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Clover Cottage: A feel good cosy read perfect for your summer holiday reading (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 3)

Page 6

by Christie Barlow

  Her mum cast her eyes down and shook her head. ‘Unfortunately not. We are heading to Heartcross, a small village in the Highlands.’

  Feeling a wrench in her stomach Allie burst into tears and ran to her room. She didn’t want to go anywhere; she wanted to stay right where she was, right where she was happy with her best friend living only five stepping stones away.

  Still, all these years later Allie knew she didn’t like change. She was settled and had everything she wanted, including friends just like Emmy. Maybe working in the pub had become the easy and safe option, surrounded by the people who loved her and had never let her down … It was what she knew. From the outset of their relationship, Rory had definitely had a confidence-boosting effect on Allie. She would describe him as her rock; he always praised her pictures and with his encouragement she’d submitted some to the local paper, which snapped them up immediately. But for a split second Allie questioned if she was truly happy. Did she want more than Heartcross? What would it be like to travel to all the amazing places out there in the big wide world? Allie just didn’t know if she was brave enough to find out.

  She gave herself a shake. Of course she was happy, she told herself. She lived in the most beautiful village with the most spectacular scenery and tomorrow she and Rory were going to view Clover Cottage, the place in her mind where she was going to set up her future with the man she loved. Heartcross was her life, their life. Her heart gave a little skip.

  ‘Penny for them,’ asked Isla, noticing Allie had slipped into a little world of her own.

  ‘When your parents emigrated to New Zealand, did you ever consider going with them?’ Allie asked. Isla’s parents had moved when she was in her late teens.

  Isla narrowed her eyes and parked Angus’s pram next to the hay bale and sat down. ‘Where did that come from?’

  Allie attempted a smile. ‘Just that conversation with Zach. He seemed surprised I’d lived here most of my life and had no intention of venturing out into the big wide world.’

  ‘Each to their own, I say, but of course I miss my parents, it was a heart-wrenching decision …’ Isla’s voice wavered and tears sprang to her eyes.

  ‘I didn’t mean to upset you,’ said Allie, feeling awful.

  ‘It’s not you. I miss my parents and they aren’t getting any younger, and this one’ – she squeezed Angus’s chubby leg – ‘as well as Finn have never met their grandparents in real life, only on Facetime. Dad’s not well and we just haven’t got the money to visit. I just pray …’

  Allie placed a hand on her friend’s knee; she knew exactly what Isla was thinking.

  ‘Heartcross was where Drew was; he was my future, the guy I wanted to set up home with, have my family with. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make, believe me.’ Dabbing her eyes with a tissue, Isla smiled. ‘Look at me getting all emotional.’ She wafted a hand in front of her face. ‘But Heartcross is where Drew is, and the farm, and I chose him. If one day Drew decides he wants to up and leave then that’s a different story.’

  ‘But what about your ambitions?’ probed Allie.

  ‘I’ve got my own little business, the alpacas, and I’ve got Gran too – who’d have thought she’d stay around this long? Heartcross seems to have tamed her.’ Isla let out a laugh. ‘So what is it you want to do, Allie Macdonald? What are you thinking?’

  Allie shrugged, ‘I’m not entirely sure what I’m thinking. It just seems everyone is off travelling the world. Rory’s ex is currently working in Africa as a vet and I think it’s made him think about travelling again. And look at Zach, travelling all around making documentaries. Even Polly left London after losing her job and is still here.’

  ‘We’ve definitely converted her into a country girl.’

  ‘It’s just … and I know it’s all a load of nonsense … but when Mystic Martha predicted my future—’

  Isla interrupted. ‘Do not let Gran hear you say it’s all a load of nonsense. She takes her psychic powers very seriously.’

  Surprised, Allie pulled back her shoulders and sat up straight, ‘What do you mean?’ she asked, then swallowed hard.

  ‘My gran is an absolute tool, but back in the day, people paid good money to have their fortune told by her, and mark my words, more often than not her predictions came true. She even travelled with the circus and at one time had her own hut in some seaside town. The stories she could tell you.’

  Allie’s eyes widened. ‘Now I know you’re winding me up.’

