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Torment (B.A.D. Inc Book 1)

Page 23

by Angel Devlin

  Mia’s beautiful face from last night plays on my mind. We were both drunk. I saw it in her eyes the second she pulled the door open. But neither of us were that drunk to do something stupid, were we? I know I was rough. I needed her so fucking badly, but she was fine when I snuck out. I’m sure of it.

  I’m signed in, had my rights read, and I’m pushed into a cell to sober up. Everyone refuses to talk to me, so I’ve still got no fucking idea what’s going on, or who I’ve supposedly killed.

  Standing at my cell door, I shout down the narrow, dark hallway I can see through. “I want my fucking phone call.”

  I’m ignored for hours.

  I pace back and forth, already knowing that lying down and attempting to get some sleep is pointless. I might have more alcohol in my veins than blood right now, but I’m so hyped up that nothing will knock me out.

  I’m still pacing when someone unlocks the door sometime later. “King, let’s go.”

  He drags me by my shoulder from my cell and pushes me down the corridor until we get to a phone.

  “Three minutes,” he warns.

  Deciding against fighting him like I want, I turn my back and pick up the handset. I would call my solicitor, but fuck knows what his number is. So instead I call one I know almost as well as my own.

  “Hello?” The familiar voice seeps into my bones and I almost sigh at hearing it.

  “I need help. Can you call Reggie?”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve been arrested.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Murder, apparently, although no fucker will tell me of who?”

  “Holy shit, King? What the fuck have you done?”

  “Nothing, thanks for the vote of confidence. Now you’ve got about one minute left to look up and find out who the fuck I’ve supposedly killed before I do something that’s only going to extend my time here.”

  Tyler pulls his phone from his ear, I assume hitting up the gossip pages to try to figure it out. “Fuck knows, man. But we’ll get it sorted. I’ll call Reggie right now and we’ll be there, okay? Don’t do anything stupid,” he warns.

  “Just get me the fuck out of this place.”

  “I’m on it. I’m on it.”

  Tyler hangs up and I’ve no choice but to do the same.

  I’m locked back up in my cell and forced to wait it out while my imagination runs wild. I don’t want to jump to conclusions but it’s really fucking hard when all that surrounds you are four dirty grey walls.

  Fuck knows how long later, my door is unlocked once again. I don’t bother getting up until I hear what they’ve come for. “Your solicitor is here.”

  “Thank fuck for that. Maybe he can shed some fucking light on this,” I mutter as I’m once again directed down the corridor. It smells like mould and piss. The sooner I’m out of here the better.

  I’m taken down to an interview room where I find Reggie patiently waiting for me.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I bark, my frustration getting the better of me.

  “You might want to sit down, King.”

  “Don’t fucking tell me what to do. Just tell me what’s going on and why I’m in his fucking place,” I seethe, pacing in front of him.

  “Okay. Your father has been found dead. Gunshot straight through the heart. You’re prime suspect.”

  I stop dead in my tracks and stare at him. A smile curls at my lips as I repeat the words he said to me over and over in my head. But not believing them, I make him repeat them.

  As he does, I only hear a handful. “Father. Dead. Gunshot.”

  A laugh bubbles up my throat at the situation.

  “Care to explain what the fuck about this situation is so damn amusing?”

  I fall down on the chair opposite him and stare him dead in the eye. “I’ve hated that cunt for as long as I can remember. If I was going to off him, don’t you think I’d have done it long before now?”

  “You know that. I know that. But they don’t,” he says, looking towards the door. “From what I can gather, they’ve got no other leads. No fucking clue as to who’d want him dead other than you. The guy who singlehandedly put his girl through the mill because of him.”

  I open my mouth to respond but words fail me.

  The silence in the room is oppressive, the only thing I can hear is my blood rushing past my ears.

  “Where were you last night, Deacon? Please tell me you’ve got a fucking alibi and that you weren’t off your arse drunk at home alone.” His eyes narrow as he begs me for an answer he can work with.

  I breathe a sigh of relief. “I was with Mia.”

  “And she’ll corroborate this?”

  I sit back in my chair and run the events of the past few weeks through my mind. She told me she still loved me last night, even after I confessed who I really was to her. She allowed me to fuck her on the carpet of her suite like a fucking animal.

  I guess now is the time to find out how she really feels. My fate is pretty much in her hands.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I wake up to a loud banging noise at the door of my suite. For a minute I wonder where the fuck I am until my eyes home in on the empty bottles. Fuck my head hurts. And my cunt. And my throat, because last night was dark and dirty and dangerous.

  And I fucking loved it.

  I don’t even remember falling asleep, or at what point Deacon left the hotel room. I rub at my eyes.

  Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

  Fuck, I thought they’d gone. Who the hell is hammering on my door?

  “Just a minute.”

  Carefully getting out of bed, I grab a robe and shrug it on, fastening it tightly across my naked body and then I pad over to the spyhole in the door. Someone I recognise but who I’m not overly familiar with stands at the other side of the door.

  Tyler Ward.

  Opening the door a fraction, I stare at him, while my mind wonders why he could be here. Then I panic. “Is everything okay? Has something happened to Deacon?”

