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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 119

by Altonya Washington

  Darby focused on tugging at a button on her denim jacket. “You’re to blame for it. Just where do you get off embarrassing me like that? Sending a complete stranger to check and make sure I wasn’t too afraid in the big bad storm.”

  Nile shrugged, kicking at a rock with the tip of her hiking boot. “Figured you wouldn’t mind over much once he got here.”

  Fighting off the urge to smile, Darby nudged Nile’s shoulder with hers. “I should kick you for even introducing me to a lovely thing like that when I’ve got to go back to Cali in a few days.”

  “You don’t have to go back.”

  “But I do.” Darby raised her brows in a mischievous gesture. “We got a huge donation just before Taurus called me out here. And besides,” she smirked and shook her head, “No sense starting something that hasn’t got a chance in hell of being about anything.”

  Nile muttered a curse. “People make long distance relationships work every day.”

  Darby eased hands into the back pockets of her jeans and watched Kraven and Taurus across the clearing. “Physical distance can manifest itself in many ways Ny.” She smoothed the back of her hand across her honey brown cheek while voicing the statement.

  “Darby…” Nile whispered, understanding then and pulling her friend into a tight hug.


  Kraven enticed the group to share a glass of locally brewed brandy before heading back to Taurus’ place. The moment was cozy and serene. Taurus and Nile sat cuddled before the fire. Kraven and Darby sat a ways off, both staring pensively into the fire and leaning forward just slightly with arms draped over their knees.

  “It’s an incredible thing you want to do here Kraven.”

  “Thanks,” he downed a bit more brandy, “everyone thinks my having a hunting lodge is about some blood lust I’m trying to satisfy. That’s the least of it.”

  “How so?” Darby smoothed hands across the long sleeves of her maroon crewneck shirt and absorbed the heat from the fire.

  “My family and I…we were always at odds.” He shared before draining the rest of his drink. “I didn’t behave in a manner befitting a man who’d be Lord of the DeBurgh lands one day.” The firelight cast a harsh glint to his profile then. “I’ve done so much to right it all the best way I can. If it works to plan maybe I’ll even manage to put down a few roots.”

  Darby followed suit and drained the rest of her brandy. “Is that so important- putting down roots?’

  Kraven looked her way. “I think it’s important to know how you got here- who put you here.”

  Darby grimaced her disagreement. “Some roots are best left undisturbed.”

  “You really believe that?”

  “I’ve always been afraid that’s what my father’s family would say if I ever had the nerve to meet them.” She shook her head as if trying to dismiss unwanted thoughts. “I admire you for being brave enough to want that connection.”

  Kraven pulled her close and inhaled the floral scent of her curls. “You know I’m always there to help with those fears.” He murmured, smiling when he felt her head bob as she chuckled.


  Two mornings later, a teary eyed Moira Bradenton stood outside the manor house hugging both Nile and Darby. Colin Bradenton was at work loading the car that would carry the women to the airport. Moira wished the young women a safe trip and asked that they not be strangers though it was obvious that she felt they’d be gone for good. Nile pulled out of the embrace when she saw Taurus walking around the side of the house with Kraven.

  Darby kissed Moira’s cheek and then went to hug Taurus. Next, she clasped hands with Kraven.

  “Thanks so much for coming to check on me.”


  Darby laughed. “You may want to reconsider that offer. Scotland isn’t exactly a hop, skip and jump from California.”

  Kraven chuckled and tugged on the hem of Darby’s fuzzy lavender sweater. “You know me…” he sighed with a wink. “I’ll do anything to get away from a spider.” He kissed her temple when she laughed again.


  Taurus and Nile spoke no words at first and simply hugged by the car. She was shivering and by now, Taurus knew it had nothing to do with the chill in the air.

  “Come back to me, alright?” He asked without expecting an answer.

  Nile pressed her face into his neck inhaling the crisp scent of his cologne before she kissed him. “Goodbye,” she whispered and disappeared into the car.

