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Clover Cottage: A feel good cosy read perfect for your summer holiday reading (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 3)

Page 24

by Christie Barlow

  Rory raked a hand through his hair. He still couldn’t quite believe he was actually going to Africa. ‘I can’t thank you enough,’ he said, swooping down for another kiss.

  ‘Now, sit down and let’s finish this curry because from what I can remember you just said we were going to renovate this cottage and I want to hear more about it.’

  ‘Where shall I start?’

  ‘The beginning?’

  ‘Yes, but first’ – he twisted the cork and pop! It flew into the air and the champagne flowed into their glasses – ‘Here’s to us and Clover Cottage.’

  Allie couldn’t believe it. She felt giddy. She wanted to share the news with her friends and the whole wide world. ‘Are you saying you’ve accepted Clover Cottage and it’s yours?’

  ‘It’s not mine … it’s ours! This cottage is staying in our family.’

  Allie was thankful she was sitting down. Weak at the knees she took the glass from Rory and with a wide smile she squealed dramatically, causing Rory to laugh as she clinked her glass against his, her hand visibly shaking.

  ‘Okay, so this morning we had a couple of no-shows in the surgery, which gave me a chance to talk to Dad about the future of the place.’

  Rory had explained how disappointed he was in himself for being frustrated with Stuart’s ways and he’d apologised for putting pressure on him about upgrading the surgery. Stuart had explained the reason they’d given Clover Cottage to Rory was because when his mum had received the diagnosis they’d sat down and talked and knew the time would come when Stuart would have to retire, and that was when they wanted to have their cottage back.

  ‘Have their cottage back?’ asked Allie not understanding the full picture.

  ‘Once Dad retires, they don’t want clients traipsing up to the cottage. They want to shut down the doors to the surgery.’

  ‘End of an era … How are you feeling about that?’ asked Allie, finishing her curry and placing her knife and fork down on the empty plate.

  ‘Sad, because that’s been my dad’s business for all these years. It’s where Scott and Son all started. But I get it, they just want to be there by themselves. They want to enjoy the quiet life.’

  ‘Which leaves you where, job-wise?’ Allie took a sip of her champagne.

  ‘Which leaves us here in more ways than one. Clover Cottage, the land, the outbuildings are ours. After speaking with Dad, we decided to move the surgery here. It will be up and running before we close the doors of the old one.’ Rory was beaming.

  ‘Rory, that’s fantastic news!’ Allie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This would be brilliant for Rory, everything on site, making his life a lot easier.

  ‘Isn’t it just! I can design the whole practice and we have the extra space to build a veterinary hospital. I won’t have to transport any animals over to Molly’s in Glensheil. I want a fleet of vans, staff … This is going to be amazing.’

  Allie could see Rory’s enthusiasm: he was as excited about this new project as about going to Africa. His eyes shone with excitement, and he was speaking so quickly that he was tripping over his words. Allie didn’t want to burst his bubble, but where was the money coming from if he wanted the new surgery up and running before the old one shut its doors?

  ‘Have you won the lottery?’ she asked, pouring them both another glass of champagne.

  ‘I wish! Not only are Mum and Dad giving us the rent money from Flynn Carter for the next twelve months, but this afternoon I’ve been to the bank.’

  ‘You are a dark horse. All this plotting without me.’

  ‘The bank has agreed, in principle, to lend me the money against the value of the cottage to renovate this place as well as build the surgery.’

  ‘I can’t take all of this in. This is brilliant,’ exclaimed Allie, fit to burst. She stared around the room. ‘I can already visualise how it’s going to be. Brick fireplace, log burner, reclaimed oak-beam hearth. We can decorate this place anyway we want.’

  Rory reached down under the table and brought out a pile of brochures. ‘Ta-da! We have kitchen ideas, bathroom books, colour schemes, the latest copy of Country Living magazine for inspiration.’

  ‘You’ve thought of everything,’ said Allie suitably impressed, taking the pile of creative ideas from him.

  ‘Allie …’

  She held his gaze.

  ‘I just want you to know that building this home really does matter to me – especially after—’

  ‘I know, you don’t need to say it.’ She touched his hand affectionately before flicking through the first brochure. ‘Look at that layout … oh my gosh – an Aga! Please can we have an Aga?’

