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Ontarian Legacies 1 Shadow Assassins

Page 10

by Cyndi Friberg

  Why would anyone be content to watch a simulation when a nicely rounded female knelt at their feet? Two of the holofigures were men, the third female. The woman knelt before the men, stroking one with her hand while she worked the other with her mouth. The perspective rotated, allowing Lilt to see the three from every angle.

  North focused again on the girl kneeling between Lilt’s legs. Long, golden hair framed her oval face. Her cheeks hollowed as she did her best to please her master. The apathy with which Lilt treated her annoyed North. Submission was to be rewarded with pleasure, not indifference.

  “Slow down, Eddi. They haven’t even aroused her yet. I don’t want to come until they’re both moving inside her.”

  Apparently, Lilt had watched this simulation before.

  Eddi pulled back, holding Lilt’s shaft with one hand while she swirled her tongue around the tip. Lilt patted the top of her head as if she were an obedient canine. Irritation flared into anger, and North reached into Lilt’s mind. He compelled the cold bastard to look down at the woman, to see her.

  Lilt framed her face with his hands and thrust to the back of her throat. “Suck me hard. I need to feel ...” His words trailed away as North sank deeper and expanded his control. North directed Lilt’s attention with ruthless intensity, creating sensations so demanding the other man shook.

  “Stand up.” Lilt squirmed and tossed his head, unable to escape North’s telepathic hold. Halting the holoprojection, Lilt scooted to the edge of his chair.

  Uncertainty shone in Eddi’s eyes as she pushed to her feet. “Have I displeased you, sir?”

  “No.” Lilt panted, absently cupping one of her breasts. “I need ... I want ...”

  Power surged through North, exhilarating and addictive. Lilt grabbed his head and groaned, struggling against the compulsion. North had been commanding soldiers longer than Lilt had been alive. Did he really think he could resist?

  “Maybe I should --”

  Lilt sprang to his feet and wrapped his arms around Eddi. His mouth captured her startled yelp. He kissed her slowly, exploring her mouth and teasing her tongue. North imagined Lilt on his knees with the girl’s leg draped over his shoulder, licking and sucking on her folds until she screamed in pleasure. He passed the image to Lilt and demanded his compliance. Resentment blasted back at him. Lilt shook his head and shoved Eddi back.


  “No!” The mental standoff only lasted a moment. With a strangled moan, Lilt sank to his knees. Eddi’s eyes widened, and her gaze darted toward the door. He raised his hand and forced his lips to part in a shaky smile. “Come here.”

  “You don’t seem well, sir. Should I fetch a healer?”

  “Get over here!” North detonated a burst of pain in Lilt’s brain, illustrating his disapproval with his tone. Lilt trembled, his body reflecting the battle raging within his mind. “I need you, Eddi,” he whispered in defeat. “Let me taste you.”

  She crept forward, glancing at Lilt’s erection. “You want to ...”

  As soon as she was within reach, Lilt spun her around and bent her over his chair. His determination to avoid the exact telepathic command amused North. With a slightly stronger signal North could have forced his complete submission, but this was close enough.

  Lilt held her thighs apart, while he tongued her clit, his face pressed snugly against her smooth ass. Fully dressed and on his knees, the House of Joon’s leader pleasured his sex slave with utter abandon. He brought her to one shattering orgasm after another while North looked on in satisfaction. Finally, Eddi begged him to stop, her voice tremulous, knees wobbling. Only then did North ease his hold on Lilt’s mind.

  As you were. North chuckled.

  Eddi returned to her position between Lilt’s thighs and sucked him to completion.

  For a long, silent moment, Lilt sprawled in his chair, staring off into the distance. Eddi gathered her scattered clothing and hurried from the room. Lilt’s chest heaved, and his gaze focused. He righted his clothing and pushed to his feet, turquoise gaze flashing. “If you ever play your foul mind games with me again, I’ll --”

  You’ll do whatever amuses me.

  Lilt tugged on his jacket and adjusted the crotch of his pants, his expression mutinous. “I’m well aware of your abilities. That little ... demonstration was in violation of our alliance.”

