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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 141

by Altonya Washington

  “Tell me about it,” Yohan tugged at the cuffs of his gray shirt and chuckled. “They’ll be pretty stunned to find a married couple laughing.”

  “With each other,” Mel qualified. “Did you ever think we’d be laughing like this? And on an elevator car?” She raved when silence had settled between them.

  “No.” Yohan rested his head against the wall and studied the mirrored top of the car. “But then again, I never thought we’d see Q and Mick at each other’s throats.”

  “And now all is well.”

  Yohan nodded his agreement and pushed off the wall. “Now, all is well.” He agreed, closing the distance between them to plant a sweet kiss to his wife’s lips.

  The doors opened and Yohan offered an arm to Melina which she happily accepted.


  Johari bit her lip on the moan that was threatening to escape. She and Moses had been dancing to some slow, unfamiliar erotic tune that drifted on the air. His arms were locked neatly around her waist but his hands roamed her back in a coaxing massage before they moved to cup her bottom.

  “We’re in public, Ram.”

  Moses didn’t bother to look round or move his hands for that matter. “I don’t think we’re fazing Quay and Ty.”

  Jo stood slightly on her toes. “You’re right.” She said after peering across her husband’s shoulder and spotting the couple locked in a kiss. Weariness crept into her silver stare despite the easy mood swirling about them. “I feel like we’ve been through the obstacle course from hell and that’s really selfish since it was Quest and Mick who went through the trial.”

  “It’s accurate enough.” Moses smirked. “Considering how much all of us craved the kind of bond they had when ours were traveling their own obstacle courses.”

  Johari’s smile was both serene and rueful. “Our own obstacle course would’ve been welcome-at least in an obstacle course you’re rewarded with another obstacle that gets you closer to the prize.” She brushed her thumb across the pulse point at the base of his throat. “There was no prize with us- no reward. All that time was just hell.”

  “Amen,” Moses breathed and brushed his forehead across hers. “I was never more terrified in my life than on the day you walked out my door.” He leaned in to inhale her delicious scent. “I put my life on the line countless times to top that feeling, wipe it out…nothing ever came close.” He let her see the anguish in his dark gaze. “Then Zara died and I believed I’d lost you for good.”

  The sound of her sister’s name brought tears to Johari’s eyes. They weren’t tears of sadness however. “There came a time when all hell was breaking loose and I…I just knew that no matter what I wasn’t going to lose you again.” She looked upon him with awe tingeing her expression while trailing her fingers across his shaved head. “When Zara died…I still knew that- nothing had changed. I’m never losing you, Ram.”

  He toyed with a lock of her bright hair. “We’re never losing each other.” He corrected and they sealed it with a kiss.


  County was rushing to the door of her suite while tying the tassels of the teal frock she’d chosen for the evening. Her hands stilled when she heard the door locks click. Fernando stepped into the room and her mouth fell open. “How? How’d you get in?”

  Faking confusion, Fernando waved her key card in the air.

  She rolled her eyes. “How’d you get it?”

  “Last night,” he stalked her until she was near the jamb of the doorway leading to the bedroom. “You told me to take it while I took you…”

  “The hell I did!” County couldn’t help but laugh.

  Still, feigning confusion, Fernando tapped fingers to his temple. “I’m pretty sure you did but why not refresh my memory?”

  He’d only kissed her lustily for a few seconds when she pushed him back as far as he’d allow. “Ramsey stop…I’m gonna ruin my underwear.” Her cheeks burned as she made the admission.

  “So take ‘em off.” His order was gruff against her ear before he suckled the lobe. Moments later his fingers were plundering her underwear and helping her take heed to his suggestion.

  Contessa gave herself a figurative pat on the back when she found the strength to resist him. “We can’t be late.”

  “I’m pretty sure we won’t be the only ones.”

  She moved away to check her earrings in the mirror above the message desk and did a fine job of ignoring her fiancé. That is, until he strolled over to inspect the bodice of her form fitting dress. She slapped his hands without turning away from the mirror. “I can’t wait to see if you’re this horny after we’re married. Ramsey!” She cried upon finding herself being whirled around to face him.