  Rory grinned. Allie was like a kid in a sweetshop, her eyes wide as she babbled away.

  ‘You can have anything that makes you happy.’

  Allie looked up. ‘You make me happy, Rory Scott. And whilst you are off in search of your lions, tigers and bears, I’ll be trying to land a job on the paper as well as drawing up plans and colour schemes.’

  ‘That’s good to hear because I’m leaving it all in your capable hands.’ Rory paused for a second. ‘And what you just said about James and setting up a project for disadvantaged kids … the outbuilding at the far end of the property, adjacent to the lane, has three rooms. It’s got the main area, a small kitchen and a bathroom. We can erect a gate off the road, maybe a small car park, and use that space to set up your group. And maybe I can get involved with the vet’s practice, give work experience or even apprenticeships to kids that just wouldn’t get the chance.’ Rory took a breath and Allie could see the tears in his eyes. ‘My dad was lucky to have been adopted by such a wonderful family. He was lucky to find my mum and I’m lucky to have wonderful parents … not to mention just the best girlfriend.’

  Allie was overwhelmed. That morning she had had no idea her day was going to pan out like this. Within the space of a few hours Rory was off to Africa, they were renovating their cottage and they were giving something back to the community. She couldn’t wait to get started.

  ‘I wonder if Flynn Carter still thinks he’s going to get his hands on this place,’ mused Allie, pointing to a racing green Aga in one of the magazines.

  ‘He can think all he likes but sometimes money isn’t the answer to everything,’ replied Rory, nodding his head towards the Aga in the magazine. ‘Just being a decent person counts for a lot more and whatever was written on that piece of paper was an insult to James’s memory. This place, Clover Cottage, will be perfect for the next stage of Scott and Son, thanks to James.’ Rory’s voice cracked, his emotions riding high. ‘One of the virtues of living in a small community – we help each other.’

  Allie swallowed a lump in her throat. ‘You, Rory Scott, are a wonderful, caring man and I’m lucky to have you.’

  He shot her the biggest grin. ‘I’m really going to Africa, aren’t I?’

  ‘You really are!’

  ‘Just promise me one thing, Allie.’

  ‘I will if I can,’ she replied, noting the seriousness in Rory’s voice.

  ‘We will always look after each other.’

  ‘I promise,’ she answered, meaning every word.

  Chapter 24

  ‘Don’t cry, don’t cry, hold it together,’ Allie was telling herself over and over again, but it was no use, the tears welled up in her eyes. Dabbing her face for the umpteenth time, she knew she was being daft. Rory would be back in three months. The time would fly by. But it didn’t stop her from feeling sad.

  Trying to compose herself she stood and looked out of her bedroom window. The world appeared silent, the street outside was empty, there was no tractor in the field and not a soul walking up the High Street. She knew everyone would be getting ready for Alana’s party, which was due to start within the next hour. The only movement she noticed was Isla’s truck manoeuvring up the road; she’d nipped across to Glensheil to pick up the birthday balloons to decorate the room. Allie couldn’t help but smile as they danced around Isla�
��s head as she drove. She watched Isla pull up outside and hand the cluster of pink and ivory balloons to Fergus, who was waiting on the steps of the pub. They both looked in good spirits as they wrestled with the balloons before disappearing.

  Watching the world go by, Allie thought about the last few days and how it was possible to have no clue what was just around the corner. She’d received an email that very morning from Caitlin Macloed, her interview was next Friday and she was already panicking about what she would wear.

  Wrapping her arms around herself, Allie felt emotional, but her heart swelled with happiness. She and Rory were building their future together. Clover Cottage was their happy-ever-after home, with a brand-new, state-of-the-art surgery for him to build his new empire. Yet with all these exciting things happening in her life Allie still felt sad. The wrench in her stomach of not seeing Rory for the next three months was beginning to feel too much to bear.

  Hearing a knock on her bedroom door she spun round to see Isla smiling at her. ‘Your mum has sent me up to hurry you along. And why aren’t you dressed yet?’

