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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 155

by Altonya Washington

Carmen Ramsey smiled and waved at someone across the aisle. “Baby what is it you want me to say? I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

  Sabella balled a gloved fist. “I’m talking about what I tried talking to you about last night and then again earlier today.” Her wide stare grew wider still as she watched a calm envelope her mother. The affect was almost tangible and it set Belle more on edge than she wanted to acknowledge. “Mama what’s going on?”

  “Baby nothing,” Carmen laughed.

  “Knowing a man like Brogue is never nothing.”

  “Oh you,” Carmen smoothed a hand across the double split lavender skirt Belle wore. “Now that’s Isak talking.”

  Sabella bristled suddenly as though hearing her ex-husband’s name had tapped against something inside her. She cleared her throat, averting her gaze before her mother noticed.

  It was too late, but Carmen said nothing. She was satisfied that her daughter’s mind was too consumed by images of Isak Tesano to question her further about his cousin.

  The distinctive chords of “Here Comes The Bride” began only to merge into an exquisite rendering of DeBarge’s “All This Love.”

  Everyone stood.

  Contessa held onto Moses’ and Yohan’s arms for both support and courage but her brown eyes were locked on Fernando’s translucent ones as he stood there with the reverend at the end of the aisle.

  In his expression, County found all the support, courage and strength she knew she’d ever need.

  Michaela completed her march as Matron of Honor. She turned to take her place and gave her best friend a happy smile of encouragement. Moses and Yohan each kissed County’s hand before applying the same treat to her cheek. Then, they assumed their second roles as the groom’s best men. They clapped Fernando’s shoulder, hugged him and turned him toward his fiancée.


  Everyone took their seats and the ceremony began. The Reverend Gregor Sims’ words were passionate and persuasive. The vows spoken between the bride and groom; however, were what brought tears to several pairs of eyes.

  “Contessa,” Fernando began and cleared his throat on the swell of emotion that had found its way there. “I adore you.” His gaze crinkled when it met hers. “I desire you, I love you and I vow to treasure you- each day as my equal, my partner, my lover and my very best friend. I vow to never let you forget that I’m here to add strength to your strength, passion to your passion…temper to your temper.”

  The last drew soft chuckling from the audience.

  Fernando cleared his throat again. “I’m yours. Forever. Forever. I love you.”

  County blinked several times to dash away the tears blurring her vision.

  “Ramsey,” she smiled shyly. “Fernando. I love you. In that love I find no need for masks, no need for fear, no need for uncertainty. I trust in your love and in your strength. I vow to love you through whatever challenges may await us. I vow to love you through every disagreement.” She laughed when he winked. “I vow to love you through every triumph. I’m yours forever and forever I love you.”

  “Amen,” Reverend Sims said once the rings were exchanged. “By the power vested in me by the State of Illinois, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  A wave of cheers, laughter and applause practically drowned out the reverend’s instruction to Fernando to kiss his bride.


  Following the toasts, first dance and cutting of the cake, it was time for the removal of the groom’s cummerbund and the bride’s garter.

  County performed her duty demurely and was seated with her heart pounding as her husband eased down the garter with a seductive slowness.

  “Hurry up, will you?” She hissed while trying to maintain her sweet smile.

  Fernando’s grin was purely wicked. “You know I want to be removing more than this damn garter.”

  “This is a family event,” she reminded him even as a tiny needy sound curled in the back of her throat when his fingers ventured beyond the garter. “What would your Aunt Georgia say?”

  Laughing then, Fernando finished with the garter and stood to toss the garment round his index finger. He whirled it toward the crowd of cheering men and then turned to swing County up against his chest.

  “Let’s find out.” He said.


  Quay took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter while he and Tykira danced. He tilted the glass toward Ty to offer her a swallow and then drank deeply when she shook her head.

  Instead, Ty cuddled closer to her husband. She wedged her face into the crook of his neck, bared by the open shirt collar when he’d undone his bowtie.

  “We won’t be here long if you keep that up.” Quay warned.

  “Sorry, I just feel so good.” She breathed in his scent as a contented smile curved her mouth. “Guess it’s just the happiness of the day.”

  Quay locked his arms about her waist and let the champagne flute dangle at the small of her back. “You do look more calmed down,” he noted when he leaned back to observe her lovely molasses-dark face. “Did you finish all your projects?”

  “They were really weighing on me.” She nodded.

  “I could tell.” He pushed at the long spiral curl dangling from her chignon. “I didn’t like it. I don’t want you working so hard if it’s gonna wear you down that way.”

  “You’re sweet.” She kissed his cheek and then brushed the back of her hand across the flawless surface. “But work isn’t totally to blame. I just wanted to settle those projects while I could. My doctor said I probably won’t feel like lifting my head off the pillow in the next few weeks.”

  Quay took another swallow of champagne before her words caused him to frown. “Your doctor?”

  “We took so long to find the right time, the right time found us.” She shrugged.

  Quay lightly necklaced his free hand around the base of her throat. “What are you trying to tell me?”

