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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 113

by Altonya Washington

  “I’ll let you get dressed,” he said pushing off the jamb and leaving her with a soft smile.

  Nile leaned against the spot he’d just vacated. She lost track of how much time had passed. When she snapped to and raced into the hall to ask him to stay, he was gone.


  “You cook?” Nile remarked, obviously quite surprised.

  “I heat.” Taurus corrected. “The couple who looks after the place-remember the man driving the car before?” He watched Nile give a quick nod. “Colin Bradenton. His wife Moira keeps me fed whenever I come here.” He strolled toward the stove, his brown leather flip flops softly clapping at the polished floor. “I always let Miss Moira know when I’m coming in and she prepares dinner for a few nights out.”

  Nile fiddled with the split sleeve of her violet and rose embroidered caftan dress. Her expression was thoughtful as she followed him across the spacious kitchen. “It’s interesting how you speak of them-not as chauffer or caretaker, housekeeper or maid. You act as if they’re a couple simply doing you a favor.” She noted, not bothering to hide how very much that impressed her.

  Taurus shrugged. “I’ve known ‘em for years.” He spoke with a somber tone filtering his words. “Sometimes they were more like parents than my own.” He shared and then nodded toward the dining area. “Let’s eat.”


  The hearty beef vegetable stew and thick biscuits were heated to perfection. An easy silence filled the cozy alcove in the kitchen where they’d chosen to dine. The lights had been dimmed and candlelight used instead. The outline of rolling hills and brush was just visible against the dark.

  “I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about your parent’s death. Your sister told me in Montenegro.” Nile added when Taurus looked up at her suddenly.

  “Thank you.” He spoke softly but looked down again quickly lest she notice the muscle jumping in his jaw as he reigned in a sudden surge of anger over the thought of his parents.

  “Well this is an incredible house.” Nile changed subjects in a sarcastically refreshing tone and joined Taurus when he laughed.

  “I know you think it’s over the top,” he said following her gaze across the high ceilings and the rafters supporting it. “But…as most places here are over the top, I don’t feel so bad about it.”

  “I suppose you can get away with it.” She chuckled and eased a lock of hair behind her ear. “Not too sure I could say the same if you’d seen fit to buy that old abandoned castle I saw on the way in.”

  Taurus’ laughter that time was honest and infectious warming the inviting kitchen with its depth. “It won’t be abandoned for long if one of my neighbors has his say.”

  Nile slathered butter to a corner of her third biscuit. “Sounds like an interesting story,” she noted.

  Taurus helped himself to a swig of Killian’s Red and nodded. “Kraven DeBurgh. He’s leasing now, but intends to buy the place. But he’s being stalled by the town because he wants to turn it into a hunting manor. The drama over it all is interesting considering much of the town is related.” He shrugged, running a hand across the lightweight gray sweatshirt he sported. “All that in-fighting makes me feel like I’m home.”

  Nile knew the words weren’t spoken in fun, but felt it best they not dwell there. “Kraven DeBurgh…sounds like quite a man.” She mused.

  Taurus grinned, his easy mood returning. “You’ll have the chance to see for yourself. The town holds a huge gala to bring in the fall of the year. Kraven’s agreed to host it at the castle-takes place in about three weeks.”

  Nile’s spoon fell into her stew.

  Taurus pretended not to notice her reaction and resumed his eating with hearty delight.


  Later, Nile and Taurus ventured into the den that encompassed the entire west end of the first floor. The area had a rustic, masculine appeal yet remained warm and inviting. Nile could scarcely pull her eyes away from the bay window that; by day, offered a view of the never ending back fields.

  “Why’d you buy this place?” She asked when Taurus walked in carrying a tray of coffee and cake.

  “I met Kraven through business and we struck up a friendship,” he began to explain while setting the tray to the heavy pine coffee table before the fireplace. “I visited him here one year and fell in love with the place and the people-they’ve sort of adopted me.” He offered a wistful smile and shrugged. “It felt like nothing I’d ever known, not even from my own parents.”