  Taurus clenched a fist to still himself from going after her. Darby walked up and smoothed a hand across his back. He nodded leaning down to kiss her cheek and closing the door when she settled into the car. He knocked on the hood then urging Colin to drive on.

  Kraven moved close to clap Taurus’ shoulder. They watched the road dust whirl in the vehicle’s wake.


  “What was Mommy thinking sleeping past five a.m.?” Michaela cooed while lifting a fussy Quincee from the crib.

  The cooing turned Quinn’s agitated whining into a more contented sound. Her silver gray stare twinkled in realization of her mother’s face. Mick checked for wetness and then prepared to give the baby her feeding.

  “Mommy has the lady’s breakfast all ready,” Mick sang softly while angling Quinn into the proper feeding position.

  Quincee latched on easily and Mick began a slow rock of the chair. Still, her thoughts raced in the midst of the serene moment with her child.


  Mother and daughter were cooing again by the time Quest awoke and came into the nursery. If possible, Quincee’s expression grew more gleeful when she looked into her father’s face. Her cooing rose to a delighted shrieking when Quest kissed her tiny mouth and nose. After several moments of play, he lifted her from Mick’s arms and replaced her in the crib.

  “How long are you gonna do this to me Mick?” He asked while stepping around the back of the rocker. “This is killing me,” he folded his hands across the back of the chair to prevent the rocking.

  Mick stared down at her hands clasped tightly in her lap. After a moment, she reached back and grabbed Quest’s wrist pulling him around the chair and tugging until he was kneeling before her.

  “I love you so much,” she blinked tears from her lashes and searched his gorgeous dark face.

  Quest trapped her neck in his hand holding her still for a kiss which was as punishing as it was passionate. “I love you,” he reciprocated amidst the languid thrusts of his tongue inside her mouth. “Everything I do is-”

  “To protect me. I know.” She finished, swallowing when his haunting stare darkened in the telltale fashion that signaled the darkening of his mood. “You’re suffocating me with this.” She forced herself to finish. “Maybe protection at all costs is necessary to keep order in your family but I can’t live like that. My independence-control in my life is too much a part of who I am-too much a part of my soul to be changed.”

  Scooting to the edge of the rocker, Mick cupped his face. “You’ll lose me if you won’t see that and I’m scared to death that you won’t until it’s too late.” Pressing a quick kiss to his forehead, she left the chair and ran from the nursery.


  Minyon Oswald’s round caramel brown face harbored a sympathetic expression when she glanced at the two men she escorted to her boss’s office. “He’s not in the best mood,” she warned them and flexed her hands out of sheer nervousness. “In fact, he’s been downright scary since he got back from that trip.”

  Moses grimaced and slanted a glance at Fernando. “Least we won’t feel guilty about ruining his day with our news.”

  “Will you guys be needing anything?” Minyon asked when they stood outside the door to Taurus’ office.

  “How about holding his calls and no visitors for at least an hour after we leave?” Fernando asked, rubbing Minyon’s arm when she nodded without hesitation.

  Moses gave a quick knock upon the door.


  The bellowin
g, unwelcoming salutation had the brothers inhaling deep breaths. Moses opened the door and he and Fernando bellowed their own words of greeting.

  “Hell kid, you don’t look like a man who’s had close to a month’s vacation!” Moses noted, ruffling his cousin’s hair when he strolled behind the desk.

  Taurus sat slumped in his chair and didn’t bother to move his hand from over his eyes.

  Moses perched on the edge of the desk. “Dena told us how much you liked Nile Becquois’ show.”

  “Yeah, over two hundred K much,” Fernando chipped in.

  Taurus couldn’t appreciate the teasing. “Right, and now I find out she’s coming here to grace us with her presence.” He tossed a glossy pamphlet across his desk. “An event at Charm Galleries,” he explained and reclined in the desk chair. “Mel had ‘em sent over this morning for us to put down in the lobby.”

