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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 97

by Altonya Washington

  Jo nodded, taking heed of the urgency in the woman’s eyes.

  Sheila smiled then and bowed her head. “These are things I should’ve said long ago. If I had…” she looked up and blinked tears from her eyes. “Well if I had, maybe some of the things that happened wouldn’t have.”

  “I’m asking you again not to blame yourself,” Jo urged, stepping close to smooth her hands across Sheila’s arms.

  “Easier said than done,” Sheila groaned. “Maybe leaving Seattle will help.”


  “I’ve been planning to for a while. Carlos will know where I am. Just remember what I said.”

  “I will,” Jo promised and pulled Sheila into another hug. “You take care,” she ordered.


  “You have to see her,” Tykira told her husband while she sat behind his desk.

  Quay had just told his wife about Zara’s demands for a visit. “I’ll tell you what I told Mo when he came to me with this,” he said, standing before the desk and fixing Ty with a stony black glare. “It’s a sleeping dog best left alone.”

  “But if it’ll help her,” Ty argued, standing and going to Quay where he leaned against the desk. “Remember what you told me about Zara’s emotional state? If this will ease something that’s troubling her, then you should do it and I think you know that.” She whispered, trailing her fingers along the open collar of his light gray shirt. “I don’t want you to refuse because you think it might hurt me.”

  Quay grimaced. “Being with her, hurt you before.”

  “That was a long time ago.”

  “And she’s had a long time to get over me.”

  Ty shrugged. “So did I. Look how badly I did.”

  Quay shook his head and encircled her waist. “You’re incredible,” cupping her face in one hand and patting the other against the side of her white pinstriped slacks.

  “So you’ll go?” she asked,

  “Only if you go there with me.”


  “Then my answer is the same.”

  Ty shook her head, sending heavy locks of her lengthy hair into her face. “I can’t I shouldn’t.”

  Quay shrugged. “Then I can’t. I shouldn’t. So it’s settled,” he sighed, fixing his black stare on the buttons of her powder blue and white striped shirt. “Now, on to more interesting things.”


  “No more discussion. I’m trying to make love to you,” he chastised, massaging her nipples beneath the partially opened blouse.

  “It’s not fair to lay all this at my feet.”

  “Exactly what you’re doin’ to me. So pick up your end and help me carry somethin’ why don’t you?”

  Rolling her eyes, Ty trailed all ten fingers through her hair. “Alright, alright…but I leave soon after we get there so the two of you can talk. It’s the best I can do.”

  Quay loved her for trying and kissed her neck. He hated to bully her, but the last thing he wanted was to upset her over anything he said or did. “It’s a deal,” he said, kissing the tip of her nose. “Now will you please hush and let me get on with this,” he urged, having unbuttoned her blouse and now working on the front clasp of her bra.


  Johari had been napping on a chair in the waiting area near Zara’s hospital room. She frowned, her nose crinkling when a kiss brushed across it. Her eyes fluttered open and she found Moses kneeling next to her chair. Getting her bearings, she took a deep breath and indulged in a long stretch which Moses thoroughly appreciated. Her calm evaporated too soon though and her dazzling gaze grew troubled.

  “Z okay?” she blurted.

  “She’s fine, she’s fine. Everybody’s fine, except you.”

  Johari frowned. “I’m okay.”

  “No you’re not. I can see how tired you are. I don’t like it. You’ve been through a lot and a lot of it is my fault.”


  “And I want to do somethin’ about it.”

  “You’ve done plenty,” she assured him, resting the side of her face against the chair.

  Moses brushed his fingers across her freckles. “I want to do more. I want to take care of you.”

  Johari’s gaze faltered. “I can take care of myself.”

  “You been doin’ that too long.”

  “Moses please, alright? Now I’m fine. All I want to concern myself with is my sister.” She massaged the ache beginning to pressure her temples. “This thing with Quay has her in the worst frame of mind. It’s starting to scare me,” she confessed, not resisting when Moses pulled her into a hug.