  North didn’t argue. Lilt was right. According to the terms of their alliance the elders would not subject any House of Joon leader to telepathic control. Still, the “demonstration” had been richly deserved.

  “Why are you here?” Lilt’s expression relaxed, even if tension remained in his tone. “Were you dissatisfied with the pleasure givers I recruited for you?”

  “The pleasure givers are for my men. No one has complained.” North took on his Shadow form, halting his transformation somewhere between energy and matter. The Joons might be the eyes and ears of the Shadow Assassins, but no one in the world above had ever seen his corporeal body.

  “Then what can I do for you?” Lilt asked with a calculated smile.

  North studied the younger man. Though cropped short, his burnished hair curled on top, lending his face a boyish air. His bright gaze revealed much, if one knew him well; still, most were fooled by his pleasant features and charming smile. North just knew him better than most.

  “Were you invited to the wedding?” North kept his tone casual, interested in Lilt’s reaction as much as his reply.

  “Lor was,” he muttered, averting his gaze. “Why do you ask?”

  Ah, yes, the wayward son. Lor had been a source of frustration for Lilt ever since North had known him. Even as a child, Lor had exhibited extraordinary abilities, which shone a glaring light on the fact that Lilt had none. To add insult to injury, Lilt’s enemy, Tal dar Aune, had agreed to mentor Lor. At the time, Lilt had been attempting to win the confidence of the other great houses, so there had been no option but to accept Tal’s generosity.

  “I take it you haven’t spoken with Lor since the wedding.”

  “Is there some reason why I should have? Why are you being so obtuse?”

  “An interesting word choice for someone who is oblivious to the most significant development in the last twenty cycles.”

  Lilt glared at him and crossed to the com panel on his nightstand. “Person to person, Lor dar Joon.”

  North faded back into energy as Lor’s image rose from the panel.

  “Hello, Father. What did you need?” Lor’s terse tone and strained expression gave Lilt the perfect excuse for questioning him.

  “I wanted to confirm our appointment for tomorrow, but what’s going on? You look dreadful.”

  The last time North had seen Lor he’d been a lanky youth. The passing cycles had added maturity and character to his handsome face. No one would ever doubt his lineage. Lor looked very much like his father.

  “We’re dealing with a crisis. Tomorrow is doubtful at best. I’ll com you when I know more.”

  “Wait! What crisis? Did that Bilarrian bastard strand Rheanna at the altar?”

  For a moment Lor hesitated, then he heaved an audible sigh. “Echo and E’Lanna have been kidnapped. There have been no ransom demands, so everyone fears the worst.”

  “Wouldn’t Tal sense if they were dead?” Lilt’s wrong conclusion was obviously meant to draw out more information. North watched in fascination as Lilt manipulated the conversation.

  “There are some fates worse than death. I really have to go.”

  “Is there anything I can do? Who is organizing the search?”

  “Searches,” Lor corrected. “The Bilarrian delegation has mounted a search, Head Master Tal has half the Conservatory searching in one way or another, and Director dar Aune returned to the City of Tears this morning to confer with the overlord. Everything that can be done is being done.”

  “Do they know who took the twins?”

  “No one wants to admit it, but the longer they’re gone with no word from their abductors, the more it l
ooks like the Shadow Assassins.”

  “Everyone must be frantic.”

  “To say the least.”

  “Please, let the High Queen know my thoughts and prayers are with her.”

  Lor inclined his head and ended the transmission.

  “That was quite a performance.” North returned to his Shadow form.

  Lilt turned to face him, his expression incredulous. “You kidnapped the royal twins? Why? Even I can see the folly in such a rash action. There is no creature more vicious than a mother protecting her young, and when that mother happens to be High Queen of all Ontariese ...”

  “I didn’t kidnap them.”

  “But you know who did.”

  “Perhaps.” North hovered for a moment debating how much to tell him. “This is not a route I would have chosen, but we’ve embarked on the journey just the same. The only question now is how do we maximize the opportunity?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  If they realize my true purpose, we’re both dead.