  “I really don’t want to do this through a doorway, Mia. I don’t give a fuck if you’re half-dressed, naked, or sat on a donkey, I need to come in, like now.”

  I widen the doorway and step aside. Tyler pushes past me, scrubbing a hand through his hair. His face unsmiling and humourless.

  “I’ll cut to the chase. Deacon has been arrested for murder. Your stepfather’s murder.”

  I walk through to the living room and fall onto the sofa, giving Tyler an incredulous stare. “Giles is dead?”

  “Gunshot wound. Deacon’s the prime suspect. He says he was here with you. I need you to come to the station to corroborate his alibi.”

  My hand goes to my throat. Deacon was a drunk and angry man last night, but could he have gone on to do anything to Giles? The fact remains that I don’t know when he left.

  Tyler has been walking around the suite looking at everything. He sits astride the back of the dressing table’s chair. “What’s circling your mind, sweetheart? I need to know.”

  “You’re close, right?” I ask him.

  “Like brothers.”

  “You know everything about him?”

  “I know more than the others. We’re more alike than we care to admit.”

  “So you know he arranged for a woman to die? To take an overdose of drugs?”

  The lack of shock on his face gives me his answer before he does. “No one made her take them. They were just made available. She took her own life. Greedy fucking bitch. Do you know she was going to let dealers kidnap her kid and sell it for her next fix?”

  “So if I was Deacon.” I sat up straighter. “Then I would find a fellow gambler who was so very desperate, or on the edge, that they were willing to do something stupid, and then I’d line it all up.”

  Tyler’s eyes meet mine. Cold, calculating.

  Like brothers.

  “The hotel will have camera footage of when Deacon left. I was passed out drunk. You g
o and speak with them while I get a shower. I’ll see you down there. I’ll get checked out and then I’ll come with you to the station.”

  “Thank you.”

  I stare into space, thinking about how until so very recently I’d thought Giles was my loving stepfather. I doubted my mother would ever trust anyone again.

  “Let’s hope Deacon left late and well away from the time of death.”

  “Deacon didn’t do this.” He says it so confidently that hairs rise on the back of my neck, but I’m probably just reading too much into his determination to get his friend out of the police station. “I’m glad he was here with you last night. I’m hoping that means you’ve been sorting shit out. Just so you know, I will always, always have his back. So if you plan on sticking around, know that I for one will be all for it. He might be a mess right now, but we’ve all witnessed Deacon crash and burn this week because he once again had a broken heart, only this time someone can mend it.”

  Ty walks out of the door and it bangs shut behind him, leaving me in my room alone, with swirling thoughts of last night and of how I’ll need to let my mum know that her ex is dead.

  Ty sends me a text to tell me that Deacon’s solicitor has to get the video footage, so I ask him if I have time to see my mum before I go to the station. Then I make my way home where I break the news to my mum that Giles has been murdered.

  “How do you know this? No one has told me. There’s no news in the press. Maybe you’re wrong,” she says, her eyes flooding with tears.

  I shake my head. “They told Deacon’s mum. As his wife she was next of kin. And they’ve arrested Deacon for it.”

  She gasps.

  I shake my head. “It wasn’t him, Mum. I know that because… he was with me. In a hotel room.”


  “I need to go to the police station to tell them, but we need the footage from the hotel’s CCTV and so I came here first, to let you know before the news does break, and it will do soon. Along with gossip and slander about who is responsible.”

  “I loved him so much.” I let my mum’s head fall on my shoulder as she sobs.

  “I know, Mum. I did too. But the man we’re mourning didn’t exist.”

  She sits up. “I know, but I think my mind needs some time to adjust. Once we know the situation, darling, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to book into The Priory. I need to talk to people. I need time.”

  “Anything you need, Mum.” I kiss her temple.

  “Now you must go, Mia. Go get your man.”

  “He’s not my man. Look what he did to us, Mum.”

  She shrugs. “Look what was done to him. If you love him, Mia. If you can forgive him. Then I will.”

  We hug some more and then I tell my mother I’ll see her soon and I make my way to the police station.

  My eyes widen when the first person I meet at the station is Deacon’s mother. She’s with a woman called Anna, who introduces herself as Tyler’s new assistant. “Tyler asked that you take a seat and that I let him know you arrived.” She says in a British accent with an American twang. Under other circumstances, I’d ask her about her dialect, but today it’s not important.

  Tyler comes dashing out. “CCTV footage shows Deacon cannot be responsible for the death of Giles Sullivan.”

  “Oh thank God.” Deacon’s mother says, while Tyler’s gaze meets mine. I note that Anna watches Tyler carefully, more like she’s recording his every move than assisting.

  The door to the station flies open and a tall good-looking dark-haired man flies in. He looks familiar. “Where’s my brother?”

  “Scott?” Sally addresses him, and I realise this could possibly be the first time they’ve ever met, and as I walk towards them to introduce myself, it seems all three of Giles’ dysfunctional families have united in support.

  And then the man himself comes out, accompanied by his solicitor. His gaze fixes on mine and I see him mouth, “I love you,” before his mother flies at him, embracing him like her life depends on it.

