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Clover Cottage: A feel good cosy read perfect for your summer holiday reading (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 3)

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by Christie Barlow

  ‘To be fair,’ said Isla, ‘every time I scroll through my phone the press have gone to town on the story. The journalists are currently hanging outside Molly’s surgery hoping for a glimpse of Zach collecting Sydney. It would drive me insane being followed everywhere I went. Oh, and imagine always having to look your best. That really wouldn’t go in my favour.’ Isla indicated her clothing and made Allie laugh. Isla hadn’t even managed to get dressed yet today – she was sitting there in her PJs and a pair of wellies. ‘Some people are cut out to be famous. Unfortunately I’m not one of them.’

  ‘Rory even hinted that my job as a barmaid wasn’t a worthy one and surely I wanted more out of life. How dare he?’

  ‘Rory said that?’

  Allie nodded.

  ‘And do you want more out of life?’

  Allie had to admit she’d been thinking about the argument with Rory more and more. It wasn’t as though she had no ambition whatsoever; a small part of her would like her to try something else, to pursue her skill as a photographer in some way. But she also had a job she actually enjoyed. Every day in the pub was different; you didn’t know who was going to walk through the door, and she met some interesting people.

  ‘I’m happy – well, I was happy until this morning. Granted, the cottage needs work, a hell of a lot of work, but isn’t that half the fun, doing the place up together, making it your old little piece of paradise? I mean, look at you.’


  ‘A family, your own home and beautiful surroundings.’

  ‘I’m not sure you could call this place paradise. It always stinks of cow manure, but I suppose you get used to it after a time,’ Isla said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

  ‘He said the cottage was too soon … so I suppose that’s that, if he doesn’t want to move in with me.’

  ‘Has he said he doesn’t want to move in with you? Or did he just say that the cottage was too much, too soon? Sometimes with men you have to cajole them a little bit. It may just take a little time with Rory. At first he didn’t want to view the cottage. You’ve actually got him there now.’

  Allie knew that she and Rory usually managed to communicate without the conversation escalating into a row. Somehow this felt different.

  Isla reached over and squeezed her friend’s hand. ‘This is Rory we are talking about,’ she said reassuringly. ‘He’s besotted with you. Anyone can see that.’

  Hearing the drone of a car engine Isla stood up and peered around the corner. ‘It’s Drew and Zach.’ She took another look. ‘And Rory’s in the car with them.’

  Allie exhaled. ‘Well, this is going to be awkward.’

  ‘Paint a smile on that face. Everything will be okay, trust me.’

  ‘Come on, girl,’ Zach’s voice rang out as the car door slammed behind them.

  Their voices were getting louder as they walked towards the farmhouse. Allie felt herself bristle.

  Sydney came sniffing around the corner and as soon as she spotted Isla and Allie she trundled towards them, lifting her broken leg in the air. Allie bent down to stroke her as her tail wagged from side to side. ‘Well, you do seem brighter,’ she said, ruffling the dog’s ears.

  The three men walked around the corner in jovial conversation. ‘I can’t thank you all enough,’ said Zach with sincerity.

  ‘And what an opportunity for this man,’ chipped in Drew, slapping Rory on the back. ‘My mate, a TV star.’

  ‘I wouldn’t go as far as that,’ replied Rory. His smile dropped as he clocked Allie and did a double take.

  ‘Sometimes you just don’t know what’s around the corner,’ continued Drew, oblivious to the sudden change of atmosphere.

  Allie stared at Rory unblinking, watching his face. He seemed happy at whatever proposal they were talking about, in fact very happy.

  ‘What’s all this?’ queried Isla before Allie had a chance to ask what was going on.

  Allie’s heart was hammering against her ribcage as she waited for Rory to speak.

  Rory looked over towards Zach but he was in full throttle, moving next to Rory and putting his arm around his shoulder. ‘You know when people cross your path for a reason,’ Zach began.

  ‘I thought that once,’ muttered Allie under her breath.

  ‘This man saved Sydney’s life.’

  ‘I wouldn’t go that far, it was just a broken leg,’ objected Rory, playing it down.

