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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 145

by Altonya Washington

  “Right,” Darby gave a quick nod and pulled her bulky sweater over her head. Fanning out the T-shirt she’d worn beneath it, she reached for the bags of clothes he’d brought in for her. A second or two passed before she noticed he wasn’t moving to hand it to her.

  Kraven was indeed struck. He’d spent much of the day trying to bore into his head the fact that they were friendly acquaintances through mutual friends and nothing more.

  A load of swill? Sure, but it’d gotten him through the day. Now, standing there in his kitchen; watching her honey blonde curls bob and cascade about her very lovely face when she tugged away that damned sweater…


  He snapped to that time with a wince. “Right,” he handed her a bag then waved toward the back stairway where they ventured off to separate chambers.


  The Baird Pub; the site for so many of the town’s infrequent gala affairs, hosted the celebration of Colin and Moira Bradenton’s forty-fourth anniversary.

  “A few more events like this and we’ll be the new Edinburgh, eh Lou?”

  Lucas Morrisey, the pub’s host, grinned while nodding his agreement with Kraven’s prediction. “It’s shaping up to be a fine evenin’, fine evenin’.” He said, patting his protruding belly made more prominent by the snug dinner jacket he sported for the occasion.

  Lucas wasted no time venturing around his host’s podium to pull Darby’s hand through the crook of his arm to lead her to a reserved table. Meanwhile, the pub’s owners Reese and Margret Baird were mingling throughout the growing crowd. Guests spilled out onto the emerald back lawn of the establishment. The night was so pleasant-last minute changes were made to make the celebration an indoor/outdoor event.

  Darby was amazed by how warmly she was greeted by the townspeople. She remarked to Kraven about it when they had a moment alone.

  “It’s no act.” Kraven assured with a smile but didn’t make eye contact when he spoke. “They’re really intrigued.”

  “I can’t imagine why.” She laughed.

  Kraven’s broad shoulders rose in a slight shrug. “They’re all wondering when they’ll see my ring on your finger.”

  Darby’s mouth fell open. There was no sound of course. She could only stare in disbelief, her vivid greens trailing the length of him in the oak jacket he wore with a coordinating crew sweater and trousers. Thankfully, he never looked her way, for she would have certainly wilted. Shortly, she was being hugged by Moira Bradenton who then pulled her off to mingle. It took some doing, but Darby gradually felt like her old self as the evening progressed.


  Much later, she was alone and gazing out in serene wonder over the moonlit back landscape outside the pub. So much for farmer’s hours, the place was still alive with music and laughter. She stiffened then, feeling her throat constrict when large scarred hands appeared on either side of her along the brick fence. She ignored the chill that crept through the silk on satin coral fabric of the flaring wrap dress she wore. Biting her lip, she worked to conjure up a topic which steered clear of their previous conversation.

  “So um, tell me about this fear of yours.” She tried and heard his low chuckle in her ears.

  “My own fault, really,” Kraven began with the laughter still coloring his words. “Out and about along the outskirts of the manor house… I was runnin’ away-got up early, packed clothes, food, set out…”

  “Why were you running away?”

  Behind Darby, Kraven shrugged. “Like every kid, I felt they didn’t understand me. ‘Course, I was only eight and it was for no reason as complex as that. Ma wouldn’t let me go hunting with my Da and uncles that weekend.” His expression sharpened, grown haunting in that moment. “Wasn’t ‘til I was about sixteen that the ‘not understanding me’ part kicked in and I made good on my threat to run.”

  Darby tilted her head when she heard the curse that followed.

  “Worst mistake of my bleedin’ life,” he added.

  Knowing there was a story there; Darby caught the chord in his deep voice that warned her not to probe.

  “So the spiders were there to coax you back home at the tender age of eight?”