  ‘Honestly, I’m not!’ exclaimed Isla, carefully manoeuvring the umbrella attached to the pram to shield a now awake Angus from the sun, before putting her hand up to her chest as if saying an oath. ‘I swear it’s not an act; Gran is psychic.’

  That was not a revelation Allie had been expecting.

  ‘What did she say? Because you’re obviously rattled.’

  There was an awkward pause as Allie tried to get her thoughts in order.

  ‘Come on!’

  Allie spilt the beans while Isla gave a small chuckle and placed a perfectly angelic-looking Angus on his bum on the ground in front of them.

  ‘That could mean anything. Like Gran said, you are in charge of your destiny. I definitely think you and Rory are meant to be together, so stop fretting, woman … Mystic Martha wouldn’t want you to worry. It’s meant to be a bit of fun, not a game-changer!’

  Allie nodded. ‘Okay,’ she said, breaking into a smile even though around her friends it was always hard to hide her true feelings. ‘It’s probably the time of the month and I’m being supersensitive. And Rory has agreed to take a look at Clover Cottage tomorrow.’

  ‘There you go then. What is meant to be will be.’

  Allie began to relax. Isla was right and she was just being silly.

  She turned to look at Hamish and Julia hovering by the judging table, making sure Rory and Zach had enough refreshments before they began. They were in deep conversation as they looked over the entry forms, Zach’s trusted Labrador lying at his feet without a care in the world. Pinned to the front of the table were the winning rosettes.

  Everyone looked like they were having a good time, and the chatter was noisy until Hamish blew into the hand-held megaphone and silence began to sweep through the crowd. Allie studied Rory, who looked relaxed and was laughing alongside Zach as Hamish stepped into the middle of the ring. She knew the next couple of weeks would be stressful. At some point they were going to have to pack up all his things and move them from Love Heart Lane and put them goodness knows where. Allie was crossing her fingers that quaint little Clover Cottage was going to lure Rory in from the outset and they were going to live there happily after ever.

  ‘Budge up – I can’t miss this for the world,’ said Felicity grinning and gesturing for Esme to come and sit with them. But the little girl flatly refused. She was determined to support Finn and Mop from the front row.

  Allie had never seen so many people interested in watching the dog show at the summer fair but she knew why this event was suddenly so popular today.

  The best photographs were going to be taken from the front of the ring where Rory and Zach were sitting, so Allie stood up and made her excuses. She worked her way along the line of contestants, taking photographs of each one alongside their dog, including Finn and his pacapoo, who was already the winner in Allie’s eyes. Walking towards the judges’ table she stood beside Zach, who seemed to be taking his role as judge very seriously.

  ‘So, which one of us is Simon Cowell?’ asked Zach jokingly, with a confident air about him. ‘And do we have a red buzzer?’

  Allie looked at Zach, with his foxy good looks and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a cobalt blue shirt, the sleeves rolled back to reveal his tanned forearms, a black waistcoat and a pair of skinny jeans. ‘Mmm, don’t go buzzing it on Finn’s turn otherwise we’ll have an upset on our hands,’ said Allie, pointing the camera at the competitors as they began to walk into the ring.

  They all held their dogs on a
short tight lead as they pranced them around the makeshift arena before taking their places behind the white taped line opposite the judging panel.

  Zach watched as Julia from the B&B began parading her blue roan cocker spaniel, which sported a red polka-dot bowtie, followed by Esme’s aunty Jessica who walked a Chihuahua on a sparkly pink-sequinned lead.

  ‘They are all taking this super seriously,’ exclaimed Zach, looking along the line of dog owners standing there with their perfectly groomed animals.

  ‘You’d better believe it,’ chipped in Allie, continuing to angle the camera and take photographs.

  ‘It’s a major event, and this village show has been running for decades,’ said Rory, pouring them all a glass of water from the bottle placed in front of them.

  As Zach cast his eye along the line, he stifled a giggle and leant in towards Rory. ‘Fourth boy along – that’s Finn, isn’t it, from the farm I’m staying at?’

  ‘It sure is,’ answered Rory, looking over towards Finn, who was standing up straight and beaming towards the judges.

  ‘But that’s not a dog!’

  Rory’s face was deadpan, ‘That, my friend, is a pacapoo!’

  ‘A what?’ asked Zach, his mouth falling open.

