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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 30

by Altonya Washington

  “Quay…” she breathed, her words ending on a moan when he stepped closer.

  His hands lowered to her thighs, cupping them gently as his lips trailed the curve of her jaw. The kiss was slow and unhurried and every bit of Quaysar Ramsey being something he never was- the giver instead of the taker. He taunted her mouth with slow lunges that were light and teasing. His hands massaged the firmness of her thighs, loving the feel of strength mixed with feminine allure he felt there. How he wanted to show this woman that his very last intention was to purposely hurt her. Protecting her was what drove him, loving her was almost driving him mad. She was everything to him and; in trying to do the best thing, he’d wound up losing the best thing he’d ever known.

  Ty was also intent on being the taker- taking everything Quay had to give. She yearned for him to touch her with demand but he was gentle and that was just as torturously sweet. He caressed her, skirting her breasts, brushing the backs of his massive hands across the nipples straining against her blouse. When his fingers disappeared beneath her skirt, she cried out softly in pleasure. When he simply plied the satiny inner walls of her thighs with his touch and went no further, she arched and rubbed against him hoping to encourage him to move on.

  Quay ended the kiss, pressing a soft peck to the corner of her mouth. Not wanting the moment to end, she reflexively tightened her thighs about his waist. Quay only nuzzled the soft flesh below her ear and smoothed his hand across her hip to persuade her to release him. Knowing it wouldn’t be long before Quest returned, he wanted to give Ty and himself, for that matter, the chance to catch their breaths and become presentable.

  It was a feat almost impossible for Ty to accomplish. Everything shook uncontrollably. Finally, she braced her hands against the edge of the desk and took deep breaths until the feeling passed.

  Quay had returned to his seat, just as the elevator doors opened and Quest arrived with Tykira’s crew in tow. The not-too-nice side of Quay’s temper had subsided to a happy place during his time alone with Ty. It returned then, at a boil that time, as he watched her run to greet the group of men who had arrived with his brother. Of course, they each had to hug, kiss and hold her close for longer than he thought was necessary.

  Since Quest had already met the guys, Ty turned to make the introductions to Quay. Quest caught onto his twin’s mood when Quay simply waved from his place at the rear of the office. Closing his eyes for a brief prayer, Quest only asked that they make it through the meeting without incident.

  But Quay was in no mood for a meeting. He was more interested in surveying Ty with her group of designers. He was especially interested in the one who had been holding her hand since he’d stepped into the office. Quay didn’t like it and had no problems admitting that. He disliked it so much, in fact, that he went over to Ty and intruded on the cozy conversation she was holding with Samuel Bloch.

  “Why don’t we get this meeting started,” he suggested keeping his hand at the small of Ty’s back while escorting her from Sam’s side.

  The group took their places in the conference room also nestled within the penthouse office. Ty remained cool and posed while spreading the rail drawings on the table, but inside her mind was racing. She was more than curious about Quay’s mood, she was downright dumbfounded. She could barely go for five seconds without him touching her someplace and his unsettling dark eyes practically bored holes through Sam. Thankfully, only she seemed to notice.

  “Alright,” she cleared her throat while leaning close to the table. “Quest’s already taken a look at the prelim sketches I faxed to you guys last week. He seems pleased,” she smiled when Quest nodded. “Still, these are only preliminary mock-ups, we’ve got a long way to go.”

  Her words, prompted heavy discussion then. Obviously, everyone was stimulated by the demands of the project. Even Quay let go of some of his moodiness to offer his own suggestions regarding the design. In truth, he found it incredible that Tykira had such a flare for the gritty business of railcar design. However, he knew if he were to compliment her on her expertise, she was likely to think he was patronizing her.

  “My wife Michaela and I will be having a dinner party to get you all acquainted with the rest of our executive team,” Quest was saying. “We’ll be in touch with the particulars and if there’s nothing else pressing right now…” he paused for last minute comments, “we’ll meet back here in the morning,” he finished.

