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Torment (B.A.D. Inc Book 1)

Page 10

by Angel Devlin

  “But the mattress squeaks.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. If the landlady puts substandard mattresses in her establishment then she’ll have to suffer the complaints from the rest of her guests when they hear me ride you six ways from Sunday. Now, I’ll only ask one more time. Come to the end of the bed.”

  I stand up and walk to the end of the bed on unsteady legs, standing in the centre.

  “Now strip.”

  One by one I remove my items of clothing until now we are stood before the other completely naked.

  “Your nipples are hard and pebbled and I haven’t even touched you yet. Are you soaked for me, Mia? Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes,” I gasp.

  “Nothing else, right now. I don’t care if it hurts. I’m going to push you down on that mattress, climb over you and thrust my dick inside you hard. If you don’t scream my name as I fuck you, I will stop. Are we clear?”


  He picks me up and throws me on the bed and then he does exactly what he promised. He goes to his trouser pocket, takes out a condom and sheathes himself, then lines his cock up at my entrance, teasing me by running the tip through my wetness. And then he thrusts and in one swift move he fills me to the hilt.

  “Fuck, Deacon.” I cry, as his roughness gives me a hint of pain alongside the pleasure.

  He wraps my leg around his backside and pulls out, thrusting back in again just as hard. The bed begins to creak and squeak, deafening alongside nothing other than our heavy breathing. But I don’t care. All I care about is chasing my orgasm as the devil himself rides me to hell. My mouth chases his, yet he turns away, refusing to kiss me. It maddens me and so I close my eyes and instead focus on the sensations of him pumping in and out of me. I allow my fingers to come between us and I flick my clitoris to help me come.

  “Oh no.” My hand is taken away and held down firmly beside my head. I look at him, my eyes challenging. He takes his other hand and places that between us. He pinches my clit and I explode. I shake around him as he continues to thrust and the bed continues its musical accompaniment. By the time I feel him tense and explode inside me, another earth-shattering explosion takes me over as I milk him for everything he has, my foot against his arse pulling him towards me.

  He pulls out and away from me, lying back against the mattress at my side. A fine sheen of sweat covers us both. He takes off the condom and discards it.

  “Are you on contraception?” he asks and I startle.

  “Y- yes. I didn’t stop it after Archie.”

  “Good, I’m clean, so next time I’m gonna ride you bare.” He laughs. “What am I going to do with you, Mia Hamilton?”

  Once again, I lie before him naked and now even more vulnerable than before.

  “Well I think you should show me all the fun of the fair, and then tomorrow morning, we could do a walk on the beach, minus the donkeys?”

  He smiles. “Even the big ride? The scary one?”

  I look at him with nothing but naked truth on my face and my lips. “I already rode the scariest one.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I might have had her writhing beneath me only hours ago, but as we walk around the Pleasure Beach hand in hand I’m already desperate for another taste.

  I wasn’t sure what I was expecting by bringing her here but that vulnerability sure wasn’t it. I almost felt bad for her… almost. A smile twitches my lips as I realise that this trip is even better than I hoped it would be. She’s beginning to trust me, to let me in exactly where I need to be.

  “We’ve done three laps of the place. You can’t put it off any longer,” I say, nodding towards the Big Dipper. Rollercoasters don’t really do a lot for me. I much prefer being the one in charge of any thrills I get; but seeing how scared she is of it makes me want to push her.

  She looks up at it as the carriage goes sailing past. People shout and scream with their arms up in the air.

  “I can just watch you from down here.”

  “No chance.” Holding her hand tighter, I pull her toward the ride entrance. I come to a stop at the back of the line, manoeuvre her in front of me and press my front to her back, wrapping my arms around her waist. “I’ll make it worth your while,” I whisper in her ear and delight when she shudders. “You remember how good I am with my tongue. I can keep that shit up for hours. Every other occupant in our B&B will know my name by morning.” She groans and my cock swells, pressing into her arse.

