The Ramseys Boxed Set

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The Ramseys Boxed Set Page 103

by Altonya Washington

  “Do you know what it felt like to grow up that way?” Moses asked finally, his deep voice sounding hollow and distant.

  Josephine shook her head. “I don’t and I never expect you to understand my reasons-my actions.”

  Moses placed a hand on the window sill and looked back over the gardens. “I made every mistake imaginable with Johari. All because I felt unworthy of her-of you. I finally started to believe what you’d always said-that I was just like Marc and that wasn’t a side I ever wanted Jo to see,” he confessed, looking towards his mother.

  Josephine hugged herself for a moment. Her lips trembled as she fought to contain her emotions. “I spent my life with a man I hated because I was too much of a coward to leave,” she told Moses. “Marc spent his life with a woman he despised because he was too much of a monster to go.” She smiled then, her light eyes brimming with optimism. “I’ve been happier than ever these past months, because two of my sons have found women to love, respect and treasure. Only one thing would make me happier. To see my first child-the one I do treasure and truly love- to have the same.” She clasped her hands, bowing over them as though she were praying. “I know I don’t have the right to expect you to listen to a thing I say, but I believe you’ll agree when I say you should go after her.”

  Moses massaged his neck and smiled as he looked towards the door. “Yeah Ma, that I most definitely agree with.”


  Zara was looking for her sister, but ran into Taurus instead. For a while, the two of them stared at one another in silence. Then, Zara took a deep breath and shook her head.

  “My God, you’re beautiful,” she breathed.

  Taurus’ rich, clear laughter filled the hallway. “I can say the same to you,” he countered, moving close to grasp her hands. He caressed her cheek, his amber eyes trailing her face as if he couldn’t believe she was real. “I’m so sorry, so sorry for what my family put you through, so sorry,” he chanted, pulling her into a tight hug. “Especially for what I put you through.”

  Zara pulled away, confusion marring her lovely cocoa face. “What do you mean?” she asked.

  Taurus looked surprised. “The baby, Z? The abortion I made you…I’m sorry and after all you’ve been through, there’s no way in hell I expect you to forgive me. But I need you to know that it’s haunted me every day since you turned up missing.”

  “Shh…don’t do that,” she urged, cupping his cheek. “I wanted it as much as you did-right or wrong. You didn’t push me into anything.”

  “You wouldn’t have had the-you wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t come to you.”

  Zara toyed with the collar of his olive green Nike shirt. “The only reason would’ve been because I had no money and I wasn’t about to tell my father that I was pregnant. Don’t do this, Taury.” She advised when he still looked uncertain. “I don’t blame you. I don’t even blame Quay. Did you know I was planning to use the baby to trap him-and it wasn’t even his. He got the jump on me though-dumped me flat before I could even try to trick him.”

  Disbelief filled Taurus’ face. “You have to blame someone Z. Hell, at least Marcus.”

  Zara’s smile wavered. “After a while, you just learn to accept certain things. Besides, I was shown a life with men who were obsessed with me. It felt wonderful and I don’t care what that makes me,” she spoke with defiance in her eyes. “Being back here, I feel as low as I did all those years ago.”

  “Ah Z-“

  “Shh, shh…” she commanded, drawing him close. “I’ll be fine. Everything will be fine.”


  One week later…

  Yohan found his wife standing before the manmade pond that ran through their backyard. On quiet steps, he moved behind to envelope her in a strong embrace. “What are you thinking?” he murmured into her hair.

  Melina snuggled back against his massive chest. “That we should be on our second honeymoon, instead of preparing for a trial where I’ll be testifying against your uncle.”

  Yohan chuckled. “All in good time, Meli. Right now, come in the house and let me make your breakfast.”

  Mel patted his arm. “You go on. I just want to stand out here a few more minutes.”

  Hesitating but a moment, Yohan finally kissed her cheek and left her alone. Mel closed her eyes and prayed for justice upon the men who’d ripped apart her family. Turning from the pond, she was on her way back into the house when her cell rang in the air.


