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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 121

by Altonya Washington

  Darby shook her head. “Your cousin Moses and his men are taking care of it. They arranged for us to move to the penthouse suite at the Montgomery until it’s time to leave.”

  Taurus nodded and pressed a kiss to the curls shielding her forehead. “I’ll leave you to it then,” he decided.

  “Taurus wait,” Darby called, “there’s something…” her voice trailed away as she moved deeper into the suite. She returned to the front holding what looked to be a locked box. She handed it over and smiled when he watched her blankly. “She said they were card keys. She gave them to me for safe keeping but she wanted you to have them. Is this what they came after her for?”

  Taurus was too devastated to offer a response. Weakened by a new wave of guilt, he lost his hold on the box and it crashed to the floor. “Make sure Moses gets them,” he managed to instruct as a round of nausea rumbled through his stomach. Closing his eyes briefly, he struggled to get his bearings and then rushed from the room.


  “Alright well I guess that’s everything. The kitchen is at the end of the hall but you just yell for me or Yohan if you need anything, okay?” Melina was saying as she helped Nile settle in. Mel’s slanting stare was filled with uncertainty as she gazed upon the cozily made pullout sofa bed. “Girl, are you sure about sleeping down here in the den? We’ve got tons of guestrooms.”

  Nile smoothed her hands along the sleeves of her black and white striped cotton robe. She smiled at the dim casual elegance of the room that had already cast a strangely comforting sensation upon her. “I appreciate it Melina, but I really don’t want to be anywhere else.”

  Mel shrugged. “Well only if you’re sure…”

  “I am-honest,” Nile sighed even as unease reclaimed its place in her eyes. “You’re very kind and I…I know it’s difficult having me here.”

  Mel dimmed the lights and decided to let the blaze from the fireplace illuminate the den. “What do you mean-difficult?”

  Nile moved closer to the fireplace as well. “Taurus told me about your cousin-Zara. I know my father was responsible for what happened to her and-”

  “That’s right Nile. Your father-your father was responsible.”

  “But I-”

  “Had nothing to do with it,” Mel said, her tilted stare focused and firm. “Listen to me Nile. If I’m gonna stand here and condemn you because of who your father is well hell I’d have to disown my husband and much of his family.”

  Nile surprised herself when a bellow of laughter forced its way out of her chest.

  “No more of this, alright?” Mel ordered extending her hand.

  Powerfully moved, Nile could only nod and stepped in to relish the hug Mel gave.

  Melina left Nile relaxing in the den. She turned down the electric candles lighting the lower level and was on her way upstairs when the knocker dropped against the front door. Changing directions, she checked the looking window and saw Taurus outside. She opened the door and pointed left. “In the den,” she instructed.

  Taurus kissed Mel’s cheek and set out. His steps were surprisingly firm until he rounded the corner and approached the door. There, he only stood unable to move a step further.


  Nile opted for a cup of tea before turning in. She was shrugging back into her robe while pulling open the den door. Finding Taurus in the hall shut down everything inside her. Speaking was impossible, breathing a chore. She retreated as he advanced and closed the door. For a time they watched one another. Nile backed away a little every few seconds-anticipating more harsh words. Nothing prepared her for the three he uttered.

  “Forgive me please.”

  She stilled, certain she’d mistaken him.

  “I don’t know what right I have to stand here and dare hope you could after the way I treated you,” he said shaking his head and sounding as if he were speaking to himself. “What I said…damaged you,” he continued, shoving his hands into the pockets of the dark trousers he wore. His shirt hung wrinkled outside his pants and accentuated his haggard appearance. “You didn’t deserve that,” he acknowledged and smirked in disgust at his actions. “Of all the people I know, you’re the very last who deserved that.”

  “It’s alright Taurus-”

  “No it’s not,” he argued frowning a bit at how easily she accepted the ugliness. “The time’s come for you to stop wearing the guilt for your father. I took you right back to that with the things I said and I am sorry. I can never make up for it, but I pray you can forgive me.”