  “Ah yes, the spiders,” the infectious rumbling laugh returned. “I stumbled into a ditch, more like a well,” he chuckled again and pressed a thumb to the corner of his eye to dry a tear. “The thing was filled with spiders, must’ve been thousands of ‘em. By the time I’d run back home, most of ‘em had fallen away.”

  Darby had to laugh as she imagined it. “I’m sorry.”

  “Not a problem, it is quite funny.”

  “No, no I am sorry.” Darby shook her head. “You were kind enough not to laugh at me when I told you about my fear.”

  Kraven made her turn and face him then. “Yours is no laughing matter. Don’t you ever make fun of it?”

  Her smile was shaky. “Thanks for not making me feel like I was completely screwed in the head when I told you about it.” She let her gaze fall and focused on the weave of his sweater. “I’ve never told anyone because I knew they’d think I was crazy.”

  Kraven said nothing, only kept his hand curved about her neck while his thumb caressed her cheek.

  Darby swallowed past the lump beginning to block her throat. She didn’t trust herself to lift her stare to his but could almost feel his growing more intense. Her fingers tingled where they rested against his sweater. She pressed her lips together feeling his touch trail her cheek, across her jaw and to the pulse point thundering below her skin.

  “Hey you two, Barrett Richards is about to give us a tune on the pipes!”

  Darby expelled the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. Lucas Morrisey’s interruption was well received.

  Without a word, Kraven offered his arm and they returned to the pub.


  For Darby, the next few days were delightfully non-dramatic and non-erotic for the most part. Of course, the attraction was most definitely simmering now between her and her dark mysterious host.

  She’d never admit it aloud, but in her heart she knew she’d give the man whatever he asked for had he pressed the issue. At any rate, the days following the party had them sharing more about their pasts and their presents.

  Kraven spoke mostly of his present and plans for his family’s land. Darby knew he was trying to make them proud to make up for whatever upsets his past actions may’ve caused. They’d taken to having supper before the fire in the den every evening. There, the conversation flowed as freely as the wine that Kraven revealed came from a vineyard he owned in France. Darby teased that he was a true renaissance man and could tell he experienced a jolt of pride over the title.


  One evening; after yet another incredible firelight meal, they were discussing that vineyard and various interests Kraven held.

  “…I’ve been thinking of scouting some property out in California, but I’ve got a friend out there who owns a successful winery. I don’t care for giving him the competition so I’m happy with the tutelage he offers from time to time.”

  Kraven smirked over the idea and then noticed that Darby wasn’t responding. Leaning close, he studied her face and saw that she’d dozed off.

  Smiling so intensely that his gaze narrowed, he smoothed his fingertips across her brow and tiny nose, and then toyed in the vibrant glossy curls that framed her face.

  Falling for her, aren’t you mate? A silent voice inquired.

  Kraven winced. Hell, he’d already fallen for her…he knew she’d never believe him. He knew it would be because she’d be too afraid to. Shaking away heavy thoughts then, he stood and drained his wine glass.

  With little effort, he reached down and tugged her prone form across his shoulder. With one hand clasped over her jean clad thighs, he used his free hand to grab their empty glasses which he deposited on the bar. From there, he took the stairwell that led from the den to her wing of the house.

  He was shouldering open her bedr
oom door just as she began to stir. She’d awakened fully by the time he lay her down.

  “You fell asleep on my winery story.” He explained while taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

  Her mouth curved down. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It gave me the chance to carry you.” His eyes raked her in one sweeping motion. “I’ve been wondering what it’d feel like to hold you.”

  Unnerved and aroused beyond description, Darby glanced toward her ample bust line. “All this tends to fool people.”

  A helpless look mingled with the jade intensity of his gaze when he followed the path of her own. When the emerald orbs returned to hers, Darby realized it was no time to make remarks-teasing or otherwise- about her well endowed chest.


  “Mmm hmm?” He replied milliseconds before his tongue thrust past her parted lips.

  Shivers struck the length of her entire body and Darby moaned while opening her mouth to allow his tongue more room to explore.

