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Touch of Danger

Page 5

by T. J. Finn

  Finn nodded then leaned his head back against the headrest and looked out the window. Claire glanced his way several times, thinking, again, how strange it was for her not to know what he was thinking. In many ways, it was disconcerting but in others it was wonderful. She wondered if this was what it felt like to be normal? Like she was in a normal relationship and she had to guess what her boyfriend was thinking. Of course, Finn wasn’t her boyfriend but she still had the urge to give him a sappy smile and ask him what was rolling around in his head.

  Claire couldn’t help but laugh at that as she pressed down on the accelerator. Looking down at the speedometer, she grinned. Maybe she should have told him that she never drove the speed limit. She glanced over at Finn as he watched the road in front of him and thought no, she’d leave that as a surprise.

  An hour later, the time filled with a long discussion about music, where she learned that, like her, he was a big fan of country but loved other music as well, including her favorite, Maroon 5. The tiny country store came into view. She pulled alongside the lone gas pump and they both got out of the jeep reaching for the pump handle at the same time. Claire smiled. “Let me. I try not to go inside.”

  Finn reached out and brushed his fingers across her cheek then, kissed her forehead. “I’m not going to push you Claire and if you say no it's ok but it was your idea to be our ears so to speak. Maybe start out small, I think there are only like 2 people in there, you can build from there?”

  Claire looked at the store and Finn was right. There were only two men inside. She looked back at him and let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, then nodded. “You’re right.” Stepping away from the pump she pointed at it. “Use premium please and filled it up. I’ll pay inside.” He gave her a warm smile as she headed toward the store.

  She was shaking by the time she walked the short distance to the door. When she stepped inside, the two men stopped talking and looked at her. At first, she didn’t hear anything. “Hi. He’s going to fill up the jeep.”

  The man behind the counter nodded and released the pump as Claire headed to the soda cases. The first thoughts drifted toward her, one of the men thought she was prettier than his wife while the other wondered how his daughter was doing in Denver. As they resumed their conversation, their thoughts turned to neutral things like what fresh pie they could have for lunch and if the Colorado Rockies were going to go all the way this season.

  By the time she got the two of them something to drink, some snacks and paid for gas, she’d stopped shaking and was actually smiling when she walked out of the store. She slid into the driver’s seat, Finn looking at her expectantly, but she only grinned as she started Fred up.

  “Don’t worry. Those two know nothing about Corbin. They are, however, worried that the Rockies aren’t going to make the playoffs this year and if the diner down the street is serving apple pie.”

  Finn grinned then laughed as he reached over to cup the back of her neck. Pulling her close, he brushed a light kiss over her lips. “For the record I think the Rockies will make it and no one makes apple pie like my grandma. Now let’s get going.”

  Claire laughed as she pulled away from the gas pump. “Was there cell phone service?”

  “There was and I was able to call my brother to let him know I was okay.” She glanced at him and saw a tightening of his mouth before he looked out the window.

  “What is it Finn?”

  Finn looked back at her, letting out a breath. “You were right. My brother was able to get some information to confirm that Corbin could either be heading to or is already close to Magic.”

  Chapter 10 - Finn

  Finn saw Claire’s hands tighten on the steering wheel, her knuckles going white. He reached over and brushed her hair aside and pulled her to him slightly as he leaned over and kissed her temple. “It’s going to be ok Claire. We’ll get there. When we stop in Durango is there someone you can call and warn?”

  Claire nodded but stayed silent and he straightened in the seat, turning his head to look out the window. His gut wrenched at the thought of anyone else he cared about getting hurt by Corbin. He turned to look back at Claire, watching the way the light bounced off her dark auburn tresses, and slowly let out a breath. He did care about Claire. The day or so they had spent locked in each other’s arms had convinced him of that. If that didn't, then his wolf would have. He’d come to the conclusion last night as he lay watching her sleep that his wolf was right. She was his mate. There was no mistaking the chemistry and the pull to each other. His wolf had seemed to know almost right away, it had been the man that hadn’t been convinced.

  She turned and looked at him, her face relaxing a little. “I know it will be ok. I’ll get a hold of my friend Lacey when we get to Durango and she’ll mobilize the troops.”

  Finn raised an eyebrow and she laughed softly turning back to the road. “Magic, New Mexico is a family. We protect each other and have each other’s backs. If even one person is threatened, the whole town is threatened and take my word for it; we will come out in force and kick ass.”

  He laughed and shook his head. He couldn’t wait to get there and see the town in action for himself. “My pack is the same way. Threaten one of us, threaten all of us.”

  Claire nodded. “It’s how it should be.”

  He agreed as they fell silent, Fred eating up the miles to Durango. Finn sat back and went over everything he had learned before he’d walked into the trap. He didn’t want to spend much time in Durango, only long enough to see if his would-be captors were back and town. He wouldn’t tell Claire, but he was actually afraid for her hometown. If Corbin did happen to get there, catching them off guard, it could be disastrous. He was glad his brother was heading there as well and hopefully they’ll all get there in time.