  Nile’s lashes fluttered and she wanted to run to him. She wanted to lose herself in his embrace-in the love she saw in his eyes again. Unfortunately, there was more to be said-more he needed to know.

  “When my father started his…brothel he had plans-plans for it to be much more than a place where men came to indulge fantasies. I didn’t understand that then, but being away from him, growing up and coming to…learn what it was all about I eventually got it. He wanted to have a place where some could make fortunes with him to thank.”

  “Honey you don’t have to tell me this.” Taurus soothed. His features were softened by sympathy.

  “I need to finish this.” She argued, her dark eyes narrowed with certainty. “The girls that he… victimized were valuable for more than the money they made on their backs. Two of his clients had connections to certain markets that provided exceedingly wealthy people with items that were more valuable than money.” She shivered as buried memories resurfaced. “They were markets that provided wealthy couples who couldn’t have children with the means to have them.”

  Taurus felt the nausea returning and knew the rest of Nile’s story would require him to sit.

  “But for certain women it’s about more than having the baby.” Nile continued once Taurus sat perched on the back of the sofa. “They wanted the experience and that meant conceiving and it’s difficult to conceive when there are problems with ones ovaries.”

  Slowly, Taurus’ stunning gaze raked the length of Nile’s body. “What are you telling me?”

  Nile pressed her lips together and worried the belt around her robe. Silently, she begged her tears to wait. “These women…rich women couldn’t conceive because of … ‘Infertility due to rapid loss of ovarian follicles’. She gave the more scientific explanation. “So there became an interest in donation- ovarian donation.” Nervously, she tugged on a lock of her hair. “There are many women who make good money doing this willingly. But why go looking for someone you’d have to pay or counsel when you’ve got the producers on staff.” She tilted back her head to prevent a tear from escaping her eye. “Those girls made money using their bodies in more ways than one.”

  Taurus closed his eyes while dragging fingers through his hair.

  Nile turned, her lovely dark face void of emotion. “This was no donation. It was a harvesting to acquire ovarian tissue to be cultivated for fertilization or in some cases they were used to create an embryo, transplant it, cause a pregnancy…”

  “Jesus…” Taurus breathed.

  “The men at the head of the whole thing…they had to be sure that other potential investors could be controlled. They had to be sure that the organization was protected should these investors ever have a crisis of conscience or threaten blackmail. For my father this opportunity was too delicious to pass up. After all, he had prime ovary donors right at his disposal-their bodies were his.”

  Taurus was riveted on the story and dared not move from his place on the sofa.

  “He’d make a fine addition to their business once he met certain requirements.”

  “Which were?”

  “In spite of the obscene amounts of front money these investors were asked to produce, there was more. The powers that be wanted the investors to have as much to lose by joining as they did by letting them in.”

  “What did he do to you?” Taurus whispered, the quiet roughness of his voice laced with an unmistakably deadly undertone.

  Nile went on feeling progressively l
ighter as she purged the story. “There were many ways to encourage loyalty. But the men with daughters were required to present them for a simple procedure to…remove what was more valuable than money.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Taurus pressed a clenched fist to his mouth to tamp down his anger.

  Nile’s heart was in her throat as she remembered it. “I was sixteen. Something-something went wrong during…I can never have children. My father acted like I’d just had my tonsils removed. No feeling… no remorse. At that time there was no proof that this would even work.” She laughed at the cold and utter uselessness of it all. “It was just a simple experiment you see? Nothing to fret over.” She restated the explanations her father had given. “He and your uncle were two of a kind.” She whispered.


  Nile’s expression was closed. “He was another investor.” She confirmed and waited for him to realize.

  It didn’t take long and soon Taurus shook his head. “But Marc…he wouldn’t have had a daughter to provide.”

  “No, but your father did.”