  Her hand slips between us and she grips me through my jeans. I can’t help the growl that rumbles up my throat.

  “Dirty little bitch,” I moan in her ear. “But even you getting on your knees right now isn’t getting you out of this ride.”

  I thrust my hips forward, delighting in the feel of her against my dick. Some kids run past shouting and screaming and I’m reminded of where I am and why I can’t bend her over and sink back into her tight little pussy right this second like I’m desperate to.

  She’s rocking from foot to foot by the time we get to the front of the queue. I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried, but as we stand behind the barrier, the carriage comes to a stop before us and the previous riders vacate.

  “You’re going to make me sit up front, aren’t you?”

  “You can bet your sweet arse I am.”

  When the attendant opens the barrier for us, Mia tries to bolt right to get away but I’m faster and in only seconds she’s sitting beside me with her harness keeping her in place.

  Feeling the side of my face burning, I turn to look at her. Her eyes are narrowed, the green glittering in fear. Small frown lines mar her forehead and her lips press into a thin line. “I. Really. Fucking. Hate. You.”

  A wide smile splits my face at her words. You’ve no fucking idea, sweetheart.

  “Doesn’t it feel good though?”

  She doesn’t get a chance to respond because we’re jolted forward. She screams, her knuckles turning white as she grips on to her harness for dear life.

  I can’t help but laugh as all the colour drains from her face.

  “You’re a sadomasochiiiiiiiiiiist, Deacoooooon,” she screams as the world drops out from beneath us. Her cries for help, God, and anyone else who could save her continue to ring out throughout the rest of the short ride.

  “Have you about finished?” I ask when she’s still going long after the ride’s stopped and people have actually started to get out.

  “I fucking hate you. Hate. You.”

  I help free her from the confines of the carriage and with her hand in mine we make our way to the exit, of course stopping at the booth to get a look at our mid-ride photo.

  “Oh my god,” she gasps when she gets her first look. I on the other hand, burst out laughing. She looks utterly terrified while I’m looking at her with a wide smile on my face.

  “We’ll have two copies of number three-two-six, please,” I say to the woman at the computer.

  “Two? I don’t want a copy of that. I never want to remember that experience.”

  “Aw, I’m sure you’ll look at it with fondness one day.” I highly doubt it, but I’ll leave her to figure that out herself in the near future.

  She mumbles something unintelligible as I pay and take the bag from the assistant.

  “I told you I’d make you scream my name by the end of the day, didn’t I?”

  She shakes her head and marches away from the rollercoaster. I trail behind her, laughing while I stare at her arse as it sways.

  “Buy me some candy floss,” she demands, coming to a stop next to a stand.

  “Oh so the princess knows what candy floss is?”

  “Of course I do, I’m not an idiot.”

  I lift a brow and she huffs out a breath.

  “You’ve got more money than me.”

  “And you insisted on this trip.”

  Relenting, I buy her a bag, but I don’t hand it over straight away.

  “What are you playing
at now?”

  “Kiss me.”


  “Kiss. Me,” I repeat, holding the bag behind my back and forcing her up against the side of the wooden stand.

  “But... but this is a family place.” Her eyes dart around in panic.

  “I said kiss me not blow me, princess.”

  She huffs out a breath and rolls her eyes before pressing her lips to mine. It’s the quickest kiss ever. I fucking think not.

  “I’m not your fucking grandma, Mia. Do it like you mean it. Kiss me like you wanted to when you were full of my cock. When I was thrusting into you so hard that all you could focus on was me and the way I filled you to the hilt, bringing you more pleasure than you’ve ever known.”

  She growls, her eyes darkening as she remembers how we moved together only hours ago. Her hand wraps around my neck and she pulls me to her. I step into her body, pressing her into the stand as my tongue sweeps into her mouth. Her taste explodes in my mouth as I take exactly what I need from her, while my cock presses into the softness of her stomach.

