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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 95

by Altonya Washington

  “Mmm and I suppose no one ever had the wrong idea about you, huh?” Johari challenged, feeling his hands weaken on her body. Nodding, she moved out of his embrace. “Now just shut up a minute with your expert speculation and listen to me.”

  With a brief tilt of his head, Moses waved and urged her to go on.

  “He didn’t try to whitewash anything. He told me that he took the money. There’s more going on here Moses,” she said when he appeared curious. “Now if you want to know what it is, you’ll hold off going after him until we have a chance to talk.”

  “You know Twig, I’m a bounty hunter not a detective so I really don’t give a damn about the why, just that he is.”

  “Then maybe this will make your job a little easier. I got the impression that he might want to cooperate,” she said, stepping forward when he rolled his eyes. “Just hold your dogs off a little longer.”

  “I don’t like it,” he muttered, folding his arms across his chest. “How can you be sure this fool ain’t playin’ you?”

  Johari shrugged; sadness dimming her sparkling gaze. “I guess I can’t be,” she admitted. “I never was much good at seeing when I was being played, was I Ram?”

  Moses turned away, smoothing both hands across his head.

  “Moses please,” Jo urged, moving even closer. “Just go with me on this. I promise to be careful and I’ll tell you everything that he tells me.”

  Moses turned suddenly and clutched both her arms in his vice grip. “I want to know the minute that son of a bitch calls you again.”

  “Yes,” she whispered with a quick nod. After a few seconds of silence, she tried to step back; not very surprised when he wouldn’t release her.

  “Have dinner with me,” he requested.

  “No,” she staunchly refused. “I really need to see Zara. She um, she didn’t have a good night last night and I should be with her.”

  Moses nodded. “You can see her later.”

  “But I-“

  “What if I told you that this was a condition of my holding off going after your friend?”

  Johari’s expression mirrored every ugly thing she wanted to say. Somehow, she resisted and graced him with a nod while wanting to smack the satisfied grin from his face. “Well then, I have some conditions of my own,” she countered.

  Moses smirked, but nodded for her to continue.

  “You want to have dinner, then we’ll dine in a restaurant of my choosing,” she decided, offering her own smirk when his sleek brows rose a few notches. “That’s right. Not someplace out in the boonies with only a few people.”

  “Fair enough,” Moses replied.

  “And the place will not be shut down for just the two of us,” she went on.

  Moses’ eyes narrowed playfully.

  “I swear if you even try to do that, I’ll leave you there to eat by your damn self. Oh!” she called as though suddenly remembering. “Under no circumstances will I be sleeping with you.”

  “Will you at least let me meet you at your room?” he asked, thoroughly enjoying the run down of her demands.

  “Forget it. I’ll meet you there.”

  Bowing his head to hide the double dimpled smile, Moses folded his arms over his chest. “Sounds like you’ve got it all covered except for choosing the restaurant. I know there’s a good one near your hotel-“

  “Hold it,” Jo ordered, fixing him with a coolly knowing smile. “There’s a restaurant right inside the hotel. We’ll eat there.”

  Stroking his jaw, Moses appeared skeptical. “You ever eaten there before?” he inquired softly.

  “I haven’t. So there, it’ll be a nice surprise for us both.”

  Nodding again, he shrugged. “So I guess it’s settled then. I’ll see you at seven?”


  “Whatever you say Twig.”

  Johari’s cool expression took on a suspicious glow. She wanted to ignore the faint voice crying out that this wouldn’t go completely her way. “I’m not sleeping with you Moses,” she told him again, hoping to remove the easiness from his face.

  “Of course you’re not,” he agreed, while stepping close to fold his hands over her elbows. “May I kiss you, at least?”

  She swallowed. “You already have.”

  “Is that a no?”

  Jo scratched her forehead and rolled her eyes. “Make it fast,” she huffed.

  With the exception of driving, Moses Ramsey did nothing fast. Johari realized her mistake the moment his tongue was in her mouth. The kiss was slow and draining as he explored every inch, paying special attention to her tongue which he coaxed into a passionate duel with his own.

