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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 48

by Altonya Washington

  Somewhere in the distance he heard his name being called. With an indecipherable grunt of regret, he realized it was his two lunch companions. He’d completely forgotten they were seated right next to him.

  County had called them his dates and who wouldn’t think such a thing? The leggy, voluptuous adult film starlets were about to grace the pages of one of his magazines and every man envied the liking they’d taken to him. Fernando wouldn’t deny it. He knew if he hadn’t seen County on New Year’s Eve, winding up in the middle of a lusty sandwich had been a definitely possibility.

  Now, however, their advances, light caressing and the brushes of their enhanced cleavage against his arms and back, were grating on his nerves.

  “Fernie? Are you alright?” Asked one of the beauties, while she trailed a nail in his beard.

  “I’m good. Look,” he straightened in the seat and forced the women to give him space. “Everything here is a go. We’ve negotiated a favorable deal with your agents and your studio, so my part in this arrangement is done,” he waved toward his driver who waited at the bar. “James can take you back to your hotel or wherever you want to go,” he told them once the man stood near the table.

  “Ladies,” James prompted, with a wave of his hand to urge them from their seats.

  The beauties pouted, but knew it’d be unwise and pointless to argue with Fernando. Instead, they kissed his cheek and said their goodbyes. Fernando cast a knowing wink at James and polished off the rest of his drink to celebrate their departure. Angling his potent form to a more comfortable position within the booth, he enjoyed the peace and watched Contessa.

  “Guys, I was surprised to be hearing from you so soon after our meeting before Christmas,” County said once she’d greeted her lunch dates.

  “We received permission to increase our offer on the house,” Anson Carter announced as his partner Graham Johnson nodded. “We didn’t want to waste time in presenting it to you. We’re sure you’ll have a change of heart.”

  County shook her head and smiled. “Well guys, I am impressed by your tenacity. But, as usual, I’m afraid, you’ll be leaving empty-handed again.”

  “Ms. Warren do you understand that we can make you a very wealthy woman?” Anson said, as though he were sharing some guarded secret.

  County smiled, watching her French tipped nails tapping against the silverware. “Boys, do you understand that I’m already a very wealthy woman?”

  “We can make you wealthier,” Graham pointed out.

  “I’m hoping that’s what my business will do for me.”

  “It can!”

  “You both know what I mean,” County chuckled when they spoke in unison. She watched the looks on their handsome dark faces cloud as they silently struggled to come up with a way to convince her. “Don’t bother,” she said when Anson opened his mouth. “My mind’s made up,” she added.


  “My decision is firm and won’t change,” she waved towards a waiter in the distance.

  Meanwhile, Anson and Graham looked lost- almost unnerved. Clearly, they didn’t want to return to the office empty-handed.

  “Whiskey.” County ordered from the waiter once he arrived at the table.

  Suddenly, Graham nudged Anson’s arm and nodded.

  “We’re sorry we can’t do business Ms. Warren,” Anson said, as he and his partner stood.

  “Please enjoy your lunch on us,” Graham offered.

  County nodded, grateful for an end to the meeting and hoping her eyes weren’t sparkling too much in anticipation of their leaving. Still, she was surprised to find them giving up so easily- something they rarely did.

  “You guys have a good afternoon,” she said, already reaching for a menu.


  “Will you be having lunch with us today Ms. Warren?” The waiter asked when he returned with Contessa’s drink shortly after Graham’s and Anson’s departures.

  “I think I will,” County decided, sipping her drink while she perused the menu.

  “I’ll just give you a few moments,” the waiter said, “would you like a refill on your drink Mr. Ramsey?” he inquired, stepping past County.

  Seeing Fernando standing next to the table as though there were nothing out of the ordinary about it, rendered County motionless. At last, she was able to lean back in her chair and observe him with a soft smile gracing her mouth.

  “I’ll take a menu,” he nodded when the waiter set off to get him one.

  County watched him choose a seat and waited for him to tell her what he was doing there.

  “Are you alone?” he asked, resting his elbows on either arm of the deep arm chair he’d selected.

  “Would it matter?” Her brown eyes narrowed in challenge.

  Fernando shook his head and shifted his imposing frame in the chair.

  “Are you alone?” she asked.

  “Would it matter?” he countered.

  County chuckled. “Touché,” she conceded. “I’d just feel really bad about taking you away from your dates twice in one month.”

  “Well, technically, it was last month that you took me away from them.”

  County tapped one nail to her chin while considering the clarification. “You’re right,” she said upon remembering. “To hell with ‘em.”

  Fernando massaged his bearded cheek and fixed her with a suspicious look. “What made you think I was with them anyway?” he wanted to know.

  “That’s right,” County sighed, her oval honey-toned face a picture of realization. “You probably never see the same woman after one date.”

  “You wound me, County,” his deep voice cooed.

  “Then again,” she went on, dismissing the soothing tone of his baritone, “perhaps you haven’t… consummated the date?” she probed.

  Fernando tugged on the cuff of his jacket and shrugged. “A gentleman never tells.”

  The waiter returned with refills on both Fernando’s and Contessa’s drinks along with a menu for Fernando. “Are we ready to order?” he asked County.