  My chest tightens as something hits me. A need to keep doing this for as long as I can but I push it back down. She’s already had more of me than any other woman I’ve met before. I need to remember what I’m doing here. It’s a means to an end. She’s a means to an end I’ve wanted for too fucking long. I can’t allow her addictive taste to distract me from the vengeance I crave.

  “Okay, I think you earned it,” I breathe out when I pull back and press my forehead against hers.

  “Earned it?” she asks incredulously.

  She wants to argue, tell me that I’m an arsehole again, I can see it in her eyes; but the second I hold the bag of sugar up for her she forgets all about it and all but snatches it from me and rips into it.

  “Want some?” she asks, ripping a bit off and holding it out for me.

  I open my mouth to accept it, but she snatches it away and pushes it into her own mouth.

  I quirk a brow. She needs to learn that she doesn’t get to play me. I’m the only one with the games around here.

  When she does it again, I’m ready for her. My fingers wrap around her slender wrist and I move her hand close enough so I can suck both the candy floss and her fingers into my mouth.

  Her eyes zero in on my lips as I suck and lick the sugar from her fingertips.

  “It’s good, sweet. But not as sweet as your pussy.” Her cheeks heat. It spreads down her neck and I have the sudden need to rip her top open to see how low it goes.

  “Shall we get out of here?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  She continues pulling pink fluff from her bag and stuffing it into her mouth, temptingly licking her lips every few minutes. I know from her sly glances that she’s doing it on purpose. It amuses me that she thinks she’s playing me right now. Princess, you can’t play the man who makes the rules.

  “I’m glad you’re having that after the rollercoaster. I wouldn’t have taken well to being covered in pink sick.”

  “It’s the least you deserve for making me ride that fucking thing.”

  “You want another ride tonight?”

  “Depends what kind. This might be nice and all.” She lifts the bag and points at it. “But I prefer much more satisfying ends to my rides.”

  The sun’s beginning to set as we exit the Pleasure Beach, leaving the horizon a bright orange. It almost looks like we’re somewhere more exotic, well… that’s until we pass an arcade with blaring music and flashing lights. Then I’m dragged right back to reality.

  “You hungry?” I ask.

  “I guess. What have you got in mind?”

  “Wait and see.” If she’s never been to the seaside before then I can guarantee she’s never had fish and chips in the paper on the seafront.

  I order for us as she stands beside the counter looking a little bemused as she stares at the food before her. “Dear God, please tell me you’ve had fish and chips before.”

  “Of course I have. I’m more concerned about the battered Mars bar and the Creme Egg.”

  “Yeah, that’s a northern thing. I don’t get it either. Want one?”

  “No, I really, really don’t.”

  “Probably wise on top of all that,” I nod towards the almost empty candy floss bag. “What do you want to drink?”

  “Sparkling water?”

  “I’m sorry, love. We only have still or cans.” Lifting up on her tiptoes, she glances into the fridge. “Er…”

  “Two cans of lemonade, please,” I say, answering for her.

  With two hot parcels in my hand and Mia’s hand in the other I lead her to an empty bench that looks out over the sea. The beach is pretty deserted now that it’s beginning to get cold and with our backs to the craziness behind us, we can almost block it out.

  “You know, this is quite nice,” Mia admits after sitting in silence for a few minutes.

  “I’ll make a commoner out of you yet.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far. But this is… nice.”

  “It would be more believable if you didn’t say it with a wince.”

  “Sorry, I’m just a little bemused by the whole thing.”

  “Blackpool or me?”

  “Both. This place is… something else. But you’ve taught me to just embrace it and all its quirks. Then there’s you.”

  “What about me?”

  “I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure that out.”

  “So you don’t hate me then?”

  “Oh yeah, I definitely do.”

  “So what bemuses you about me?”

  “Just trying to figure out what makes you tick. You’re like a million personalities all wrapped up in one hot body.”