  In moments, Johari was an eager participant in their game. Her blouse was already partially open and she began to brush her cleavage across the unyielding breadth of his chest. Her soft moaning and grazing nipples drove Moses far past the realm of restraint. He cupped her face briefly and spent several leisurely seconds savoring the way she hungrily suckled his tongue. Eventually, his hands smoothed their way down across his hips. Gripping them tight, he set her high atop one of the TV tables in the room.

  The coolness of the chrome table was a welcomed treat to her heated body. She watched as Moses finished unbuttoning the delicate camisole top and scooped a heavy breast from one of her lacy bra cups. His dark stare was focused as it caressed the rigid light brown bud. His thumb manipulated the other with slow sweeping circles and Jo arched her back, desperate to have him loosen that one from its confines as well. Moses was outlining the bare tip of one breast with his nose in the same manner his thumb brushed its twin. He chuckled when Johari practically crushed it against his mouth desperate for him to bathe it with his tongue.

  Eventually he complied, lightly at first. His lips barely molded to the nipple, and then gradually his teeth raked it just slightly pinching the hard gem. Johari’s gasp mingled with a low grunt and she finally cried out when his tongue touched her there.

  For the next five minutes, the softly sensual sounds of him feasting on the throbbing tip of her bosom filled the room. Jo cupped the back of his head and allowed herself to submit to the pleasure of it all. Moses’ long brows were drawn close in concentration. His thumb continued to stroke the other nipple with slow maddening strokes. The intensity of his mouth on the other seemed to grow more heated.

  Johari whimpered unashamedly expressing her desire that he not stop. Stopping however, was just what he did when she begged him to take her. He fixed her top and pressed a lingering kiss below her ear.

  “See you at eight,” he whispered, appearing adorably sexy when he tugged his bottom lip between his perfect teeth.

  Johari could scarcely appreciate the look when she felt her cheeks burning from embarrassment. Pleading silently for her dignity to return, she grabbed her duster off the floor and left the viewing room without another word.


  Later that afternoon, Quay and Tykira took up Yohan and Melina’s offer to play hooky and join them by the pool at their Woodway home.

  “Now this is the life,” Quay murmured, resting his head back on a lounge while taking a swig of his Heineken.

  “Yeah, but enjoying the life just means we’ll have twice as much work to do tomorrow,” Melina cautioned.

  “Speaking of work Mel, how’s the gallery going?” Ty asked, wiggling her toes in the cool water where she sat near the pool.

  Mel closed her eyes. “Hectic. I didn’t realize Seattle was such an artist’s haven. After our last showing every artist in town wants their work featured at Charm Galleries.”

  “Well you can never have too much business,” Quay added.

  Ty rolled her eyes toward her husband. “Humph, spoken like a man with a staff of thousands.”

  “And just how are you handling all that new business Ty,” Mel inquired, once the laughter quieted. “All those satellite conferences and web casts frying your brain yet?” she teased.

  Ty made wide circles in the water. “It’s crazy, but at lea
st I feel more like I’m a part of the electronic age. But to enjoy days like this, believe me it’s all worth it.”

  “We should definitely do this again. And bring Q and Mick along,” Quay suggested.

  Yohan chuckled. “I bet they’d kill to get away whenever they could manage it.”

  “Well I’m sure they’ve got no problems finding a sitter for that doll of theirs,” Mel said and another round of laughter rose.

  “Yeah a couple’s weekend does sound like fun,” Ty agreed, whipping her hair into a loose ponytail. “We could invite Fern and County and maybe…Moses and Johari if all goes well.”

  “And I’m keeping all my fingers crossed on that one,” Yohan admitted.

  Silence took over the conversation then as a melancholy mood settled over the two couples. Several moments passed before Yohan stood and caught his wife’s gaze.

  “Would you help me?” he asked, smiling when she stood. “We’re gonna bring out some more lemonade y’all,” he told Quay and Ty.

  In the kitchen, Melina allowed her confusion to show. She cast a fixed stare upon the wooden tray carrying the glass decanter and four coolers. “Right there on the counter,” she mused with a questioning eye. “Aren’t you big and strong enough to handle it on your own?”