  “Tyke would you stay?” Quay asked.

  Ty flashed a guarded look, but offered no comment. The rest of the guys were preparing to leave and she had no desire to be alone with Quay again. Still, she managed a nod in response to his request. The last thing she needed was to draw attention to what was going on between the two of them.

  “Guys, I’m staying with my mom now, but we’ll meet later at the hotel, alright?”

  “Sounds good,” Morton Garner called in response to Ty’s question.

  “We’ll meet you in the hotel lounge,” Gary Charles suggested.

  “I’ll just ask for you at the front desk,” Ty added.

  The group said their goodbyes and Quest offered to show them out. The instant Ty heard the elevator doors slide shut behind them, she bolted from the chair she occupied next to Quay.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded to know.

  “What’s goin’ on with you and Sam?” he appeared unfazed by her words.

  “Sam?” Ty rolled her eyes when Quay only stared in response. “He’s the head of my crew.”

  “And what else?”

  “He’s also my friend.”

  “And what else?”

  “What else, is none of your business,” her lovely face had contorted to form a harsh glare.

  Quay focused on the silver pen he manipulated between his fingers. “Have you slept with him?”

  “What if I have?” Ty challenged, folding her arms across her chest. Her glare lost a bit of its intensity when Quay snapped the pen in half. Dismissing her unease, she stepped closer to the conference table. “What if I sleep with a different one of them every night? It’s none of your damn business.” She was sick of being sweet and civil.

  “I gave you everything Quay and you used it to make me feel lower than dirt,” she turned away then lest he see an emotion other than anger fill her eyes. “I doubt you’ve got any real interest in this side of the project Quay. So why don’t you just stay away from it? Otherwise I might feel entitled to inflict a little pain of my own.” She turned to face him then. “I think I’ve damn well earned that right, don’t you?” She swiped her belongings into her portfolio and left the room while silently cursing the fact that there was no door for her to slam.


  “Small piece of advice, Quay. Our waitress is liable to spit in both our salads if you’re more rude to her than you’ve already been.”

  Quay slanted his twin a black glare before tossing back what remained of his drink.

  “Just a little advice,” Quest said, his hazy gaze still focused on his menu.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  “Damn right.”

  Obviously stunned by his twin’s quick, honest response, Quay slammed his glass to the table.

  Quest’s left-dimpled grin deepened as he used his napkin to wipe away remnants of the brown liquor that had sloshed from his brother’s glass. “You deserve exactly what you got and more. I’m surprised Ty waited this long to tell you to go to hell.”

  Quay’s fist slammed to the table in response.

  Quest finally ceased his taunts and leaned back in his chair. “You wanna talk about it?”

  Quay shrugged. “Why should I when you’re right?”

  “Give it time, Quay,” Quest tossed his napkin to his twin’s side of the table. “You hurt her. Bad.”

  “There were reasons.”

  “That’s right. There were reasons. Maybe it’s time to live in the present, hmm?”

  “And that would serve what purpose?” Quay queried in hi
s cockiest tone.

  Quest rolled his eyes and focused on his menu again. “Tykira’s like family. The purpose it would serve is you’d be acting civil toward someone we’ve known all our lives.”

  Still brooding, Quay lost a bit of his agitation and considered his brother’s words. As soon as his mood began to mellow, he felt his frustration mount once more. His midnight stare narrowed with murderous intensity toward a couple who’d just entered the dining room.

  “What are you having? Quay?” Quest glanced up. Seeing the expression his twin wore, sent his mind totally off eating. “Quay?” he sat a bit straighter in his seat. He knew the look well. Any second, Quay would be pounding some poor fool’s face. Quickly, Quest glanced around to determine what had gotten the man’s jock in a bunch. Then he saw Tykira, beautiful and glowing and laughing at something Sam Bloch had just whispered in her ear.

  “Son of a bitch,” Quay muttered his hand too weak to even clench a fist.

  “Quay…” Quest called in warning, already poised to stop his brother from storming across the restaurant.