  His groan caught on a whimper as he kissed her raggedly. His hands were clenched in the bed coverings on either side of her, while her hands tentatively spanned and then kneaded the granite slabs of muscle packing his chest.

  She took note of her fingers curling into the fabric of the shirt hanging outside his jeans. She sought to bring him closer. She couldn’t help it and didn’t care. She wanted him so. Eagerly, her tongue dueled with his, her lips suckling his own before she kissed him all over again and reveled in the power she felt when his moans wavered.

  Something snapped inside Kraven and he gave himself a mental kick for taking advantage of her. With some effort-great effort, he forced himself to back off.

  “I’m sorry,” his voice was barely a whisper. He couldn’t ignore the disappointment on her face but wouldn’t allow it to lure him back. He nudged her nose with his, kissed her cheek and dragged himself from the bed.


  Sleep was a long time coming and morning arrived all too soon. As Kraven had done the night before, Darby dragged herself from the bed, ordered herself to dress and go downstairs. She certainly couldn’t hide up there all day. Perhaps she could strike up conversation with the very hospitable staff and avoid talking to Kraven at all.

  Such was not to be for she spotted not one of the efficient workers on her way downstairs-even when she arrived in the kitchen. No one was there…except Kraven.

  In the midst of uncapping a carton of milk, he paused finding her there in the entryway. “There’s breakfast,” he cleared his throat and nodded toward the stove. “Porridge, toast, eggs…”

  “Thanks,” she whispered and set about fixing a plate. She did fine until his cologne drifted beneath her nose. The scent of pine and something else unfamiliar but all too alluring merged in through the aroma of the breakfast.

  The dipping spoon she held fell to the stovetop with a clatter.

  “I um, I’ll take this upstairs.” She said half glancing back at him before grabbing her food and hustling out of the kitchen.


  The remainder of the day was a far cry from any of the others preceding it. The only real conversation occurred amidst the house staff who all wondered at the silence between their employer and his beautiful guest.

  Darby passed on lunch, telling herself it was because she wanted to handle some business with the studio and maybe tour a little more of the castle. Kraven passed on lunch as well, deciding to catch up on work from his study.

  By dusk, the staff had gone. That night’s dinner was prepared and the two remaining souls inside the large house silently admitted they’d had enough of the distance.

  As he’d done each night, Kraven brought dinner and silverware out to the den along with the meal they’d enjoy before the fire. At least, he hoped they’d enjoy it before the fire. He had no idea how to handle things now but thought if Darby would just come down for dinner he’d know where to go from there.

  The smells of another succulent meal filled the air to mingle with that from the flame-filled hearth. Kraven barely acknowledged it. Hands settled deep into his khaki pockets, his gaze was narrowed to slits and pensive as he looked upon the fire.


  Like her host, Darby had hoped they could enjoy supper in the den as usual. She’d paced her bed chamber for over half an hour before tugging a sweater over the snug tank she wore with faded jeans.

  She was already down the back stairwell before she lost her nerve and decided to head back up. The exquisite meal however, tempted her nostrils and beckoned her feet to continue their trek to the den.

  She bit her upper lip at the sight of him there before the fire. Flames danced across his extraordinary features, casting an element to his profile which was a cross between sinful and seductive.

  Watching him standing there, head bowed, hands hidden in his pockets, leaning back on one leg while the other was shifted slightly forward as he stood on his bare feet…his allure called to her. It provoked her like some tangible entity. Her teeth threatened to draw blood from the lip she clenched and she whimpered when some unspeakable emotion caused her stomach to swirl.

  Kraven caught the miniscule sound and his head tilted only slightly. Darby continued to watch him beneath the heavy fringe of her blondish brown lashes as she moved slowly off the last few steps and into the den.

  Kraven set his jaw, his own lashes fluttering as the shameless desire for conquest shot through him like something fiery and driven.

