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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 64

by Altonya Washington

“Ramsey,” she gasped.

  The hold loosened, but Fernando’s expression had grown even more fierce. Clearly, he awaited a suitable reply to his instructions.

  County rolled her eyes. “I’ll remember,” she whispered.

  “Good,” he tightened his hold about her throat once more and pulled her into a lazy, deep kiss.

  Totally unprepared, she moaned and instinctively arched into his chiseled frame. She’d barely begun to thrust her tongue against his, when he broke the kiss.

  “What a couple!” the sales associate commended, folding his arms over the fitted crew shirt that was supposed to add definition to his bony torso. “We rarely see such a match,” he said.

  Fernando barely nodded, before motioning toward Contessa. “Do you have anything gorgeous enough for a body like this?” he asked.

  The associate’s eyes lingered on County’s face and apparently he adored what he saw. Then, he looked down and seemed even more enthralled by the body that went along. “Damn baby, are these real?” he made a move to grope her bosom.

  Fernando held County back and caught the associate’s hand in an awkward grip that sent the man shrieking in pain.

  “Why don’t we start with the evening dresses,” he suggested, intermittently clearing his throat and massaging the ache from his wrist. “What sort of event are we preparing for?”

  County cringed, listening to the men speak about her as though she had no mind or mouth to speak for herself. Fernando knew her size and the color she favored. The fact shocked her, but she refused to let it go to her head. What she needed to know was why he didn’t want her to speak his name.

  The associate walked away to make a few selections and Fernando turned to wave toward the array of dresses.

  “See anything you like?” he asked.

  County regarded him with a scathing look. “No. You haven’t dropped dead yet.”

  Fernando muttered a curse. “You know this would be a lot easier if you’d just cooperate with me.”

  “Kiss my-”

  “Ahhh!” the sales associate raved upon his return. “I’ve taken the liberty of making a few choices. I think any of these would purely adore such a sensuous frame.”

  The associate led them to the dressing rooms. He offered to assist Contessa, but reconsidered when Fernando fixed him with a murderous glare. “Well, the rooms are spacious enough for two,” he implied while unlocking the door.

  Fernando was already leading her toward the rooms, but County moved before him and pressed her hands to his chest.

  “Haven’t you humiliated me enough? I’ll try on the clothes and come out here for you to see. I’ll wear whatever you like best,” she said.

  “Hmm...cooperative in bed and out,” the associated noted, making himself scarce when the couple stared him down.

  “Please Ramsey,” she whispered when they were alone.

  Fernando couldn’t refuse her. His gaze softened and he brushed his thumb along her cheek, and then favored her bottom lip with a few teasing brushes. He nodded, uttering a curse when she was gone.

  It didn’t take long for County to change in and out of the outfits. Fernando could’ve cared less about what was chosen- they were all stunning on her. He experienced joy and torture watching her twirl around for him in one sexy creation after another. Finally, he chose one just to get out of the boutique.


  “We don’t have long before cocktails and dinner,” Fernando said as they entered his suite. “I want a nap first, but it’s probably better to shower beforehand. Get undressed.”

  Contessa’s mouth fell open when she heard him deliver the cool instruction. “Why?” she propped a hand on her hip.

  “Because I don’t trust you to stay here while I shower.”

  County couldn’t hide the guilty flash in her gaze.

  “And save the humiliation speech. It only works once,” he set about removing his clothes and seemed oblivious to County’s dumbfounded staring. I’ll give you a hand once I’m done,” he smirked when she moved to action and raced to the bathroom for a bath sheet.

  Her mouth went dry when he strolled stark naked into the bath. “Is this really necessary?” she asked, while he hummed and set the water temp in the shower. “Can’t I just stay here in the bathroom while you’re in there?” she bargained.

  “No can do, love. I can’t hear the door opening in the shower.”

  County stifled herself from calling that a crock. She wouldn’t be surprised if the man could hear her breathing over the spray of water.