  “My father…Dena? No…” He shook his head frantically then as he watched Nile nod. “No…” he groaned then as his amber stare filled with disbelief.

  “I knew in Montenegro when I saw her in the spa at the hotel-just before we left. I saw the scar-same as mine.” She brushed her fingers across the spot where the lacy gray gown covered her belly. Her cheeks were already wet when she noticed the first tears finally spilling from her eyes. “My biggest fear now is what will happen to all those girls- those rescued girls and women. They know way too much for the people at the head of all this not to go after them.”

  “God,” he murmured as if stunned. The tears flowed more freely. Unashamed, he gave in to them. He’d been prepared for the anger, but the hurt and grief took him completely off guard.

  Nile ached to hold him, but not knowing how he’d accept her closeness, kept her at bay. When she would’ve moved back another step, he reached out and pulled her close. Taurus nuzzled his head into her belly and cried for his sister, his mother and the woman he loved.

  Nile didn’t try to silence him knowing he’d needed the release for weeks-possibly years. She threaded her fingers through his hair and waited.


  “So what was it like being from France and living in Compton?”

  Nile laughed. It was much later and they sat camped around the island in Yohan and Melina’s kitchen with a pot of berry coffee between them. “You know, no one’s ever asked me that before.” She sobered after a while. “My mom’s family was wonderful and they never made me feel like an outsider. My Aunt Reesy was like the matriarch of the neighborhood or something-everyone wanted to please her so…I got the royal treatment.”

  Taurus’ gaze grew softer. “I think they’d have given you that no matter whose niece you were.” He predicted and laughter resounded again.

  “I want you to forgive me Nile.” He was saying once the silence had lengthened between them. “I need you to…but is it possible for you to do that while you’re thinking about when you want to marry me?”

  “Marry?” Nile gasped almost losing her grip on the mug she held in shaking hands. “After what I told you-what happened to Dena-”

  “Wasn’t your fault.”

  “Alright, alright I understand that. I do,” she insisted when he watched her doubtfully. “I know I wasn’t there with the scalpel but every time you look at me you’ll think of what she went through, no?”

  Taurus moved off the high-backed stool and stood over Nile. He cupped his hands around her neck and tipped back her chin with his thumbs.

  “When I look at you I see the woman I love. I see the woman I think of when I wake. And when I fall asleep at night you’re the woman I dream of. I can’t see anyone else but you-I’m ruined here.”

  “So am I.” Nile countered, though her meaning was far different. “I can’t give you children-the thing you want most.”

  “Sperm doesn’t make a father nor do ovaries or the lack thereof make a mother.” He argued. “What I want most is you for my wife-nothing more-nothing less.”

  “Taurus,” she whispered as his lips touched hers.

  The kiss lasted for a sweet moment. Then Taurus lifted her from the island and carried her back into the den. He kept her beneath him on the sofa bed where he became absorbed by her. He was like a man possessed and starved, kissing and suckling madly down the length of her body as he tugged away her gown. He paid special attention to the dreaded scar and kissed it with a passion that stilled Nile’s breath. His luxurious hair caressed her skin with its silken feel as he made his way downward. He feasted upon the heart of her, nibbling the extra sensitive bud of desire that had her trembling into the bed coverings. Tirelessly, he drank in her essence until she cried out for something more satisfying than his tongue.

  His patience at an end, Taurus wasted no time in obliging her request. When he was inside her, he simply rested his head on her shoulder and relished the way she gloved him. Nile bit her lip to keep from screaming her approval when he moved slowly thrusting, rotating, branding her with his desire and love.

  Afterwards, they remained locked in a lover’s embrace. They were thoroughly spent, thoroughly in love and thoroughly optimistic of their future.


  Moses was reviewing his decisions regarding protection for the family. Of course, special emphasis on protection referred to Dena and Nile.

  “We need to act fast where these keys are concerned.” Moses told his brother and cousin.

  “Where is my sister exactly?” Taurus asked while topping off his coffee.

