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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 80

by Altonya Washington

  Mick leaned forward. “And you never knew him?”

  “The father? No, all I knew of the man was his last name. Lyons-the name she gave to Steffy. It wasn’t until some years ago when she was dying that I found out there was no Lyons. She gave Steffy the name because it sounded powerful.” Johnelle began to fidget with her fingers. “I don’t think my sister knew who fathered either of those children.”

  Mick debated on sharing what she suspected. Finally, she decided the time for hiding information had passed. “No Johnelle, I think your sister knew exactly who their father was.”


  Mel was walking on the very edge of her nerves when she arrived at Ramsey Group that morning. She and Tykira had planned to meet for brunch before the gathering at Ramsey Acquisitions that afternoon. Jasmine had already instructed her to go on up to the top floor where Ty was. The moment her feet touched the carpet in the penthouse office, Mel saw her friend across the room.

  “Hey girl. Sorry for the confusion.” Ty whispered, rushing over to hug her friend. “We had some paperwork to finish on the twins, so I thought it’d be best to meet here especially since Quay had to meet with Yohan anyway.”

  Mel blinked, her stomach churning at the mention of her husband’s name. “Yohan’s here?” she asked.

  Ty was pulling the strap of her purse across her arm. “Mmm hmm, I figured you might already be here.”

  “Oh Ty…” Mel groaned. Before she could explain, there was Yohan laughing and talking with Quay as they strolled down the hallway.

  “Hey, hey!” Quay called, when he spotted Melina and came over to envelope her in a hug.

  The swelling tension in the room, eased a bit thanks to Quaysar. It resumed when Quay pulled his wife aside to talk privately. Melina and Yohan were silent, trying not to look at each other and failing miserably.

  “Han please, stop this,” Mel pleaded, moving close and clasping her hands against the front of the pea green capped sleeved top she wore. “Don’t do this, don’t shut me out.”

  “Shut you out?” Yohan retaliated, his deep voice a rough whisper.

  Mel swallowed her unease and moved closer. “Can’t you get past this? Just let it go? Please Han?”

  Her soft words and closeness were his undoing. With Quay and Tykira on the other side of the room, a modicum of privacy presented itself. A second later, Yohan had pulled Mel into a crushing embrace and kiss. Onlookers were irrelevant then as desire, anger and loved swirled in an intoxicatingly passionate mix. Melina rubbed her fingers through Yohan’s wavy close cut hair and melted into his massive frame. Her soft whimpers of need were barely audible yet added a throbbing intensity to the already heated encounter. She tingled from head to toe, but Yohan pulled away just as her hopes began to soar over their make-up. Her heart fell at the narrowed lingering glare he sent her way before he left her alone.

  Refusing to submit herself to any more of the emotional scene, Mel turned and punched the down key on the elevator. “Ty I’ll meet you in the lobby!” she called and hurried into the car the moment it arrived.


  “Dammit Mel, why are you dragging this out? You’re letting something that has nothing to do with you, ruin a reconciliation with your husband.” Tykira preached as she and Mel brunched around eleven thirty a.m.

  “I understand what you’re saying Ty. I’ve said it to myself,” Mel sighed, massaging her shoulders as she spoke. “It’s just not that easy,” she said.

  Ty shrugged. “I don’t see why not. I lost so much time with Quay because he didn’t just tell me what was going on. Even though his initial intentions to protect me were honorable, they paled next to all the time that passed and all the hurt that built.”

  “I appreciate your advice Ty, I do,” she added when Tykira sent her a doubtful look, “but can you honestly say that you could stand before Quay and tell him something like this?”

  “Yes! To save my marriage, yes Mel. Damn right I could.”

  Mel only smiled and focused on her hands clasped atop the polished maple table. Ty leaned close and covered them with her own.

  “Honey do you really need Quest or anybody else to be there?” she asked her probing stare as brown as the scoop-necked dress she wore. “This is Yohan and you know him better than anyone. Having you there is probably all he needs.” Ty leaned back in her chair and studied Mel with suspicious eyes. “You’re not this big of a coward, girl. It takes guts to walk away from your husband to save your cousin. There’s more to this-a deeper reason for you not wanting to tell Yohan and I don’t even think you realize it. When you do, this aggravation will end. I know it will.”