  Allie was still wrapped tightly inside her dressing gown.

  ‘I just got waylaid … thinking, smiling and crying.’

  Isla sat on the edge of the bed. ‘I know you’re sad that Rory is leaving but he’s going to have a fantastic time and we’ll get to laugh at him on the TV when he’s away and honestly he’ll be back before you know it.’

  ‘I know, it’s just since we’ve been together we’ve never actually spent so long apart.’

  Allie knew that was what she was going to find the most difficult: the fact that she couldn’t just nip down the road to see him whenever she wanted, or grab a chat over the bar when he’d finished work. But there were going to be changes in her life too, if she landed the job in Glasgow, as well as throwing herself whole-heartedly into the James Kerr Project and overseeing the renovations at the cottage. In the past month, she felt she’d grown up and blossomed. True, she was stepping out of her comfort zone with regards to the interview, but Rory had made her think, and she realised she had no ambitions to follow in her parents’ footsteps and own a pub. Her passion lay elsewhere.


  ‘Come here,’ said Isla, standing up. She gave her friend a hug. ‘We are all going to miss him, and any time you feel sad or lonely, you ring or come on over.’

  ‘I have just the best friends,’ said Allie with sincerity.

  ‘And that goes for me too,’ said Isla in return.

  ‘It’s funny, looking back on the day of the summer fair. Mystic Martha seems to have got most of her predictions right,’ said Allie, thinking back over that day.

  ‘Well, don’t be telling her that otherwise she’ll be doubling her prices,’ said Isla, chuckling as she swung open the wardrobe door. ‘Now, what are you wearing?’

  ‘I just thought I’d wear jeans and a shirt,’ said Allie, flicking through the rail of clothes in front of her.

  ‘You will not. We need something a little more memorable.’

  ‘Need? Why do we need something a little more memorable?’

  ‘Just trust me on this one … What about this? It’s perfect for a summer evening.’

  Isla held up a beautiful rose-print dress, its flattering feminine design featuring a fitted bodice with boat neckline and a gently flared skirt with a tiered ruffle. She held it against Allie. ‘Blooming gorgeous!’ she said enthusiastically. ‘This is the one. You’ll look fantastic.’

  Allie narrowed her eyes. ‘What are you up to?’

  ‘Me?’ said Isla, raising her hand in mock protest. ‘Absolutely nothing. Now go and get ready,’ she ordered.

  Allie disappeared into the bathroom, slipped on the dress and quickly reapplied her make-up before stepping back into the bedroom where Isla was still waiting.

  ‘You look fantastic!’

  Allie gave a quick spray of her perfume and declared herself ready.

  ‘Keep smiling, no tears … He’ll be back before you know it.’

  Allie nodded but she couldn’t promise there weren’t going to be any tears.

  ‘Is Rory here yet?’

  ‘Yes, the only people who aren’t are you, Stuart and Alana.’

  Leading the way downstairs Allie noticed Rory’s suitcases stacked in the hall. He was leaving right after the party. Zach was already in Africa, but he’d arranged to send a car to pick up Rory and take him to the airport. Allie hated goodbyes, but the last thing she wanted was to wave him off at the airport and then have to drive home with tears streaming down her face. It was simpler this way.

  ‘How’s Zach getting on?’ asked Isla, keeping the conversation going so Allie didn’t have time to think about Rory leaving.

  ‘His Instagram looks amazing.’

  ‘And so will Rory’s.’

  ‘Did I hear my name?’ Rory stepped into the hallway juggling an armful of presents.

  ‘Yes, you did indeed. Do you need some help?’ asked Isla, leaning forward and taking the top two presents from the pile.

  ‘Those are for Mum, but this one’s for you,’ said Rory beaming at Allie.

  ‘I’ll leave you to it,’ said Isla, disappearing back into the pub to give them a moment.


  Rory placed the present down on the hall table and took Allie’s hands in his.

  ‘I’m going to miss that smell,’ she said, leaning in and taking a whiff of his aftershave, which always made her feel weak at the knees.

  ‘I’m going to miss you full stop.’ Rory bent down and kissed her lightly.

