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Cozy Christmas Murder

Page 31

by Summer Prescott

  Bitsie threw up a hand. “Me, too. I showed Helen the website and we booked later that day.”

  “So you really haven’t been here before?” I asked Helen. “I know you said you were born and raised in Colorado Springs, but this place is only an hour from there. You never traveled this way?”


  Her abrupt answer caught me off guard.

  “And I’m actually from Cheyenne, Wyoming,” Bitsie said. “I moved to Colorado Springs in October of last year when I took the job with the library.”

  “Here you go,” the bartender said as he set our glasses down in front of us. “If you need a bite to eat, the refreshment table is over there by the stone fireplace and grand piano. Enjoy your night.”

  Ophelia slipped him a tip—complete with her phone number—and the four of us walked over to the refreshment area.

  A commotion by the front door caught our attention and we watched as Margot and Chloe breezed into the foyer, laughing and calling out to people. Margot was dressed in a shimmery silver sleeveless mini-dress with matching six-inch strappy shoes, while Chloe was identically dressed, except her dress and shoes were shimmery gold. I hoped like heck neither girl would have to bend over the whole night…otherwise, we were gonna be in for a sight.

  “They must be freezing,” Helen laughed softly. “How do you suppose they walk in the snow in those shoes?”

  I was secretly impressed with their balance and core strength. I hadn’t pegged them for it.

  “Mmmm,” Bitsie moaned as she bit the head off a gingerbread. “This is delicious.”

  I turned my attention from Margot and Chloe and grabbed a Christmas tree sugar cookie off the tray. “These are delicious.” I had to refrain from shoving the whole cookie in my mouth. “I mean, not as good as yours, Ophelia.”

  Ophelia grinned. “That’s more like it.”

  “Yep,” Helen agreed. “Nowhere near as good as yours.”

  “Look,” Ophelia said, pointing to a poster above the table. “They’re having a Christmas Eve talent show tomorrow night.”

  “You lovely ladies should sign up.”

  My mouth dropped when I turned to see who’d spoken. He was a cross between a golden Adonis and heavenly angel. His short, sandy hair had a slight window’s peak that only enhanced his attractiveness. His vivid green eyes shined mischievously, and when he flashed us a smile, his perfectly straight, white teeth seemed to sparkle off the lights in the room.

  “Holy cow,” Ophelia whispered behind me.

  “My thoughts exactly,” Bitsie added.

  He chuckled and stuck out his hand. “Allow me introduce myself. My name is—”


  Margot and Chloe ran up alongside the man and threw their arms around him. He smiled and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek.

  “I was about to introduce myself,” he chided them softly then winked at us. “My name is Andrew Bishop, and I’m one of the ski instructors here at Winterdale Chateau and Ski Resort.”

  “Andrew used to ski professionally,” Chloe gushed. “We’ve known him for years. Back when he skied for Winterdale University, before he turned pro. When he left the pro circuit, he decided to come back here and work as an instructor.”

  Helen took a step backward and stepped on my toe.

  “Sorry,” she whispered as she ducked her head and took another step backward.

  “Are you all right?” I asked.

  Helen nodded. “I need to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.” She turned and fled toward the front of the foyer.

  “My name is Ophelia Lavolier, and this is my friend, Holly Anderson. And these are our new friends, Bitsie Carpenter, and—”

  Ophelia trailed off when she realized Helen wasn’t standing there anymore.

  “Helen went to the restroom,” I said lamely.

  Margot rested a hand on Andrew’s chest. “Oh, Andrew, do you remember that hideous Helen girl who used to follow you around everywhere on campus like a love-sick puppy, writing you love notes?”

  Andrew’s cheeks and ears turned pink. “How could I forget? Gave me nightmares for years.”

  I frowned. I may not know these people very well, but as far as I was concerned, it was unforgivable to poke fun at another person. It was the first rule I taught in my classroom.

  “Don’t worry,” Margot said quickly, “the Helen that’s here isn’t the same Helen.”

  “Yes,” Chloe added. “This one is blonde and somewhat decent looking.”

