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The Pike Chronicles: Books 5-8 (Pike Chronicles Space Opera Book 2)

Page 34

by G. P. Hudson

  “The Diakans are firing,” said Petrovic.

  Jon gripped the sides of his console, waiting for the inevitable impact, and oblivion. The Faction had won. Again. There would be no prophecy. Once he was gone, The Faction would simply take control of the recent territorial gains, and then nobody could stop them.

  “Sir, the Diakan ships are firing on their own,” said Petrovic with the same astonishment that Jon now felt.

  “On main viewscreen,” said Jon, wondering what miracle had just taken place.

  As the viewscreen changed orientation, multiple blinding flashes blazed through, as the giant Diakan battleships began to buckle, and blow apart. The attack on them was so sudden, and presumably unexpected, that the enemy ships had no time to jump.

  Jon stared in disbelief, as one by one, the enemy was eliminated. For a Diakan force to fire on its own, and destroy seven of its own battleships was unheard of. Even more so since it was in aid of humans. He wondered which Diakan commander had the audacity to give such an order.

  “Sir, we have an incoming request from the Diakans,” said the communications officer. “General Tallos is asking to speak with you.”

  “Tallos?” Jon glanced at Henderson who looked just as confused as Jon felt. “Patch him through to my console.”

  With the comm link established, Tallos’s face appeared on Jon’s screen. “Greetings, Admiral.”

  “What the hell is going on, Tallos?” said Jon.

  “Your sense of gratitude is most flattering, Admiral.”

  Jon took a deep breath. “Okay. Right. Thank you for the help.”

  “You are welcome, Admiral.”

  “Now cut the crap and tell me what’s going on?”

  “Of course, Admiral. I have been working covertly with Major Ilthos to help investigate The Faction.”

  “You’ve been working with Ilthos? How long has this been going on?”

  “Since he found me on New Byzantium. He requested my assistance then, and I agreed. Despite what you may think, I am a loyal Diakan. I freely admit my errors on board the Hermes. But I assure you, Admiral, I devoutly follow the Great See’er, and the Prophecy. The Faction is a group of traitors and heretics who must be brought to justice.”

  “Okay, so how did you know to come here?”

  “When news arrived of your death on Diakus, I knew The Faction had to be involved. This set prior plans in motion.”

  “Prior plans?”

  “Yes, Admiral. Major Ilthos had rather convincing evidence indicating that The Faction would move to seize control of Diakus. News of your death led me to believe that those events had begun. Once we arrived and witnessed the attack on your ships, I knew my assumption was correct. As we speak, my ships are entering orbit around Diakus. Troops will immediately be deployed to the planet surface, to help protect vital institutions.”

  “This is crazy. You’re talking about a Diakan civil war.”

  “No, Admiral. It is not a civil war, but a conspiracy. The perpetrators are relying on the element of surprise to achieve their goals. Our arrival will negate that surprise.”

  “But if The Faction controls the military, then you will have a civil war on your hands.”

  “They do not control the entire military. They have people in senior positions in the military. They are powerful people, but their power is rapidly fading. The loyal military leaders are now aware of the plot, as is the government. The evidence against The Faction is overwhelming. Especially now that they have played their hand and moved against you.”

  Jon was starting to feel like a Diakan pawn again. “So what happens next?”

  “Major Ilthos has extensive files on The Faction and many of its members. It numbers in the thousands. Arrest warrants will soon be issued for those members.”

  “A purge,” said Jon, in understanding.

  “I prefer to call it a cleansing, Admiral. Diakus cannot tolerate such blasphemy and dissent. Not in times like these. Unity must be preserved.”

  Jon knew that The Faction must dealt with, but he wondered how much collateral damage would result. Throughout history humanity had manipulated these types of situations as excuses for abuse. How many other Diakan individuals and groups would be lumped in with The Faction in order to eliminate dissent?

  Whether or not that was the case, there was nothing he could do. It was a Diakan matter now, and out of his hands. He had more pressing concerns. “What about General Dathos?”