  For a second she held his gaze. ‘I love you, Rory Scott.’ She wrapped her arms tightly round his waist and hugged him, burying her face in his chest.

  ‘How are you feeling?’ Rory asked, tilting her face towards his.

  ‘Happy, sad … for me, but I honestly do want you to have a good time and experience all that wildlife.’

  ‘I know, and even though I’m off to Africa, don’t think I’m not feeling the same. I’ll miss you and when I’m back we have so much to look forward to. Now open the present,’ whispered Rory, leaning towards the table and picking up the small oblong box.

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘That’s the whole idea of presents, you have to open them!’

  Feeling a flutter of excitement Allie pulled on the red velvet ribbon and carefully opened the lid of the box.

  Inside the burgundy silk-lined box lay a shiny silver key.

  ‘A key?’

  ‘Yes, indeed a key. Your key … to our home … Clover Cottage.’

  Allie’s heart began to hammer against her ribcage. She couldn’t believe it. Everything was coming together.

  ‘Rory, I don’t know what to say,’ she exclaimed, flabbergasted.

  ‘Just no wild parties whilst I’m away,’ he joked, grabbing her face and planting a kiss on her lips.

  ‘I can’t promise that.’ She grinned, feeling all grown up. This was like a dream come true – a key to their home together.

  ‘Come on, we’d better make an appearance, but before we go in there can I just say how stunning you look tonight?’

  ‘You can indeed,’ said Allie, slipping her arm around his waist whilst listening to the excited chatter filtering through the door. Rory gave her a squeeze and pushed open the door. They were just in time.

  ‘Stuart and Alana have arrived,’ announced Meredith, ringing the bell behind the bar to silence the room.

  Stuart walked in holding Alana’s hand. They were both beaming, and Allie couldn’t help thinking how much in love they still looked after all these years.

  Everyone applauded as Stuart led Alana to the seat at the very front of the room. Fraser cued the music from behind the bar and everyone burst into song.

  As ‘Happy Birthday’ played out Rory kissed his mum on the cheek and sat down next to her whilst Allie sat next to Stuart. She looked over the sea of people and came over all emotional. The room looked amazing, every table with a fresh white line
n tablecloth, balloons and a bottle of champagne. An abundance of food was set out on long trestle tables at the back of the room, and taking pride of place in the centre was a magnificent cake made by Rona.

  ‘Is it possible to say a few words?’ said Stuart, blowing into the microphone.

  ‘If you must!’ called out Rory and Alana slapped his arm playfully. Everyone laughed.

  ‘We are here tonight to celebrate my beautiful wife’s birthday. I knew the second Alana walked into my life she was going to be the girl I was going to marry and be my happy-ever-after.’ Stuart’s voice cracked and Allie noticed Alana’s eyes had welled up with tears too.

  ‘This evening we are bringing to you, Alana, a slideshow of our greatest moments, picked and selected by all our friends in this room, followed by a jar of memories.’

  Alana beamed as Rory stood up and handed his dad a glass of wine.

  ‘But before we begin, I would like to make a toast,’ he said, raising his glass. ‘To my Alana. Happy Birthday.’

  The whole room echoed him and raised their glasses too. Allie shot Rory a warm, loving smile. She hoped that she and Rory would still be going strong after as many years as Stuart and Alana had spent together.

  The mood was jovial despite everyone knowing that upsetting and difficult times were not that far away. Allie reflected that all the people sitting in this room were a part of her life in some shape or form, people she loved and cared for, people who were there for each other no matter how difficult things got. Heartcross was a community she was proud to be a part of and she never wanted that to change.

  ‘And secondly,’ Stuart went on, ‘I would like to raise another toast to our son Rory, who makes me proud every day. We all know you leave for Africa tonight on a three-month trip of a lifetime. Whilst you’re off tackling lions, tigers and bears I have the pleasure of keeping everything together here until you get back.’ Stuart took a breath and stared at the floor. ‘But it is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Scott and Son will be shutting its doors at the cottage in the very near future.’

  There were gasps from around the room.

  ‘However, you can’t get rid of us that easily! We are pleased to announce that a new state-of-the-art surgery is going to be built up at Clover Cottage – Rory and Allie’s new home!’


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