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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 44

by Altonya Washington

  Like his legs were deflating beneath him, Quest settled to the side of the bed. He looked completely drained and Mick scooted close to hug him.

  “Sweetie, don’t. It’s not about Quay. He’s not what this is about,” she hugged him close.

  Quest inclined his head, watching her more closely. “Wake?”



  “Shh…” she pressed her fingers to his mouth, “baby please just let it go at that for now. I don’t know what to do with what I know and I don’t want you anymore upset. Just let me handle this for now, okay?”

  Quest thinned his lips, sparking his left dimple while he debated. “I don’t like the toll this is taking on you.”

  Mick agreed. “Do you think it’d look bad if we left a few days early?” she kept her gaze downcast.

  “I don’t care what it looks like,” Quest stood, easing her back beneath the covers. “We’ll leave in the morning.”


  Everyone in fact, felt much the same. After the ugly dinner scene the night before, the beauty and luxury of the Banff Majestic had worn thin on them as well. The Ramsey jets arrived by mid-morning the next day. From Canada, it was a non-stop flight to Seattle. Both jets remained void of heavy conversation. Pensive moods struck everyone hard. Even Contessa, who was usually never at a loss for words, had little to say. She stared idly out her window, without really seeing any of the gorgeous blue sky or luminous clouds. With her legs crossed and her hands folded primly in her lap, she had no idea how closely she was being studied.

  After a while, however, her senses peaked and she turned towards the muscular caramel-toned male seated diagonally across from her. Surprised to feel a smile tugging at her lips, County cleared her throat softly. She took note of the man’s slanting stare which raked her legs in a repetitive and thoroughly erotic manner.

  County recrossed her legs and waited.

  The man took his time, but eventually his translucent caramel stare rested on her face.

  “I hope I meet with your approval?” County said, once their gazes locked.

  He smiled, stroking his goatee with a light touch. “I have no complaints.”

  Obviously, she thought, refusing to let his blatant appreciation excite her. After all, she was Contessa Warren…men always stared at her.

  “Who are you?” she believed he was a Ramsey, but didn’t know which one.

  “Fernando Ramsey,” he supplied.

  She nodded. “The black sheep.”

  Fernando’s eyes crinkled adorably when he grinned. “That label does little to set one apart in a family like mine.”

  “Mmm, indeed,” County leaned forward to extend her hand. “Contessa Warren,” she said and was mildly surprised by her response to his hand enveloping hers.

  “Mick’s friend. The publisher.”

  “That’s right.”

  Fernando appeared impressed. His mesmerizing stare was focused like a lion on its prey. “Busy profession.”

  County toyed with the diamond stud adorning her earlobe. “Busy, but rewarding.”

  “And draining?”

  Thinking of Mick, County’s easy mood vanished. “It’s very draining,” she admitted.

  “And you don’t think Mick should be putting so much of herself into this investigation into Sera Black.”

  Contessa blinked, stunned by the man’s perception. “You’re right. I don’t. I do pray that Sera’s murderer will be caught soon,” her gaze faltered when Fernando just continued to study her intently.

  “You shouldn’t worry,” he said finally and rested his big hands on either arm of the chair he occupied. “Mick’s strong and one has to keep up a strong front to be part of this family, blah, blah, blah…”

  County laughed, surprised that someone who appeared so intimidating could be so animated. “I’ve noticed that,” she told him, her expression sobering. “Kind of sad, don’t you think?”

  Fernando shrugged. “I never looked at being strong as a sad thing.”

  County made a tsking sound and stood. “Mr. Ramsey, one should never have to keep up a strong front for family. Excuse me,” she whispered leaving Fernando staring after her as she walked away.


  Seattle, Washington~

  “How is she Quest?” Ty asked when she and Quay arrived for dinner one evening.

  Quest closed the front door and then turned to hug Ty and shake hands with Quay. “We had to bully her into staying in bed. Doctor’s forbid her to do anything more. She’s not happy with me for agreeing with him, but the first three months of a pregnancy it can go either way,” he shrugged as though that fact settled the argument in his mind.