  “Let’s go,” he prompted, watching her expectantly while he waited on her to precede him into the shower.

  Realizing she had no choice, County breathed deeply and prepared to do as he said. She halted when Fernando cleared his throat.

  “I don’t think you’ll need that,” his warm gaze focused on the towel she clutched. “I’ve seen it before, you know?” he added the unnecessary reminder.

  Hissing a soft curse, Contessa brushed the towel to the floor and stomped inside the shower.

  The glass enclosed area was spacious and tall, yet it seemed uncomfortably small when Fernando stepped inside. County discovered it wasn’t the amount of space that was uncomfortable. Several times, her gaze had grown fixed on his magnificent form. Massive and cut with taut muscles, he was a specimen of what every man dreamed a gym would do for his body. The broad chest, abdomen cut like a rigid six-pack, and the breathtaking extent of his sex pulled more than a few unexpected moans from her lips.

  Fernando went about his showering and was even kind enough to pass Contessa the shower gel she’d brought into the bathroom. When she began to use it, the scent of lavender teased his nostrils unexpectedly and rendered his hands weakened by need.

  “You’re too damn big to be sharing a shower,” County grumbled, angry with herself at being too lust-driven to keep her eyes off him. “This is ridiculous,” she added.

  Fernando rolled his eyes and held his head beneath the water spray. “Too bad, because we don’t have another choice,” he said.

  County decided not to argue or satisfy herself by ramming his head into the black tiled shower wall. Instead, she concentrated on lathering herself in the scented gel.

  Fernando was now the one tortured by sight and felt his already stiff manhood swelling even more. He tried not to gawk, but looking away from her was next to hopeless. Watching the creamy white foam sliding across her curvaceous honey-toned frame was almost as satisfying as touch.

  Almost, but not even close, he thought while stroking his hair roughened jaw and the tight muscles in his neck. Soon, his need was at full attention and he had no choice but to keep his back to her.

  “To hell with this,” he muttered, finally frustrated enough by painfully swollen desire and desperate to do something about this.

  County gasped when he turned suddenly and crowded her against the back of the shower. As angered as she was by the chain of events, she had no thoughts of resisting anything he had in mind. Her lips parted, aching for his kiss. She moaned unashamed when his tongue thrust repeatedly and deeper each time. One of his hands cupped her breast while the other settled to the back of her head to keep her in place as he explored every inch of her mouth.

  Moans and soft cries of need filtered over the sound of water hitting the tiles and glass of the shower. County arched herself upon him, hungry for the taste and feel of him as her arms encircled his neck. She whispered a scandalous taunt to drive him on, but Fernando needed no encouragements. He filled his big hands with her round bottom and lifted her progressively higher against the wall. His mouth trailed her neck, down to her breasts, his nose encircled her firm nipples, and he chuckled when she brushed them across his mouth in an unspoken plea for more attention.

  Contessa barely noticed she was being lifted higher, until she was sitting on his broad shoulders. Her legs draped across his back and the part of her that was aching and wet for him was in direct alignment with his gorgeous face.
/>   Fernando held her there trapped between himself and the glistening black tiles. His hands curved around her thighs- locking them in his firm grip as he helped himself to the taste of her body.

  County couldn’t move, completely overcome by his strength and power. Her eyes wouldn’t stay open and she bucked softly against him, savoring the feel of his tongue penetrating her femininity with such sweet, rotating lunges. She cries his name repeatedly feeling a rush of moisture stream forward as an orgasm hit her hard and fast. He didn’t stop, only drinking in the proof of her satisfaction as he pleasured her even more eagerly.

  Splaying her hands above her head, County flexed her inner walls around his tongue and literally cried when she climaxed more powerfully the second time. Fernando uttered a ragged groan inside her, before dragging the erotic kiss across her thighs.

  They were both thoroughly weakened by unsatisfied desire. Fernando uttered a curse and pulled her down from the wall and into his arms. Kissing her savagely he left the shower running and carried her out of the bath. Stopping near the nightstand, he tore through his black leather valise until his fingers closed over a packaged condom. Still kissing heatedly, he set County to her feet and went about putting protection in place.