  “Am I speaking with Melina Ramsey?”

  “Yes,” she answered, but slowly.

  “The same Melina Ramsey who’ll be testifying against Houston and Marcus Ramsey?”

  Something in the man’s tone caused her steps to slow. “Who is this?” she asked.

  “Someone you should listen to very carefully Mel.”


  Kauai, Hawaii

  Zara was practically beaming when she turned to hug her sister. “Thanks so much for bringing me along,” she said.

  Johari kissed Zara’s cheek. “Well, I was told to bring a friend who could use a getaway. Who better than my sister?” She reasoned, laughing when Zara hugged her again.

  Eventually the two of them settled back to enjoy the view from the stretch limo. The car picked the sisters up at the airport and was set to take them to the estate Jo had been commissioned to shoot.

  “So tell me about this gig?” Zara inquired, folding her arms across the front of her snug T-shirt.

  “Well, according to Mr. Grace, the man who hired me, the place has been in his family for ages. They want to have it declared a landmark and the photos are to be part of their proposal package.”

  “Impressive,” Zara drawled with a twinkle in her brown eyes. “Who would’ve ever thought my lil’ sis would have such a cushy job.”

  Jo threw her head back and laughed. “Believe me girl my usual job is far from cushy. I’m usually spending weeks in the bush-hot, sticky and aggravated,” she lamented playfully.

  Zara had grown a bit solemn. “I’m proud of you,” she whispered, closing her eyes as they hugged again.

  The car had reached its destination. Johari and Zara pulled out of their embrace to smile up at the chauffer who stood holding open one of the passenger doors.

  “You’ll find your hosts inside,” the dapper Polynesian gentleman announced.

  The sisters nodded and headed on into the massive tropical dwelling. They were suavely greeted by the butler who provided them with champagne cocktails and led them into the study at the end of a long corridor. Jo had just sipped her cool drink, when Zara’s glass went crashing to the floor and she screamed. Stunned, Jo could only watch her sister in horror, before looking towards the two men in the room. They were two men Jo had never set eyes upon. Zara however, easily recognized Cufi Muhammad and Stefan Lyons.

  “Well Zara you’re looking well. How’ve you been?” Cufi inquired his smile anything but reassuring.

  Zara only stood trembling. Her eyes practically bulged and a vein in her neck jumped erratically.

  “I’m so sorry Ms. Frazier,” Cufi was speaking to Jo, his hand placed upon his chest in a phony demonstration of humbleness. “I’m Cufi Muhammad and this is my associate Stefan Lyons.”

  Recognition dawned and Jo wasted no time grabbing her sister’s arm and turning for the door. The way however, was blocked by the chauffer and butler whose polite smiles were now replaced by menacing stares. Slowly, the women turned to face their captors.

  Cufi was still smiling. “I’d hoped you would bring your cousin Melina. That’s who we really wanted,” he shrugged. “But seeing as how she’s always so willing to do anything to protect her cousins, this will do quite nicely.”

  “What the hell do you want?” Jo hissed, rolling her eyes toward Stefan when he grinned and fixed her and Zara with suggestive looks. “Not even in your wildest dreams, bastard.” Jo snapped.

  Stef’s easy look vanished and he made a move to bolt over to Johari who simply ra
ised her chin and stood firm. Cufi called his associate, squeezing Stef’s shoulder to stay him. “It’s quite simple, Ms. Frazier,” Cufi explained, “we want Melina’s testimony silenced and then there’s the small matter of ten million each for your safe return to Seattle.”

  “Crazy,” Zara spat.

  “Need I remind you of how beloved you are,” Cufi taunted his dark face alive with wickedness. “Especially you Zara. You who’ve slept with almost every one of them and then there’s our lovely Johari who holds a very special place in the heart of one of the Ramsey princes.”

