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Safe Space (Book 1)

Page 25

by Tiffany Patterson

  I nodded the affirmative. “Yeah, I’ll go. Someone’s gotta make you look good. Ouch!” I yelped when that little joke earned me a smack on the ass. Despite my protest of pain, the sensations transformed from a sting to a warm vibrating feeling that had me growing wet between my legs.

  “Mmmmm,” I moaned as that magical hand eased its way down between my legs, spreading them and massaging my labia from behind. My breathing increased as I stared up into his dark eyes. A smirk played on his lips, also making his dimple appear.

  “You get so wet for me.” His voice was even deeper than it had been just a minute before. That shit turned me on.

  “But, I’m betting you can get even wetter,” he teased, moving behind me. He climbed on top of me as I continued to lie on my stomach. He held me in place with a strong hand in the middle of my back. His large body came in between my legs from behind, spreading them wider.

  He removed the pillow that rested under my head and maneuvered my hips so that he could put it under them. Then, grabbing both my hands, he pushed my arms so they stretched above my head. I turned my face into the mattress when he pushed into me. Within seconds, all thoughts were lost as I could only focus on the pleasure he was giving me for the second time that night.



  “My father asked me to join his firm,” she informed me, still staring at the clouds outside her window. We were on our flight to D.C. for a long weekend, and although it was a working getaway for me, having her with me felt a little less like work.

  “And?” I prodded.

  “I don’t know. I told him I’d think about it.”

  “What’s to think about?”

  “A lot. Aside from the fact that his firm doesn’t exactly do family law, I just don’t know how I’d feel working for him.”

  “That isn’t what you’ve wanted? To work at the firm your father started?” I inquired.

  She looked off, frowning. “When I first started law school, it was to prove I could do it. But then, I fell in love with it. I didn’t need to prove to my father or anyone else that I was a lawyer, because I just knew it. I don’t do my job for anyone else anymore. I do it because it’s my passion.”

  I ran my fingers across my lower lip, considering her words. Then a thought came to me. “But are you thinking of turning down your father’s offer as a way to get back at him?”

  Her head shot back over to me.


  “Just a thought.”

  Moments later, the pilot made the announcement that we were beginning our final descent into D.C. The conversation about joining her father’s law firm was put on hold, but I planned to pick it back up eventually.

  Thirty minutes later, we were in the car being driven to the Hay-Adams Hotel where we’d be staying. There was little downtime, because as soon as our driver pulled off and we reached our room, my phone rang. My assistant, who’d come up a day ahead of me, was calling to confirm my six-thirty dinner appointment and an after-dinner business meeting with a budding entrepreneur out of Atlanta who was looking to do a joint venture.

  I gave Chanel an apologetic smile and went back to my impromptu phone meeting with my assistant. After pulling out my tablet, I scrolled through the emails he’d sent me and notes he’d added to the opening scheduled for the following evening. My thoughts remained occupied by work as we pulled up to the hotel.

  “I’m going to go to the gym for a little bit to hit the treadmill, stretch out my legs, and let you get some work done before we head out to dinner,” Chanel said, pulling a pair of yoga pants and T-shirt from her bag.

  I paused, staring at the exposed portion of her thighs in the navy pleated skirt she wore. “How you know I didn’t want to help you stretch out your legs?” I tugged her by the arm, pulling her into me. She laughed and wrapped her arm around my waist, but as soon as she did, my phone started buzzing again. I groaned, knowing I needed to answer that call, but hating having to at the same time. For once, I found myself more concerned with a woman than my business.

  “You need to get that.” She pulled back, pivoting to pick up my phone from the dresser, and handed it to me. “I’ll see you in a little while.” She rose on her tiptoes, and I bent to brush my lips over hers at the same time I pressed the button to answer my phone.

  “Yeah, Bryce, hang on,” I huffed, eyeing Chanel as she changed into her workout attire right in front of me. My lower abdomen tightened as she exposed her flesh, but that little flame was quickly extinguished when she covered it again with the pants and T-shirt. I watched as she glanced over her shoulder, winked at me, and sauntered out of the room.