  “Yes, that issue is more complex. The General is quite powerful, and the evidence against him is circumstantial.”

  “How can you say that. The ships he personally picked to act as our escorts attacked us. How much more evidence do you need?”

  “It is very suspicious, and I am inclined to agree that he is complicit, but it is not enough to seek his arrest.”

  Jon considered the situation. It was tricky. He couldn’t just go after Dathos because he would risk angering the Diakans. But he couldn’t allow him to remain in command of all those ships. Something had to be done.

  “Is there enough evidence to relieve him of command? We may not be able to convict him, but there should be enough to raise suspicion.”

  “It may be. It is a thorny political matter, but after today, any suspicion of Faction loyalty will be a black mark on someone’s career. I believe we can have him relieved. The military will likely suggest retirement with full military honors. That will get him out of the way. Though we will need to find his replacement.”

  “Aren’t you a general, Tallos?”

  “That is correct.”

  “Then why don’t you take command?”

  “I do not understand.”

  “This is the second time you’ve come to our rescue. I’d say you’ve redeemed yourself somewhat. I’m willing to support you as Dathos’s replacement on one condition.”

  “What would you have me do?”

  “Come visit the Great See’er with me.”

  Chapter 34

  Days later, Jon and Tallos flew down to the Temple of the Great See’er in a shuttle. A team of heavily armed Marines and Diakans offered protection on board the shuttle. Two full squadrons of fighters provided escort, one Diakan, the other human. The warships in orbit maintained a watchful eye. The battle group still at high alert, a result of the events in the days prior.

  With so much security, Jon bet he was currently the safest person on Diakus. The Diakan government had wasted no time in dismantling The Faction. Major Ilthos had accompanied Tallos’s troops to the surface, to present his evidence. Ilthos now coordinated the massive hunt to root out all conspirators.

  The Diakan response to the coup was quick and surprisingly efficient. Diakan Intelligence seemed all too prepared for the crackdown. From what Jon could tell, they were simply looking for an excuse to take action.

  Sitting across from him, Jon couldn’t get over how much Tallos had changed. He had attempted to kill both Jon and Breeah. Jon had him imprisoned, then interrogated in a rather painful fashion. There was enough bad blood between them to ensure they remained enemies forever. If anyone had a reason to join The Faction, it was Tallos. He was the last person Jon expected to support the prophecy. Yet here he sat.

  All Tallos’s actions indicated that he had buried the hatchet. And even though he couldn’t sense any hostile intent emanating from the Diakan, he was no fool. It was why he decided to bring Tallos with him to the Great See’er. He had no real understanding of the protocol for such a visit, but if Jon was ‘of the Temple’ as the See’er had said, then he should have some liberties.

  “You do realize that we were both manipulated by The Faction,” said Tallos.

  “I know I was. I’m not so sure about you,” replied Jon, challenging the Diakan to back his statement up.

  “On the Hermes, my orders were to strictly follow the mission objectives at all costs,” said Tallos. “Including relieving you of command if you violated any of the mission protocols. I had orders to terminate your life,
if necessary.”

  “What about the prophecy? Didn’t it make you question your orders?”

  “I had received misinformation regarding the prophecy. While I understood your role, I was led to believe that it was not a vital component. The main thrust of the prophecy was that humans will rise to power, and that rise would be in the best interests of all Diakans. I was led to believe that the colonies were the true linchpin. If the colonies were found, the prophecy would unfold with or without you. Major Ilthos explained the errors in that interpretation.”

  “I’m not your savior, Tallos,” said Jon. Talk of the prophecy, and his role in it, still made him uncomfortable.

  “You do not need to accept the prophecy, for it to unfold,” countered Tallos.

  “Everything I’ve done has been out of necessity. There was no spiritual guidance, or any visions. Nothing. I just did what I had to do.”