  It had been one week since the group had returned from Banff. Mick conducted what work she could from the comfort of her bedroom, but finally decided to share what she knew. She arranged a dinner party and asked Quest to make sure Ty, Quay, Catrina and Damon attended. Clearly, Quest was on edge about the gathering in light of her need to rest. Mick knew if she had any chance of her mood improving, she’d have to share the secrets she held.


  Ty sat tapping one of her flat leather riding boots to the carpet. “I’m going to check on her,” she stood from the sofa.

  “It’s okay, girl, I’m here,” Mick called, making her way downstairs just then. She walked right over to Tykira and hugged her tight. “Congratulations. I’m so happy for you guys,” she whispered, pressing a kiss to Ty’s cheek and then doing the same to Quay.

  “Alright Mick, enough of the sappy stuff. What’s this all about?” Quay kept his arm about his sister-in-law’s shoulders.

  The bell sounded before Mick could explain and she was glad. Damon and Catrina were just arriving. Hugs, kisses and idle chatter were in order again. When the conversation settled on wedding arrangements, the twins exchanged incredulous gazes.

  “Enough!” They bellowed simultaneously.

  “Mick, out with the secret, already,” Quay urged.

  Nodding, Mick agreed this needed to be said before dinner. “Everyone sit down,” she waved the group into the living room.

  “Sweetie, are you feeling well?” Catrina asked once she and Damon were sharing a buttercream leather loveseat near the fireplace.

  Mick nodded. “I’m fine,” she smoothed both hands across her red silk lounging pants and took a deep breath. “I’d feel a lot better though, if I knew why your brother-in-law hates Quest and Quay so much.”

  Damon and Catrina watched each other for several moments and seemed to reach their decision in silence. Clearly, Mick had most of her answers and only needed their confirmation.

  “I came into the Ramsey family on Houston’s arm,” Catrina smiled at the surprise on her sons’ identical faces. “We’d been seeing each other for two years before he decided to introduce me to his people. Not that he wasn’t proud of me, he treated me like a queen. Actually, he seemed less proud of himself. Even with his own family, he was always on edge. Especially around his brothers. He hated Damon. I could see that right away. At first, I thought it was because Damon was the youngest boy, but it went deeper than that.”

  “I was the laid back one of the group,” Damon boasted, winking at his sons when they laughed. “Things always seemed to come easy to me with little or no effort, grades, girls, our parents’ love,” his expression sobered.

  “Damon caught my eye right from the start,” Catrina’s lovely features brightened with love for her husband. “But I never had any intention of hurting Houston. One day I-I found myself…alone with Damon where he um…made his attraction known,” lashes fluttering, Catrina shook her head when Quest and Quaysar whistled and commended their father.

  “Anyway,” she sighed, “I told Damon I wasn’t interested, but he wouldn’t back off. After that it was only a matter of time before I’d fallen for him completely.”

  “What happened to Houston?” Mick asked.

  “I refused to leave him in limbo, so I told him about my fe
elings for Damon.”

  “Ugly scene,” Damon leaned forward as one hand clenched into a fist. “It could’ve been worse, had I not arrived when I did.”

  Quest’s and Quay’s gazes narrowed in unison.

  “Did he touch her?” Quest asked.

  Damon grimaced. “I walked in just as he knocked her to the floor.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Quest hissed, fists clenched.

  “He’s dead,” Quay muttered matter-of-factly, already out of his chair.

  “Damon!” Catrina urged. “Quay!” she called. “Boys please!” she cried.

  Damon caught Quay’s arm and pulled him close. “Believe me when I say I took great pleasure in handling it,” he pushed Quay back to his seat and massaged both his sons shoulders before returning to his own chair.

  “We never spoke on it again,” Catrina went on, “we’ve managed to be civil to one another over the years, but I know the hatred is still there and simmering.”