  “I talked to him,” he said, rocking her in the embrace. “He agreed to see her.”

  “And Ty?” Jo asked, pressing against his chest to look at him.

  Moses nodded. “They’re goin’ together.”

  Johari was simultaneously relieved and unnerved. “I’m really not looking forward to being around for that.”

  “Who says you have to be?” he asked, tugging on the zipper tab of the rose blush hoody she wore. “Mel’s here, so are your parents and they don’t like it either that you’re putting so much responsibility on yourself.”

  Johari had no comeback, appearing to comprehend what he was saying. “I guess I could spend more time at the hotel-get a little more rest.”

  Moses toyed with a curl from her high ponytail. “I got a better idea. Why don’t you go back to the hotel and pack?”


  “I want to take you away. What are you afraid of?” he asked when she started to shake her head no.

  “I’m not afraid of anything.”

  “So come with me.”

  “I appreciate your concern,” she whispered, patting his chest beneath the navy blue Enyce tee shirt he sported. “My place is here, though.”

  “And what good will you do being here? Exhausted and sleepin’ all over the place?”

  Jo rolled her eyes in rebuttal.

  “Your parents and Mel are ordering you to take at least a week off. They’ve asked me to handle the details.”

  A smile fought its way to Johari’s lips. “Heavy job,” she mused.

  “You ain’t kiddin’. I begged them to find someone else. You’re a lot to handle, lady,” he complained.

  Jo stroked the side of his face. “Well you do a good job.”

  Moses’ gorgeous dark features sharpened with instant desire. “I can do better,” he guaranteed.

  Jo’s eyes settled on his mouth before it met hers. Their tongues engaged in a light duel that was sweetly provocative and searching. A wavery moan filled Johari’s chest as she arched closer-aching for more.

  “Mmm,” she gestured when he ended the kiss. “What time do we leave?” she purred.


  Honolulu, Hawaii

  Nile Bequois removed the stylish gold spectacles from her dark face and straightened before the canvas. She smiled, seeing her assistant Shelby Moss crossing the room.

  “You’ve got a visitor,” the petite blonde announced.

  Nile wiped a smudge of paint from her hand. “An appointment?”

  Shelby folded her arms at her waist. “Actually he says he’s your father.”

  Freezing, Nile stared at the canvas for several moments before she nodded once. Shelby took heed of her boss’s mood and left her alone in the studio. Nile removed her glasses and slipped them into the pocket of her turquoise smock lest she crush them in her hand.

  Wasting no more time, she headed to her office. A nauseous rumbling began in her stomach when he found Cufi Muhammad strolling the room; taking in the artwork lining the wall. Clearing her throat, Nile stepped inside and slammed the door behind her.

  “Papa,” she greeted. Her expression and voice clearly expressed that she wasn’t happy to see him.

  “Hello Beauty,” Cufi replied, love and pride radiating from his stare. “Outstanding,” he remarked, turning back to praise her work. “Do you know how wealthy you could be if you sold more of
the work ninety-five percent of the art world is salivating after? Why you prefer to waste your time teaching brats to draw is beyond me.”

  Nile’s wide mahogany brown stare spewed pure loathing. “Better to teach than to exploit. Or… maybe you are teaching Papa-teaching them how to make their livings on their backs.”

  Cufi winced as if she’d hit him. “Have you spoken to your mother?” he breathed.

  “No. What? Has she finally wised up and left you?” Nile inquired, folding her arms across her chest and turning away before Cufi could respond. “Anyway, it’s not necessary for me to talk to my mother when slices of Houston Ramsey’s confession are all over the news.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Cufi hissed in reference to Houston.

  “He certainly held nothing back,” Nile went on, pausing to wipe a smudge from a bronze frame. “Is that why you’re here?” she asked, turning suddenly to stare down her father. “Are you on the run and coming to me for help?”

  “I know better than to expect that,” Cufi sighed. “I didn’t come here for help, only to see you. I was in the area and I wanted to see you. I lose track of how long it’s been,” he mused, a soft smile coming to his face.