  “Oh, I haven’t even had time to look,” she said with a start.

  “Too busy giving me a hard time,” Fernando shared, earning a wicked smile from County.

  “I’ll give you two more time,” the waiter smiled and left them alone again.

  “So, about my supposed dates. They really are business I swear.”

  “Tsk, tsk. You’re far too gorgeous to have to pay for it.”

  Fernando blinked and tilted his head in curiosity. “Are you complimenting me?”

  “Of course I am,” she cooly admitted, her expressive gaze still trained on the menu. “Hasn’t a woman ever told you that?”

  Fernando barely raised his hand in a flip wave. “In her own way.”

  County set aside her menu. “What way? By gazing longingly into your eyes while she bats her lashes and laughs at every witty or unwitty remark you make?”

  Fernando shifted again in his chair, that time feeling the front of his trousers grow snug as the twinges of arousal began to swell his manhood. Oral banter courtesy of Contessa Warren was as good as oral sex, he decided then and there. Clearing his throat, he concentrated on focusing his thoughts on something completely nonerotic.

  “I’m sorry,” County whispered, pressing her hand across the black V-neck jersey blouse she wore beneath her suit, “we were discussing your dates who are actually business.”

  “They actually are,” Fernando confirmed, the sensual curve of his mouth twitched against the need to laugh.

  “So you’re not paying them.”

  “No. Well, yes. Technically.”

  County laughed loud and unashamed. “That you’ll have to explain.”

  “They’re working for me.”

  “Ha! I’ll bet they are.”

  The waiter returned amidst boisterous laughter and immediately asked if he should return later.

  “I think it’ll be a while before we get around to eating,” County predicted. “Mr. Ramsey’
s got some explaining to do. But you can bring me another whiskey and I have a feeling the gentleman could use several more drinks.”

  “I’ll keep the beverages coming,” the waiter promised, close to laughter himself.

  “Now, where were we?” County asked Fernando, her vibrant stare made even more vibrant in the presence of playful cunning.

  For a moment, he could only stare at her. He enjoyed everything he saw on the outside- and inside. This was a woman who could match him and he honestly thought the only women who existed were either sickeningly sweet and over accommodating, too eager to please or devious, conniving, self-serving and ready to betray.

  Contessa Warren...Contessa...she was something else. He’d come to the realization long ago. His gut had never betrayed him and it was now telling him to hold on to her- to not let her too far out of his sight for too long. This was a woman to keep- a woman who could be a powerful, completely satisfying partner in bed, in business, in life.

  County was snapping her fingers before his face and chuckling when he blinked. “Have you created your lie-excuse me explanation yet?”

  “The girls really are business,” he nodded when the waiter placed drink refills on the table. “They’re going to be featured in one of my magazines.”

  “Mmm...the plot thickens,” County leaned back in her chair. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for a literary man.”

  “Too gorgeous, right?” he probed, chuckling when County sent him a saucy wink.

  “Well, something tells me those two aren’t gracing the pages of a happy homemaker publication,” she said.

  “Not quite. I own several magazines,” he took a deep drink from his glass. “Two, I run from here in Chicago. Those two will be featured in one of my um...gentlemen’s magazines.”

  “Well, I must say I’ve never met a man with so many interesting...interests,” Her eyes were brightened, confirming her intrigue.

  “Then why not see them firsthand? Join me tomorrow for a tour of my offices?”

  “A tour?” County laughed, shaking her head. “That really isn’t necessary. I believe you.”

  “I really want you to see the place.”


  “Maybe I’m trying to impress you.”

  “You’ve done that already.”

  Fernando bowed his head, acknowledging the suggestive meaning of her words. “I don’t want you to think I’m a one-dimensional guy.”

  County smoothed one hand across her chic cut. “Oh, I don’t think that. Trust me.”

  Fernando’s warm deep-set gaze seemed to intensify. “I’m being serious,” he said in a mildly warning tone.

  County shrugged one shoulder. “So am I.”

  “Is this a date or not?” he asked.

  “Hmm…” County closed her eyes, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth. “Yes.”

  Fernando thought the word had never sounded sweeter.


  County and Fernando placed their orders after the waiter’s fifth journey to their table. Several quiet moments passed as they dined on delicious curry chicken with rice, spinach salads and hot buttery rolls.

  “So is there any particular reason why you live in Seattle yet run your business from Chicago?” County asked, stabbing a spinach leaf with her fork.

  “I only run two magazines from Chicago.” Fernando clarified. “I thought about relocating here while I was getting the pubs established. I decided against it.”


  “Because my last name is Ramsey.”

  “Ah…” County sighed, forgetting her food for a moment. “Trying to be your own man?”

  Fernando’s grin sparked the adorable crinkles at the corners of his eyes. “I was already my own man. I just didn’t want anyone to know I was Marcus Ramsey’s son. But I’ll be damned if he hadn’t already made a name for himself here, too.”

  “So the bulk of your empire is in Seattle?” County surmised in a teasing manner, feeling the chill in his voice when he spoke of his father.

  “That’s right. I only have the two magazines here,” he confirmed.