  I got plans for that ass later.

  “X, you there?” My assistant, Bryce, called my name.

  I ran my hand down the side of my face. “Yeah man, I’m here. Tell me more about this Scott and Walton deal.”

  As I fired up my laptop to pull up the contract, a part of my mind was still on Chanel. I’d wanted to spend as much time with her as possible that weekend. I knew she could easily find things to keep herself occupied. She’d already made plans to meet up with a former classmate for lunch the next day. The opening was two nights away, and I still needed to get organized for that. Despite the work I needed to do, though, I wasn’t about to let this weekend get away from us without spending some quality time with my woman. I didn’t ask her to come with me just to be an accessory at a club opening for a night. I rubbed the top of my head as I considered what we could get into the next evening, just she and I.

  “Bryce, when we hang up, I need you to make a reservation at The Source for tomorrow at six.”

  “That may be a problem. It’s kind of short notice and that place is usually hopping on weekends.”

  “I know the head chef. Make it happen.” I wasn’t in the mood to hear the word no. Bryce must’ve picked up on that from my tone, because there was no more protest. We moved on and talked more about the weekend and other work projects I had going on before hanging up. I barely noticed how long I’d been on the phone with Bryce until I heard the door to our suite opening.

  Moments later, a glistening Chanel appeared at the entrance of the bedroom, winded, using a hotel towel to wipe her forehead.

  I let my eyes lazily peruse her plush body, from the swell of her breasts and the dip of her waist that flared out to hips I knew were perfect for gripping while I thrust in and out of her warm, wet channel.

  “I thought you weren’t much for working out?” I questioned to rid myself of the thoughts in my head. They were causing my dick to swell, and I still needed to get a few things done before I could put my full attention on her.

  She gave me a grin, wrapping the towel around her neck and strutting over to her luggage. “Usually I’m not, but I like to hit the treadmill or go for a walk after traveling to unwind a little. You get some work done?” she asked, switching topics.

  “Most of what I needed. Still got some shit to handle before dinner.” My phone buzzed just then. It was Bryce, alerting me that the reservation at The Source had been made for the following evening at six-fifteen.

  “What’s got you frowning at your phone?”

  “Bryce,” I grunted. “I asked him to make a reservation at The Source tomorrow night for six and the message he just sent says it’s for six-fifteen.” I shook my head.

  “And?” she retorted.

  “And, I like my instructions followed.”

  She rolled those big ass brown eyes, and my dick jumped in my pants. “The Source is usually busy, especially on the weekends. And you just had him make the reservations tonight, and you’re complaining about fifteen minutes?”

  I went to challenge her reply, but was stopped by her hand in the air.

  “I know. I know. Time is money and all that. Which,” she paused, to remove the towel from her neck and then slowly pull the damp T-shirt over her head, “is why I’m sure…” she paused again, slowly rolling those yoga pants down her hips and thighs until it hit the f
loor. She stepped out of them. “You don’t have time to indulge in a shower with me right now,” she sighed. She was down to just a pair of boy shorts and a Nike sports bra.

  My fingers itched to rip both off of her. When she turned and gave me a glimpse of a portion of her ass cheeks hanging out of her panties, I was on my feet without thinking. Work could fucking wait; my throbbing manhood couldn’t.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  As soon as we stepped out of the town car, Xavier became the star of the evening. Even though he was supposed to be a silent partner in this venture, everyone who mattered knew he was the money behind the funding of the club. Despite the people vying for his attention as soon as we got out of the vehicle, he waved the driver off and stood by the door with his hand out, patiently waiting for me to exit.

  I noticed his heated gaze sweep over me for the umpteenth time that evening. I wore a Zoe sequin minidress with a plunging neckline. My hair was pinned up with a few spiral curls falling to frame my face. Around my neck was a beautiful Colette chain choker with diamonds hanging from it. That had been gifted to me from Xavier earlier in the evening. My outfit was complete with a pair of black Bianca Louboutins.