  She tried to help, but could do little more than caress the silk over steel length when her fingers grazed his swollen sex. Curving his hands around her thighs as he’d done in the shower, Fernando lifted her against the doorjamb and thrust upward. County held onto his shoulders, her nails digging into the flawless caramel skin that glistened with sweat and steam. She angled her neck to give his seeking lips more room to explore. A jolt of power surged through her when she heard the helpless grunts of pleasure he voiced just below her ear.

  A steady stream of her moisture engulfed his shaft, increasing the penetration. Fernando prayed he wouldn’t lose the ability to stand. Contessa was draining his strength and replacing it with an abundance of desire. His thrust grew faster and more heated, almost frenzied in their intensity. County’s lusty cries in response brought arrogant smiles of confidence to his mouth.

  She moaned her disappointment, locking her legs around his back when he pulled her from the door. It was off to the king-sized four-poster bed shielded by gauzy white drapes. They practically fainted from exhaustion when they fell upon the coverings.

  Their lovemaking was far from finished and Contessa reveled in all that Fernando did to her. In the midst of it all though, she couldn’t help but feel that he’d been making love to her as though he might never do it again.


  The cocktail party held before that evening’s dinner was in gear by the time Fernando and Contessa arrived.

  “Welcome!” Cufi greeted, taking Fernando’s hand in a firm shake while appraising Contessa in the airy blouson dress with an uneven hem that played around her shapely calves and hugged her alluring frame. “My compliments, Mr. Simon, the lady looks very relaxed.”

  Fernando turned a leering gaze toward County as well. “When I break ‘em in, I do it right,” he joined in when Cufi laughed at the remark and the fire in Contessa’s eyes.

  “A man who takes pride in his work,” Cufi commended, slapping Fernando’s back when a serious look crept into his eyes. “Now we have business to discuss, my friend. I had hoped to present the idea to both you and Mr. Frinks, but he never arrived.”

  “Cold feet?” Fernando guessed, already knowing the answer.

  Cufi shrugged. “I suppose, but it’s his loss. May we take a few moments,” he waved a hand. “She’ll be fine,” he added, noticing the look exchanged between Fernando and Contessa. “I promise you, no one will touch her. Everyone here knows she’s yours.”

  Fernando was still on edge about going, but finally tugged on the cuffs of his midnight blue suit coat and followed Cufi from the elegant candlelit dining room.

  County’s lashes fluttered then and she celebrated their departure. Focusing on the situation at hand, she honed in on one of the only women that appeared to be alone in the room.

  “Incredible place, huh?” she asked the woman and prayed she could put her celebrated skills of conversation to good use.

  “Yeah…” the girl drawled, absently bobbing her head to the beat of the house music that throbbed in the air. She couldn’t have been more than eighteen and was clearly in an induced state, but flashed Contessa a bright smile upon answering the question.

  “Been here before?” County asked, gazing around the room as though she really wasn’t over-enthused by the girl’s response.

  “No, it’s my first job, but it’ll be great preparation for my acting career,” she said, slapping her hands to what little material made up the skimpy white shorts she wore. “Cufi promised to help me get started,” she added.

  “Mmm, he must have lots of connections?” County inquired lightly.

  The girl’s eyes widened. “Money and contacts, that’s what it takes. And lots of exposure. Cufi promised lots of that.”

  County rolled her eyes. “I’ll bet.”

  “Did you know that he owns a villa in Nice? That’s where I’ll be staying, can you believe it?”

  “Is that where you’ll be filming?” County asked.

  The girl popped her chewing gum and gave a quick toss of her blonde locks. “I’m not real clear on that. Cufi’s being so secretive,” she laughed. “I think he wants to surprise me.”

  County really didn’t need to hear more. Clearly, this was just as Spivey said it was. She felt sick inside.