  Nile wasn’t so content. “What? Since the two of you dumped me in California and went back to your lives in France?”

  “Nile, love you knew it was for the best. That life…it wasn’t for you.”

  “Oh I’m sorry-did you think that I’d been traumatized when I left? Actually it was the kindest thing you ever did for me,” she spat and shook her head slowly before she turned away. “Get the hell out,” she whispered.

  Cufi appeared uncharacteristically humble as he stood there wringing his hands. “Perhaps one day I can find a way to make up-“

  “Save it Papa. The only way you can make up now is to go. I never want anyone to know where I came from,” Nile breathed, keeping her eyes focused on the exquisite garden view from her office window. “I never want anyone to know what I came from.” She closed her eyes on the thought, her entire body remaining rigid until her father left the room.


  San Francisco, California

  “No, you didn’t,” Johari breathed. Her silver eyes were wide with delight. In all honesty, she had no idea when she’d gaze upon the sight again. “Thank you,” she breathed, turning back to Moses.

  Grinning devilishly, Moses shrugged and cast a quick glance past the window. Jo’s condo building in the North Beach area of San Francisco sat across the bay with a perfect view of the Golden Gate Bridge. “Mel told me about your job in South America. Then all hell broke loose and you were off to London, then Seattle…lots of moving around. I know what that’s like,” he said, bringing his midnight gaze back to her face. “A hotel bed has nothing on your own.”

  Jo’s lashes fluttered. “You’re so right,” she agreed, looking out the passenger window again as Moses left the Jeep to open her door.

  “Go on in. I’ll get the bags,” he said, smiling at the awed expression she wore.

  Johari did as she was told. She wholeheartedly agreed with what Moses said. There was nothing like your own bed-your own home. She didn’t waste time checking mail or chatting with the security folks. Instead, she went right for the elevators that carried her to the heights of the chic building. She practically raced down the oak wood floors of the corridor and her hand actually shook as she unlocked her front door.

  Inside, she breathed in the familiar scent of home. The gorgeous flowers and plants were still beautiful and thriving. Jo gave a silent word of commendation to the building’s maintenance staff. She sprinted through the sunken living room and kitchen, up the short staircase that carried her to the balcony-her favorite place. For a time, she stood breathing in the refreshing sea air, absorbed the gorgeous view of the bay and the bridge in the distance.

  Tugging on her bottom lip, Jo praised the warmth of the day. She’d wondered if she’d have the chance to indulge in her favorite past time. She was on a high enough floor to feel comfortable enough to enjoy the guilty pleasure without worrying about prying eyes. Still, she’d have to wait until her houseguest was napping or otherwise occupied.

  She thought about Moses then and what he’d done. He was slowly working his way back into her heart-if he wasn’t there already. Johari wondered if he’d ever left. She closed her eyes then, feeling a shiver that had nothing to do with her skimpy apparel. He was sure to be gone when she finally summoned enough courage to be as honest with him as he’d been with her.

  A rumble sounded in the distance and she realized he’d arrived with their bags.

  “Incredible place,” he commended, removing his sunglasses to observe the condo’s airy elegance.

  “Thanks,” Jo whispered, suddenly feeling very subdued over the fact that Moses Ramsey was actually standing in her living room. “Let’s get this stuff out of here,” she decided, hoisting a duffle bag across her shoulder when he caught her staring.


  Upstairs, the mood sobered a bit. Johari hadn’t had time to think of sleeping arrangements. Of course, there was plenty of room, but would he expect to share hers? Not if he expected her to get this rest he was so hung up on. Making the decision then, she led the way to one of the guestrooms.

  “You’ve got your own bathroom,” she announced, leading the way into the dim bedroom where she pointed out all the amenities including the flat screen and home entertainment system, reading area and private terrace. “There’re linens in the cabinet above your closet and a great view and the neighbors are quiet as church mice,” she said, desperate to get out of the room. With a brief nod, she took her things and headed out.