  “So what else are you involved in?” She returned her attention to the succulent curry chicken. “It’s not for my files,” she said when he seemed reluctant to respond. “I already have plenty of info on you.”

  “Is that right?” Fernando said while leaning back to regard her. “Now it’s your turn to elaborate.”

  “Well, there’s your colorful childhood for starters,” County began, realizing that he’d shifted the subject but deciding to play along anyway, “a tour of duty in reform school and then it was on to the big house.”

  “You’re thorough,” he commended.

  She shrugged. “I try. You know, you should become a motivational speaker. ‘How to turn your life around or become a legal crook’,” she teased.

  Fernando placed a hand across his heart. “You continue to wound me,” he lamented.

  “So what would possess someone like you to get into trouble?”

  “Someone like me?” Fernando toyed with his earlobe as he spoke. “What? You mean someone with money and no problems?”

  County smiled knowingly and silently conceded his point with a nod.

  “Contessa a kid with money is a kid with absentee parents.”

  “Not always.”

  “But many times.”

  “So your father didn’t have time for you or your brothers?”

  “Oh, he had time. But there’s a difference between having time and making time.”

  In spite of the deep, unwavering strength behind his voice, County could tell there was still hurt within him. “What about your mother?” she asked.

  “Phenomenal,” Fernando spoke without hesitation, admiration filling his captivating eyes for a moment. “But a boy needs his father. To us, Marcus was just another man. Perhaps having him closer would’ve blinded us to what he was really like.”

  County recrossed her legs and leaned closer to the table. “But he’s still your father- still in your lives…” she trailed away and watched his face tighten with some tense emotion.

  “Not for long,” he muttered.

  She heard each word and could almost feel the hate rolling from his tongue. It made him seem so different, so unapproachable. She certainly didn’t care for the sinister element the emotion cast across his very handsome face. Finding herself at an uncharacteristic loss for words, she clasped her hands in her lap and remained silent.

  “You in the mood for dessert?”

  His question, returned some of the easiness to the table. County raised her hand as though she were about to testify.

  “I couldn’t eat another bite,” she cast a look of concern towards the dining room’s tall paned windows. “Besides, I think I’ve played it risky too long. That snow’s gonna barrel down any second and my office is two block away.”

  “You intend to walk?” Fernando asked, his concern evident as a furrow formed between his long, sleek brows.

  “Oh, it’s fine. The walk isn’t nearly as long as you think,” she insisted.

  “It’s freezing out there.”

  “I’m used to it.”

  Fernando shook his head. “Not while I’m around, you’re not,” he reached inside his suit coat to retrieve his wallet.


  “Hush,” he urged in the softest voice, dropping money to the table before tapping his cellphone. “Hey, where are you?” he was pleased to hear that his driver James had dropped off the dates and was parked out in front of the restaurant. “We’ll be right out.”

  “Trying to be a gentleman, Ramsey?”

  Fernando was about to stand, when he heard her question and the way she addressed him. “I don’t have to try with you. It comes easy.”

  County laughed. “Smooth,” she complimented.

  He stood and favored her with a smirk. “I hope one day you’ll take it as honesty.”

  Her desire to tease draining away, County
stood and let him help her into her coat. She watched him closely as he buttoned the stylish trench, secured the belt at her waist and tugged the fur collar around her ears.

  “I’m not sleeping with you,” she said once he was done.

  Fernando kept his hands around the fur collar. “Do you think that’s what a man wants if he’s being nice to you.”

  “It usually is.”

  “Well I’m not the usual.”

  That’s what worries me, County remarked silently and then let him lead her out of the restaurant.


  St. Croix, Virgin Islands

  Tykira Lowery Ramsey stretched and smiled lazily when her husband rose from beneath the pool of ocean blue water.

  “Now I see why you requested a suite with its own pool,” she whispered, trailing her nails across his jaw.

  Quay gave a half shrug. “Sometimes you gotta have privacy,” he told his wife, grinning devilishly as he leaned in to kiss her.

  Ty uttered a weak moan when she tasted her body on his mouth. Her moans increased in volume as she suckled his tongue in a desperate lusty manner. She felt the familiar tingle grow in intensity as it trickled all the way to her toes and she became lost in his embrace.

  “Time for bed,” Quay announced when he pulled away several moments later.

  “We just got out of bed,” Ty laughed.

  “Damn, why’d we do that?”

  “Hmm…” Ty smiled at her husband, pretending to be just as confused. “Let me think…” she sighed and then snapped her fingers, “Because we wanted to make love in the pool.”

  “Right,” Quay drawled, filling his palms with her breasts and preparing to feast.

  “Quay, Quay wait,”

  Of course, he didn’t listen. “This is what newlyweds do on their honeymoon,” he said, madly suckling on a firm nipple.

  “I know,” Ty gasped, cupping his neck and arching more of her body into his mouth. “Mmm...but we’ve been on our honeymoon going on two months…”

  Quay sobered, his dark eyes narrowing as he moved back to study her face. “Aren’t you having a good time?”

  Ty splashed water into his face. “Don’t ask foolish questions,” she kissed his cheek when he smiled.


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