  “Simmering more than you know,” Mick said. “It’s why he pushed the book so much. He was determined to see Quay or Quest pay for Sera’s death-maybe not with a murder conviction, but a book highlighting the case would’ve put a definite blemish on their reputations.”

  “He was pretty much the same when the murder took place,” Catrina noted.

  “Yeah, for a while he was really pushing the cops to look into it,” Damon added. “We knew it was because the room was in the boys’ names. But then one day, he just let up and never mentioned another thing about it.”

  “It was because he knew there was even stronger evidence against him.”

  The group appeared stunned by Mick’s revelation.

  “Evidence against Houston?” Quay asked.

  “Sera was having an affair with a married man. That man was Houston.” Mick said.

  “Houston?” Ty cried in disbelief.

  Silence settled for a moment and then Damon told everyone about his conversation with Marcus aboard the train. He remembered accusing the man of covering for someone, but had assumed he was trying to protect one of his sons Moses, Yohan or Fernando.

  “Not his sons, but his brother,” Ty shook her head. “Why’d Houston kill her, Mick?”

  “According to Sera’s diary, she wanted him to leave his wife. He wouldn’t,” Mick recalled the words scribbled angrily in the girl’s diary. “She said she wouldn’t give up until he left Daphne- said she’d go tell her if he didn’t.”

  “Do you really think he killed her, Michaela?” Catrina asked.

  “I don’t know,” Mick trailed her fingers through her curls while leaning back in her chair. “But if the semen matches his, he’ll be the prime suspect.”

  “So what now?” Quay asked.

  “Now, he’ll have to be tested and I doubt that’ll happen in Seattle-his lawyers would rally around this quick,” Mick warned. “Perhaps we’ll have a better chance in Savannah. After all, they’d have jurisdiction, right?

  “And how do we get him there?” Catrina asked.

  “The wedding,” Quest figured.

  Damon nodded. “If we could get him down there, he’d be somewhat off kilter and it could be to our advantage.”

  “Honey this is your brother,” Catrina whispered.

  Damon kissed the back of her hand. “My brother wanted my sons to pay for a murder he committed.”

  While everyone mulled over the best way to get Houston to Savannah, Quay left his chair to kneel before Tykira’s.

  “How do you feel about this?” he massaged her knee. “This is your day. Everyone here would understand you not wanting it marred by some sting operation.”

  “That’s right, Ty,” Mick overheard Quay’s words. “This can be handled in a whole other way.”

  “Thanks Mick,” Ty smiled before turning back to Quay. “It’s our day and we could’ve been together so long ago had it not been for all this. That jackass deserves to pay if he’s guilty,” she bit her lip when the words passed her mouth. “Sorry Mister D,” she winced toward Damon who graced her with his striking grin.

  “No apologies needed, love,” he told her.

  Ty nodded and then squeezed her fiancé’s hand. “Let’s do this.”


  Savannah, Georgia~

  The home of Quentin and Marcella Ramsey had been the meeting place for virtually all the families’ happiest gatherings. After the scandal that had rocked them; and with Quentin’s and Marcella’s deaths, the family had scattered. The beautiful estate was infrequently used.

  Tykira Lowery was determined to change that. After all, this was the place where she and her future husband first made love. It was to be the place where they would vow to love each other forever. The property which had been a prosperous plantation was the picture of life. Busy caterers, musicians, florists and valets rushed about seeing to the needs of the arriving guests as well as food and entertainment. The brisk mid-November chill added a cozy feel to the festivities. The event would culminate with the wedding to take place the following evening.


  “You mind?” Damon asked Marc, having found his brother in one of the sitting rooms that had been stocked with a full bar.

  “Hmph, father of the year,” Marc cajoled with a tired grin. “Can’t believe you’re about to have two married sons.”

  Damon knew the remark wasn’t meant as a compliment. “Care to elaborate?” he was determined to keep his cool.

  Marc shrugged. “Hell, what’s there to elaborate on? Those two? Their lifestyles and attitudes… neither is the marrying kind.”