  “Do you not wonder how you were thrust in the positions you found yourself? Your ship was destroyed, yet you found the colonies. The Chaanisar, your mortal enemies, rescued your crew.”

  “You forget that those Chaanisar were freed from Juttari control.”

  “Yes, and is it not strange that it happened to be the Juttari ship that pursued the Hermes? Of all the Chaanisar in the Juttari Empire, that crew alone was mysteriously freed. Is it not strange that you later orchestrated the liberation of thousands of Chaanisar? These are not mere coincidences.”

  “Like I said, I did what I had to do. None of it was pre-planned.”

  “And yet the events were foreseen.”

  “I’m no puppet, Tallos. Nobody pulls my strings. Not you, not The Faction, not the Great See’er.”

  “The Great See’er does not control your actions. She simply possesses the gift of sight. She sees potential futures, but those futures can be altered. I know you believe this to be true, or you would not bring me to Her.”

  Jon couldn’t argue. The Great See’er had an almost magical ability to see the future and the past. He’d experienced it himself. “Yeah, you’re right. That is why I’m taking you to the Temple. Are you nervous?”

  “I am a general. I do not get nervous.”

  Jon rolled his eyes at Tallos’s bravado. “Have you met her before?”

  “No. Very few Diakans get this opportunity. It is a great honor to meet Her.”

  “So I’m told,” said Jon, glancing at the overhead display.

  The great spiral towers of the Temple seemed to pierce the sky as the shuttle neared its destination. Fighters streaked by, racing ahead to establish a perimeter around Mount Tos. The rest stayed in formation around the shuttle. Upon landing, all fighters would patrol the area, and strictly enforce a no-fly zone.

  The roof of the first building opened as they approached. The shuttle came to a landing on a pad in the center of a large cavernous room. The very same room in which they had landed days earlier with Major Ilthos. The room in which they were attacked.

  As the engines powered down, several Marines and Diakans removed their weapons, and moved through the open hatch, fanning out to clear the room. They remained unarmed, respecting the temple’s weapons protocols. Inside the shuttle, however, was some serious firepower. Just in case. On the all clear signal, Jon and Tallos stepped out.

  Jon wasn’t surprised to see the same three priestesses waiting for them. Tallos craned his neck around as they approached the women. “Blasphemy!” he said, inspecting the damage done by The Faction’s attack on the Temple. “How could any Diakan do such a thing?”

  “They did it alright,” said Jon. “And they didn’t seem too upset about it.”

  Nearing the three priestesses, Tallos bowed deeply at the waist.

  “We are here to see the Great See’er,” said Jon, uncertain if they would allow him an audience. The three women silently turned and began walking toward the exit. “Let’s go,” he motioned for Tallos to follow.

  The priestesses led them out of the building and onto the same long glass bridge. Powerful winds shrieked all around them, but to Jon’s surprise, this time he had no difficulty maintaining his balance. He assumed it was related to the symbiont’s health.

  Tallos, on the other hand, stumbled with every step, gripping the railing with both hands. Jon reached out to grab Tallos’s arm. “Come on. I won’t let you fall.”

  Tallos paused for a few moments, seemingly trying to decide whether he could trust Jon. Then let go of the handrail. Jon felt the power of the winds tugging and pushing at Tallos as they continued, but his grip was steel.

  Jon released his grip as they entered the second building. Tallos took in the surroundings in wonder and awe. “Glorious,” he said repeatedly, soaking up the priceless works of art all around him.

  Arriving at the massive, carved doors, a priestess turned with an outstretched hand. “Give her your comm,” Jon said to Tallos, removing his own.

  “Of course.” Tallos handed over his device.

  The great doors slowly creaked open. The priestesses moved as one, allowing Jon and Tallos to enter the chamber of the Great See’er’. When the doors closed behind them the room seemed darker than Jon remembered, but he pushed deeper inside.

  “The universe abounds with contradictions,” said the woman’s voice.

  “Is that her?” whispered Tallos.