  It was the only warning Echo got as they emerged from the metaphysical plane. Lulled by the knowledge that E’Lanna was unharmed, she was shocked by Varrik’s aggression. He shoved her face down on the bed, his hand hurtful on the back of her neck.

  “I allowed your escape attempt to go unpunished because of your vow to me. But your vows are meaningless. That leaves me no choice but to punish you.” Were the elders watching, or was he really angry? He pulled her arms behind her back and fastened the cuffs to each other. Then, using her bound wrists, he pulled her up off the bed. “I enjoy having my scent on your skin, but we both reek of sweat, and that’s a far less appealing smell.”

  He half-led, half-dragged her into the utility room and shoved her into the shower stall. The mist activated automatically, and Echo sputtered. “I can’t wash myself with my hands tied behind my back.”

  “That’s not a problem.” He joined her beneath the spray. “I’ll take care of the washing.” His hands slid over her body, cupping her breasts as he pressed against her back. “Did you have bathers in the world above, or was it just your guards who were allowed access to this luscious body?”

  She tried to reach down and grab his balls, but the cuffs kept her fingers out of reach. Refusing to dignify the question with a reply, she stared at the wall in front of her. He could scrub her until her skin turned raw. It made no difference to her. If this was a demonstration for the elders, he was playing his part a bit too well.

  He rolled her nipples. She stood perfectly still. He explored her bottom. She tuned him out. Even when his fingers slipped into her core, she managed to repress her moan. But he pressed his slick fingertip against her tightly puckered anus, and Echo jerked forward.

  “I think I’m clean enough.”

  His husky chuckle sent a wayward shiver down her spine. “Hasn’t anyone ever touched you there before?”

  “Why would they?” She tried to twist away from his questing fingers, but he caught her around the waist and angled her body so her side pressed against his chest.

  “There are more nerve endings there than in more conventional locations.”

  “You’re not putting your finger up my ass,” she snapped.

  He tightened his hold around her waist and pushed his middle finger into her tight hole. “You were saying?”

  She tossed her head, whipping him with her damp hair.

  “Keep it up, and you’ll entertain more than my finger.”

  Her flare of anger dissolved like the mist evaporating on her overheated skin. She stilled, acutely aware of the foreign fullness in her bottom and the erection pressing against her hip. “Why are you doing this?” she whispered.

  “You’re mine to do with as I will.” He pushed deeper. “The sooner you accept that, the safer you’ll be.”

  Safer. He was concerned about the elders. Were they really omniscient?


  She laughed. He shoved his finger up her ass, then told her to relax. With teasing slowness, he withdrew, then pushed in again. Her body opened for him, accepting the small penetration despite her misgivings. Each in-stroke made her squirm, but the out-stroke sent tingling heat curling up her spine.

  She sagged against him, her head resting against his shoulder. He pulled his hand away and reactivated the mist.

  Shocked by the abrupt change, she looked back at him. “Why did you stop?”

  “Because you were enjoying it.” She kicked at him and her foot slid. She gasped, unable to catch her balance with her hands trapped behind her back. He snatched her to him, his eyes boring into hers. “I think we’ll work on that temper as well. I’ve obviously been too lenient with you.”

  He stepped from the shower stall and reached for a towel. She stood tense and silent as he dried her entire body with unnecessary thoroughness. After drying himself, he tossed the towel in the recycle bin and led her back to the outer room.

  “I can’t quite decide what to do with you. The ancient customs suggest several suitable punishments for an insubordinate female. I can whip you, but we both know you’d revel in the sting. I can allow others to mount you, so you understand in a tangible way that your body is no longer your own. Or I can put you on display.”

  He pulled on a pair of black pants, then unhooked her restraints without releasing the cuffs. Thankful for the reprieve, she rolled her shoulders and rubbed her aching wrists. Fear sat like a rock in the pit of her stomach. The situation was rapidly escalating beyond Varrik’s control. Would he really allow others to take her? She would much rather be whipped.

  “Put this on.” He handed her one of his tunics.

  She knew from experience that the garment would barely cover her butt and the upper curve of her breasts would be left bare. “Where are we going?”