  “Be that as it may,” Damon sighed, pouring a glass of Hennessy, “My boys know how to love.”

  “And what the hell does that mean? That some dig at my sons?” Marc snapped.

  Damon took a swig of the liquor. “Not at your sons, just at their upbringing. You raised them to be suspicious of everyone- even their women,” he fixed Marc with a knowing look. “You treated Josie like a possession and taught them to do the same with their women,” Damon referred to Marcus’ wife Josephine.

  “I’ve watched all three of them lose wonderful ladies because they treated them like possessions- objects for their pleasure,” Damon shook his head and turned back to the bar. “Thank God they’re finally growing up and seeing the error in their ways.”

  “Who the devil do you think you are, D?!” Marc left his stool at the bar. “You come in here actin’ all big to run down how I raised my boys? Why? Cause yours finally decided to walk down the aisle? Hell, I give both those marriages four years tops! If that!” he gave an indignant sniff.

  Damon finished his drink and prepared to leave the bar.

  “Hell, I see why Houston hates your ass,” Marc rambled. “Possessions? Ha! You wanna talk to me about possessions? That’s a laugh considering how you treated Catrina. You took her for your own even when she was on your brother’s arm.”

  “Speaking of Houston,” Damon refused to be riled by Marc’s words, “did you know how far he was willing to go with Sera before she died?”

  Marc appeared to stop breathing. “What are you getting at?”

  “There’s proof linking Houston to her death.”

  “You lie.”

  “Marc please don’t waste my time acting like you didn’t know that. After all, it’s the reason you went to such lengths to protect him all these years, isn’t it? Did you know what Houston was planning to do to that child?” Damon whispered when his brother remained silent.

  Marc’s deep set eyes narrowed with menacing intent toward his younger sibling. “That child was about to rip this family apart,” he sneered.

  Damon stood. “She was a baby- not even eighteen!”

  “She was a conniving woman,” Marcus corrected. “Slut, if you will. To let a man use her like that and then threaten to publicly expose him with adultery.”

  Damon shook his head, trying to will his heart to stop its frantic beating. “So you did know he was going to kill her?”

nbsp; Marc smirked and turned away. “Your good son routine has no authority here, D. You ain’t the police.”

  “Oh, so you’d prefer speaking with them? They’re on their way, you know?”

  Marcus turned swiftly. The smug expression he wore vanished.

  Damon checked his watch. “They should be coming up the driveway any minute.”

  “What have you done?” Marc breathed.

  “What should’ve been done long ago to give that girl’s family some peace.”

  “Where’s Houston?” Marc demanded.

  Damon closed the distance between them. “I suggest you worry about yourself. The law don’t look too kindly on accomplices either.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Marc slammed his beaded whiskey glass against the bar. “This isn’t over,” he raged.

  “It is for our brother,” Damon said before Marcus stormed out of the room.


  Tykira was going over last minute music selections for the reception when the door to Quentin Ramsey’s study closed behind her. “Hey Houston,” she greeted with a cool smile. “I’m glad you decided to join us.”

  The curiosity on Houston’s face was a perfect match to the tone of his voice. “I was anxious to see how the place looked. You’ve done a wonderful job,” he commended.

  Ty nodded and looked around the study. “Well, truth is, I have to give most of the credit to your nephew. Quay’s been more a part of this thing than I have. What?” She noticed the look Houston sent her.

  Smoothing one hand across his close shaved head, the man grinned. “It’s hard to picture Quay married. Are you certain about him, Tykira?”

  “Why Houston, what an odd question,” she pretended to be shocked.

  “Sweetheart, forgive me, it’s just that Quaysar Ramsey isn’t exactly known for being a one woman man.”

  “I’m aware,” Ty watched Houston approached her.

  “Forgive me,” he spread his hands in a defensive gesture, “the last thing I want to do is cloud your day, but you are a very beautiful woman,” his eyes roamed her body with unmasked appreciation. “You have a lovely personality and I would hate to see a dog like Quay ruin you.”


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