  “Not even from your mother?” Nile couldn’t help but ask.

  “She tried,” he admitted joining Nile on the sofa as he poured the coffee. “All she went through with my father made it hard though. When my sister and I were kids she went along with his views never questioning the way he tried to raise us to be perfect. I think she was striving for some form of perfection in her own life and couldn’t admit she’d fallen way short.”

  “I don’t think my father was interested in raising me to be perfect,” Nile confessed and shook her head. “I don’t know why he wanted to raise me at all actually. The one good thing he’d done for me in my youth was finding a wife who gave a damn.”

  Taurus sat back against the heavily cushioned forest green sofa. He was intrigued and listened intently as Nile went on.

  “…she wasn’t my real mother, but she was so loving…I felt like we’d always been together which was important since I’d lost my own mother so young.” A wry smile curved her lips then. “Wasn’t until I grew older and realized how much of a lie my real life was…” she trailed away intentionally and leaned forward to let her parted hair shield one side of her face. “You’re very lucky you had a sister to share things with.”

  “You’re right,” Taurus said though his voice held the same pensive tone as the look in his deep set eyes. “But I always felt like she went through a lot more than she ever told me.” He raked a hand through his unruly hair and smiled. “I guess being older…she wanted to spare me. I don’t know…”

  Nile however, did know and the reality made her tremble.

  Taurus noticed. “Hey?” He leaned over to tug at the ruffled hem of her dress. “Sorry about that. I guess my family story isn’t the only one filled with drama best left forgotten.”

  Nile could only shake her head, words were impossible. She smoothed her hands across her arms to ward off the chill that kissed them through the violet embroidered sleeves.

  “Here,” Taurus grunted and left the sofa to stoke the fire. Once the flames were snapping fiercely, he pushed a steamy mug of coffee into her hands.

  Nile’s lashes fluttered as the aroma of the delicious berry blend teased her nostrils. She smiled when he kissed her forehead and sat close.

  “I do apologize,” he spoke after a bit of silence, “my last name and all the crap connected with it was a reason why I didn’t tell you who I was. People hear the name Ramsey and they think of all the scandals-none of the good. We’ve done plenty.” He said in a voice as firm as the look he cast toward the glowing flames in the hearth.

  “I know,” Nile agreed while nodding. “It’s hard for anyone seriously interested in child welfare not to know about all your family’s done to help.” She sipped the coffee and massaged her palms around the heated ceramic mug. “I wondered or hoped you all would do more in California. The teen center in Malibu does such incredible things for those kids-your family should be proud. The center was one of the reasons why I kept going with my studio-there’re so many monsters out there waiting to pounce on a child unless there’s someone to stop them.”

  “That the only reason you do it?” Taurus fiddled with the drawstring of his lounge pants. He smiled at the confusion in her eyes. “Most people have events in their pasts that fuel passion like that.” He explained.

  Nile looked down into her mug. “Is that why your cousins do it?” She asked, hoping to shift attention from herself.

  “The twins?” Taurus spoke with honest laughter in his voice. “Those two couldn
’t have had more stable parents but I think they saw close up what unstable ones could do to kids. I guess that fuels most of it for them.”

  “Hmph, unstable parents, I’ve certainly seen my share of those.” Nile thought of her kids before thinking of herself. “Hell, I had those unstable parents myself.” Still do, she added silently.

  Taurus took advantage of the moment to toy with a glossy lock of her hair. “You want to talk about it?”

  “Ha! Not unless I’m being forced to.”


  The crackle of the fire filled the otherwise silent room for a time. Eventually they were both reclining on the sofa with their feet propped upon the coffee table.

  “What was the other reason?”

  It was Taurus’ turn to look confused. “Other reason?”

  Nile looked over at him. “You said your last name was a reason why you didn’t tell me who you were but it wasn’t the reason. Was there another?”