  Quay however, didn’t have the strength to stand let alone storm anywhere. A cloud had settled across his brain, rendering him dizzy and completely helpless. His entire body felt weak. His heart was in his throat.

  “What’s she doing with him?” he whispered.

  Quest opened his mouth and then closed it, trying to put his opinion into the most calming terms. “They’re business partners, man. I’m sure it’s just something to do with the rail.” He explained, knowing he probably wouldn’t have believed that either.

  “I need to get out of here,” Quay tugged at the banded collar of his shirt.

  Quest was already reaching for his wallet. “You need me to go with you?”

  Quay grinned. “Hell yeah, if you expect me to leave without makin’ a fool of myself.”

  Tossing a few bills to the table, Quest stood and kept a firm grip on his brother’s upper arm to escort him from the dining room. Of course, the twins never went anywhere unnoticed. Such was the case that day, as every woman who caught sight of them helped herself to an intense study of their heavenly good looks and powerful, lean muscular frames. Not surprisingly, Ty saw them as they walked by.

  Quest jerked his brother to a halt, nodding while closing the distance to Ty. “Hey love,” he whispered, drawing her into a hug.

  “Quest,” Ty cursed her fluttering lashes as she fought to keep her eyes off Quay.

  “You two got time to join us?” Sam asked while shaking hands with Quest.

  “Nah, we gotta run but thanks,” Quest winked at Ty when he noticed her relieved expression. Then, catching Quay’s arm again, he and his brother left the restaurant.


  “You know, we’ve got food here too?”

  Ty smiled at Mick’s query and responded with a mock toast of her glass. “This is insurance,” she shared.

  “Against?” Mick probed.

  “Your brother-in-law.”

  Amused then, Mick leaned next to the bar. “What’s going on and is it the reason why he’s yet to show up to our little gathering to get your crew acquainted with Ramsey?” unmasked laughter colored her words.

  Ty studied a curl dangling from her high ponytail. “You’re a smart lady,” she tossed away the curled lock.

  “Will you give me a few details?” Mick smoothed one hand across her form-fitting ecru trousers as she took a seat on one of the barstools.

  Ty helped herself to another sip of her second Martini. “Please Mick, I know Quest has told you the story of my pathetic involvement with his twin.”

  “I know it didn’t work out,” Mick took the glass from Ty and placed it on the bar. “I know you were hurt,” she said.

  “Hmph, hurt,” Ty rolled her eyes toward Mick. “And I should get over it, right?”


  “Hell, you’re right. It’s been, what? Fifteen years? Oh Mick, every day I tell myself the same thing. Do you know what it’s like to pine for a man as long as I have and know you probably never cross his mind?”

  “Oh sweetie,” Mick whispered, pulling Ty into a hug. “Honey have you ever wondered if Quay acted the way he did for a reason?”

  Ty sighed, and then pulled away. “You sound like my mother,” she shook her head, “I guess the man is just damn good at charming his way into the heart of a woman. No one can believe the worst of him.”

  “Seriously Ty, do you think there could be more going on here than you’re aware of?”

  “Then, why wouldn’t he just tell me what it is and stop playing these games. It’s gone on long enough, don’t you think?”

  Mick agreed and hated she couldn’t do more to reassure Tykira. Her amber eyes lit up however, when she looked across the room. “Maybe he’ll tell you if you just ask him,” she said.

  Ty noticed Mick’s expression and followed the line of her gaze. Seeing Quay sent her heart jerking ferociously beneath the toffee colored off shoulder blouse she wore. When Mick patted her hand and walked away, Ty finished the last of her Martini. She was accepting her next refill, when she felt him standing behind her.

  “I’m sorry,” he stood there with his hands pushed into his chestnut colored trousers as he waited for her response.

  Tykira tapped her nails along the sides of the glass she held before turning around to face him. “Do you realize you’ve already apologized to me twice and I still have no idea what’s really going on?”