  Mel reached across the table, pulling Ty’s hand into hers. She gave a quick kiss to the back of it and prayed her friend was right.


  Media, Ramsey execs and members of the Ramsey family were all on hand for the announcement coming from the office of Ramsey Group Acquisitions led by Marcus Ramsey. More interesting than what the announcement was, was who would be giving it.

  “What’s up man?” Quest greeted his brother who’d recently arrived in the conference hall.

  Quay responded with a grin and hug. “Same ole, same ole,” he said.

  Quest’s gray eyes narrowed. “Where’s Ty?”

  “Brunch with Mel? And Mick?” Quay asked, noticing his sister-in-law was no where in sight.

  Quest cast an agitated glance toward his wristwatch. “Haven’t heard from her since this morning when she dashed out the house. Not even answering her cell,” he grumbled.

  Quay gave a slow nod. Clearly, the man was trying to keep a lid on his emotions, but Quay knew how obsessed his brother was with his wife’s safety. He understood because he felt the same about Ty. Clapping a hand to Quest’s shoulder, he gave him a reassuring shake. “She’s fine man. Probably just had a lot of runnin’ around to do before this thing got started.” He cast a tired glance toward the front of the room. “When’s Stef makin’ his big announcement, anyway?”

  “Who knows?” Quest muttered, his now onyx gaze traveling the circus of reporters, execs and other Ramsey personnel. “Damn waste of time’s what this is. But I’d pay a bundle to know why Stefan Lyon’s is makin’ an announcement on behalf of Marc Ramsey,” he said, folding his arms across the front of the cobalt blue shirt he wore beneath a navy blazer.

  “Whatever it is, I hope he says it fast.”

  The feminine voice behind them caught the twins by surprise. They turned, laughing when they saw Contessa. They took turns hugging her, but it didn’t take them long to realize she was upset about something.

  “Have you guys seen Fernando around?” she asked.

  “No.” Quay said after a quick glance at his brother.

  “Why?” Quest asked.

  “It-nothing. It’s probably nothing,” County sighed, smoothing her hands across the long cotton sleeves of her sky blue wrap dress.

  “Nothing?” Quay parroted. His dark eyes fixed on County as he pushed both hands into his mocha trousers.

  “Doesn’t sound like nothing, does it Quay?” Quest inquired, his stare also fixed upon County.

  She clasped her hands to stop their shaking. “I really don’t want to go into it,” she said.

  “Mmm, too bad you don’t have a choice,” Quay said.

  County realized she’d already said too much. Double teamed by the twins, she submitted. “Short version is Stefan’s been making…passes. Fernando found out. He’s not happy.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Quest breathed, exchanging a foreboding look with his brother.

  “So we need to be on the look out in case Fern comes up in here and tries to wail on this fool’s ass?” Quay guessed.

  County managed a smile. “That’s the jist of it,” she confirmed, her eyes scanning the crowd. “In an atmosphere like this, it wouldn’t look good for the family,” she noted.

  Quest massaged the back of his neck and grunted. “What does look good for this family these days?”

sp; Just then, a petite Caucasian woman approached the podium at the front of the room. A hush fell over the area as the group waited-watching with hungry eyes.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming out today and thank you for your patience as we tend to a few last minute details. We’ll be introducing our speaker in five minutes.”

  “Have you seen Michaela?” Quest turned to ask County, when the woman left the podium and conversation rose in the room once more.

  Contessa shook her head. “I haven’t talked with her today.”

  Quest rolled his eyes and uttered a sharp curse. He tried his cell again.


  “I’m on my way, Sweetie,” Mick promised, seeing Quest’s name on the faceplate of her cell phone. Closing her eyes, she pressed a fifth wet towel to her forehead. She’d arrived at Ramsey Acquisitions fifteen minutes ago and had spent the majority of the time in that restroom.

