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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 42

by Altonya Washington

  “Ty listen to me-”

  “Shh…” she hugged him close when he sprawled across her. “Later. I don’t want to talk about this anymore now.”

  Quay raised his head from her shoulder, not misunderstanding the meaning in her words. He began to love her every bit as passionately as before but with an added urgency. It was laced with tenderness, as though he were trying to tell her that he’d never stop until she was happy and the amount of time that would take would do nothing to discourage him.

  Afterwards, they lay staring out the window with Quay’s head resting gently against Ty’s chest.

  “I always wanted to protect you,” he said. “I felt that way even when I felt girls were yucky, instead of yummy,” he chuckled. “Quest always treated you like you were one of the boys, like you could handle yourself. And you could, but something made me want to keep you safe.”

  “That’s probably why I fell in love with you,” she stroked his temple.

  “That didn’t stop me from being a selfish jackass though,” his voice roughened in the wake of his agitation. “I knew I was hurting you by being so cold, but doing what I felt was right was my only concern. Truth was, I was only protecting myself and my feelings,” he turned over and looked down at her. “I was the one who’d had girls disappearing and…dying on me. I was the one who couldn’t handle knowing I was the reason you were in danger or the possibility of losing you. Really losing you Tyke, that was something I couldn’t think about.”

  Ty braced on her elbows and watched him closely. “And now? Are you saying you don’t feel that way anymore?”

  “I know you don’t believe me,” his right dimple appeared when he smiled, “but I can’t let you walk out of my life this time. As important as your safety is to me, living without you a minute longer is a reality I don’t want to live a second longer.” Inching closer, he cupped her cheek. “I know it’s going to take you a long time to trust me and I’ll wait as long as that takes. You’ve always meant everything to me and I only ask that you please not shut me out while you make your decision.”

  Ty felt the slight pressure of tears behind her eyes. She smoothed the back of her hand across his cheek and whispered his name.


  Catrina Ramsey was adding cream to her Hazelnut coffee when a shadow slanted across her table.

  “Houston,” she smiled up at her brother-in-law.

  “I only stopped to extend my congratulations on your future grandchild. You’ll be the most beautiful grandmother I know,” he said.

  Pleased by the comment and overjoyed by talk of her grandchild, Catrina laughed. “Why Houston, thank you so much. Damon and I can’t wait until Michaela has the baby and she’s not even showing yet!”

  Houston managed to chuckle at the comment. “Yes, it looks like you and Damon are doin’ it up as usual- the first grandparents,” his tone was mildly biting as he thought of his own children Taurus and Dena.

  “Well I’m sure you’ll experience the same joy soon enough,” Catrina predicted. “Besides, I never thought either of my sons would fall deeply in love with one woman and become content in making a life with her,” she shook her head, “it’s wonderful to see two ladies men like my boys finally get it together.”

  Houston appeared confused. “Are you saying Quay has also found someone special?” He asked, sliding into the opposite side of the booth.

  “Mmm hmm. Found her again would be more accurate. I pray he and Ty will be next.”


  Catrina nodded. Her clipped silver gray locks bouncing around her lovely dark face.

  “I had no idea there was anything between them.”

  “There always has been, since they were kids. Then, Quay started showing his ass and wanting to sow royal oats or whatever. But I think he’s finally matured to the point that he realizes that pushing Ty away this time would be the biggest mistake of his life.”

  “Well my, my don’t y’all look cozy!” Damon’s playful bellowing drowned out his brother’s next question.

  “Well my, my Damon, still possessive of your toys, huh?” Houston retorted, taking personal offence to his brother’s tease.

  Damon noticed Catrina’s hand curve into a fist and he covered it with his own. “You had your chance Hous. Don’t blame me because I got the prize,” he said.

  Houston moved from the booth so quickly, he almost tripped.

  Catrina shook her head, watching the man bolt away in a huff. “Children,” she chastised.

