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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 84

by Altonya Washington

  Quest swallowed. “How far apart are they?” he asked.

  Still calm, Mick smiled. “They’ve been five minutes apart for about a half hour.”

  Another curse rang out in the study. Quest had fallen back into his chair.

  “I really need you to be standing right about now,” Mick requested, still maddeningly calm.

  “Right, right…” Quest breathed his handsome face a picture of anxiety and uncertainty.

  “My bag is packed and in the foyer closet. You’ll need your keys and they’re right in that gold tray on the corner of your desk.”

  “Right,” Quest whispered, dutifully pushing the key ring into his jeans and then going to get the bag from the closet.

  Mick smiled, folding her arms across the front of her housedress. She nodded as though she’d expected to hear the front door slam soon after. Little over a minute passed before Quest rushed back inside looking apologetic and embarrassed. Michaela patted his cheek when he lifted her off the sofa.

  “At least you remembered me before you drove off.”

  “Now is not the time for you to cut me down with your jokes, Mick,” he argued in a soft hurt tone.

  “I’m sorry sweetness,” she cooed, pressing a kiss to his jaw and then resting her head against his chest while struggling to hide her smile.


  Following their enthusiastic lovemaking over every square inch of Yohan’s gym, Mel found herself back in the guest bedroom suite that morning being ravished all over again. She had no complaints of course. With a soft smile, she realized Yohan must have tuned in to her need to remain out of the master bedroom. The sounds of her breathless cries of pleasure mingled with Yohan’s baritone moans of satisfaction. The queen bed was a mass of tangled covers and pillows were strewn across the room. She knew walking would be quite a feat afterwards, but there were far more pressing matters occupying her at the moment. Her slender fingers curled into the crisp, silver gray linens as she arched up to meet Yohan’s powerful thrusts. A surge of triumph flooded through her, when his deep moans lost some of their fervor and took on a more helpless, tortured sound.

  “Mmm,” Yohan grunted, slowing his thrusts to grab her bottom and increase the depth of his penetration if that was possible.

  Mel felt him stiffen a bit more inside her and seconds later his seed erupted. They lay there: still connected-still breathless. It gradually became difficult for her to breathe, but she didn’t want to move. The TV had been auto-programmed and it clicked on just as she was about to reposition herself. The announcement of the evening’s expose on

  Houston Ramsey, pulled their attention to the screen. By the end of the broadcast both Yohan and Melina were sitting up in bed.

  “Oh please let Moses get there in time,” Mel prayed, folding her hands atop her raised knees.

  Yohan pulled her close. “He will,” he promised hugging her close.

  The embrace only reminded Mel of the conversation that previous evening. Conversation however was probably not the best description. It was more of a confession from her. Sadly, she’d not heard his reaction. Things had quickly traveled down another road. She’d asked for one moment-telling him that would be enough and he’d given it to her. Now, in the bright light of the morning, she realized she didn’t want to hear his reaction to what’d she’d told him. She’d already guessed, hadn’t she? How could he feel any other way?

  Yohan felt her bracing against him, but ignored it. His kiss and touch affected Melina as always but she couldn’t give in. Not now when she was once again facing the bleak reality of the future.

  Surprising herself Mel found the will to push away and leave the bed.

  “I’ll be leaving right after the gallery opening,” she announced, sounding as if she’d just reached the decision. When Yohan made no comment, she nodded as though the matter was truly settled, and went into the adjoining bathroom.

  Yohan lay back in bed, stroking his abs with the sheet twisted provocatively around his privates. He smiled, happier that he could remember being in a long time. His smile widened as he pictured the look on her face when he told her he wasn’t about to let her walk out of his life again.


  Nice, France

  “Alright, first team in with me. Second team hold back. Wait for our signal. Don’t worry you’ll know when we give it.”

  Moses finished relaying orders to his men and shut off the walkie-talkie. He motioned to the group surrounding him. Like clockwork, they hunched, guns in hand and headed toward the fortress-like structure in their midst. The place was still and silent with the exception of the birds, insects and the brush of leaves against the wind. Of course, the soothing ambience gave a false sense of security.