  “You look good as hell,” he growled in my ear.

  My entire body flooded with heat. It wasn’t the first time Xavier had told me as much since I got dressed, but it felt just as good as the first time. I gave him another once-over, admiring him in the navy suit he wore, paired with a white button-up collared shirt. He’d left a few of the top buttons open and didn’t wear a tie, looking very much like the laid-back businessman this nightclub was supposed to cater to.

  “I’ma have to make sure my security follows you all around this damn place tonight,” he grumbled.

  I snorted. “Ain’t no one in here thinking about me tonight.”

  We paused as Xavier greeted a few people at the entrance. I looked out over the line that was already half-a-block long. There were men obviously trying to impress their dates and women dressed to the nines trying to garner the attention of whoever they thought had an in, which meant many were looking directly at my man. All it took was one look to see how people swarmed around Xavier, fighting for his attention, to realize he was the man of the evening.

  “I’ve clocked at least three dudes I’ma need to keep an eye on tonight to keep their asses away from you,” he answered in response to my earlier comments.

  “They can look, long as they don’t touch,” I stated, looking over at a group of women who were damn near salivating over Xavier.

  “I prefer if they didn’t fucking look either.” He pulled my arm to wrap around his as we entered the club.

  I took in the scenery. The club had three levels that were visible as soon as we stepped inside. We passed the area that would be used for coat checking; the huge bar was off to the left with beautiful young bartenders busy serving drinks. The music was the typical D.C. go-go music, interspersed with some of the latest hip hop tracks being played on the radio.

  “The third level is the lounge area for business meetings. It’ll be quieter up there,” Xavier stated close to my ear. “I need to mingle for a bit before I head up there.”

  “Go ahead,” I urged.

  He hesitated.

  “Go, I want to take in the scenery anyway. I’m sure there are a few people I know here.” The last thing I wanted was to be the clingy girlfriend he felt he needed to babysit all night.

  “You sure?”

  “Go!” I shooed him away and turned to head to the bar, but Xavier beat me to it. When the bartender noticed it was him who’d tapped her shoulder, her look changed from one of professional courtesy to pure interest.

  “She’s with me. Her drinks are on the house tonight,” he pointed at me.

  The bartender nodded.

  “A’ight, baby girl. I’ll see you in a bit.” Xavier pressed a kiss to my cheek at the same time a male hand grasped his shoulder. It was another one of the owners. Xavier made quick introductions and gave me one last wink before sauntering off. I briefly watched as he walked away, becoming turned on by his slightly pigeon-toed gait.

  “What’re you drinking, doll?” the bartender asked.

  “Amaretto sour,” I answered, my eyes still on the man of the hour. I enjoyed watching him in his element. Head lowered, talking business with his associates, greeting patrons who vied for his attention before returning to the previous conversation.

  “Here you go.”

  I finally took my eyes off Xavier to retrieve my drink from the bartender. I paused, savoring the sweet taste. When I looked back up to where Xavier had been standing, he was gone. I took that as my cue to move on and mingle about. I had invited my law school classmate, Genie, who’d permanently relocated to D.C. after we graduated. She was supposed to be coming with her fiancé. I proceeded to stroll around the first level of the club, surprised when one guy gripped my arm for a dance. Before I could even turn down his offer, a security guard came out of nowhere, effectively ending that request.

  “You okay?” the burly man asked.

  “I’m fine.”

  He took a few steps away, checking out the rest of the crowd, but I still felt like I had eyes on me. I chuckled to myself as I took another sip of my drink.

  Minutes later, I spotted Genie with her fiancé. We gushed over each other’s outfits for a few moments before she introduced me to her fiancé. I promised I’d introduce her to Xavier whenever we reunited. I had no idea where he was at this point, but it was okay since I was enjoying the music, and Genie was a riot to be around. She and I danced to countless songs together while her fiancé made his rounds with the people he knew in the building. After a while, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see that same security guard from earlier.