  Damon shrugged and reached for his wife’s coffee mug. “He started it,” he muttered.


  A few booths away, Quay and Ty sat talking with Quest and Mick. Of course, the topic of discussion was Wake Robinson and his visit. Impossibly, it seemed that the man had disappeared from the train as all searches had turned up no sign of him.

  “Do you guys have any idea who this other man Wake mentioned might’ve been?” Mick asked, watching the twins shake their heads in sync.

  “He didn’t give me one damn clue,” Quay raged softly, “but he did say whoever it was hated me and Q with a passion.”

  Silence settled as the foursome stared unseeingly at the snow white beauty past the windows.

  “Mick?” Quay called, having worked up the nerve to ask the question that had been nagging him since the night before. “How long will Jill hold off on what she discovered about the evidence?”

  “Oh honey,” Mick reached out to rub his hand. “I understand your concern, but we can trust her. She won’t make a move until she hears from me.”

  Silence settled once more and then Quest nudged his wife’s arm. He nodded once toward Quay who sat with his legs extended across the booth while Ty leaned back against him. The couple wore pensive expressions and Mick agreed with her husband that they’d probably want time alone. They quietly excused themselves and left the dining car.

  The moment they were alone, Quay expelled the heavy sigh he’d been holding.

  Ty turned, watching as he massaged his eyes. “What is it?” she whispered.

  Quay rested his fist to his chin. “I’m scared,” he admitted.

  She blinked, never believing he could feel such an emotion. She toyed with the comfy material of his black knit turtleneck sweater and realized that he was more than entitled to feel that way. She wanted to reassure him, but decided that he only needed her to be there.

  “Isn’t this somethin’?” she said, turning to lean back against him. They watched the gorgeous winter white view from the train’s huge windows.


  Banff, Canada~

  The Holtz Destiny reached its destination later that afternoon. The view from the mountaintop was a vision that could not be described. Bags were taken from the train and deposited in the specified rooms. All the while, the passengers stood mesmerized by the scenery.

  Girard Holtz, Founder and President of Holtz Enterprises, arrived to greet his guests and told everyone he prayed that future visitors would be as taken by the view as they were. The group was treated to hot cocoa topped with marshmallow crème while they breathed in the crisp mountain air. Girard covered his plans for their stay: touring the property via sky lifts, skiing, ice-skating and games. There were also libraries, a movie theatre, and several cafes for their enjoyment. All features would be accessible for the trial visit.

  Everyone felt right at home and eventually the group began to disperse. Ty had gotten separated from Quay and found herself tugged aside by her crew chief Samuel Bloch.

  “So, is Quaysar Ramsey the one?” Sam asked, once he and Ty had talked briefly about the resort and their grand accomplishment.

  Ty rubbed her yellow mittens across the arms of her white ski jacket. “Yeah, it’s Quay. It’s always been Quay.”

  Sam nodded. “I can’t say I’m not disappointed seeing as how I always thought it’d be me,” he feigned despair and joined in when she laughed. “I thank God you aren’t doomed to be a beautiful lonely woman for the rest of
your life. And don’t tell me you were alone and not lonely,” he ordered when she opened her mouth to argue. “I know what lonely looks like,” he tugged on the tassels of her knit cap.

  Smiling, Ty nodded. “You’re right. I worked and worked to keep myself occupied and even though you guys kept me close, I could never quite escape the feeling.”

  “I got the feeling there’s a lot of hurt there?” Sam probed, his arms folded over his chest as he watched her closely. “You sure about him?”

  Ty laughed, “I’m not sure about anything, but I know I can’t walk away from it. I’ve wondered for too long what being with him would be like. I can’t wonder any longer, you know?”

  Sam nodded. “I know,” he pulled her close for a hug. “I wish you everything good,” he pressed a kiss to her cheek.