  Moses scanned the colorful piece of literature. “At least that answers one question.” He said and passed the pamphlet to Fernando.

  “What?” Taurus asked having looked up in time to see the meaningful look pass between his cousins.

  “We got news on Muhammad.” Moses announced.

  Taurus sat straight. “Go on.”

  “The daughter.” Moses picked up the pamphlet. “Looks like she was under our noses the whole time. Nile Becquois.”

  Taurus looked from the pamphlet to Moses and began to shake his head. “No,” he breathed standing from the chair.

  “Seems so,” Moses went on, tossing the pamphlet back to the desk. “She grew up in France with her mother until the woman died. She lived with her grandmother for a while. She was about seven when she went to live with Muhammad a short time after.”

  Taurus unbuttoned the hunter green suit coat and tugged at his tie but that did nothing to help his staggered breathing. He moved to sit on the edge of his desk, but missed. Fernando caught him seconds before he hit the floor.

  Moses moved close and pressed his hands to Taurus’s shoulders. “You gonna be alright?”

  Taurus nodded but it was clear that he was anything but alright. “Can’t be, can’t be,” he chanted.

  “Everything checks out. She left for California when she was eighteen.” Moses went on with his report. “The fact that she’s doing this event with Ramsey could mean she’s not connected with her father that way.”

  “Hell she may not even have those damn keys,” Fernando mused folding his arms across his broad chest. “And if she does have them, she may be willing to cooperate just like we’d hoped.”

  Taurus waved his hand to silently signal that he wanted space. Moses and Fernando abided watching their cousin brace both hands on his desk and inhale huge amounts of air.

  All the pieces were falling into place-all the things she’d said…hadn’t said. Rage thickened inside Taurus like a noxious brew.

  “I need to go,” he decided suddenly.

  “T,” Moses called glancing toward Fernando for assistance when it was clear their cousin was hell bent on leaving the office.

  “Easy man,” Fernando urged, keeping his hold tight around Taurus’ waist.

  Moses cupped his face. “There’s more T and it’s best you hear it now.”


  Darby relaxed on the sofa-the only furnishing in Nile’s private studio at the condo she kept in L.A. “Are you sure about this?” She asked watching as her friend idly arranged tiny jars of paint.

  “It’s an excellent cause…” Nile shared, her tone was absent.

  “And a cause Taurus could very well attend.”

  Nile nodded. “I thought of that.”


  “I want to see him.”

  “Nile? Why? Why now?”

  “I know it’s crazy,” Nile groaned leaving the shelf of paints to stand in the middle of the studio. “I want to see him just one last time. I want…to tell him everything.” She nodded as though settling the idea in her mind. “He deserves to hear it from me.”

  “You do realize he probably already knows by now?”

  Nile shook her head. “He doesn’t know this.”

  The piercing green of Darby’s gaze clouded with stunned surprise. “You’re going to tell him that?”

  “He deserves to know. He deserves to know why-why it can’t work with us.” Nile bowed her head. “Why I’m not the one he deserves.”

  Darby left the sofa and took Nile’s arms in a firm grip. “You’re exactly what he deserves-what he wants and needs.”

  “I only want to explain why. I can’t expect him to look at me the same after this.” Nile flinched a bit against Darby’s hold. “I can’t expect him to understand why I didn’t tell him as soon as I found out who he was-who his sister was.”

  “Honey how could you possibly be so sure of how he’d react to this?”

  “I knew what my father was doing. I was a child but I knew it was wrong. I tried so many times to get someone to pay attention to what I was trying to tell them…no one wanted to hear it. They were probably all involved. When I-when they sent me here I….let myself forget the horror of it. I just wanted to live new my life and pretend the other never happened.”

  Darby gave Nile a harsh shake. “Don’t do that. Don’t you dare stand there and blame yourself for that madness.”

  Nile didn’t hear her. “In a round about way I asked him what he thought of Cufi Muhammad’s daughter. He told me point blank what he thought…I don’t expect any happy endings here D.”