  “Boss man wants to see you upstairs,” he grunted.

  He began moving people aside to let me pass. I grabbed Genie and informed her that we were going up to meet with Xavier. I wanted to introduce her to him. She grabbed her fiancé, and we followed the huge security guard who parted the crowded club with ease. Taking the stairs, we bypassed the second floor, which had a more laid back feel than the lower-level, but the music was still upbeat.

  We followed the security guard toward the elevator that led to the third level. Stepping off, the volume of the music was considerably lower, and a much slower pace. The atmosphere up there was less flirty and more business-casual. Xavier wasn’t difficult to spot, as he stood over the two other men he was speaking with. When he took a scan of the room, his eyes landed directly on me, and my entire body warmed up as those beautiful lips spread into a grin, and that dimple appeared. My heart fluttered and Genie bumped me from behind.

  “He’s cute,” she trilled in my ear.

  Nah, Xavier Grant was manly, handsome, magnetic. He could never be so basic as to just be cute. But I kept my comments to myself and led Genie and her fiancé toward the man who held my attention.

  “I thought I was going to have to send out a search party,” he murmured, wrapping an arm around my waist.

  “I didn’t want to disturb you while you were working,” I responded honestly.

  His lip turned down into a frown that had me thinking I’d said the wrong thing. Not wanting to ask what that was about, I turned to Genie.

  “Xavier, this is my good friend, Genie. We graduated from Georgetown together, and this is her fiancé, Garrett.”

  “Pleasure is mine. Chanel’s told me good things about you. You two enjoying yourselves tonight?” he asked, taking a glass of scotch a waiter had just brought up.

  I raised my brows when he took the amaretto sour that was sitting on the tray as well and handed it to me.

  It was a small gesture of consideration, but made me feel cared for, for he’d considered me when I wasn’t even in the room. “Thank you.”

  “You two drinking anything? Just let my guy here know,” he told Genie and Garrett. “Oh shit, I need to catch up with Steve about som
e things. It’ll be quick.”

  “Go.” I gestured with my head for him to handle what he needed. “We’ll be fine.”

  “A’ight. Mingle for a little bit but don’t go far. I’ll only be a minute,” he promised.

  At that moment, Genie whispered that she needed to use the restroom, but insisted I didn’t need to come with her. Garrett eventually found a few more people to engage in conversation with, so I sipped my drink, gazing out the glass window at the lower levels. Looking at the different people enjoying themselves, I couldn’t help the sense of pride I felt for the man I’d come with. I always knew Xavier would make a success of himself. He was a natural-born leader, and while many took his relaxed, in control demeanor for being overly laid back, I’d always picked up on his underlying intensity. It seemed his mind was always working, trying to figure things out or improve upon something. He worked his ass off and deserved every ounce of success he’d earned.

  Smiling, I took another sip of my drink, just thinking about all the ways in which I wanted to congratulate Xavier that night in our hotel room. However, before I could conjure up an image of all the titillating things I wanted to do to Xavier, a chill ran down my spine, causing me to frown. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

  “If it isn’t the lovely Chanel Combs. It’s been quite a while,” a deep male voice intoned behind me.

  A queasy feeling rose in my belly at the underlying lasciviousness mixed with charm in his voice. Slowly, I turned around to find a pair of dark brown eyes staring at me over the brim of a glass of scotch. Not for the first time, I noted how much this man looked like his son.

  “Mr. Miller.”

  “Now Chanel, we were almost family. No need to be so formal.” He lowered his glass and let his gaze scour over me from head to toe.

  The feeling of being completely exposed under his gaze had me on edge. I’d often felt that way about Ethan’s father.

  “That was many years ago, sir. How are you doing?” I tried for polite conversation.

  His grin grew. “I’m well. The lobbying business continues to be good to me. I see you’re doing well yourself.” That comment was followed up by another visual perusal of my body. “What are you doing here tonight? With anyone I know?”


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