  Moses and his men had to focus more heavily on their mission than the beauty all around. Raising one leather-gloved hand, Moses ordered the men to halt. Then, he motioned again and a group of five went hurrying in the opposite direction-towards the side of the building.

  Moses closed his eyes and said a quick prayer that he’d find his father. More importantly, he prayed Jahzara Frazier would be there and alive. And…well? He wasn’t so sure of, but he’d not leave until he had her or until he was sure that she wasn’t there.

  He’d told himself that he was doing this for Mel. She needed to be rid of the hell she’d lived with not knowing her cousin’s fate. In truth, he was doing this for Johari. Everything he’d done had been for Johari. Why? Because he owed her? True. Because he’d hurt her? True. Because he stilled loved her? Most definitely. He’d never stopped, but a relationship was as impossible now as it’d been all those years ago. Especially when he’d always feared Johari would share her sister’s misfortune.

  Had he always suspected Marc played a hand in Zara’s disappearance? Perhaps a part of him did and he just refused to believe it. But he was here now and whether for Johari, himself or Melina, he was about to discover the truth. Catching the eye of his team leader, Moses gave the signal to proceed.


  Jahzara Frazier bowed her head and let her thick, black locks slap his chest-the way he liked. Then, she straightened and began to ride him with renewed energy.

  Marcus Ramsey closed his eyes and smiled, savoring the pleasure he received. “You’ve come such a long way,” he commended, closing his hands over her breasts.

  “You taught me well,” Zara purred.

  “Hell you already knew quite a bit, messin’ around with my flaky nephew Quay.”

  Something flickered in Zara’s eyes, but she shielded it. “Why are you speaking of that?” she asked.

  Marc shook his head, looking as though the comment had shocked him as well. Then shrugging, he squeezed her thighs. “I just enjoy what we have,” he said.

  Zara smiled, leaning forward again to brush her nose along his cheek. “I enjoy it too.”

  The couple lost themselves in a lusty kiss and they were in the throes of pleasure when a thundering commotion reached their ears.

  “What the hell?” he hissed, sitting up and almost toppling Zara off his lap.

  Marc looked towards the door and his body went cold. There in the archway stood Moses.


  “She looks just like you. Only tinier,” Quest said his deep voice awe-filled as he lay next to his wife on the hospital bed and toyed with the thick, glossy, blue black curls atop his little girl’s head.

  “God Mick, thank you,” he breathed, leaning close to kiss the top of the baby’s head as she dozed in her mother’s arms.

  “Thank you,” Mick returned, brushing her lips across his jaw.

  A sweet kiss followed, until tiny cooing broke them apart. The couple looked down to see their daughter-who appeared to be laughing up at them.

  Quest shook his head. “Hmph, not even a day old and we’re already amusing her.”

  “It’s just a reaction. I don’t think she can show emotion yet.” Michaela kissed her little girl’s forehead and lingered there as she inhaled her da
ughter’s unique baby scent. Quest noticed when Mick closed her eyes and tears streamed beneath her lashes.

  “Hey,” he called, knowing what had affected her. “We’re gonna do fine. You’re gonna do fine,” he assured her.

  “Promise me that,” Mick whispered, fixing him with her intense amber gaze.

  “I don’t need to promise. It’s a fact,” he said, helping himself to the taste of her mouth.

  “Mmm,” Mick moaned contentedly-once the kiss ended. “You know, folks are gonna be stopping by soon and we don’t even have a name for this woman yet.”

  Quest felt his heart lurch when the baby curled one tiny, plump hand around his pinkie. “Any ideas?” he breathed, too captivated to think just then.

  Mick shook her head, just as mesmerized as her husband was. “Not a one. You?”

  “How about ‘the most beautiful girl in the world’?”

  Mick giggled. “I love it, but I don’t know if it’ll go over too well. Maybe we should have a back up?”

  The parents mulled over the decision for a while. Finally, after little debate, they settled on Quincee Mahalia Ramsey.