  “Carlos has her-didn’t say where he was goin’ with her just that she was his.” Moses announced with a smirk.

  Fernando chuckled. “Damn right.”

  Taurus raised his mug in a mock toast. “Damn time.” He agreed.

  “And what about Nile?” Moses asked Taurus. “You okay with her out at Yohan and Mel’s?”

  Taurus nodded. “For now. Besides, she’s comfortable there and Yohan keeps that place more secure than Fort Knox.”

  “I still plan to have more of my men add to that security.”

  “You think them fools will come after her again?” Fernando asked.

  “In a heartbeat.” Taurus figured. “And I suspect Cufi will be getting in touch as well.”

  Moses nodded. “You think he’d risk it?”

  “He wants those keys. He and Yvonne.”

  Moses glanced at Fernando. “You think we can grab ‘em both?”

  Taurus shrugged. “Maybe it’ll help not to have your men hovering too close.” He suggested and finished up his coffee. “We done?” he asked.

  “Not quite.” Moses said while leaning over his desk. “Just one more thing to take care of. I’d say we’ve waited long enough.”

  “So he’s coming in today?” Taurus asked, knowing what Moses was referring to. Reclaiming his seat, he waited in heavy silence with his cousins until the office door opened and Quest walked inside.

  “So serious,” Quest noted, closing the distance to shake hands and hug his family. “How are Dena and Nile?” he asked Taurus.

  “Good. Carlos has Dena with him and Nile’s out at Yohan and Mel’s. Moses is gonna add more men out there to keep an eye on things. We’ve decided to set a meeting next week to discuss the keys.”

  Quest nodded while rubbing his hands together. “Sounds like everything’s in place-exactly why’d you guys need to see me?”

  Moses waved toward an empty chair and waited for his cousin to sit. “Ever heard of a man named Charlton Browning?”

  “Should I have?” Quest asked.

  Moses came round to sit on the edge of his desk. “Browning witnessed a murder and was a protected witness, but the authorities protecting him were more interested in protecting information he had on them-interests in young girls.”

  Quest shifted in his seat. His expression sharpened slightly but
he said nothing.

  “They helped him disappear.” Moses continued. “They helped set him up in style in his chosen profession-helped him change his name to Cufi Muhammad.” Moses let the information settle while focusing on the toe of his navy Timberlands before he went on. “A few weeks ago Mick came to see me asking for my help in finding out whatever I could.”

  Hearing Michaela’s name, Quest’s expression darkened as his gaze narrowed toward Moses. “Why is my wife looking for Cufi Muhammad?”

  “She’s not. She’s looking for Charlton Browning-the man who dated her mother. The man who took her mother away from her.”


  “Yvonne Wilson was born Evette Sellars. She left Compton California for Chicago where she changed her name just before leaving with Muhammad-leaving her eight year old daughter behind.”

  “Who else knows about this?” Quest managed to ask, though his chest felt as though it was about to explode.

  “I had to tell County,” Fernando shared raising his hand when Quest glared his way. “Don’t worry. She’s too upset to say a thing.”

  “And Nile?” Quest was focused on Taurus then.

  “I haven’t told her, but Q I’ve seen photos of Yvonne Wilson and Mick is almost the splitting image of her. Won’t take long for Nile to make the connection,” he said and recognized the devastation blooming in his cousin’s eyes. “Listen, we understand if you want us to wait until you tell Mick-”

  “I’m not telling Mick.”

  “We understand man,” Fernando was saying. “It’s a lot to swallow and we know it’ll take time for you to get around to-”

  “I’m not ever telling her.” Quest said and watched his cousins exchange looks.

  “That’s a mistake Q,” Taurus warned. “I just found out first hand how much worse things can get if they’re kept in the dark too long.”

  “I’m not ever telling her. That’s all.” Quest said once more, the firmness in his now black stare warned everyone to let go of the argument.


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