  ‘A pacapoo! Half poodle … half alpaca.’ Rory didn’t crack a smile.

  Zach did a double-take then gave Rory an incredulous stare. ‘Are you serious?’ The disbelief was written all over Zach’s face but Rory had him believing it was possible.

  Zach blinked slowly, and was rendered speechless,

  Allie and Rory exchanged knowing looks and smiles. Then Zach spotted the twinkle of mischief in Allie’s eyes.

  ‘Stop winding me up! You actually had me there for a minute!’

  A wide grin spread across Rory’s face. ‘Sorry, mate, I couldn’t resist,’ he said, dissolving into laughter.

  ‘A pacapoo,’ said Zach, looking back across the ring. ‘So how does this work, can an alpaca really win a dog show?’

  ‘Technically, no, but as this is Heartcross and I know Finn and Esme have worked so hard training Mop from the outset I think they deserve to win best alpaca in show.’ Rory slid a special rosette from the back of the clipboard across the table. ‘Isla made them their very own rosette. We have everything covered.’

  ‘That’s good, as I wouldn’t want to reduce any kids to tears. Could you imagine the news headlines?’ said Zach, giving a little chuckle and patting Sydney, who was now stretched out in the sunshine at his feet.


  After Hamish introduced the dog show and explained the timed obstacle course the crowd applauded and Jessica was first up against the clock, navigating her dog around the course. As soon as she finished, the crowd applauded again, and she took her place back in the line.

  Next up was Finn. Esme was bouncing from foot to foot, giving Finn a thumbs-up. Finn beamed at his best friend then stepped forward and took his position at the start, his determination showing as he pushed up his sleeves, his alert gaze concentrated on the obstacle course in front of them. Then he bent down and pressed a kiss on Mop’s nose. An admiring murmur spread through the crowd. Standing up straight Finn patted Mop on the top of her head and gave a nod to Hamish, acknowledging he was ready to begin, whilst unclipping the lead from Mop’s collar.

  Hamish held the megaphone to his lips and looked at the stopwatch in front of him as he counted down from three then waved the flag.

  A fast stride took Finn and Mop around the course in record time, taking the crowd completely by surprise. Everyone watched in amazement, and Allie couldn’t help but smile at Zach’s reaction, his rapid blinking followed by open staring and a slow disbelieving shake of the head. He was clearly mesmerised by Finn and Mop’s performance. Within seconds it was all over.

  As soon as Mop romped over the line the crowd were up on their feet clapping. Amazed, Hamish clicked the stopwatch and asked both Zach and Rory to verify the time. They confirmed Finn and Mop were in the lead.

  ‘Well, that’s one pacapoo!’ exclaimed Zach. ‘That kid and that alpaca are unbelievable.’

  Finn took a small bow towards the audience before clipping the lead back on to Mop’s collar. A proud Isla closed her eyes and pulled in an expansive breath. Her lips pressed together and her chin quivering slightly, she got to her feet with Angus in her arms, swiping at a proud tear that slipped down her cheek.

  Esme ran into the ring to congratulate her best friend, and squealed as she high-fived Finn. They began to jump and down in excitement before Hamish ushered them to the side of the ring. Finn handed Esme the lead and hot-footed it towards the judges’ table, taking Rory and Zach completely by surprise. Finn stood on tiptoe and offered them both a firm handshake before running back towards Esme.

  ‘A very passionate little boy,’ exclaimed Zach, amazed at Finn’s confidence.

  Twenty minutes later Hamish took his position in the centre of the ring. Esme was standing next to Finn and grabbed his arm as Hamish placed the megaphone to his lips. Allie was ready to take the photographs as Rory stood up and passed the all-important results to Hamish, who quickly scanned them before stepping forward. The crowd hushed. Rory and Zach strolled down from behind the table and joined Hamish, clutching the rosettes.

  ‘In third place … Julia and Woody.’ The crowd applauded as a beaming Julia stepped forward with her cocker spaniel and shook the hands of the judges. Rory handed over the rosette whilst Allie took a photograph. Zach manoeuvred Julia to one side of him whilst the runner-up was announced.

  After the second place had been announced and the photographs were taken, all eyes were on Hamish. Taking a deep breath he looked down at the paper.