  Quay bowed his head, his brows rising briefly as he acknowledged the truth in her statement. “I guess I’m jealous,” he confided finally.

  Ty couldn’t have appeared more shocked. “Jealous? What could you possibly be jealous of?” her tone was incredulous. It never occurred to her to ask why he was jealous when he’d pretty much shunned anything meaningful between them.

  Quay hiked his thumb across his shoulder. “Let’s try how close you are to your crew for starters.”

  “Yes, we’re close but that’s all,” Ty swore.

  “What about Sam?” Quay’s probe was soft.

  Ty rolled her eyes. “He wanted it to be more, but I didn’t.”

  Choosing not to show how pleased he was by her words, Quay simply nodded once.

  Laughter fluttered past Ty’s lips then as she observed him. “You’re something else to be jealous of five men,” she folded her arms over her chest. “What’s five me compared to, what? Two-three hundred women?” she noted.

  Quay shook his head, allowing his unease to show. “I guess it would take about that many to drive you out of my head.”

  “Why would you want to drive me from your head?” She demanded, the simply spoken comment affected her more sharply than she realized. “What did I do to make you want me out of your life, Quay? I mean, I know I was a virgin the last time we slept together but was I that pathetic in the sack?”

  Quay’s darkly handsome features tightened with the regret he felt. “You’re wrong,” he whispered, moving a step closer. “There were reasons why-”

  “What reasons?” she cried, frustrated that after all this time he still couldn’t just come right out and tell her why he’d treated her with such contempt. Setting an unfeeling mask in place, she fixed him with a level glare. “I can understand you not wanting to be my man Quay,” she began, “but after all the years we’ve known each other, how close we’d become long before sex ever entered the picture, I can’t believe you won’t even be friend enough to tell me the truth,” she hoped her words might penetrate the wall around the explanation she truly felt he wanted to give. Unfortunately, he refused to give in and; rather than beg more than she already had, she moved off the barstool and walked away.


  Ty’s head was bent in concentration the next afternoon as she sketched a quick design that had come to her while she’d picked at her soup and salad. She was practically oblivious to all else around her, but managed to look up in time to thank the waiter when he freshened her tea.

  “Everything alright, ma’am?” The waiter asked, having heard has gasp soon after she’d thanked him.

  Ty swallowed and managed a nod. “Yes, yes, thank you.”

  The waiter nodded and moved on as Ty set aside her pad. She’d glimpsed Quay across the room and was momentarily stunned by his presence. Common sense won out after a while and she decided it was too much of a coincidence, him just happening to be there. Leaning back in her chair, she used a steady gaze to beckon him to her table. She tilted her head back slightly when he stood and began to head in her direction. Ty’s gaze faltered only a few times as she observed the blatant stares of want that followed him. A man with that sort of power over women is a man with no interest-or need- for one woman.

  Keep things cold, Ty. Get your job done and get the hell out of here, she told herself.

  “May I?”

  Ty offered no reply when he sat down.

  “I only wanted to apologize again,” he smiled softly when she fixed him with a confused look. “For dinner,” he suddenly appearing uneasy. “And the cocktail party the other night. I’d like to take you out and make up for it.”

  “Make up?” Ty whispered, then winced. “No Quay.”

  Quay leaned close, blinking when he noticed her flinch. “Are you afraid of me, Tykira?”

  “No Quay…never,” she saw the distress filtering his pitch stare, “it’s just easier to keep our…whatever this is between us…it’s easier to keep it going,” she decided while reaching for her portfolio. “Let’s not try to go back and make up for anything. I don’t think I have the energy,” she almost laughed.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Ramsey. Will you be dining with the lady?”

  Ty stood before Quay could answer the waiter who’d returned to the table. “The lady is done. Mr. Ramsey will be taking care of the check,” she said before walking away.


  Ty cursed and mumbled below her breath as she stomped back to her rented Jeep Cherokee. She’d just thrown her portfolio and tote bag into the back seat, when her arm was caught, stifling any further movement.


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