  She took no time to absorb the feeling of being back in her lovely peach and gold bedroom. Her thoughts were focused on the muscular molasses male in her guestroom. She let her bags fill a corner, and then stood massaging her temples before she realized she wasn’t alone.

  Moses was leaning against the doorjamb, arms folded across his chest. “You hungry?” he asked.

  Jo patted her tummy, left bare by the red halter blouse she wore. “I’m still pretty full from the feast on the Ramsey jet,” she teased, her heart jerking when he graced her with his double-dimpled smile.

  “I’m gonna take a shower and crash for a couple of hours, if that’s okay?”

  “Oh yeah, yeah that’s fine,” Jo said, with a wave of her hand. She closed her eyes in relief when he walked away. The sight of him filling her bedroom doorway conjured desires too naughty to dwell upon.


  Contessa’s face was an array of expression-alive with wide smiles and playful frowns as she stood cooing over her niece. “You know,” she drawled, slanting Mick a quick look, “even though we aren’t blood relatives, I’d swear Quincee looks just like me.”

  “Oh really?” Mick replied in a whimsical tone.

  “Mmm hmm. Drop dead gorgeous and sexy.”

  “Oh please,” Mick rolled her eyes, “don’t have my baby girl thinkin’ she’s sexy yet. And whether the two of you share any physical similarities I don’t know, but I do know your personalities are very similar.”

  “Now we’re talkin’,” County cheered, nuzzling her nose to Quincee’s.

  “Mmm hmm. She’s already far too successful at wrapping men around her finger-her father and uncle are saps for her. Moses, Yohan and Taurus almost came to blows over who’d get to hold her first and your man is like a babbling idiot around her.”

  County’s playful frown returned in light of Mick’s summation. She looked down at her niece. “Alright sista, we gotta talk,” she warned, chuckling when Quin gurgled something incomprehensible. “Ah Mick, I can’t even blame ‘em. She’s so beautiful.”

  Michaela bowed her head to accept the compliment. “So um, are you and Fern gonna give her a little playmate?” She taunted, while lifting mini barbells across the room. “Quay and Ty are in the lead right now with the twins.”

  “Mmm and they’ll have to stay there.” Contess
a decided as she strolled the rec room with Quin. “I think the County’s bio clock is about ticked out.”

  Mick shrugged, conceding to her friend’s concern. “Well you do have the publishing house. It’s been like your baby.”

  “Yeah, but I think I could chuck it all to be a housewife.”

  Mick held the barbell poised in mid air. “Stop lyin’.”

  County tickled Quin’s cheek with a tassel from her lavender sundress. “What? It seems to be working wonders for you.”

  “You are not me,” Mick iterated, resuming her lifts. “Besides, I had lots of reasons fueling my desire to live this life.”

  “Well I’m happy you decided to live this life,” County said, while rocking the baby to sleep. “I’m also very happy that you decided against the book-we’re still up in the air about what we’re gonna do with all the info we’ve gathered. But still, it wasn’t worth the problems it would’ve caused between you and Quest.”

  Mick set aside the barbell and stood. “But that’s not why I changed my mind. There’s been so much ugliness,” she sighed, smoothing both hands across the white spandex leotard she wore. “No family should have all that thrown in their face. Especially not by one of their own. The fact that I’m now a part of the Ramseys drives it all home even more. And then with Zara being found-what happened to her because of Marc…I had to think of what it’d do to her having all that exposed to the public. And then there’s my husband…” she ended, perching on the window seat.

  County set Quincee to her bassinette. “You wanna explain that?” she urged.

  “I don’t know…something’s weighing on him, but he won’t tell me what and I’ve tried.”

  County pressed her lips together. She knew how obsessive her best friend was when it came to getting the facts. “Maybe it’s just enough for you to let him know you’re there if he wants to talk.”

  Mick shrugged and reached for her bottled water. “That’ll have to do, I guess. At least until I can find a better way to make him confide in me.”


  Johari took a long shower and then a quick nap, savoring the feel of her very own queen-sized bed. She slept little over forty-five minutes when the chime of her cellular woke her.


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