  They pulled into Durango just after lunch and Finn had Claire drive to the Siesta Motel on Main Street. He’d been staying there when he’d been taken and hoped that his stuff was still there. He’d prepaid the room for a week and had only stayed one night. Since he’d hadn’t been gone the whole week, he shouldn’t have any problems. He hoped.

  She pulled into the parking lot and to the office, letting Finn jump out. He came out a few minutes later with a key card, slipping back into the jeep. “I’m on the end. Room 21.” Claire drove to the room and parked next to a black motorcycle. Looking at Finn, she saw him smile as she turned the jeep off.

  “Yours I take it?” His smile widened and he nodded.

  “2016 Harley Davidson Fat Boy. I love that bike. I can’t believe it's still here. The day those guys got the jump on me, they were staying here at the same hotel so I was on foot when I found their room. But I’m surprised no one tried to mess with it.”

  Getting out of the jeep, Finn walked to his bike and ran his hand over the leather seat as if he were caressing a lover. Claire shook her head and pulled her bag out of the jeep, walking up to him. “Come on bad ass, go into your room.”

  He grinned and took Claire’s bag from her then walked to the door and put his card key in the slot. Opening the door Finn grimaced. He’d told housekeeping not to clean his room unless he asked so the bed was unmade and things in a bit of disarray from the day he left. He looked over at Claire, seeing her eyes roaming around the room then to him. He shrugged.

  “I left in a hurry that morning.” She laughed and moved to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss.

  “It’s ok. I don’t always make my bed either.” He knew she was teasing him and he held her tight against him.

  “Don’t get cheeky with me witch. I might have to turn you over my knee and spank you.”

  Claire’s eyebrow rose and her lips twitched. “Oh really? You want to spank me?”

  Finn growled low in his chest and turned as he held her then walked her backwards until the back of her knees hit the bed. They went down together, Finn covering her with his body, as his lips crushed against hers. He pressed his hips into her so she could
see just how much that thought excited him. Lifting his head, he looked down at her with heated eyes rimmed in the yellow of his wolf’s eyes. “You are lucky we have something to do or I’d tie you to this bed and show you just how much I want to spank you.”

  She brushed her fingers through his hair as every nerve in her body felt like they were firing. “Well, when we’re done, if you want to stick around a little longer, then we can go back to my cabin and I’ll let you tie me up.”

  Her words caught him off guard slightly and he raised up. “Claire, I want to stick around. These last couple of days have been the best I’ve ever had, save getting shot of course. I’d like to stick around and…”

  She didn’t let him finish. Pulling his head down until their lips met she whispered against them. “Yes. I want you to stick around Finn.” He smiled as he kissed her then reluctantly rolled off her and stood, holding out his hand to help her stand.

  “Alright my little witch. We need to get started. I think we start at the bar where I got most of my information and go from there.”

  Claire agreed and they headed out, driving the short distance to the bar. She sat in the jeep staring at the door, chewing her bottom lip nervously. Finn reached out and tucked her auburn hair behind her ear. “Listen Claire you don’t have….”

  “I’m going in. I just need to prepare myself.” He reached out and brushed his fingers through her hair and she turned giving him a tentative smile. “I haven’t been around people like this in a long time.”

  Finn nodded and hopped out of the jeep, running around and opened her door, helping her out. He took her hand and squeezed it. He opened the door to the tavern and waited as Claire took a deep breath and stepped inside, letting their eyes adjust to the dark of the bar.

  The place wasn’t crowded but the voices were loud and he looked around to see if he saw any familiar faces. He’d practically lived here before he had found the poachers, but he didn’t see anyone he recognized. Of course, it was still early so maybe not all the regulars were around yet.

  Finn laid his hand on Claire’s elbow and guided her through the tables, his eyes going to her face to see how she was handling everything. Her shoulders were stiff and her lips were pressed tight and he hadn’t missed the slight trembling of her body. His brave witch was suffering and yet, she pushed through it.

  He found a table sitting in a corner where they could see people coming into the bar and be able to see everything else. A waitress came over and he caught Claire’s glaring at the woman before he ordered them both a beer. Once they were alone, he leaned over. “What?”

  “Do you have any idea what that woman wanted to do to you?” Claire forced a smile and he laughed, leaning back in his chair. She tried to stay mad but finally the corner of her mouth twitched then she smiled, her cheeks turning red.

  “Are you doing ok?”

  Claire took a deep breath and nodded. “I have to do this Finn. I’ll be careful.” He reached over and squeezed her hand just as movement at the backdoor caught his eye. Turning his head, he stiffened. Two men walked in, not the poachers who had gotten the jump on him, but two others he’d been searching for as well.

  Doing his best to fade into the dim corner they sat in, he looked over at Claire then nodded toward the men as they sat at the bar. “Those two are Corbin’s men too. I was actually looking for them when I stumbled on the other two.” Claire turned her head and saw the two men at the bar. She squeezed his hand harder then let it go, standing up. “Where are you going?”

  She leaned down to speak into his ear. “There are too many voices in here. I have to move closer so I can distinguish their voices over everyone else. I’ll be ok.”