  “Thank goodness,” Andrew said. “I’m not sure I could handle a stalker right now.”

  I’d had about enough of the bullying. By the pinched lips on Ophelia’s face, I’d say she’d had about enough, too. “It was nice meeting you, but we should get back to the party.”

  “Not before signing up for the Christmas Eve talent show,” Andrew said. “You simply must be in the show this year!”

  Must we?

  “C’mon, Holly,” Ophelia nudged me with her hip. “Let’s sign up.”

  “I’ll do something with you guys,” Bitsie said. “I’m not a very good singer, but maybe we can think of something.”

  “I know,” Andrew said, looking at Chloe and Margot. “Remember when every year at the Christmas party the fraternity would throw we all did the Santa Baby routine, and I pretended to slide down the chimney in my Santa suit?”

  Chloe jumped up and down. “And we wore those tiny little Mrs. Claus outfits. We looked so amazing.”

  Andrew turned to us. “I think we have a bunch of Mrs. Claus outfits in our prop room. Every year someone does that routine. What do you say? Wanna do the Santa Baby routine,” he winked at me, “with me sliding down your chimney?”

  Please don’t open your mouth and talk anymore. You’re ruining my fantasy.

  “Sure,” Ophelia said. “Sounds like fun.”

  Andrew clapped his hands together. “Perfect. I’ll let the manager know. He’s running the talent show and likes to keep the acts a secret.”

  “Clive is a stickler for being in control,” Chloe joked.

  “You know the manager personally?” Bitsie asked, pushing her dark glasses up her nose.

  Chloe lifted her chin to look further down her nose. “I should hope so. He’s my brother.”

  And now we know why you stay here for free. Well known my hind end. Your brother works here.

  “I’ll sign us up before someone else decides to do the routine,” Andrew said. “Let’s meet back here in the foyer around nine tomorrow morning. I don’t give my first lesson until eleven. That should give us plenty of time to practice.”

  Chloe and Margot each grabbed one of his arms and they all three made their way toward the front of the foyer. I had to admit, as heads turned their way, they made a stunning picture.

  “Wonder what’s keeping Helen?” Bitsie said.

  “I’m right here.” Helen replied as she sidled up next to us, a new drink in her hand. “I just needed to use the restroom and get a fresh drink.”

  “Well, while you were away,” Bitsie said, “we decided to sign up for the Christmas Eve talent show tomorrow night.”

  “We’re going to do a Santa Baby routine,” Ophelia said. “Andrew said there were plenty of Mrs. Claus outfits to choose from.”

  “And let me guess,” Helen said quietly, “Andrew is going to be the Santa Claus that slides down the chimney?”

  “Correct!” Ophelia exclaimed.

  I gave Helen a hard look. Something told me she was holding on to a very big secret.


  * * *

  “I think there’s something up with Helen and Margot and Chloe.” I zipped my boots up over my reindeer-print leggings. Grabbing my reindeer-print red sweater off the bed, I smoothed it over my body then went to look in the mirror. “Now this says Christmas fun!”

  Ophelia snorted. “I don’t think that’s what the reindeer are thinking. And what do you mean something is up with Helen and the mean girls?”r />
  “Ophelia! That’s not a very kind thing to say.”

  Ophelia threw her arms up in the air. “When did I ever claim to be nice?”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. “True. Anyway, I’m not exactly sure, but I just get a weird feeling there. Did you notice?”

  “Nope,” Ophelia said. “Of course, I had a couple drinks last night, and with the altitude change, it did some crazy things to me.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Me, too. That’s why I stuck with water after my glass of champagne. This altitude change is rough.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about those girls. You and I both know the type. They peaked years ago and now they have struggled to hold on. They want everyone to think they still have it…but I noticed the fine lines and wrinkles years of partying have taken around their eyes.”

  I shuttered. “Why would you constantly want to live in the past? I’ve never been happier than I am right now. I mean, I know I’m going through a hard time with rat-fink having broken my heart, but that will pass. I love my job, I love my friendship with you, I love the life we lead. I’m happy right now where I am.”