  That afternoon, Mick found her husband seated at the spacious walnut desk in their suite. His laptop was on, but his gray stare was focused beyond the windows. The champagne colored drapes had been drawn and he was staring over the rolling expanse of snow covered land.

  “Quest?” She called, already closing the distance between them. She moved behind the chair he occupied and leaned down to link her arms around his neck. “You okay?”

  “Are you okay?” he countered.

  “Uh-uh, Mister. I asked you first. Are you on edge about Quay?”

  Quest felt every muscle he possessed, tighten a thousand times. “I know he’s innocent, but the reality is the evidence puts him there with Sera. If that evidence surfaces…without Wake to come forward and confirm what he told Quay, Quay will take the fall.”

  “But Jill-”

  “Babe, Jill Red may be a good friend but she’s a cop first,” Quest warned. “She’s not going to sit on that evidence forever. Remember everyone already thinks the Ramseys have been getting away with murder.”

  Mick didn’t want to think about it. “What about the other man Wake mentioned. The one who he said hired him?” She hoped to add a tone of reassurance to the conversation.

  “Unfortunately, we still need Wake to resurface and confirm that to someone besides Quay.”

  “Well, have you been able to think of anyone since breakfast? Anyone who could hate you guys like that- business associates, former friends…or cousins?” She massaged his shoulders beneath the hunter green sweater he wore.

  Quest was already shaking his head. “I can think of several business associates, but none who knew us since highschool. As for cousins, in spite of all the drama in the family we’ve managed to stay close.”

  When Mick uttered a heavy sigh, Quest turned and had her sit on his lap. “I don’t want you worrying over this.”

  Mick’s smile was melancholy. “I’m afraid I will until something presents itself in our favor.”

  “Hmph, babe…” Quest produced a rueful smile. “I believe the Ramsey luck and double dealing has finally run its course.”

  Mick’s arms tightened around him and they shared the snug embrace for the longest time.


  On the other side of the mammoth sized inn, Tykira found Quaysar in the same pensive mood that his brother was currently battling. He held onto a glass of scotch perched on the arm of the chair he occupied. The sitting room was lit only by the snowy grounds and inside by a fire roaring in a grand stone hearth.

  Ty kept a mug of hot tea cradled in her palms as she neared Quay.

  “If you sit anyplace but my lap, I’ll be very unhappy,” he called out to her.

  She smiled at his undying humor and followed instructions. Ty set down her mug and snuggled into his lap, smiling when he grunted his satisfaction.

  “You seem unhappy,” she noted.

  Quay didn’t deny it. “Unhappy and unnerved. Not because of what the evidence showed,” he said when she turned to look at him, “I was there and I played my part in not conducting myself the way I should have. But it’s knowing that there’s some fool out there with this old grudge against me and Q.”

  “Have you thought anymore about who it could be?” Ty folded her arms across the front of her navy blue hoody.

  “No one who goes back that far.”

  “What about jealous cousins? Ones who were outside the closest circle you grew up with?”

  Quay gave a slow shrug and then shook his head. “I can’t see it. Besides, none of them lived that close. We only saw each other during reunion time- if then.”

  Ty bit her lip, toying with a lock of her hair as she debated. “What about someone else in the family?” she asked finally.

  Quay’s sleek brows drew close when he heard the question. Then, his expression cleared as though he were grasping the true meaning of her words. “You think it could’ve been one of the elders?”

  “Have you ever considered that? Wake did say this person had something against your dad.”

  “No,” Quay’s response was fast. “I mean, we’ve had our run-ins but they usually got started from basic teenage crap- nothin’ to frame a person with murder over.”

  “Maybe you don’t think so.”

  “Uh-uh,” Quay denied the possibility by shaking his head. “I can’t make myself believe that.”

  “Alright, it’s alright,” she feathered kisses across his brow. Snuggling deeper into his embrace, they enjoyed the snowy view for a time.

  “I’m not a nice man, Tyke,” Quay said after the silence had grown lengthy.