  Taurus took her hand and turned it over in his. “Because you asked me not to and you seemed terrified when you asked and I didn’t want you to be terrified. I realized I’d do anything to keep that look out of your eyes.”

  Nile felt her heart pounding in the middle of her throat. “Is it so easy for women to get what they want from you?”

  He grinned bashfully in response, but sobered before he looked at her. “No, but it’s easy for you.”

  She’d forgotten how very soothing and persuasive his voice was when the softness overwhelmed the rough. She could’ve melted as much from the hypnotic heat of it as from the heat of the flames popping around the grand hearth.

  Taurus heard his voices of reason telling him to back off and he promised to do so. First, he wanted a second to kiss her-only a second.

  Nile’s gasp mingled with a needy cry when she felt the crush of his lips upon her own. Eagerly, her tongue sought his and became a willing captive inside his mouth. A helpless sound swelled in his chest as he rose to smother her back into the sofa.

  Perhaps a bit longer than a second, Taurus decided and deepened the kiss.

  Nile was weakened body and soul but felt no shame in letting him control the scene. Taurus understood that his voices of reason were in serious danger of being ignored. He prayed she would whisper just a word of resistance. She didn’t and soon all he could hear was the roar inside his head that urged conquest. Moments later, his face was buried in the crook of her neck and he was filling his hands with her breasts.

  He heard her voice just as he moved to unravel the bodice strings of the dress that had teased him all evening. There were no whispered to stop or wait only that he put his mouth on her. He groaned when she begged the request close to his ear. Clenching trembling fists, he willed himself to back off…not yet…not yet…

  “It’s late,” his voice was thoroughly rough again as he worked to catch his breath. “We should go on up.”

  Nile blinked, forbidding herself from telling him that it was only past eight and demanding that he tell her what was going on. Still, curiosity gleamed on her face as her expressive dark gaze tried to read his expression only to find that impossible.


  She followed his lead up the massive stone steps that curved from the rear of the den. Silence reigned until they reached her bedroom door.

  “Good night,” he said and turned away without another word.

  “Taurus what are you doing?” She blurted, forced to give into the confusion and frustration that warred inside her. The dimples graced either side of her mouth when she practically laughed at the look he sent her. He appeared as though he had no idea what she meant.

  “Have you forgotten why I’m here? That you told me I had to come with you if I wanted my studio?”

  Taurus shrugged, slipping both hands into his cotton lounging pants as he leaned against the wall.

  “Well?” She challenged.

  “I remember.”


  “And what, Nile?”

  She did laugh then and her temper was fueled by the dire need to backhand his beautiful face. “What? Is this-this waiting all part of the humiliation process?”

  Taurus studied his feet one crossed over the other in the flip flops. At last, he decided to stop torturing her.

  “I didn’t bring you here to humiliate you which is precisely why the deed to your studio is safe with Darby.”

  Nile’s mouth was a perfect O.

  “Along with the check you were going to give to Perry Finch.”

  Nile braced her hand against the wall for support.

  “You did all I asked by coming with me.” He shook his head just slightly. “Whether you’d come with me or not, the studio would’ve still been yours.” Grimacing then, he returned his focus to his feet. “You were never in any danger of losing it and I should apologize for ever threatening you with it.”

  “Why?” Nile breathed, watching his entrancing smile flash once more.

  “If it isn’t obvious by now, maybe; by the time we leave this place, it will be. Good night Nile.”

  “Wait,” she called, catching his hand as he pushed off the wall. “Thank you,” she said.

  Nodding quickly, Taurus had every intention of obeying the orders to go that were screaming inside his head. Instead, he stood there further captivated by her wide eyes and every other element that comprised her extraordinary face. He accepted then that the night would end with them in bed together-in bed with her knowing it wasn’t a place she had to be in order to keep what meant everything to her.

  His hand slipped out of hers and he grasped her wrist with a deft quickness. Nile was afraid to speak or move lest he change his mind again. Reacting; unfortunately, was not a thing she could resist doing not when his kisses bore such a scandalous resemblance to making love. He released her hand to curl his fingers inside the bodice of her dress. Meanwhile, his tongue stroked slowly, lazily, exploring every inch of her mouth.