  ‘Nonsense, you opened up your surgery, gave us your time, your expertise. I’ve never encountered such kindness before. That dog is not just any dog’ – Zach looked lovingly towards Sydney, who was now lying at Allie’s feet – ‘that dog is my best friend and I couldn’t imagine or don’t want to imagine life without her.’

  ‘I’ll be handing out the tissues in a minute,’ said a teary-eyed Isla, coming over all emotional and flapping her hand in front of her eyes.

  ‘So, even though my filming schedule is up in the air, my producers came up with an alternative.’ Zach grinned at Rory. ‘Because the publicity and social media had gone through the roof, they’ve suggested we film a reality show.’

  ‘A reality show – like the Kardashians?’ asked Isla, sitting up, knowing that brain-numbing TV was a must at her time of life.

  ‘More like the Karcrashions, no pun intended, after what happened to Sydney,’ joked Drew.

  Zach rolled his eyes. ‘It’s a good job I’ve got a sense of humour! My producers have put forward a proposal and Rory has agreed in principle. Obviously we need to get agreement from Mr Scott senior, but we are going to film Rory – Supervet – in his surgery, capturing the highs and lows of working in a veterinary practice. We are going to explore the power of unconditional love between humans and their animals. With Stuart and Alana’s agreement we are going to rig up cameras in the waiting room and behind the scenes. We want to capture the drama, the raw emotion, plus scenes from the operating theatre and powerful interviews with everyone that uses the practice.’ Zach sounded passionate about the whole project.

  Allie was gobsmacked and felt a tiny pang of jealousy that she was the last to know. Suddenly, Rory’s life seemed to be taking a direction that she had no involvement in whatsoever. This was news she wasn’t expecting at all. Overnight Rory was going to become a TV sensation. Allie was fully aware of Zach’s following and she already knew the ratings would be sky-high.

  ‘Congratulations,’ she said, standing up and kissing Rory’s cheek without making eye contact. She didn’t really know what to say or how to react. She didn’t even know how she felt. It all seemed to be happening so quick. All she could think about was their argument. Things were changing fast and there was no denying Allie was feeling unsettled. She was used to making decisions with Rory but that seemed to be changing too. She was beginning to think he was slipping away from her.

  And then there was Martha’s prediction. Allie’s mind was awash, Martha’s words swirling uncontrollably in her mind. “There are huge changes ahead. I see brand-new opportunities for you both in completely different directions. I see fame … An extravagant gift divides you. And for you, dear girl, I see upset. Don’t let opportunities slip through your fingers. You need to overcome your fears. Be brave.”

  Martha couldn’t have got this situation more right if she’d tried! Allie was beginning to feel physically sick. Why the hell did Zach Hudson have to turn up in their village? Sitting back down, Rory seemed a tad uncomfortable as Zach and Drew kept talking excitedly. Allie sipped her drink, trying to hide her thoughts, as Isla got up to hug Rory. ‘Wow! A famous friend. Huge congratulations. So, when is all this happening?’

  But before Zach could answer Drew threw his arms up in the air. ‘What we need is champagne, a toast to this man,’ he announced, patting Rory on the back and quickly disappearing inside the farmhouse kitchen.

  Isla pulled up a few more chairs and everyone settled around the table. Drew handed out the glasses. ‘Not sure if it’s a little early but one glass won’t hurt.’ He twisted
and popped the cork. Allie held up her glass while Drew filled it to the top.

  Once everyone had a full glass Drew cleared his throat, ‘Firstly, I’d like to say well done to Isla.’

  ‘Huh? What’s this got to do with me?’ she asked, looking puzzled.

  ‘Because Zach and Sydney wouldn’t be here, staying at our farm, if it wasn’t for you hiring out those vintage vans of yours! And secondly to Rory. We always said you were destined for greater things than Heartcross … Fame at last!’

  Listening to the conversation Allie felt a little surprised at Drew’s words and the idea of Rory being destined for greater things than Heartcross. Had people always thought this? Why had this thought passed her by? Judging by the reception Drew’s words were getting from the group it was obviously a big possibility that there were greater things on the horizon for Rory, and it made her feel scared and nervous about their future.