  Yohan grinned and smoothed a hand across the dark waves of his hair. “That’s not really why I needed you,” he admitted.

  “Oh…” she sighed, figuring she’d unmasked her husband’s true motives. Tossing her thick hair, she closed the distance separating them. “All you had to do was ask, Mr. Ramsey,” she whispered and linked her arms about his neck.

  “Mel-” Yohan was about to explain, but decided to let it wait once Melina was arched against him. His fingertips strummed a tune across her back bared by the white halter she wore. They were deeply involved in the kiss, his fingers dipping past the waistband of her khaki shorts when the sound of Tykira’s laughter floating in from the pool deck, drew him back to earth.

  “You know,” he began, breaking the kiss to nuzzle his face in her neck, “I really don’t want you to stop but this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

  “You rather go upstairs?” Mel inquired, smoothing her hands across his massive chest.

  Yohan tugged both her hands into one of his. “Be good,” he warned.

  Curiosity replaced the desire in Mel’s slanting gaze. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “That’s what I wanted to ask you,” Yohan explained.

  “What?” Mel almost laughed.

  “I asked Quay and Ty out here to cheer you up. I don’t think it’s working.”

  Mel shook her head. “How can you say that; when we’ve been having such a good day?”

  Cupping his hands around her neck, Yohan propped her chin on his thumbs. “How long will it take before you understand how well I know you? Now talk.”

  Mel glanced toward the pool, allowing her unease full view at last. “Jo called me today. She was on her way to see Moses so we didn’t have long to talk. She told me Zara was starting to ask about Quay.”

  “Uh oh.”

  “Yeah. Johari said when Zara found out Quay was still here in Seattle, she practically ordered Jo to go and bring him back to see her.”

  Yohan massaged his jaw. “What else does she know?”

  Mel traced the Nike logo across Yohan’s T-shirt. “Jo didn’t tell her he was married to Ty or married at all for that matter.”

  The concern on Yohan’s face was identical to Melina’s. “Maybe telling her everything would calm her down. Maybe she just wants to see him,” he sighed and leaned against the sink. “Maybe…it’s not even about all that drama that went down before. After all, she’s been gone almost twenty years. Not to mention the fact that she already knew how Quay felt about Ty before she…was taken.”

  “And in light of that, do you really believe she’d just accept this? That it’d have no affect? No negative affect on her?” Mel asked, her dark eyes searching his for just a shred of confirmation. “I just don’t know,” she whispered and turned away.

  “Has anyone said anything to Quay yet?”

  Melina shook her head. “Jo’s hoping Zara will let it go.”

  “But you don’t think she will?”

  “God I hope so, Han,” Mel breathed, resting her head on his chest. “Nothing good will come from it. Somehow, Zara’s got to realize that.”


  “Are you sure?”

  Josephine Ramsey nodded before answering the voice on the other end of her phone. “I’m very sure,” she told the woman. “The defense wants me to testify about what sort of man Houston was. It didn’t take long for them to realize I was a stone cold hostile witness.”

  “So how did you find out Marcus had talked with the prosecutors?”

  “Houston’s defense said in light of Marc’s own legal troubles, they could question his credibility when he testifies for the prosecution. They asked me to testify because they know there’s no love loss between Marc and me.” Josephine smirked. “I believe they figured once I told my sob story, it might wrangle some sympathy from the jury who’ll hate Marc and turn their sympathies for me into a not guilty verdict for Houston-saving the chair for my bastard husband.”

  “Mmm…but you don’t believe he’ll go to trial?” the woman asked.

  Josephine laughed. “Honey, if Marc’s testifying for the prosecution, then he damn well isn’t doing it out of the goodness of his own heart. You can best be sure he’s getting something out of this.”

  “I’m concerned Josephine,” the woman admitted. “Marc’s done too much to just walk away with no consequences. I don’t care how fantastic a job he’d do for the defense.”

  “But you know what a conniver he is, Honey. How easily he can get himself out of the tightest jams. I know you’re not ready to risk that?”