  “Do you think I’m not serious?” His light gaze was narrowed with suspicion. “Or are you having second thoughts?”

  “Don’t do that…” her voice was soft yet strong. “I know you’re serious- as serious as I am.”

  Fernando released her and slumped a bit as though his strength were leaving him. “That drama with Quest and Mick,” he muttered something foul, “Hell County, I thought all the drama period- would have you second guessing…”

  “Second guessing us?” She asked in disbelief, propping her hands to her hips when he only offered a weary nod. She pushed him to the desk and stepped between his legs. She cupped his face.

  “Never. Never, you hear?” She gave his cheek a soft slap. “I love you and I never thought such a thing was meant for me.” Her smile was sad then. “I watched my mother give herself to a man who shattered her- left her questioning her worth as a woman…” She blinked, stunned by the words leaving her mouth. She hadn’t thought of her parent’s doomed marriage in ages.

  “I’m tired of expecting the worst.” She focused on Fernando’s translucent gaze then. “I’m ready to enjoy the best.”

  “Me.” He guessed, his eyes twinkling adorably when he grinned.

  County mimicked the action. “You,” She purred and instigated the kiss between them. “You were right, Ramsey.” She said after pulling back a few seconds later. “We’re gonna be just a little late.”


  The suite that Quest and Mick now shared was alive with the sounds of needy cries and provocative teases as they loved each other. Mick however, could scarcely form intelligible words as every thrust Quest subjected her to, stifled her breathing and made speaking near impossible.

  Wanting to experience some of the power he enjoyed, she caught him off guard and pushed him to his back. Quest winced as she settled down over him. When he shifted to control her movements by gripping her hips, she stopped him by placing his palms flat on her bare breasts instead. Slowing the rotation of her hips, she smiled at the pleasurable torture that seemed to shudder through him. The moans forced from his throat were a cross between exuberance and exhaustion.

  Overwrought then, Quest took her wrists in one hand and held her hip with the other-moving her to his will. Mick climaxed swift and sharply but Quest wasn’t done. She felt on the verge of fainting when he grew incredibly stiffer inside her before erupting deep within…


  “I thought I’d feel different when, if I found them.” Mick was saying later when she lay across Quest’s stomach. “It’s why I asked Moses and Rae to help me- I was desperate to know.” Absently, she outlined a pack of carved muscle in his abdomen. “Even after I told Taurus how little it mattered…how it couldn’t change the good in us- what we’d accomplished in spite of the ugliness we’d been subjected to.” She smirked and rolled her eyes. “That was a load of bull. I guess part of you; no matter how small, always wants to know.”

  “What are you gonna do now?” Quest trailed the back of his hand across Mick’s shoulders. “Are you sure about not wanting to see her?” He asked when silence met his first question.

  She nodded. “At least, I believe I’m sure. I always told myself that people with families were different- better and that they weren’t bogged down by all the thoughts of worthlessn
ess.” For a moment, she buried her face into Quest’s stomach and sighed. “I told myself that people with families never had to wonder if they mattered-even a little- to the people they should matter most to. If that makes sense,” she added with a weary smile.

  Quest sat up a bit and pressed a hard kiss to the middle of her head. “On behalf of the Ramseys, I’d like to say that we’ve effectively helped you to prove that that is the biggest load of bull.”

  Laughter resumed, and then kissing.

  “Quest?” Mick whispered during the kiss as it gained steam.


  “Do we have time for just a little more before the party?”

  Quest’s low, seductive chuckling filled the bedroom.


  Taurus met Claire Boyer on her way out of the courthouse. He and Nile had taken separate cars to the hearing which he’d missed due to some business at Ramsey Legal. The proceedings appeared to be ending just as he took the steps leading to the courthouse’s side entrance.

  “How’d it go?” He watched as the attorney puffed out her cheeks and sighed.