  ‘It’s only a TV show!’ exclaimed Rory, snagging a quick look towards Allie.

  ‘Listen to him, “It’s only a TV show”! I suppose you have us lot to keep you grounded, so the fame doesn’t go to your head,’ teased Drew.

  Isla noticed Allie was looking more and more uncomfortable by the second and had adopted a sullen look. She took over the toast. ‘Here’s to Rory, here’s to success!’ she said, holding up her glass and clinking it against all the others.

  ‘Thank you, but I’m treating it as a bit of fun. Just another day at the office,’ said Rory, taking a sip from his glass, but Allie knew that sparkle in his eyes. Rory was excited about what was happening, and why shouldn’t he be? But she couldn’t suppress her own feelings. She wanted to be sitting here sipping champagne for a totally different reason: she wanted to be toasting them moving in together.

  ‘So, when does the filming start?’ asked Isla.

  Zach raised an eyebrow and waggled his phone, which was lying on the table. ‘I’m literally waiting for the call. The TV crew were set to follow us’ – he gave Sydney an affectionate look – ‘up the mountain starting tomorrow.’ Sydney rested her head on Zach’s knee and looked up at him with the most adorable eyes. ‘But thank God you are still here to tell the tale.’ He ruffled the top of the dog’s head. ‘I think it’s possible they’ll use the same crew and get your new show on the road. From what I can gather it’ll be whoever walks in off the street and they’ll film all day then slot the footage into five episodes.’

  ‘How exciting! I bet you’ll have them queuing down the lane to book an appointment with the surgery. And how’s Stuart going to react?’ asked Isla.

  ‘I think as much as he might grumble at first about the upheaval, he’ll secretly be pleased by the attention … It’s just a shame there’s hardly room to swing a cat in the surgery.’

  Just at that second Zach’s phone rang out. He picked it up and walked over to the fence while he was on the call. As he hung up he turned around with a huge beam on his face. ‘We are on!’

  ‘Really?’ answered Rory, surprised it was as easy as that.

  ‘Really!’ replied Zach. ‘Sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time.’

  Rory glanced across at Allie and held her eyes for a second. Her heart beat anxiously. Everyone was so excited about Rory being on TV, but Allie couldn’t shake off the feeling that this was the beginning for him but the end for her. Usually she would have been the first person Rory told about any exciting news but at this moment she felt like they were worlds apart.

  ‘This is brilliant news, isn’t it, Allie?’ said Drew, filling up Allie’s glass with a smidgen of champagne that was left. She looked around at the other glasses, which were still three quarters full, and realised she’d necked the whole drink in a matter of seconds.

  ‘Yes, just brilliant.’ There was an edge to her voice that she hoped went unnoticed.

  ‘Will the show be scripted?’ asked Rory, rubbing the back of his neck and suddenly sounding nervous.

  ‘No, it’ll be off the cuff, so to speak. They’ll film a day in the life of Supervet Rory Scott, starting with you opening up the surgery doors to when you close them, and then they edit it for all the best bits.’

  ‘But this is Heartcross. Nothing exciting ever happens here. It’s either fat cats that need to go on a diet or dogs that need castrating. I’m not actually sure it’s going to make riveting TV.’

  ‘Nonsense. It’s all about living in your shoes, the way you interact with your community. Honestly, people can’t get enough of this kind of viewing and before you know it you’ll be off on tour – a travelling vet opening up drop-in centres all around the country, with a bestselling book at the top of the charts.’

  ‘It sounds like this is going to be the making of you – the making of you both.’ Isla turned towards Allie and gave her a reassuring smile.

  ‘Oh, and I nearly forgot.’ Drew turned towards Isla. ‘Rory’s got to be out of his house, so I’ve offered him the spare room, if that’s okay with you?’

  Isla looked towards Allie, whose posture suddenly stiffened. Allie shifted her gaze towards Rory. Moving in with Isla and Drew was news to her, another unexpected turn of events. She had taken it for granted that he’d just move into the pub with her.

  ‘I did say I’d run it past you first,’ Drew quickly added.

  Isla was put on the spot. She didn’t want to draw attention to Allie but she’d registered her friend’s crushing disappointment.