  “It’s all they’ve ever had, I suspect. We’ll do our best to stay away from them. After our routine tonight, we don’t really have to hang with them anymore.”

  “Sounds good.” I gave my blonde curls one more fluff before grabbing my parka.

  “Take your credit card with you,” Ophelia said. “This way we can hit the slopes after rehearsal. We’ll just go rent the equipment and clothes.”

  “Sounds great.” I dug in my wallet for my card then zipped it in my coat pocket.

  The other two bedroom doors were shut as we started up the stairs and into the main living area. Helen and Bitsie were sitting on the sofa near the fireplace, but there was no sign of Margot and Chloe.

  “Hey, you two,” Helen said softly. “We were just about to knock on your door to see if you wanted to walk over to the chateau together for our rehearsal.”

  “Sounds good,” I said. “Have you heard from Margot or Chloe?”

  Bitsie wrinkled her nose. “No. And I don’t want to have to go down there and see if they’re coming, either. They were there when Andrew said nine o’clock. If they come, they come. Otherwise, the four of us can do it.”

  “Agreed,” Ophelia said as she looked at her watch. “We should probably head on over, then.”

  It only took a few minutes to walk the short distance to the chateau, so we were technically a few minutes early. Luckily Andrew was waiting for us in the foyer. He was dressed in a blue-gray button down shirt that reflected nicely with his eyes. And his tight, dark-washed blue jeans fit in all the right ways.

  “Ladies, don’t you all look lovely this morning.”

  I know it’s cheesy, but the compliment went straight to my stomach. The man was too good looking for his own good.

  “You must be Helen,” Andrew said as he thrust his hand out to her. “I didn’t get to meet you last night.”

  “Yes.” Helen’s face was flushed as she shook his hand.

  “Where’s Margot and Chloe?” he asked.

  We all shrugged.

  “They hadn’t made it upstairs yet this morning,” Bitsie said.

  Andrew chuckled and shook his head. “Those two will never change. I don’t think they’ve ever been on time to anything.”

  “Well, we aren’t going to wait on them,” Ophelia said. “I say we get started. If they show up, they show up. Otherwise, we’ll go on without them.”

  Andrew led us to the prop room and for the next fifteen minutes we dug through costumes, found matching Mrs. Claus outfits, and tried on different sizes until we found some that fit. The costumes were more on the sexy side than practical side, but they would definitely do the trick. We were standing in our costumes going over the routine with Andrew, when Margot and Chloe finally walked in.

  “You didn’t wait for us?” Margot pouted.

  “There’s still plenty of time,” Andrew said as he dragged a wooden fireplace over to where we were standing.

  “We’ll just go change,” Chloe said and grabbed the left-over Mrs. Claus suits.

  I knew this wasn’t gonna be pretty. They were left over because they were too big for us. No way were they going to fit Margot and Chloe.

  A few minutes later, the girls made their displeasure heard.

  “Absolutely not!” Margot exclaimed as she made her way into the room. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

  Ophelia and Bitsie weren’t so kind. They both doubled over in laughter, practically screaming at the ridiculous picture Margot and Chloe made. Even Helen had a hard time biting back her chuckles.

  Margot threw up her hands and the costume’s arms fell straight to her shoulders. “Look at how huge this is! It’s like eight sizes too big!” The skirt, which should have hit right above the knees, fell to mid-calf. “I can’t even cinch the belt tight enough!”

  With every word Margot spoke, Ophelia and Bitsie laughed louder and harder.

  “At least the hat fits,” Helen pointed out thoughtfully.

  Margot yanked off the hat and threw it on the floor, causing Ophelia and Bitsie to clutch their aching sides.

  “This isn’t funny!” Margot hissed.

  “Yeah,” Chloe pouted, tears filling her eyes. “We don’t look like a sexy Mrs. Claus, we look like drowned rats!”

  I couldn’t help it…I let out a giggle.

  “It’s not that bad,” Andrew said lamely.

  Margot glared at him.