  ‘In first place—’

  Esme let out a tiny squeal in anticipation and Finn clutched her arm.

  ‘In first place,’ repeated Hamish, as the onlookers stamped their feet, ‘Jessica and Gloria!’

  The crowd erupted into applause and rose to their feet. Jessica scooped up the tiny chihuahua and placed her under her arm like a clutch handbag as she sprang towards the judges.

  ‘Thank you, thank you,’ she said accepting the rosette from Zach and shaking Rory’s hand before posing for photographs.

  ‘Gloria – great name!’ said Zach admiringly, patting the little dog on her head.

  ‘Named after Gloria Gaynor, the queen of disco – “I Will Survive” – She was the runt of the litter and abandoned by her mother … hand reared,’ said Jessica with warmth. ‘I couldn’t imagine my life without her.’

  As soon as the photographs were taken, Hamish ushered Jessica to stand next to the other winners. Allie grinned at Rory and both turned back to face the crowd. She’d already registered Finn’s crushing disappointment; his shoulders lowered, his eyes closed, he had let his head fall back as he slumped on to the hay bale. But Allie knew there was a special award.

  For the last time Hamish silenced the crowd.

  ‘We have one last trophy to give out today, but firstly, can we all put our hands together for our fantastic judges, Rory Scott, our local vet, and Zach Hudson, actor and explorer!’

  Both took a bow as the applause rippled all around them, together with a handful of wolf whistles.

  Once the clapping had died down, Hamish spoke again. ‘Today, we have a very special judges’ award. This goes to a young contestant who, with his best friend, have put all their love and effort into training a delightful pacapoo. Mop, our local baby alpaca, the first to be born at Foxglove Farm, raced around the course in record time, not putting a foot wrong. So today it gives me great pleasure to announce that our special judges’ award … goes to Finn Allaway and Mop!’

  Finn looked up and stared disbelievingly, before a slow smile began to spread across his face as the words registered. Esme gasped as they locked eyes and threw their arms around each other, bouncing on their toes, before Esme pushed Finn forward. As he led Mop into the ring he looked across towards his mum and dad and shared a look of admiration. Drew slip
ped his arm around a teary-eyed Isla’s waist as they watched Finn punch the air.

  ‘Huge congratulations,’ said Hamish, ‘How do you feel, now that you have just won the special judges’ award?’

  ‘On top of the world,’ replied Finn, clutching his fist to his chest, his voice choked with tears. ‘I don’t believe it.’ He shook his head repeatedly. ‘This is just the best!’ He waved at Esme to come and join him and she bounded towards her best friend without hesitation.

  ‘We did it, we did it,’ shrieked Esme throwing her arms around Mop’s neck then high-fiving Finn.

  Mop was oblivious to all the commotion and was snuffling around on the ground and swishing her tail from side to side. Zach bent down in front of her and patted her head.

  ‘So this is what a pacapoo looks like?’ he said with a grin, pinning on Mop’s collar a bright red rosette sporting a gold shiny number one.

  Rory had the honour of handing out two further badges to Finn and Esme, with a £5 voucher attached to spend at the sweet stall.

  As they posed for photographs, the charmingly quirky-looking Mop tilted her head and looked like she was grinning.

  ‘You’ve definitely got a winner on your hands. Where to next, Crufts?’ joked Zach, looking at Finn, who was biting his lip.

  The boy suddenly looked worried, and his gaze flitted around the ring as he began to bite a nail. ‘I need to tell you something,’ said Finn, his voice wobbling.

  Zach knelt down. ‘What is it?’

  ‘There’s no such thing as a pacapoo. Mop isn’t a dog, she’s an alpaca!’ With a trembling chin Finn held out the sweets voucher in front of him, his head bent low, his eyes looking up.

  ‘I’ll let you into a little secret,’ whispered Zach in his ear. ‘I know. But as judges we can award that rosette to whoever we want and you and Mop are our winners!’ Zach pushed the voucher back towards him.

  ‘Really – I can keep it?’ asked Finn, his eyes wide.

  ‘Really – and honesty is always the best policy. You pair’ – Zach turned towards Esme too – ‘will go far. Mark my words!’ he said, pulling them in for a picture.


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