  “So you can live with just walking away from him?” Darby marveled and stepped back to observe her friend.

  Nile responded with a helpless shrug. “I already walked away from him but I took the truth with me and he needs that-he needs to have at least that. I can’t give him much else but I can give him the full story and yeah D, I guess that I can live with.”


  Charm Galleries swarmed with guests, paparazzi and beauty that evening. All of Seattle it seemed was on hand for the rare showing by the reclusive Nile Becquois. The artist actually rivaled her own work for beauty and mystique.

  Nile arrived with Darby, Melina and Yohan. Shortly after, she was pulled in various directions for questions, photo-ops and autographs. Of course, Nile kept her mind on the cause and wasted no opportunity to speak on the evening’s event. Proceeds would go to the Children’s Art Board which would benefit urban youth in the Pacific Northwest. Those benefits would include funds for art supplies, classes and field trips. As a bonus, Nile’s kids would also be obtaining a generous sum for their own artistic endeavors.

  Nile was in the midst of answering questions about one of her racier pieces. The group surrounding her, included Quay, Fernando, Tykira and Contessa.

  “So do you ever have problems with privacy?” Quay asked nodding toward the piece in question. “I guess tryin’ to create this stuff would really draw a lot of attention-of the peeping tom variety.”

  “Nile forgive my husband,” Ty urged once the laughter settled. “He loves your accent and just wants you to keep talking.”

  More laughter followed and Nile discovered that she was really enjoying herself. That is, until she Taurus arrived with his sister on his arm. Her heart began a slow decent to her stomach and she willed herself to calm. Luckily, there was another question from a member of the press to draw her focus back to the business at hand.

  Taurus was across the room and had already caught sight of Nile. Silently, he cursed her and then himself for not listening when she begged him to let her alone. Then, his expression grew impossibly harsh and he wondered if that was all a part of the plan. He walked off without a word to anyone.

  Dena noticed. Her watchful eye followed her brother’s movements as he crossed the gallery floor.


  The auction portion of the event netted over $275K. Once Nile gave her final comments of the evening she left the stage to Melina and disappeared into the maze of first floor offices. She needed a minute to compose herself but almost re
considered when she thought she heard a sound off one of the corridors. She decided against calling out shaking off thoughts that it could have been Taurus.

  Several deep breaths were in order as she prepared to go out and face the music. She had to tell him then and there before she lost what little courage dwelled inside her. Giving one last tug to the white satin cuffs of her chic black cashmere frock, Nile gathered her belongings and re-entered the main gallery.

  “Would you like us to bring a car around Ms. Becquois?” One of the hosts asked having noticed her wrap and purse.

  “No need for that.” Taurus spoke before Nile could say a word.

  He kept her close, his hand smothering her upper arm in its grasp. Nile realized too late that she’d taken the hold as a sign of tenderness.

  “I need to talk to you,” she managed and felt the ice almost dripping from his words when he told her to ‘save it’. Clearly he knew her connection to Cufi Muhammad. She was more thankful for the closeness then as it was the only thing keeping her on her feet.

  As several photographers remained camped by the gallery entrance, Taurus took a less traveled route. In moments, they were leaving by a private exit.

  “Thanks Rory,” Taurus tipped the gentleman who’d been waiting near the mammoth Yukon Denali. “Get in,” he told Nile the chill back in place as he held open the door to the navy blue SUV.

  Nile obeyed and winced when the door slammed harshly at her ear. The ride began and was eerily silent as Taurus didn’t see fit to even turn on the radio.


  “I believe I asked you to ‘save it’.”

  “Then why am I here?”

  “Because I have things to say to you.”

  And clearly they aren’t nice things, Nile acknowledged taking in the rigid set of his powerful lean form beneath the dark three piece suit he wore. Resting back against the seat, she decided to wait for whatever he threw at her. She tried to focus on anything other than the man she loved sitting next to her with ribbons of hate waving about him like a banner.


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