  “Hot body?” I ask, ignoring the multiple personality issue. The less she digs into who I really am the better. I don’t need her thinking she can figure me out. I refuse to give anyone that kind of power over me.

  “I mean, it’s not bad. I’ve seen better.”

  “Then I think you should probably have another look because I highly doubt it. I’ve seen your ex. He was a weed.”

  “I’ve been with more men than just Archie, you know?”

  “Yeah, and I bet they were all posh boys who were too scared of working up a sweat and messing up their pretty boy hair.” I lean in closer. “I can assure you that getting sweaty is very high up on my priority list.”

  She swallows and her thighs clench with need. “Shall we… uh… head back?” Her eyes drop from mine in favour of my lips.

  “Thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I keep trying to figure out Deacon King, but I can’t, so I decide to give up because I need him inside me again. It’s time to put his potential personality disorder to the back of my mind and his huge cock to the front.

  I’m hesitant as Deacon unlocks the front door of the guest house and pushes it open. I’m expecting the landlady to be there with Deacon’s bag packed at the side of her, but there’s just the noise of a television and people chatting coming from what she described as the ‘lounge’ just before she left us to our room.

  I follow Deacon up the stairs and watch as he unlocks the door and then we’re back inside and alone. The evidence of our earlier exploits—wrinkled sheets—are evident on the bed.

  “Hmm, we’d better get creative if we don’t want the whole place listening to me fucking you all night long.” Deacon stalks towards me then turns me and places my hands palm out against the wall. He removes the bottom half of my clothing, without so much as a word passing between us until I’m naked from the waist down. My nipples are hard, straining in their confines. The sound of his own trousers dropping to the floor increases my impatience then he comes in close behind me. His dick is hard against my thigh and grasped in his hand he pushes against my entrance.

  “No foreplay again?” I quip.

  “You mean you’re not already gagging for it?”

nbsp; He teases his tip in my slickness. “You’re more than ready for me.” He thrusts inside me hard and rough and it pushes me onto my tiptoes. His right hand lands on my hip, grasping me hard enough to bruise as he pulls back and thrusts in again. Then his other hand appears in front of my face. “Suck my middle finger, Mia.”


  “Did I say you get to ask questions? Suck it or I’ll stop right now.”

  He has me because I don’t want him to stop. I lean forward, take his digit into my mouth and suck hard.

  Once he’s satisfied, his finger slides from my mouth and then I feel it at my puckered hole. I tense.

  “Oh, Mia, Mia, Mia. Are you an anal virgin?” Deacon’s voice is husky, and dangerous in my ear.

  “Just fuck me, will you? I’m getting bored,” I demand.

  He pulls out of me and turns me around to face him, his fingers digging into my upper arms.

  “I am not your fuck toy. You do not get to demand I do anything. If you want me, beg for it.”

  I lift my chin up defiantly.


  He moves to walk away, and I reach out and grab his t-shirt, pulling him back.

  “Goddamn it, Deacon, please, fuck me.”

  “Answer my question and I will. Are you an anal virgin?”

  I hesitate to give him too much. I glance over his shoulder before deciding to just be honest. “Yes.”

  “Excellent.” He smirks and he pushes me back against the wall, but this time keeps me facing him. He hitches my leg up around his hip as he thrusts inside me again and once more he orders me to suck on his finger and then he’s back, massaging the area. He rubs my wetness into there and then slowly pushes a digit inside me. It feels strange, but not unpleasant.

  “I will fuck you there but not tonight. It’ll be another of your firsts I’ll own.” His fingers slips out and his thrusts increase, my back scraping against the wall as he grunts and rams his dick into me hard. Just at the point where I’m about to reach my peak he thrusts his finger back inside my butt. I cry out as I come, trembling around his cock. My whole body feels like I’ve had the most delightful massage. I’ve come so hard I feel like my heart might give out. Deacon climaxes, his cock twitching deep inside me and filling me with everything he has.


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