  “Please don’t stop this time,” she shamelessly urged, delighting in the sensational feel of her breasts heaving against his fingers.

  Taurus had no intentions of doing anything so insane. Inside of five seconds, Nile’s dress was laying in a wrinkled heap upon the floor. He hoisted her against his chest and crossed the threshold into her room.

  Nile buried her hands in his incredible hair. Trembling with a mixture of desire and anticipation, she kicked off her slippers and grazed her toes along the long length of his leg. She felt him undo the clasp of her bra and moments later she wore nothing but a pair of lacy black bikinis.

  Taurus grumbled a curse when he had her on the bed. Suddenly, the lightweight cotton shirt he wore felt a bit too confining. Quickly, he rose above her and practically ripped it off his back.

  Nile bit on her bottom lip staring in wonder as her nails raked the carved array of abs and pects that flexed impressively beneath her touch. He was covering her again with his powerful frame. Ravenously, he feasted on her breasts, beneath her breasts…suckling the ever firming nipples until they stood firm and seemed to yearn for more. He worked his mouth down her body, stopping briefly to tongue her bellybutton and the crescent shaped scar that marred the otherwise flawless dark of her skin. Her need for him was so intense, she felt orgasmic even then and moaned her disapproval when a wave of moisture soaked her panties. Taurus’ perfect teeth nipped at the waistband of the lingerie and tugged it away in expert fashion.

  “Jesus,” he muttered.

  “I’m sorry,” Nile whispered squeezing her eyes shut when he spotted her need.

  “Don’t you dare,” he refused to accept the apology and winked when she smiled.

  Nile pressed her head back into the already tangled bed covers as the orgasmic pleasure re-emerged inside her. His tongue was plundering the moist, fragrant depths of her sex. His skill had her gasping and laughing her delight. She trembled so fiercely he had to hold her almost painfully tight to pleasure her. Nile welcomed it, draping one leg across his shoulder as she r
otated herself on his tongue.

  She was in the midst of her second orgasm when she felt the length and width of an organ vastly stiffer than his tongue. Helplessly aroused, she threw her arms above her head and played in her hair while twisting and arching to meet every drive of his hips.

  Taurus cupped a breast and nibbled upon the firm satiny expanse while he plundered the heat of her body. When she trembled overmuch, he set his knee in place across her thigh. The gesture both stilled her and increased the wondrous penetration. Taurus lost his ability to keep his restraint in check.

  The feel of him coming inside her stimulated a third orgasm then. Their cries of satisfaction and desire mingled throughout the room and upper level of the house. Then, within minutes of each other, they drifted off into a deep, contented slumber.


  Nile woke just after dawn. She wasn’t surprised to find herself alone in bed and headed downstairs for coffee. The timer had been set for six a.m. so when she arrived in the massive kitchen around 6:30am a nice hot cup was hers for the taking. She enjoyed the creamy brew while taking in the lush hills capped with waves of heavy fog. Observing the dim haunting beauty of the environment, Nile revisited the events from the previous evening. Soon however, those thoughts threatened to make her as hot as the coffee she drank.

  Movement registered then and she turned to find the object of her thoughts strolling barefoot into the kitchen. He wore only a pair of wrinkled sleep pants and looked deliciously tousled in his sleepy state. Nile felt her palms react to the memory of his gorgeous hair filling them. To occupy herself, she prepared another cup of coffee and had it ready to push into his hands when he met her at the counter. In silence, they enjoyed the view and the coffee.

  Then Taurus set his cup aside, relieved Nile of hers and; an instant later, Nile found herself joining the mugs on the counter. Her cries filled the kitchen as Taurus filled his hands with her body. He didn’t bother to remove the scant nightie she’d thrown on to come downstairs. He massaged her breasts through the material and suckled her nipples until they were outlined against it.


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