  “They’re extraditing her to France.” Claire cast a quick, foreboding glance across her shoulder. “The authorities there have a mountain of evidence and charges waiting to pin on someone and as Muhammad’s dead…”

  “Right…” Taurus’ light gaze softened when he saw his wife exiting the courthouse. Nile held back several feet watching morosely as two guards led Yvonne Wilson by each arm. “So what now?” He asked, hiding one hand in the pocket of his hunter green trousers.

  Claire stroked her chin as she observed Yvonne. “Back to the correctional facility to await extradition. She’ll also have to answer for Cufi’s murder. I’m sorry Taurus.”

  He frowned, looking away from his wife and her mother. “There’s absolutely nothing for you to be apologizing for. I thank you for everything you’ve done.”

  “I was able to use the Ramsey name to allow Nile to walk out with Yvonne and the guards…I only wish it could’ve been more.” Claire’s round shoulders rose beneath her navy blazer.

  Taurus dipped his head to watch her more closely. “We both know that with what you had to work with it couldn’t have gone down any other way.” He saw Claire off and then went to meet his wife.

  Nile’s steps had slowed and then they halted all together. Taurus watched her expression go from surprise, to realization to horror. When she began to run, his heart lurched clear to his throat.

  Yvonne was slumping against one of the guards when Nile raced over and pulled her mother into her arms. There along the side of Yvonne’s pale blue pantsuit was the stain of blood.

  “Nile!” Taurus’ raspy tone raked out as he bolted toward his wife while the guards drew their weapons.

  Tears pooled Nile’s eyes and coated her dark face with a damp sheen as they spilled. “Maman…Maman…” Gently, she laid Yvonne flat on a wide concrete step.

  “Shh…Shh…” Yvonne’s face was a picture of calm. The slightest hint of a smile even played about the curve of her mouth. “I knew they’d never let me go back to France. I…I’m surprised they waited…this long.”

  “Please don’t talk…please…” Nile leaned down to press a hard kiss to her mother’s forehead. “Shh…they’re coming to help.” She glanced round vaguely noting that the guards were more involved with tracking down the shooters just then.

  “I don’t need help…I’m so proud of you my Nile, so proud…” With effort, Yvonne shifted her gaze. “A beautiful husband,” she noted when Taurus had dropped down next to Nile and kissed her temple. “You’ve done so well and-and my Mickey…a married woman with a baby she’ll love and protect. Tell her…” She winced as the pain burrowed deeper. “Tell her I’m sorry-so very very sorry. She-she deserved a better mother. So did you.”

  “No…” Nile moaned, pressing her head to Yvonne’s shoulder and weeping as the woman’s life left her.


  Quest knelt before Mick’s side of the bed and watched her sleep. Gently, he reached out to trace her brow and the curls that framed her face.

  “Mick,” he grimaced when she murmured incoherently and turned over on her side.

  Part of him said to let her sleep- don’t lay this on her now. But that was only for his benefit. God, would she blame him for this? He wondered. In the same instant, he shook his head and softly cursed himself for allowing the thought to enter his mind.

  “Mick?” A bit more force colored the baritone of his voice. When she would have funneled deeper into the covers, he squeezed her shoulder and nudged her gently. “Mick…”


  “Come on now…” He spoke against the top of her head. “Come on…”

  The soft coaxing roused Mick and a lazy smile curved her lips when she stretched and turned toward her husband.

  “Morning…” she purred lashes fluttering as she gave another decadent stretch. “This is what I want,” the seductive tone of her words mirrored the look in her exotic stare. Leaning closer, she lavished wet, open-mouthed kisses across his chest.

  “Mick wait,” he moved to stand, but her grip was surprisingly powerful around his waist. “Wait a sec-”

  “Mmm mmm, come back to bed.”

  “Mick wait there’s something-”

  “Back to bed,” She outlined his mouth with the tip of her tongue.

  “Stop. I’m serious, Mick.” Unfortunately, her tugs at his waist and her tongue in his mouth quickly wore down his already weakened defenses.

  “Why are you dressed?” She fumbled with the hem of his Supersonics jersey trying to get her hands on his bare skin.