  The solicitor chats with Tyler and then leaves.

  “Deacon. Oh my god, Deacon,” Sally wails.

  “Can we get out of here, Mum? Maybe go back to yours?” Deacon asks. “Only I need a fucking shower. I stink, and my flat isn’t exactly fit for purpose right now.” She nods her head agreeing.

  “I’m sorry, I kept forgiving him. I love you, son. I’m so sorry.”

  He hugs her. “It’s fine, Mum. I know it’s all going to be just fine.” His eyes meet mine as he utters the words and I nod. I feel eyes on me and find Ty looking my way. Deacon’s look from me to Ty. Understanding flits across his face. He knows Ty’s obviously had a word with me.

  He steps out of his mother’s arms and claps Scott on the back. “Bro, well, didn’t expect to fucking see you here.”

  Scott stiffens. “Yeah, well, you’re a good uncle, and I needed to make sure you’re going to be available for babysitting next week, so I can take the wife out.”

  “Can my girlfriend come with me?” Deacon asks and as he says it several mouths fall wide open. “It comes to something when mention of a girlfriend is more of a shock than me being accused of murder,” he says sarcastically.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here,” Tyler says. “I have a driver waiting around front.”

  Deacon, his mother, Scott, and I get into the car. Deacon is sat between me and his mum. Tyler turns to speak to his assistant. Deacon leans over and whispers in my ear, “He’s desperate to tap that.”

  “How can you tell?” I whisper back.

  “I know how it fucking feels.”

  We spend some time talking about everything with his family and I include Ty in that ‘family’. Deacon showers while his mum runs his clothes through the washer dryer.

  Eventually, it’s time for everyone to make a move. We stand outside saying goodbye until there’s only the two of us left.

  “We can go back to mine, but it’s a mess.” Deacon averts his gaze as if he can’t bear to hear my answer. Does he think I’m about to leave too?

  I guess I have to make myself clear. “Do you know who I am? I can have someone clear that place up within the hour. New furniture and everything if needed.”

  He smiles, but now mischief is dancing in those depths. “Well, that’s handy because I think we might break a few beds.”

  “Is that all you want me for, Deacon King?” I ask him.

  “No, Mia Hamilton. I want so much fucking more,” he says and his mouth closes on mine.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  I have every faith in Reggie. After all, he’s singlehandedly got the five of us out of the shit multiple times in the past and I have no doubt this time won’t be any different. I’m innocent and I need to hope that the truth will prevail.

  I sit patiently in my cell and attempt not to go stir crazy with the dark, dirty walls surrounding me, the smell of piss mixing with my own stinking body, and my over-active imagination. I didn’t kill my father, although a big part of me wished I had, so who did?

  He’s pissed off plenty of people over the years who would probably love to have a go at him. It’s probably some old washed up celebrity who wants to see him suffer like he made them do with his damning reports and interviews.

  Something about that doesn’t feel right though. Something tells me this is closer to home than I want to believe.

  Did my mum have something to do with this?

  I laugh at my own crazy thoughts. Of course she didn’t do this. The only thing she could do to death when it comes to my dad is love him. No matter what, she’s never managed to ditch him. She says she will, but never manages it.

  Scott and his feisty girlfriend, Suki? Definitely not. When they had an issue, they came to me, they’re not capable of something like this alone.

  One of my friends? We always said we’d do whatever we needed to protect each other. I’m still racking my brain trying to come up with all the answers with very lit
tle evidence, when the door opens once again. This time, no cuffs are slapped on my wrists. I take that as a good sign, and I can only hope that Mia’s come through for me.

  Reggie is waiting for me in a different but identical room to the one we were in before.

  “You’re in the clear.” Reggie’s words should bring delight, but I’ve still got so many questions that I find it hard to celebrate the good news.

  “Do they have any other leads?” I ask.

  “No, nothing. It seems to me they’re at a dead end. Whoever did it has covered their tracks.”

  I nod, still not happy that I don’t have the answer.

  “They should get all your paperwork sorted soon and you can go and see the little fan club you’ve got forming out in reception.


  “It seems you being hauled in here has those who love you up in arms.”

  Something warm explodes in my chest. “Is she here?”

  Reggie nods, right as a policewoman comes in to get me so this fucking nightmare can come to an end.

  The moment I’m allowed to leave, I walk out with Reggie trailing behind me. The only person I see is Mia and I’ve never been so fucking relieved to see her kind eyes and soft smile.

  My heart twists as I look at her and I find the words silently falling from my lips without even realising. Now I’ve accepted how I feel about her, I have this need to tell her whenever I get the chance.

  Her eyes soften and fill with tears as she registers what I’m telling her. I’m desperate to go over and pull her to me but Mum comes out of nowhere and slams her body into mine.

  Our impromptu little family get together is nice and all, but all I really want to do is get Mia naked, get inside her and spend all fucking night there.

  She’s already explained that she’s pretty much moved out of Karla’s and into her mum’s but going back there isn’t an option. It’s too far away and my patience only goes so far.

  She makes an offer to sort out my flat and it’s one I can’t refuse.


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