  Mel checked her high ponytail and then smoothed one hand across the front of the pale pink cotton blouse she wore with khaki flare legged trousers. Satisfied that everything was in place, she hurried in past the double doors of Jansen’s Southern Fried Café.

  Making her way through the casual, crowded establishment, Mel found the host and told him who she was there to meet.

  “Follow me ma’am,” the man instructed with a nod. He took a menu, before leading the way into the dining room.

  Mel’s breath caught in her throat when she saw Crane stand to greet her. It seemed a lifetime since she’d seen him and Mel thought of all that had happened since then. They shared a tight hug before Mel took her place at the table.

  “I don’t know where to begin,” Mel was saying quickly, as she dropped her bag to the table. “So much has-“

  “Love?” Crane called, silencing her with a wave of his hand. “You know what I want to hear?”

  Mel nodded, bowing her head as she inhaled deeply. “He knows. Yohan knows everything.”

  This time it was Crane who bowed his head in thankful prayer. “How’d he take it?” he asked eventually.

  Mel smiled. “He-he was blown away. There wasn’t much he could say,” she shared, not sure if she should tell him he’d already suspected. “Honey why don’t you talk to Yohan yourself?” she advised.

  “It’s the best play I know…I think I should see Josephine first, though. How is she?”

  Mel was reluctant to speak on that meeting, but swallowed her unease. “I had to tell Yohan on my own. Josephine couldn’t handle it. She ran-hid out at some clinic. She’s fine-she’s back now.”

  “She ran?” Crane repeated, clear concerned marred his handsome bronzed face.

  “She’s fine I promise, but she’s not at her best,” Mel cautioned with an apologetic smile. “She’s had to deal with a lot over the years. Sweetie, do you have any idea who else could’ve known about Yohan?” she asked when Crane was silent.

  He shook his head. “I have no idea. Who ever it is hasn’t made any other moves.”

  Mel sat back in the cushioned armchair. “That tells me two things. Either they’re bluffing or they already know I told Yohan.”

  “But how could that be?” Crane asked, leaning forward.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about Johnelle?”

  “John-how-how do you know?” Crane shuddered, looking as if a wrecking ball had slammed his chest.

  “It was one of the things I talked about with Josephine.”

  “But what does Josephine have to do with Johnelle?”

  On cue, Mel felt her phone vibrate and pulled it from the hip holder clipped to her trousers. “Yes?” she greeted.

  “Melina? Melina it’s Josephine. I’m back.”

  “How was your trip?” Mel asked, fixing Crane with an unwavering stare.

  “I should never have gone. How’s Yohan?”

  “He’s fine. He knows everything. He’s devastated, but he’s not in a murderous rage. But you need to talk to your son Josephine,” she advised, her voice suddenly stern. “You need to really talk to him.”

  “I know, I know,” Josephine sighed, clear regret coloring her words. “I waited so long and Melina I’m so very sorry for leaving you in the position of having to handle this. I’ve been such a coward,” she admitted, clearing her throat when a sob began to take root there. “I’ve just always been so alone in everything. I know it’s not an excuse, but this was the one thing I knew I couldn’t handle on my own.”

  Mel smiled, not about to rake the woman over the coals for having feelings of cowardice. She herself had suffered with them for what seemed a millennia. “Maybe you won’t have to handle this on your own,” she told her mother-in-law before passing the phone to Crane.


  Across the dining room of Jansen’s, Yohan sat waiting for his lunch partners to arrive for the scheduled business meeting. He saw Crane Cannon and took a moment to evaluate all he’d discovered over the last several weeks. Marcus wasn’t his father. The

  man he’d felt guilty for hating wasn’t worthy of his guilt. He wasn’t even entitled to call him son.

  Yohan was curious about this new man-this Crane Cannon. Who was he really? Why did he stay away especially, when he had to know about Sera’s death? Did he love Josephine? Or was she just a quick toss? The thought made him cringe. Thankfully, his cell rang before his tension took hold. It was Moses.