  “Josephine…what are you suggesting?”

  “Could you stand him walking away is all I want to know?”

  “You know I couldn’t.”

  “Then help me set things in motion.”

  “Alright…alright. What do they want us to do?”


  Just before 8pm, Moses was strolling up to the host’s podium at The Den, the upscale restaurant located in Johari’s hotel.

  “Mo Ramsey! It’s been a while man!” the host greeted, extending his hand for a shake.

  Moses complied. “Diego Toya, good to see you man,” he said.

  “It’s been a long time. You still runnin’ after bail jumpers?” Diego asked his olive-toned face alive with humor.

  Moses shrugged. “As long as they’re runnin’ I’m runnin’. What about you? How’s the wife and-what is it? Three kids?”

  Diego grinned. “Try five, brotha.”

  Moses winced as a hearty chuckle escaped him.

  “So you on the clock, kid?” Diego asked after they’d chatted a few more minutes.

  “Actually, I’m meeting someone here for dinner,” Moses explained, casting a quick glance across his shoulder.

  Diego’s expression was pure wickedness. “And I’m sure I’d be correct in assuming this is for pleasure?”

  Moses tugged on the cuff of the butter cream shirt he wore. “Diego… It’s The Den what else could it be?”

  Nodding in agreement, Diego was already scanning the seating book. “Let me get you a good table, then,” he decided.”

  “I think she already called in-Johari Frazier?” Moses gave the name and watched Diego search the reservation section.

  “Ah yes, Ms. Johari Frazier and guest.”

  “Has she arrived yet?” Moses asked, slipping one hand into the pocket of his taffy brown trousers.

  “Not yet,” Diego announced.

  Moses’ handsome dark features sharpened with wicked intent. “Say D, how about a favor?” he requested and slapped a fifty into the man’s hand.


  Johari arrived at The Den around five minutes past 8pm.

; “Que bonita,” Diego whispered, easily recognizing her per Moses’ description. He struck the name from the book once she announced herself and then proceeded to escort her into the dining room.

  Jo’s steps grew slower as the spiked heels of her black sandals sank into the plush red carpeting. A quiet curse passed her lips the deeper they ventured into the establishment and she cursed herself for not dining there before suggesting the place to Moses.

  The Den was well deserving of its name. The place was dark, remote and conducive to all things hedonistic. Johari’s silver stare widened; at the sight of couples feeding one another. Meanwhile, others drank from the same wine goblets. Other public displays of affection seemed to be highly approved. By the time she was approaching Moses, her face was burning hot. In that moment, she was grateful for the dim atmosphere for it hid the crimson blush of her cheeks.

  One look at the seductive wine colored booth sent her heart to the depths of her stomach. “Is there anything more…open?” she asked Diego.

  The man shook his head and set his most regretful expression in place. “I’m very sorry Miss, but the tables are all either occupied or reserved. But if you’d like to wait there will be a lounge in the back-“

  “Oh no, no,” Jo declined with a nervous smile. “Uh…are the booths all…like this?” she asked, surveying the cozy space which allowed entry on one side only.

  Again, Diego appeared apologetic. “Very sorry Miss, but yes they are.”

  Moses stepped close to pay Jo’s waist. “You want me to take you someplace else Twig?”

  “No…” Jo replied in a fake, sugary tone while easing away from his hand. “Thank you,” she told the host, deciding against making more of a fuss. She slanted Moses a scathing glare as he waited for her to enter the booth first which pretty much trapped her inside the plush seating.

  “Your waiter will be with you shortly,” Diego said, winking at Moses before he left them alone.

  Having expected a few screw ups, Johari figured some things would still go her way. She’d dressed more alluring that evening. The draping bodice of the sleeveless glove-tight number she wore allowed easy access to her breasts, as the design called for no bra. Her cleavage was provocatively displayed and the effect was intended to punish Moses for driving her sexually insane since he’d come bulldozing back into her life. She hadn’t planned for such a setting however and could only pray the evening wouldn’t end with her flat on her back beneath him especially when she’d been so stupidly overconfident earlier that day.


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