  She couldn’t remove the vision of Johnelle’s face from her mind. The woman seemed to crumple when Mick confirmed that Marcus Ramsey was both Sera’s and Stefan’s father in addition to being the man she’d once had an affair with.

  Of course, Mick believed it was the realization that Sera had been having an affair with her own uncle; and that her own father was aware of it that truly threw Johnelle over the edge. Leaving was the last thing Mick wanted to do-given the woman’s state of mind. Still, she knew Quest would be worried if she didn’t show-not to mention livid that her running around had anything to do with Sera Black. If she spoke to him over the phone, her voice would be a dead giveaway that things weren’t peachy keen.

  “Besides, he’s counting on me to be there,” Mick said, fluffing her curls absently before a flicker of realization dawned in her eyes. He’s counting on us to be there, she repeated quietly. Her thoughts were centered on Stefan Lyons.

  The man had been playing to their curiosity about why he was delivering announcements for Marc. He was going to tell them who he really was at the meeting. With all the media in attendance, it would be another explosive and damaging day for the Ramseys.

  “I can’t let that happen,” she said, grabbing her purse and running from the washroom.

  “Damn,” Quest practically growled after ending the call to his mother. Catrina hadn’t talked to Mick all day either.

  Quay and County tried to reassure him, but even they were beginning to feel edgy. Just then, another wave of silence filled the room when the petite woman reappeared at the podium.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you again for your patience. My name is Bethany Welch. I’m Ramsey Acquisitions Director of Marketing and PR. Today is a very exciting day for us here at Ramsey Acquisitions. We have a special and very important announcement from Mr. Stefan Lyons. He and his partner Fernando Ramsey are the very successful team who head Dark Squires Communications. Mr. Lyons also…”

  Michaela arrived amidst Bethany Welch’s introduction. She was about to tug on the sleeve of her husband’s suit coat, but he seemed to sense her behind him and turned before she could touch him.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Quest hissed, his hands smoothing along the back of her emerald green blouse. “Why haven’t you been answering my calls?” he demanded to know, cupping her face as though trying to prove to himself that she was really there.

  “Quest I’m sorry,” Mick gasped, almost out of breath. She took his hands from her face and squeezed them urgently. “Let’s go on and leave and I’ll explain on the way,” she said, speaking also to Quay and County who were looking on as well. “I promise I’ll tell you guys everything if we can just get out of here now.”

  Quay pulled his sister-in-law close and kissed the top of her head. “Don’t worry, babe. We’re outta here as soon as this fool makes his big speech.”

  Mick was shaking her head. “We need to get out of here before he does that.”

  “Honey, why?” County asked.

  “Dammit would you three just listen to me. Hell, just take my word for it!” Mick snapped, stomping her foot and growing frustrated by their reluctance to go.

  Quest stood watching his wife strangely, but agreed that he should go with her. Before he could say anything to that affect, a thunderous rumble rose near the front of the room. A crash followed as several television cameras tumbled to the floor. Someone screamed. County gasped, slapping the twins’ shoulders when she discovered the cause of the ruckus.

  Fernando was at the center of the melee, having caught Stefan on his way to the podium. Thankfully, the remaining cameras stood too far away to pickup the vicious words Fernando hissed to his business partner. Unfortunately, the cameras did an excellent job of capturing the bloody fight in which Stef suffered the most.

  Quest and Quay wasted no time heading into the scuffle. It took their combined efforts to pull their cousin off of Stefan. It was a loud and ugly scene. Contessa stood rooted to her spot, eyes wide as her hands covered her mouth. Fernando looked like a stranger. She had never witnessed him so enraged. Stefan could have never gotten to his feet had it not been for the assistance of a few Ramsey execs who finally felt brave enough to come up to the stage area.

  Mick went to comfort County, but her good-deed was short lived. A tearing pain jagged into her side and curved deep into her belly. A breathless cry flew past her lips and her fingers cut into County’s shoulder. The long moan she uttered next was soft, but Contessa heard it clearly.

  “I’m okay Mick,” County assured her friend when Michaela’s hand slipped from her shoulder. Her expression tightened again when she saw the drawn, miserable look on Mick’s face. “What?” she inquired, glancing toward Mick’s stomach. “Mick? Mick?!”