  “Hmph, you’re tellin’ me,” Ty didn’t lift her head from his shoulder as she uttered the teasing remark.

  “I’m serious, Ty. I mean, damn, I’ve done everything to get you out of my life, out of my mind, out of my heart over some foolish need to protect you.”

  “All you had to do was be straight with me,” she raised her head then to stare at him. “You could’ve saved us so many years of heartache if you had. But,” she replaced her head on his shoulder, “your reasons…I can understand them, but Quay please stop punishing yourself for doing what you felt you had to do.” She reached for his hand and planted a kiss in his palm. “I love you. You love me, it’s all that matters.”

  “What about your business?”

  Ty shrugged. “What about it?”

  “Tyke, your business is gonna be the hottest ticket after word spreads about this project.”

  Ty snuggled deeper into his embrace. “I’ll have time for my business and you too.”

  “In Colorado?”

  “We’ll work out something.”

  “I don’t want to work out something,” a muscle danced fiercely along in jaw. “That’ll get old quick,” he foreshadowed.

  Tykira blinked, unease finding its way into her thoughts. She feared he was grabbing at excuses to keep them apart then. “Quay what are you saying?” she forced herself to ask.

  He waited for her to turn and face him. “I’m asking,” he placed a hand over his heart, “I’m asking you to make room for me- for us- to have a life together. Tyke, I’m asking you to be my wife.”

  Ty was stunned speechless. Seconds- though they seemed closer to minutes- passed before a brilliant smile illuminated her lovely face.

  Quay blinked, his magnificent features softened by relief. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to ask you that. I pray you won’t wait too long to give me an answer.” He sighed, lowering his gaze. “If the answer’s ‘no’, I won’t like it, but I’ll accept it.”

  “Yes,” Ty searched his dark eyes with her vibrant browns.

  Quay closed his eyes as though he were praying. Then, he leaned in quick and provided her with a devastating kiss.


  Mick got a late start that morning. She wasn’t surprised to find Quest gone, she’d been sleeping later and later; due in no small part to the fact that she was now sleeping for two. When the knock sounded on the door, she celebrated having a reason to motivate herself out of bed.

  “Good morning Mrs. Ramsey,” the valet greeted in a shy tone from his position on the other side of the doo

  “Good morning,” Mick returned just as another yawn claimed her. “Sorry,” she whispered.

  The young man smiled glancing down at his shoes before looking back toward the petite dark beauty that stood before him. “That’s quite alright, ma-am. A-a package for you,” he announced a bit bashfully.

  Mick’s amber stare brightened as she watched the short Hispanic man produce a small wrapped package from the valise he carried. She signed the pad he extended, then found a ten dollar bill inside one of Quest’s jackets on the coatrack.

  “Have a good day,” she bid when the young man thanked her for the tip. Sighing then, she closed the door and tore into the package. Finding the name Sera Black scrawled on the front of what looked to be a small book, forced a gasp past her mouth. Her heart began a frantic race when she realized the book must have been the other half of the girl’s diary.

  “I’d almost forgotten,” Mick whispered and immediately opened the book to begin scouring the cream colored pages that were trimmed in a floral print. Closing it then, she decided to call Sera’s mother and thank her for never tiring of the search.

  Johnelle Black answered her line and Mick relayed her appreciation. Johnelle’s reaction however, was not what Mick had expected.

  “It’s wonderful news, Mick, but for the life of me I don’t know how you got it. I’ve been searching and rechecking places I’d already looked, but I haven’t come across it.”

  Mick’s hand went limp around the phone. “Then who?”

  “I have no idea…does it shed any more light on the case, though?”

  Mick trailed her fingers across the spine of the diary. “I haven’t really read it yet, but I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Thanks so much Mick.”

  “You take care.”

  The call ended and Mick studied the book. She held onto it reverently as the pensive look deepened upon her face.


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