  Jo sucked her teeth. “You won’t get a dime and Mel’s too smart and too pissed by what those Ramsey jackasses have done to our family to let them off the hook!”

  Stef, still being restrained by Cufi, managed to take a step closer. “You better pray you’re wrong Johari,” he said and then nodded at the butler and driver who carried the sisters kicking and screaming from the study.


  “Thanks for comin’ man,” Moses said as he and Carlos shook hands with Wake Robinson later that afternoon.

  “Yeah, we know it’s short notice,” Carlos added.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Wake said with a shrug and wave of his hand. “I had a layover in Portland when I got your call. Is this for real?” he asked, a sudden frown marring his handsome light brown face.

  Moses’ expression was grim and he nodded. “Mel walked in the house and collapsed right in Yohan’s arms. When she came to, she told him a man called her and said her cousins were dead if she testified.”

  “Jesus,” Wake moaned, and sent Moses a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry man,” he said, easily seeing past Moses’ brave front. “How can I help?” he asked.

  “Wake Robinson, this is Kennedy Shaw,” Carlos said, waving Ken across the office. Carlos took a few moments to run down Ken’s involvement in the situation.

  “Wake do you have any idea where that son of a bitch could be holding them?” Moses asked.

  Wake hated to respond with ‘anywhere in the world’ but his expression screamed precisely that.

  “Carlos?” Wake queried, knowing the man had spent even more time within the Muhammad organization.

  Carlos was shaking his head. “I was mostly the muscle in the group. My involvement was pretty much limited to the boat-or a hotel room when we were docked or left on leave from duty.”

  “Ken?” Wake tried.

  Ken appeared as lost as everyone else. “These people had me everywhere from Hawaii to Switzerland. I was blindfolded from the time they picked me up at the airport to the time I got to the destination.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Moses raged slamming everything from his desk just as Fernando walked into the office.

  “Bad time?” he teased, a soft smirk tugging at the curve of his mouth. He observed the strained looks on each man’s face while dropping the photo he carried to the end table he passed.

  Carlos stepped close to shake hands and explain the day’s events to Fernando. Soon, the man was as enraged as his brother.

  “Stef involved in this?” Fernando’s voice grated.

  “Stef Lyons?” Carlos and Wake queried in unison.

  “You got any ideas, Fern?” Moses asked his brother.

  Fernando shrugged. “He’s tryin’ to help Pop. Cufi and Pop are partners…makes sense.”

  Moses smoothed both hands across his bald head. “But it still doesn’t give us a clue to where he’s holdin’ them.”

  “And y’all have no idea about any of his safe houses?” Fernando asked, stroking his beard.

  Carlos smirked. “That’s the problem man. We know about all of ‘em. Who knows how much time it’d take or what might happen to Jo and Zara before we have a chance to search ‘em all.”

  Silence settled then as the men reluctantly entertained the horrific consequences of what might await the women if they couldn’t find them.

  “I know this place,” Ken said, breaking into the quiet.

  Everyone turned to find him standing near the end table and holding the photograph Fernando brought in with him.

  “That photo was in some of Stef’s papers,” Fernando explained. “I was gonna give that copy to y’all,” he looked at Moses and Carlos. “See if you could get a lead on it. I’d never seen it before-never heard Stef talk about it,” he shrugged. “Thought maybe you could find out where it is.”

  Moses’ sleek brows rose in expectancy. “Ken?” he called.

  The man nodded. “Hawaii. Kauai, Hawaii.”


  The phrase ‘a circus-like atmosphere’ was the most accurate description for the scene both outside and inside the King County courthouse. The trial of Houston Ramsey was set to being that morning. Reporters, cameras and on-lookers crowded the steps of the building and spilled into the lobby. Security tried its best to handle the crowd which was swelling to a quarter of its size every half hour.

  At one time, it was believed the trial would be held in Savannah, Georgia. Houston’s crafty attorneys, however, convinced the courts that the man would not receive a fair trial there. In Seattle, Houston was a pillar of the community. His peers would not be easily swayed by decades-old evidence or the word of people with scores to settle-only the facts. The judge agreed.