  “It is I,” said the Great See’er, directly beside them. Tallos, startled jumped back several steps. Upon regaining his composure, Tallos dropped to his knees, touching his head to the floor in reverence.

  “I thought you didn’t get nervous,” Jon said to Tallos. “And seriously,” he said to the Great See’er. “You need to stop sneaking up on people like that. You’re going to give someone a heart attack one day.”

  “Arise, General Tallos,” said the See’er.

  Tallos got up, keeping his eyes trained on the floor.

  “Contradictions,” she continued. “Boundless contradictions.”

  “Okay, I don’t know what that means,” said Jon. “But that’s not what I’m here for. Can you see his future? His past? Like you did with me?”


  “What do you see? Can I trust him?”

  “What do you see?” she said locking her eyes onto Jon’s.

  He was suddenly on the bridge of the Freedom, in the middle of a massive battle. On the viewscreen was a giant planet he didn’t recognize, orbiting a red star. Thousands of Juttari warships hung in space between Jon and the planet. He looked down at his command console to see Tallos’s face on the display. He was saying something. “You can count on my ships, Admiral,” said Tallos. “We will not fail you.”

  Yet it wasn’t Tallos’s words that left an impression. Rather it was the feeling that Tallos would not let him down. That he could trust him implicitly.

  Tallos’s face faded, replaced by the Great See’er, her eyes as radiant as ever. “Do you have your answer, Jon Pike?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  “I do not understand,” said Tallos. “What has happened?”

  “What will happen, has happened. This is the way,” said the See’er.

  Behind them, Jon heard the great doors creak open. “Time to go,” he said.

  Chapter 35

  Jon studied Tallos on the shuttle ride back to orbit. The Diakan had been staring at his feet since they left the See’er’s chamber. “Tallos, what’s wrong? I figured you would be happy, now that you’ve met the Great See’er.”

  Tallos briefly glanced up at Jon, before returning his gaze to the floor. “You are correct. It was a great honor.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” said Jon.

  “Inside the Temple, the Great See’er communicated with me.”

  “I know. I was there, remember?”

  “No. That’s not what I mean. She spoke to me telepathically.”

  “What did she say?”

  “Not words. She showed me visions.”

  “Yeah, she does that. What were they?”

You. You are of the Temple. You are holy.” Tallos looked up at Jon again, with a reverence in his eyes he had never seen before.

  “Goddamnit Tallos, do I look holy to you?”

  “Your symbiont is of the Temple. That means you are of the Temple. Despite your appearance, it also makes you Diakan. It now makes sense. I never could understand how such a role could befall a human. If The Faction knew, they wouldn’t oppose the prophecy.”

  “Of course they knew. They created the damned symbiont.”

  Tallos recoiled.

  “That’s right,” continued Jon. “They stole DNA from the Great Pool, and genetically engineered the symbiont. You think these people give two shits about the Temple? Have you forgotten their attack? They only care about power. They created the symbiont and tested it out on me, trying to make a super soldier. Think about it. If it worked, and they could control me, then they could do the same with thousands of humans. They would have their own version of the Chaanisar.”

  “There is wisdom in your words. The Faction is an abomination. I will make a personal recommendation for the timely execution of its members.”

  “You Diakans don’t play around, huh?”

  “I believe you meant to say, ‘we Diakans’, Admiral.”

  “Look, let’s get something straight right now. I’m no fucking Diakan. Understood?”

  “As you wish, Admiral.”

  “And I’m not your damn savior!”

  “Of course.”

  Jon glared at Tallos, who continued to stare at the floor. Glancing around the shuttle, he caught the watchful eyes of the Marines on board, all of whom were paying close attention to their conversation. “The same goes for all of you,” he said. “I’m human, not some Diakan savior. Am I understood?”

  “Yes, Sir!” they replied in unison.

  Jon nodded, casting an accusing eye toward the Diakan soldiers on board. To his annoyance, none of them returned his gaze. “Tallos!” he said, turning back to the Diakan general.


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