  “To the discipline hall. Most masters use nudity as part of the punishment. I haven’t decided if you’ll be displayed.”

  Discipline hall? He had to be joking. Her heart fluttered, and her body betrayed her yet again. Heat unfurled through her core and her nipples pebbled. It was more than just fear making her heart pound. She could deal with anything as long as Varrik was the only one touching her. If he felt obligated to give her to others ... “Can’t I be disciplined here?”

  “No.” His cold, flat tone assured her it was the only answer she would get.

  She put on the tunic, arranging the wide neckline as modestly as she could. While she fiddled with the material, he bent down and retrieved a wide belt from a compartment under his bed. She swallowed hard. Was he going to use that on her? The shiver resulting from the thought held only fear this time. Her fantasies often featured a ruthless male and sensations so pleasurable they hurt. Still, she had never imagined embracing pain to the point of pleasure.

  He moved in close and pulled the belt around her waist. She watched his eyes as he efficiently closed the wide metal buckle and fastening her cuffs to the stout loops on the front of the belt. This was more comfortable than having her arms bound behind her back, but it left her helpless. What if someone tried to take her away from Varrik? His authority couldn’t protect her from the elders.

  “Marton’s breath, you have a fabulous mouth.” He bent and kissed her, sending a calming wave through her body. Had he sensed her mounting anxiety or merely read the fear in her eyes? She didn’t know the full extent of his powers, but she appreciated the brief tenderness.

  Varrik pulled back and traced her bottom lip with his thumb. “I’m far too possessive to ever share you. You will have to be punished with pain.” He pulled a tunic on over his head and tugged on his boots. “Let’s go.” He scanned open the privacy panel and nodded toward the corridor beyond.

  “What exactly are you going to do?”

  Grabbing her elbow, he pulled her along behind him. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

  Her steps lagged until he was nearly dragging her. “Varrik, please --”

  He spun around and pushed her up against the wall. “I didn’t give
you leave to use my name. It was a momentary weakness. A weakness you repaid with betrayal. I will not be weak again. My name is Master. Say it!”

  She licked her lips, tears stinging her eyes. “Master.”

  With a careful shove, he sent her down the corridor ahead of him. The sharp crack of a whip and a shrill scream burst from the chamber at the end of the hallway. Echo shuddered. She was no expert on screams, but that had sounded decidedly female.

  Varrik rushed ahead, catching her elbow as he passed and pulling her along in his wake. Why did he suddenly seem so upset? Screams couldn’t be an unusual sound coming from a “discipline hall.”

  “You have been his lover for cycles,” a man said in a deep, commanding voice. “Admit what you know, and the pain will ...”

  Anger exploded through Echo as they entered the cavernous room. The scars on Aila’s back identified her before Echo saw her ashen face. She was restrained between two pillars, her feet barely touching the floor. Welts and gashes crisscrossed her back and buttocks, even the backs of her thighs. If this was standard punishment, Echo was in serious shit.

  “What the fuck do you think she knows?” Varrik shouted.

  The man holding the whip turned to confront Varrik. Echo’s heart missed a beat when she saw his face. His swarthy complexion and blue-ringed eyes indicated Rodyte ancestry. Were all the leaders in the maze Rodyte?

  “Elder North might be fooled by your superficial show of obedience,” he told Varrik. “The rest of us are not.”

  This man was one of the elders, Varrik’s superior. Echo struggled to breathe past the lump lodged in her throat. Aila whimpered. Blood striped her skin, brilliant red even in the hazy light. Skirting the men, Echo moved toward the wounded woman.

  Varrik launched himself at the other man. The elder sent him flying backward with the wave of one hand. Varrik charged again, and the elder flung him away.

  Echo scanned Aila. Healing wasn’t her primary skill, but she would offer what help she could. Several of the lacerations needed to be closed, and her entire body was bruised. There didn’t seem to be any organ involvement, though, and the bleeding was minimal. The vicious bastard knew how to use a whip. Echo sent a soothing wave through Aila’s battered body, keeping one eye on the men.


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