  Knowing she should say something, but having no idea what, Darby chose to focus on what promised to be a heavenly meal. She brushed past him on her way to the plates.

  She never made it to the plates.

  Without turning from the fireplace, Kraven reached back and caught a fistful of her sweater.

  Some surprised, wanton sound lilted from Darby’s throat but it never had the chance to reach full volume before being smothered by the force of his tongue deep in her mouth.

  The kiss was as ragged as it had been the night before. The added intensity harbored on a dangerous determination. Darby knew she would have been more than a little unsettled had she not needed the intensity just as much…


  Kraven dragged the sweater from Darby’s shoulders and she could hear him whispering something as her honey brown skin was bared to his brilliant gaze. After several mind-clouding moments, she realized he was speaking in another language. She didn’t need it translated to know it was something smoothly, sweetly erotic.

  Dinner was forgotten as he pulled her to the fur covered floor before the hearth. Darby felt shivers stab her body as if the blazing fire held no warmth. Her eyes were riveted on Kraven’s darkly magnificent features. His eyes were riveted on the clothing he peeled from her body, first with his fingers and then with his teeth.

  Her lilting cry returned when she felt him at the snap of her jeans.

  “Kraven I-”

  His hands stilled and Kraven conjured a silent prayer that he’d be able to stop if she should ask him to.

  Darby licked her lips and rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “I haven’t been with anyone in a while-quite a while,” she added and was terribly embarrassed by the fact as she always portrayed herself to be a woman with a healthy sex life.

  The now familiar grin curved his mouth. “I’m glad because neither have I.” He almost chuckled at her stunned expression. “I hope this means you won’t notice that I’m terribly out of practice.”

  Laughter rumbled between them low and easy for only a few seconds then seriousness revisited the encounter. Without ceremony, Kraven jerked her out of the jeans and the lacy scrap of material serving as her panties. Only for a moment was she garbed in the snug white tank before he caught her wrist, tugged her up and pulled the cotton garment over her head.

  Again, Kraven was captivated by the effect of the honey gold curls cascading around her face once he’d removed the top. As though a kiss would help him savor more of the affect, he leaned in to cup her fac
e in his big hands.

  Darby trembled when the tip of his tongue outlined the full curve of her mouth. Infrequently, his tongue delved in just slightly to graze her teeth. Darby’s cry that time resembled a yearning moan she was so starved for his kiss.

  Kraven was traveling the slope of her nose with his before teasing her jaw and the length of her neck. Darby reached out seeking his body still hidden beneath the black T-shirt that emphasized the sleek muscles of his biceps and forearms.

  He didn’t want her touching him-not yet. She’d bring an end to things all too soon as badly as he craved her.

  Darby found her wrists trapped in his grasp while she was simultaneously being jerked into another kiss. Sitting without a stitch of clothing before a raging fire and being kissed senseless by a darkly gorgeous Scottish…lord was pretty much more than she could bear. She could feel the pressure building in her thighs and tore her mouth from his.

  “I’m about to come all over your very expensive rug here,” she warned.

  His stare sharpened and the irresistible grin re-emerged. He insinuated a hand between her thighs. “Please do, I’ve got others.” He brushed his thumb across her clit to help her along.

  It didn’t take much more beyond that and Darby was melting back onto the rug while giving into the orgasmic shudders that overwhelmed her.

  Hissing a lurid curse below his breath, Kraven straddled her writhing form and bowed his head to dine on the full rounded perfections that were her breasts. Darby let her fingers get lost in the black wavy mass of his hair and arched to silently beckon his lips, teeth and tongue to a nipple. Her legs were restless and she tried to wrap them around his waist to bring him down.

  He resisted.

  “Please take off your clothes,” she moaned, not caring that she had to beg.

  “Christ, Darby,” he almost sobbed wanting very much to lengthen the moment he’d fantasized about almost from the instant he met her.


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