  ‘As long as you don’t mind Martha’s singing in the morning or screaming children when they’re tired?’ The baby monitor crackled. ‘Talking of which, that’s Angus waking up; he’ll need a feed.’

  ‘I’ll go and get him,’ offered Allie, needing a moment. ‘Is that okay?’

  ‘Of course,’ replied Isla, knowing her friend needed time out from the stresses and strains of her morning.

  As Allie climbed the stairs in disbelief her chest heaved. She blotted away a rogue tear that had rolled down her cheek. What was going on with Rory? Sitting there listening to his plans she felt like an outsider, and intruding on Isla’s family was not ideal. Maybe she was over-reacting and reading too much into the situation but to Allie this felt like a massive deal.

  Still feeling out of the loop Allie focused her attention on Angus. Scooping him out of the cot she blew a noisy raspberry on his cheek, leaving him giggling away.

  ‘Well, little fellow, today isn’t turning out as well as I hoped,’ Allie said, taking a quick whiff of Angus and laying him down on his changing mat. ‘So what are we going to do? A lot seems to have happened in the space of a few hours. A few thousand followers and Uncle Rory thinks he’s the next big thing. We had a chance to build our forever home and what does he do? He storms off in a tantrum chasing … actually I don’t know what dreams he’s chasing today. You know what, Angus, I’ve come to the conclusion he’s never satisfied. Maybe he’s hit the mid-life-crisis point early … If he wants to think he’s going to be the next Zach Hudson then let him,’ she huffed, knowing she was being unreasonable but feeling a little better for getting it all off her chest. She smiled down at Angus, who didn’t seem to have a care in the world. She picked him up and hoisted him onto her hip. ‘You are getting heavy,’ she said, popping a kiss on his cheek and feeling apprehensive about joining the others downstairs once more.

  She walked back outside to a deadly silence. All eyes were staring in her direction. She looked between them all and noticed an empty seat: Rory’s.

  Isla was fiddling with her watchstrap then looked up through her fringe and nodded towards the windowsill. For a second Allie was flummoxed, then she saw it: the baby monitor flashing away.


  Everyone had heard her conversation when she was changing Angus.

  ‘Where’s Rory?’ she asked, feeling a flush creeping up her chest, her voice shaky. ‘He heard everything, didn’t he?’

  Isla could only manage a nod.

  Allie exhaled and quickly handed over Angus.

  ‘I think y
ou’d best go and find him, Allie.’

  Allie nodded. Feeling physically sick, she accelerated from a walk into a sprint. She had always been steadfastly loyal to Rory and had never meant to show him up like that in front of their friends. If only she could turn back time.

  Why did everything suddenly feel as though it was falling apart?

  Chapter 8

  ‘Bloody hell,’ panted Allie through gasps of breath. At the bottom of Love Heart Lane she slowed her pace, realising how unfit she was. Taking a breather, she watched the hikers clambering over the stile at the top of the lane next to the teashop, all bursting with energy and looking forward to the climb ahead.

  Allie was still cursing the baby monitor. Another fine mess she’d got herself in to. Surely Rory was going to understand? It wasn’t as though she’d said it openly in front of everyone. She had been caught out. But Allie was aware Rory had been in a funny mood lately. She racked her brains and pinned it down to the night his parents had gifted them the cottage. That was when it had all seemed to change. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what had actually happened, but her gut feeling was telling her something had and she didn’t like it.

  She knew she needed a proper conversation with him and it wasn’t one she was looking forward to. If settling down wasn’t for him then he needed to be truthful with himself and with her.


  As Allie walked up Love Heart Lane, she thought back to the morning’s conversation. If she was being honest with herself she didn’t know exactly how she was feeling about Rory being catapulted into fame. It made her think more deeply about her own life. A TV show was a fantastic opportunity and who knew what it would lead to. It all sounded incredibly exciting and made her begin to question if she was actually happy plodding along. She wondered what the alternative could be for her; perhaps a career away from Heartcross? Had working in the pub just become habit, with her falling into a routine that had just become the norm – the easy option? Was there more out there for her?


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