  The courtroom was practically filled to capacity. The Ramseys had already taken their places behind the prosecution, a clear show of their non-support towards one of their own.

  Michaela kept peering over her shoulder for any signs of Johnelle Black whom she was saving a seat for next to herself and Quest. She caught Taurus’s eye across the room and gave him an encouraging smile-knowing he was angry enough to spit nails. At the last minute, his mother-Daphne Ramsey returned to town and wanted to attend the trial. Taurus got no where in trying to talk her out of it. Instead, he found himself ‘guilted’ into escorting his mother to the courthouse.

  Mick’s attention was drawn away from Taurus and Daphne when a side door opened near the front of the room. Two bailiffs were leading in Houston. Cuffs shackled both his wrists and ankles. The conversation raised several notches and then grew softer as the whispered rumors and insights began to take over. The softness of discussion inside the courtroom made it easier to hear the rising voices in the corridor.

  Slowly, people began to silence as heads turned in the direction of the double doors at the back of the room. It became quite clear that the conversation was not an amicable one. Mick noticed someone rush in to speak with Taurus. Not long after that, Quest was being tapped on the shoulder.

  “Mr. Ramsey we’d really appreciate your helping us with your aunt.”

  “My aunt?” Quest repeated, frowning up at the clerk.

  “Josephine Ramsey? She’s uh-involved in a confrontation with another woman out in the hall. If you and your cousin-” the young man paused to look at Taurus, “could assist in discreetly helping to disentangle them, it might look better for the family than to have security separate them.”

  “Right,” Quest sighed, the muscle in his jaw beginning a feverish dance of agitation. He nodded to the clerk, and then turned to fix his wife with a hard look. “You sit tight,” he said, grimacing when Mick supplied an eager nod. “I mean it,” he said, curling his fingers around the lapel of her black blouse. “I don’t want to see you out in that hallway Mick,” he ordered.

  Mick granted another nod and smiled when he kissed her nose and stood.

  Unfortunately, any plans of keeping the situation in the hall discrete, were shot. On-lookers and reporters with their bulky cameras had already swarmed around Josephine Ramsey. The woman was in a fierce argument with none other than Johnelle Black. Quest and Taurus were momentarily thrown by the scene, but snapped out of their stupors to battle the crowd and get to the two women.

  All of security was on hand to help control the melee. Soon, everyone with a cherished seat inside the courtroom relinquished it to take in the ‘excitement’ outside. On-lookers even included the council for both
the defense and prosecution. The events of the day were ‘circus-like’ without a doubt then.


  On the same corridor several doors down, Marc sat waiting to be taken in to give his testimony. Testimony against his brother, he thought with a grimace. Of course, he’d held no qualms about testifying, Marc thought now standing to observe the depressing view of the rear parking lot past the room’s barred doors. He was a great fan of self preservation and had long ago adopted the ‘better him than me’ mentality.

  Moreover, it was the shape of his family, Marc regretted. He’d lost all of his sons-one who wasn’t even his blood. They all hated him and the rub was that they’d hated him long before they knew what he’d been a part of.

  At least, he still had Stefan. He could only pray the boy had devised a plan to get him out of this mess before his own trial commenced. The door opened to the small room just then and a guard stepped inside.

  “Exactly how much longer am I to wait here?” Marc scoffed, tugging on the cuffs of the black suit while sending the guard a terse look. “I’m ready to get this over with and where’s my attorney? He raced out of here so fast…what’s going on out there? Don’t you people have any control over your own-” Marc ceased his questions, realizing the guard was removing the cuffs on his hands and feet. A half cocky smile crooked his mouth and he took note of the guard’s strange quiet.

  “Did Stefan send you?” Marc dared to ask the man.

  Finishing with the cuffs, the guard rose to his full height. “No sir. This is compliments of your wife and mistress.”


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