  Forgetting about everything else, Yohan focused on his brother who told him Marc fled, the house was real and that he’d found Zara.

  “Well how did Pop-“

  “Hold it Yo, just hold on. I know you’ve got questions and you’ll get your answers, I promise. Right now, I need to get Z settled. I’m taking her to a hospital in Paris.”

  Yohan nodded. “Alright,” he said, dragging one hand across his face. “What can I do?” he asked.

  “I need something.”

  “Name it.”

  “Johari’s number.”

  Yohan was silent for a time, figuring the best way to handle the request. “Is that a good idea, Mo? Maybe me or Mel should-“

  “I need to do this,” Moses interrupted, “I’ve hurt her, badly. I know there’s nothing I can do that could truly make up for it, but I need her to hear this from me.”

  “You think it’ll make a difference?” Yohan asked.


  “You want her back, though?”

  “I never wanted to let her go.”

  Yohan grinned. Moses Ramsey was the least known for his softer side. In fact, he wasn’t known to have a soft side at all. Yet Johari Frazier was the one person who could get him to reveal it using no effort. No one ever asked why it fizzled between them when it seemed they were soul mates. Yohan was happy to see his brother wanting to step past his wall and only prayed Johari would be receptive.

  “You got a pen?” Yohan asked, preparing to give Moses the number.


  After lunch with Crane, Mel dropped by to look in on Michaela and the baby. She found she wasn’t the only one who had the idea. Both Tykira and Contessa were already there. Once everyone was done laughing over the story of Quest’s behavior when Mick went into labor, the conversation turned toward the expose on Houston.

  “I can be ready to start the book in a few weeks.”

  “Mick,” Ty gasped, clearly against it.

  Contessa simply rolled her eyes and shook her head over Mick’s statement.

  “Honey you should really think on this. Marc’s still out there and now we’ve got Stef and God knows who else to contend with,” Ty cautioned.

  “Not to mention Quest,” Mel interjected, drawing Mick’s eye. “I mean are you really ready to do this girl? Knowing how he feels about it? Are you comfortable keeping it from him?” she asked.

bsp; “I want to bring down Marc along with his brother,” Mick answered without hesitation. “I hear the phone lines at Ramsey are tied up with calls about the broadcast on Houston the night before.”

  “So?” County snapped.

  “So, a book would undoubtedly settle those questions because until Marc’s brought to justice the Ramseys-all the Ramseys will look bad. I’m exactly the person to write this book,” Mick decided folding her arms across her chest in a defiant manner.

  Mel sat closest to Mick on the edge of the bed. “You know, it is possible that Moses will bring him in.”

  “And you don’t believe that anymore than I do,” Mick challenged.

  Mel’s slanting ebony stare faltered. “No, I don’t, but I still pray he can find Zara.”

  Ty walked over to comfort her friend when her emotions swelled. Michaela and County comforted Mel with their silence.

  A knock sounded on the door and Yohan walked in to a round of hellos. Melina graced him with a smile he found hard to look away from, but managed to do so and grinned toward Mick.

  “That Quincee’s a dime,” he complimented playfully. “I didn’t know a woman with no teeth could be so beautiful.”

  Hearty laughter filled the room for quite some time. Once it silenced, Mick fixed Yohan with a somber gaze. “Have you heard from Moses?” she asked.

  Yohan sobered. “I have,” he confirmed, smiling uneasily as the ladies listened intently. “County, your lead on the house paid off. The authorities were called in. No doubt it’ll be the top news story for weeks.”

  “Months,” County acknowledged, shooting Mick a quick glance.

  “Is Marc in jail?” Ty asked.

  Yohan’s uneasy smile turned into a grimace. “In all the confusion, he got away.”

  This time, Mick tilted her head towards County and watched her with a challenging glare.

  “What about Zara?” Mel asked, standing off the bed and wringing her hands.

  Yohan walked over to pull his wife close. “Mo found her. She’s safe, alive and healthy. Physically at least. They aren’t sure how much of an emotional toll the last twenty years have had on her,” he explained.


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