  An answer was not forthcoming as Mick slumped against County and clutched her belly. The pain pierced with renewed intensity and it was all she could do to remain standing.

  “Mick?!” County was frantic, tears streamed her cheeks.

  Suddenly, Mick caught her friend’s hand and clutched it in a death grip as she leaned closer. “Get Quest,” she whispered.

  The simple order, sent County’s heart to lurching but she wasted no time. “Quest!” she screamed. “Quest!”

  The noise was at a deafening pitch inside the conference room, yet County managed to increase the volume in her voice each time she cried out. By then, Quest and Quay were issuing calming words to Fernando-who still raged, but who at least was now sitting a ways off from the stage.

  Quest’s brow cleared as he tuned in to a faint frantic scream from the distance. It sounded like his name and quickly he turned in the direction of where he’d left Mick with County. His eyes were at first narrowed in confusion and then unease when he saw his wife leaning close to her friend. Too close and he cursed himself for not leaving when Mick wanted him to.

  Several eyes and several cameras followed Quest when he leapt off the stage and raced across the room. Quay followed as well as Fernando, who’d forgotten all about murdering Stefan Lyons.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong! Oh God!” County cried, watching as Quest lifted Mick gently against his chest.

  “Michaela?” Quest whispered, uttering a prayer as he pressed his face into her hair. “Shh, shh… I’m gonna get you out of here. Just hang on to me,” he urged, kissing his wife’s forehead a dozen times as he headed for the rear exit.

  Michaela closed her eyes, turning her face away from the cameras as her hand lay weakly against Quest’s chest. Quay ordered the eager reporters away, while Fernando kept County close. They each followed Quest and Mick from the noisy room.


  Melina and Ty received the news about Mick the moment they arrived at Ramsey Acquisitions some fifteen minutes after the majority of the commotion had subsided. They wasted no time getting to the hospital. Mel spotted Quay first with much of the family in one of the waiting rooms. She called out to him and, with Ty, they rushed to his side.

  “She’s fine, she’s fine,” he soothed, pulling them both into a tight hug.
/>   “What happened?” Mel cried, stepping back to fix him with a searching gaze.

  Quay’s mood was surprisingly light. “We found out the girl ran from the restroom to the conference room and caught one helluva stitch in her side.”

  Melina and Tykira expelled sighs of relief in unison.

  “So the baby’s alright?” Ty asked.

  Quay rubbed her back and nodded. “They’re both fine. What Mick described sounded like a contraction before we got all the facts. But since she’s due in another few of weeks, Dr. Steins wants to keep her overnight just to make sure nothing else is goin’ on.”

  “But the baby’s going to be alright?” Ty wanted to be sure.

  “Our niece is fine,” Quay promised his wife, kissing her temple as he spoke. “Her heartbeat’s strong. Doc did another ultrasound. She’s fine.”

  Quay was hugging both his wife and Mel when Yohan arrived. Quay nodded to his cousin and, without a word, relinquished Mel to her husband.

  Feeling the familiar secure embrace surrounding her, Mel looked up. Seeing Yohan, her expression softened and her shoulders slumped as she put her weight on him and drew strength from his power. Quest came out into the hall a few minutes later to announce that all the tests checked out properly. He and Mick would be spending the night at the hospital.

  “Can we talk?”

  Mel smiled, hearing Yohan’s voice rumble through his chest and into her ear. “Yeah,” she said, nodding resolvedly and knowing the time had come so long ago.

  They said their goodbyes to the rest of the family and set off. They hadn’t been walking long, when Mel began to frown at the path they were taking. Clearly they were moving away from the exits and deeper into the hospital.

  “We’ll talk here. I don’t want you to change your mind,” he murmured.

  “Good idea,” Mel breathed, smoothing both hands across the beige linen pants she wore.

  They walked in silence, until they arrived at the chapel. The room was peaceful and empty. Lit candles flickered wildly at the unexpected rush of air when Yohan opened the door. The light slowed and once more grew steady as its rays cast the room in gold.


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