gaze. Without breaking eye contact, Max leaned forward and licked her outer lips. Juice flowed from her sex. Sweet as honey and hot as sin, the taste of her sent his heart beating out of control.

  Next, he slipped his tongue inside, and the taste of her exploded in his mouth. Anna closed her eyes, moaning his name. He was certain he’d never get her taste or the sounds she made out of his mind.

  Again and again, he thrust his tongue inside, licking, slurping her cream. Max moved up and took her swollen clit into his mouth as he slid two fingers into her slick channel.

  Juice wet his fingers as her inner muscles clamped tight around them. He continued to tease her clit while he added another finger. Her moans grew louder, her muscles tightened against his fingers. Planting her feet on the bed, she pushed against his mouth. Max knew she was close, straining to reach the top. Humming, he continued to suck on her clit. Anna exploded, her convulsions shaking her body and he lifted his head. Her hair was a mass of curls around her head, her mouth opened in a silent moan. Max had never seen anything so beautiful in his life.

  He moved up her body, licking each nipple on his way. Capturing her mouth in a searing kiss, he shoved his cock in her to the hilt with one thrust. Her muscles still quivered with her orgasm, pulling him deeper, testing his control. Lifting his upper body, he rested his weight on his hands.

  So completely lost in her, the taste of her still in his mouth, he thrust one, twice, and on the third thrust, Anna moaned out his name and came again. Max followed her after one more thrust. She shivered as her inner muscles convulsed around his dick.

  He collapsed a moment later, then rolled to his side, pulling her against him.

  Anna purred. There was no other way to describe the sound. “Well, you’re right about that, Max. I feel even better now.”

  He chuckled and squeezed her closer. His eyelids grew heavy as he relaxed.

  But somewhere in the back of his mind, something nagged. Anna was a woman used to variety, keeping her relationships light. Max didn’t relish being another idiot she dumped. Panic rose in his chest, almost clogging his throat. With sheer force of will, he batted it away. Why had it become so important to keep her in his life? Anna had always been there, a temptation just out of his reach. But now that he’d had her, Max knew deep down in his soul he could never give her up. Seeing her every day, knowing she was out of reach would not do. Max had claimed her and she was now his. Somehow, he’d convince her that they were meant to be together.

  His mind drifted to possible ways to plead his case, and all of them involving Anna naked. His lips curved as he drifted to sleep with that thought, knowing that in the morning, she would understand this was more than a one-month fling.

  Chapter Five

  Anna pulled her comforter closer and snuggled deeper in her bed. Normally, she was an early riser. She loved to hop out of bed and greet each day. But today, her dreams were delicious. All of them revolved around Max, naked. She shifted her butt around and came in contact with a wall of hard, muscled skin.

  Anna froze. The memories of the previous night washed over her, heating her blood. Holy shit. Max was in her bed. She’d been sober enough to remember falling asleep with her head on his chest, the steady beat of his heart lulling her to sleep. But the reality of Max snuggled against her back sent panic racing through her. Jesus, what had she done?

  Okay, Anna knew what she’d done. She’d slept with the one man she shouldn’t have slept with. Max was okay to lust after secretly, in her dreams, but she couldn’t handle him in her bed. He was reserved for her fantasies because having him in her life was more important than a fling. And if she let him into her bed again, it could ruin their friendship. Anna just hoped it hadn’t been damaged by her actions last night.

  She closed her eyes again and swallowed. Every caress, every lick, every little sigh replayed in her mind. Anna had never been a prude about sex, but last night, Max tilted the axis of her preconceived notions about men. In her mind, men like Max were probably good in bed, especially with the equipment they sported. But given the women he’d dated in the past, including Cynthia, she had been positive Max would be bland in his sexual tastes. She shivered. Max was anything but.

  He’d been into control. She could tell it was a preference for him. And she had expected it, but not to the extremes he’d exercised over her. The way he performed in bed, and out, made her think he might enjoy a little bondage. And Anna didn’t like controlling men. Really, she didn’t.