  “Mick,” he tried again and closed his eyes in submission when she pushed him to his back and rained those wet kisses down his body. Her mouth journeyed across the ever stiffening ridge of his sex. The fact that his gray nylon sweats still covered what she craved, didn’t diminish the enthusiastic attention she showered upon him.

  “Jesus,” Quest lost his hands in her hair and winced in the pleasure she brought. Her lips grew bolder and in seconds he was mimicking faint thrusting movements. He wanted her mouth on him, but drew on a powerful wave of willpower instead.

  “Babe? Wait, wait…”

  Mick frowned when she felt his vice grip on her arms. “What’s wrong?” He’d pulled her up and over him. “What?” Her voice was hushed when she saw his gaze falter. Straddling his body, she cupped his face urging him to look her way.

  “Taurus called me this morning.” His dark eyes connected with her bright ones then. “Yvonne Wilson was killed yesterday. She was leaving the courthouse. They don’t know who.” He saw the question cut through the devastation in her gaze. “They were moving her after the hearing when she was hit. No one even heard the shot.”

  Michaela seemed to wilt, blinking as she looked away. Quest sat up, keeping his hands over her arms- keeping her close.

  “Are you alright?”

  “What should I do?” Her voice sounded lost-empty.

  “We can do whatever you want.” He spoke against her temple. “You wanna go home?”

  She barely nodded. “I think so…I think I should.”

  Quest rubbed his arms along the goose-flesh riding Michaela’s bare arms. His chest pounded forebodingly but he had to know. “Are we alright, Mick?” His mouth still pressed to her temple.

  Pulling back, she cupped his beautiful dark face in both her hands. “We’re alright. We’re very alright.”

  Seated in the middle of the bed, they hugged for the longest time.


  Instead of attending the understandably low-key funeral proceedings, Mick decided on holding a dinner at home. All the couples attended, having returned to Seattle from Las Vegas. No one really knew if condolences were appropriate for Mick under the circumstances. They decided to save them for Nile who arrived with Taurus about an hour before dinner was set to begin.

  Michaela held back, waiting until everyone else was d
one with soft words and hugs for Nile. They all discretely cleared the sitting room and gave the two women time alone.

  Nile accepted a kiss from Taurus who crossed the room to hug Mick on his way out of the dim, quiet room.

  “I know you have questions.” Nile wrung her hands and then brushed them across the pleated pin striped skirt of her suit. “I only want to begin first by saying that I’m sorry.”

  Curiosity flashed on Mick’s face but she said nothing.

  “I never meant to hurt you anymore than you’d already been.” Nile couldn’t help that she rambled. Her hands wouldn’t remain still either and she alternated between smoothing them across her sleek onyx mane and squeezing her arms as she walked the room. “None of us agreed when Quest said he wanted to wait on telling you. But seeing your face that day when you came over…” She looked up at the skylight that revealed more of the overcast day. “Seeing you that day, I finally understood why he wanted to wait. I’ve got so much to apologize for, but I just wanted to start with that. Michaela…a part of me will never know if I’d…come forward sooner maybe you’d have had that time to talk with Maman-Yvonne. Find out for yourself why she…”

  Mick moved further into the room once Nile’s words faded. She smoothed the straight, chic midnight blue dress beneath her and took a seat on the sofa. Patting a cushion, she urged Nile to join her there.

  “Taurus said you had a habit of taking the blame for things that you have absolutely no reason to.”

  The unexpected dig brought an unexpected smile to Nile’s oval face. The ice had been effectively broken and laughter filled the room for many treasured moments.

  “I once told your husband that there was nothing…Yvonne could tell me about anything at this point in my life- that I was done with needing to know…at the time I think what I said was more to console him about his parents.” Mick shrugged, looking out beyond the floor to ceiling windows in the sitting room toward the rolling lawn. “Maybe I was trying to console myself but I don’t think I believed it much then. I talked to Quest before I even knew what happened. He asked me if I wanted to see her…when I said no, I meant it. I was okay with it and I don’t think that it was until that moment that I truly believed what I told Taurus that day.”


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