  “Here’s that drink.”

  County and the young girl turned to find a petite round woman watching them with suspicion in her eyes and a wine cooler in her hand.

  “Thanks Jessie. Oh! This is Jessie,” she told Contessa and then began to enjoy her drink.

  “Well, I better go find my man,” County explained, pumping Jessie’s hand in a quick shake and hurrying off before any questions were asked.


  Fernando felt even sicker following his discussion with Cufi. He decided that his first order of business would be to contact Jeff Carnes and get rid of his piece of the cursed ship. His agitation mounted further when Contessa wasn’t where he’d left her. Before he completely lost his composure, he found her on a secluded area along the deck outside the living room. He walked right up behind her, took her hips in a possessive hold and pulled her back against him.

  “Let’s dance,” he suggested.

  Whirling around, County landed a cracking slap to the side of his face. “Son of a bitch,” she hissed.

  Grabbing her wrist, Fernando jerked her close. “Dammit, are you crazy?” he whispered.

  Contessa pounded her fist against the front of the plum shirt beneath his suit coat. “I’m not afraid of you or your deranged friends. Promising young girls fame and fortune as a ruse to trap them into a life on their backs? The girl I talked to couldn’t have been more than eighteen.” She fixed him with a scathing look. “I’m pretty sure there’re some even younger.”

  “Then knowing what kind of people these are should encourage you to keep it together,” he advised.”

  “Go to hell, I’m not afraid of them or you.”

  “Hell, County do you think who you are is going to keep you safe?” he asked, tempted to shake her into acknowledging the danger of the situation.

  “Who I am?” County breathed, shaking her head in disgust. “Let’s talk about who you are, Fernando Ramsey? A shameful bastard making money off the rape of young girls. And here you’ve got everyone fooled into thinking your father’s the bad guy when it’s you and your sick friends.”


  “No. Let me tell you something,” she slammed her fists against his chest again, “you forget everything about me. Forget we ever met. I don’t want to hear from you. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”

  The hate oozed from her voice and her eyes like daggers and Fernando didn’t like it. His grip had weakened around her wrist and County used the opportun
ity to wrench herself free and turn her back on him.

  He knew he could get her to listen later, Fernando assured himself. It was now that frightened him. Hearing her say how much she despised him was almost too much.

  “Just like your father and murdering uncle,” she muttered, staring out over the moonlit ocean. “But I think you’re worse Fernando-to condemn a woman to a life like this? How many have there been?” she inquired absently, her expression clearing suddenly. “And I let myself fall in love with you,” she admitted and then grimaced, “in lust is probably more accurate. You’re a man who thinks women are prizes, objects for the pleasure of men,” she turned to face him. “I should’ve seen that so long ago. After all, you do own a strip club.”

  Fernando bounded toward her and Contessa straightened, readying herself for another heated verbal exchange. Bracing his hands along either side of her against the railing, he bent to look directly into her eyes.

  “You’re so very wrong about me,” his deep voice rumbled and matched the depth of emotion in his heavenly light brown eyes.

  “Yes, I was, wasn’t I?” County reciprocated.

  Fernando blinked at the defeated tone in her voice.

  “Dinner is served!”

  Each thankful for the interruption, Contessa allowed Fernando to lead her back from the deck.

  When they were gone, Jessie, Cufi Muhammad’s personal assistant, emerged from the shadows.


  The delicious-looking dinner of Cornish hen, pecan dressing, steamed spinach and pumpernickel rolls had a nauseating effect on Contessa. She didn’t even pretend to have an appetite and many of the feasting guests noticed.

  “I think she’ll be happier in bed!” Fernando remarked, rousing a roar of laughter from the long, candlelit table. He excused them and quickly escorted County back to his cabin.

  Inside the suite, County wanted to mentally block all visions of her time spent there with Fernando. Of course, that was impossible when they’d made love in every corner of the place. Made love, she thought, made sex was a more precise observation in her mind- regardless of what her heart said.


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