  Yeah, her bitchy inner voice said. Then why are your nipples getting hard just thinking about it?

  She shifted again. His arm snaked around her waist, anchoring her to him. His hardened shaft prodded the cleft between her ass cheeks.

  “If you don’t quit moving around, Anna, you’ll make us both late.” His rough morning voice curled around her, into her heart.

  “Hmmm.” It was all she could say. Anna couldn’t think of anything else, because she was thinking it would be nice to be late for once. To spend all morning snuggled against Max’s big, warm body.

  “But then again, I don’t have any meetings until after ten, so that should give us a few hours.” His voice had deepened, and his shaft grew harder against her bottom. All her thoughts dissolved as his hand slid across her stomach, and then between her legs. He parted her lips and two fingers dipped inside her.

  Already wet, another gush of liquid filled her sex. As Max continued to thrust his fingers in and out, he rubbed his erection against her. Anna really shouldn’t allow him to distract her. Anna knew they were destined for disaster if they continued, but as his lips nibbled her earlobe, she forgot her arguments.


  “Hmmm.” His lips vibrated against her lobe and she shivered. He moved from her ear, back to her neck, nipping at her skin, then licking. “We’ve got time.”

  “But I have to get to the shop.”

  “Why? You don’t usually open on Friday mornings, do you? Usually Freddy and John open, don’t they?”

  “Yes, but…”

  She lost her ability to talk as his fingers slid out of her sex and he moved down her back, placing kisses down the line of her spine. Her blood thickened and her pulse doubled. The man had a lethal tongue.

  “But what, Anna?” he said against her skin.

  Oh God.

  As Max continued down her back, his hands slid to her hips, and he rolled her over.

  Anna looked up at him, his hair disheveled, his jaw dark with a day’s worth of whiskers, the sexy smile curving his lips, and her heart slid to her stomach. Lord have mercy, she wanted this. Anna wanted Max in her bed, in her life, in her heart forever.

  This was not good.

  No way was this anything she should be feeling. Men, even Max, didn’t think of forever when they thought of Anna. Hot, stea
my sex, no commitments; that was Anna Dewinter.

  His smile faded. His lips turned down in a frown. He leaned closer, placing a hand on each side of her head. “Anna, is something wrong?”

  His voice washed over her like a physical caress. The panic clawing at her stomach eased. Max rested his weight on one elbow and ran the backs of his fingers along her jaw. The tenderness in the action and darkening of his eyes shifted through her, sending a rush of warmth flooding her senses.

  The sunlight, filtered through the blinds, cast a golden hue on his skin. Her breath tangled in her throat. Max was more than a man in good shape. He was a finely sculpted David. Of all the men she’d seen naked, she’d never witnessed such blatant male beauty.

  Max would never be considered a pretty boy. He was much too hard for that, too serious. His crooked nose, the one she broke when she was six and he, ten, the strong dominant jaw, the thoughtful frown he usually wore, made him too powerful to be in that category. She’d always thought of him as a warrior.


  Anna swallowed. It would never last. She knew it. Max needed a woman like Cynthia, pleasant and quiet, with no strange piercings or tattoos. They lived in small-town Georgia. Conservative businessmen, even in the twenty-first century, didn’t have wives like her. Outspoken and liberal to the core, Anna would never fit in at the functions he had to attend. She never had with her parents, and Anna knew she wouldn’t with Max. But she could push aside her reservations. Being with Max, living in the moment, would be enough, would have to be enough. Because if she wished for more, she’d end up with a broken heart.

  She needed some distance. “That’s a sweet idea, Max, but I need to get there early today. I’ll hop in the shower. Coffee should be ready if you want to grab a cup before you go.”

  Anna slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom, battling the urge to jump back under the covers with Max. To feel the warmth of his body next to hers, to give in to the need coursing through her body. No. She needed some space. With that last thought, Anna closed the door behind her.


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