  The waitress was walking toward their table and Claire picked her glass up off the tray and headed toward the bar. Finn watched her, barely paying attention to the waitress when he handed her some money, then heard her sigh and walk away. His eyes didn’t stray from Claire as she took a stool at the end of the bar, pulling her beer in front of her and pretending to nurse the drink. She was far too close to the two men for his liking but he didn’t know how telepathy worked. Maybe she was right. Maybe she needed to be that close to them to hear them. It didn’t mean he had to like it.

  Five minutes stretched into twenty, the men nursing their beer, before they finally paid their tab and left the bar. Claire waited a few minutes before she pushed her glass away, looked his way, then stumbled out the front door of the bar.

  Chapter 11 - Claire

  Claire stumbled out the door of the bar and hurried around the corner of the bar. She heard the door open behind her and Finn calling to her, but she didn’t stop. She didn’t want him to see her getting sick and barely made it around the corner before she bent over, her stomach heaving, emptying its contents on the ground before. Strong arms wrapped around her and she was pulled back against Finn as he pulled her hair away from her face. She only had a moment to think how sweet it was that he was holding her hair while she got sick before she vomited again.

  Her whole body hurt right then, but it felt as if someone had her head in a vice. The minute she’d walked outside the voices had stopped but it had all been too much in the bar around so many. How was she going to do this? How was she going to help Finn and everyone she loved if she couldn’t take a few minutes of the voices in her head? She was worthless to anyone and at that moment felt like she shouldn’t have left her cabin.

  “Claire baby? What can I do?” Finn spoke low in her ear as he held her trembling body and she shook her head as she brought the back of her hand to her mouth. They stood like that a few more minutes until she was sure she wasn’t going to throw up again, then she straightened, turning and burying her head in his chest.

  “I’m sorry Finn.” Her voice was muffled but his arms tightened around her.

  “No Claire. Don’t be sorry. I’m sorry. I think I asked too much of you.”

  She shook her head but didn’t say anything for a moment, just relished being in his arms like this. When she finally straightened she looked up at him and gave him a weak smile. “I’m ok.”

  He kissed her forehead and pulled her back to him. “No you’re not. I’m so sorry baby.” Tears sprang to her eyes at his tenderness but blinked them away. She had to stay strong for all of them.

  Claire stepped away slightly and took a deep breath. “Don’t be sorry Finn. I volunteered to do this.”

  “I know but I don’t have to like it.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “Were you able to get anything from them?”

  “A little but I need to brush my teeth. Can we go back to the hotel and I’ll tell you what I learned.” Finn nodded and took her hand and lead her to her jeep, helping her behind the wheel. Claire gripped the steering wheel as he walked around the vehicle to get into the passenger seat. Taking several deep breaths, she reminded herself that she only had to make it to the motel room and hoped she was done getting sick.

  The trip was short and silent to the motel room, and she grabbed her toiletry bag when they got inside, taking it to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind her, she stood there looking in the mirror. Her face was pale with a sheen of sweat on her forehead and there were dark smudges under her eyes. She turned the water on with shaky hands, pulling the toothbrush and toothpaste out, and started brushing her teeth.

  How much should she tell Finn? The two men had been full of information not only as they were talking but what they were thinking. Corbin still had his men looking for Finn and they were under orders to bring him in alive. The ironic part was that Corbin himself was in Durango, heading up the search. What if she could get to him first? She could use her magic and her brains and he wouldn’t get within a hundred miles of Magic. But how did she slip away without Finn hearing and following her?

  She stared at her reflection a few minutes more until a plan began to formulate. She glanced out the window in the bathroom. It was still early afternoon and plenty of light. If she could get Finn to leave she could slip out.
But how?

  The knock on the door startled her and she looked at it. “You ok in there?” She took a deep breath and walked to the door, opening it.

  “I’m not sure.” Finn reached out and brushed her hair off her forehead and kissed it.

  “You still look pale.” Giving him a weak smile she brushed past him to go to the bed. “Can I get you anything?”

  Claire sat on the bed and bit her lip a moment, feeling guilty for what she was about to do. But she knew where Corbin was staying here in Durango, she knew what his men were doing and she knew that this might be their only opportunity to catch the man. But she wouldn’t put Finn at risk. Corbin wanted him in a bad way. He was the one that got away and Corbin was obsessed with finding him.

  “Could you find a store and pick me up some ginger ale and crackers? I think if I had those and rested a few then I can tell you what I learned at the bar.”

  Finn kneeled down in front of her, reaching out to caress her cheek and nodded. “Of course. Why don’t you kick your shoes off and lay down while I’m gone? Then later, if you’re feeling better, we can talk and follow up on any leads.”

  Claire gave him another weak smile and nodded. “That sounds like a great idea.” Finn gave her a soft kiss, caressing her cheek before he stood.

  “I won’t be long.” He grabbed the keys to his bike that he’d found in a jacket and headed out the door.

  As soon as Claire heard the motorcycle start up, she got up and went to the window to look out. Finn pulled out of the parking space and turned his bike, heading out to the main road. She sprinted to the small desk that was in the room and found a pad of paper and pen writing a quick note.


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