  “Okay,” he said, “it’s pretty bad. Maybe I can find someone to take them in for you by tonight.”

  We all gave him incredulous looks. No way was that happening by tonight.

  Andrew sighed. “I’m sorry, girls. Let’s just keep practicing, and I’ll see what I can do about getting them taken in before the show, okay? Maybe Clive knows someone.”

  Margot and Chloe stomped over to where we were standing, their eyes shooting daggers at us the whole time. A part of me wanted to offer to trade, but the other half of me thought it would be a good lesson for the girls to learn.

  Always the teacher.

  “Here’s what I’m thinking,” Andrew said. He turned his back to us and started talking.

  Margot grabbed hold of my arm in a fierce grip. “You need to trade with me.”

  “Actually,” Ophelia said, “she doesn’t need to trade with you.”

  “Yeah,” Chloe whispered as she grabbed hold of Helen, “trade with me!”

  “No,” Bitsie said. “You’re only picking on them because you think they’re the weakest. We’re here to tell you it’s not happening.”

  “Ladies, have I lost you?” Andrew said irritably.

  We promised we’d focus better and he went back to directing our moves. “I’ll put up a ladder back behind the chimney so I can climb up and be at the top of the chimney. Then as the song progresses, I’ll slide headfirst down the chimney, but just up to my chest. I have good core strength, so I can hang upside down and kick my feet like I’m stuck but trying to get down.”

  “I know you just thought the same naughty thing I did,” Ophelia whispered.

  My face turned red and she laughed softly.

  “Now let’s put it to music,” Andrew said.

  We stood in front of the chimney and lip synced to the song, shimmied when we were supposed to, and gave a pretty rowdy performance. It wasn’t something I’d normally do, but it was a lot of fun.

  “I think we can call it a day,” Andrew said as he looked at his watch. “You’re all naturals. You’ll have everyone eating out of the palm of your hand tonight.” He turned to Margot and Chloe. “I have about twenty minutes before I have my first ski lesson. Hurry and give me the costumes and I’ll see what I can do.”

  The girls ran off to change.

  “Are you four skiing today?” Andrew asked.

  “We aren’t today,” Bitsie said. “While I love to ski, I’m trying to talk Helen in
to going to town to do some shopping and other touristy things.”

  “Have you ever been to Winterdale?” Andrew asked Helen.

  “No,” Helen said quickly.

  “Well, there’s lots to see.” He turned to us. “What about you two?”

  Ophelia nodded. “I’ll ski the mountain. Even though Holly and I go to Snow Peek—a resort not far from Kansas City—every chance we get, Holly doesn’t really ski.”

  I chuckled. “I was the one that introduced Ophelia to skiing about five years ago, but I never venture far from the little slopes. Ophelia is a wonderful skier, though.”

  Ophelia bumped my hip. “I always do the mountain while she does the bunny slopes. In fact, Holly has a ski lesson at eleven. I wonder if you’re her instructor?”

  Andrew turned his beautiful green eyes on me and I felt my heart beat faster. “I hope I am.”

  “Excuse me,” Margot said snippily. “I don’t mean to interrupt this little lover’s chat, but our costumes need fixed.”

  “I can’t be seen in this dreadful thing!” Chloe wailed.

  “On it,” Andrew said. “Holly, hopefully I’ll see you in about fifteen minutes.”

  We all watched as Andrew strode out of the room, Mrs. Claus outfits thrown over his arms.

  “Stay away!” Margot hissed at me.

  “Yeah,” Chloe echoed. “He’s ours. We waited for Andrew to come back to Winterdale for years. No way are we letting a tourist tramp get her clutches into our Andrew.”

  My mouth dropped open. I’d never in my life been called a tramp before.

  “You might want to watch how you speak to my friend,” Ophelia said. “Or tonight you’ll be up here singing All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth.”

  Helen laughed, then quickly clamped a hand over her mouth…her eyes wide with fear.

  “Andrew’s a full-grown man,” Bitsie said. “He can see anyone he wants.”

  Margot laughed wickedly. “That’s where you’re wrong. Dead wrong.”



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