  “You’re gonna be a dad again.” Ty bit her lip and waited on his reaction.

  He leaned forward then as though he’d lost strength to stand.

  Ty smiled but pretended not to notice. “You’re gonna have to wait a little longer for this one to come than the twins.”

  Dazedly, Quay set a hand to her tummy and then looked up suddenly before leaning in to ply her with the deepest kiss.


  Quest and Mick were laughing like two kids while watching Quincee pull herself up to stand next to the sectional sofa that filled a corner of the den.

  Quincee’s curls bobbed over her head and her dimpled smile emerged as if she knew she’d done something incredible. Gray eyes wide, she began to move on tentative steps; making her way round the angle of the sofa, toward her parents.

  “Incredible,” Quest sighed. He pulled his little girl into his arms when she crawled the last few inches separating them. “Do you know how incredible you are?” He whispered and kissed her tiny nose.

  Laughing gleefully, Quincee held her dad’s face; as best she could between her tiny palms, and planted a more suitable kiss to his mouth.

  Mick’s eyes sparkled with happy tears as she took in the scene before leaning over to kiss the back of her baby’s head. Sitting back, she studied the room they shared.

  “House will be listed next week.” She said.

  “Having second thoughts?” He asked and reached over to pull her close to him and Quincee.

  “No,” Mick shook her head against his shoulder. “No I’m good with it. I know Driggers would be happy, because I’m happy.” She raked fingers through Quinn’s curls. “So very happy,” she looked up at Quest then and they shared a kiss before breaking away to tickle and hug their child.


  Taurus, Kraven, Carlos, Moses and Yohan were enjoying drinks and idle conversation while lounging on the sun drenched patio that overlooked the area where the wedding had taken place. They’d been out there little over half an hour when their wives joined them. For a time, the group enjoyed the e
ase of the afternoon.

  “What are our chances of staying this way?” Dena winced when she heard the words leaving her tongue. “Sorry,” she whispered as Carlos settled her more snug against him.

  “No need, love,” Kraven’s grin was melancholy as he toyed with Darby’s hair. “I’ve been wondering the same.”

  Taurus grimaced while fiddling with the chiffon hem of Nile’s dress. “Whatever affects the Tesanos is gonna affect us in some way as long as Belle, Sabra and Bill are part of the picture.”

  “Do you think they need protection?” Johari asked from her curled position against Moses.

  “Guys I think we’re all getting ahead of ourselves here.” Melina was saying as Yohan pulled her off the arm of the chair and into his lap.

  “I agree.” Nile traced Taurus’ hand where it lay on her knee. “From what I understand things have pretty much fizzled with those relationships.” She shrugged uncertainly. “Maybe they’ll remain that way.”

  “Maybe,” Darby breathed, resting her head back on Kraven’s shoulder while sandwiching one of his hands between both of hers. “Still…folks often get drawn into things they’ve got no clue about or expect.”

  “And I think we’re worrying over a bunch of nothin’ right now.” Moses spoke up. “One thing about our three cousins is that they’ve learned the hard way how to take care of themselves.”

  “Damn right.” Yohan’s baritone rumbled. “Heaven help any Tesano who don’t think twice about steppin’ into the ring with them.”

  The notion brought smiles to everyone’s faces. Moments later, they all raised their glasses in silent toasts.


  “Stop!” County hissed and popped Fernando’s roaming hands. “Everyone’s gonna know what we’ve been up to.”

  “Well hell yeah, if Aunt Georgie’s still around.” Fernando turned County to face him when she laughed. “Are you ready?”

  “Very.” Her voice reflected her happiness.

  Fernando tilted up her chin and began to nuzzle the curve of her jaw. “Think you can handle having me for a husband? I’m a pretty demanding guy, you know?”

  “I can handle you.” County linked her arms about his neck.

  Fernando drew her into a crushing embrace. “I love you.” He sighed.

  “I love you.” She sighed back.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he growled against her mouth.


  Contessa conducted her final bridal duty of the day. Calling all single ladies young and young at heart to the floor, she prepared to toss the bouquet. Cheers and mounds of surprised laughter filled the air when Carmen caught the arrangement of scented flowers.

  “Too much!” County cried when she and Fernando raced down the porch steps amidst flurries of pink, yellow and white confetti towards a gleaming white motorcycle that waited.

  “You’re a crazy man!” She told her husband when he lifted her onto the back of the vehicle.

  She set her chin to his shoulder once he’d settled in before her. “Another trip to the desert, Ramsey?”

  Fernando turned and kissed his wife’s cheek. “If you like,” he murmured into her skin.

  County banded her arms about his waist and squeezed. “As long as we’re together.”

  He took her hand and planted a hard kiss to her palm. “Always love, always.”

  The motorcycle roared to life and Mr. and Mrs. Fernando and Contessa Ramsey zoomed off amidst roars of laughter and best wishes.

  This Ends A Ramsey Wedding

  And Now:

  Book of Scandal: The Ramsey Elders






  Seattle, Washington 1958…

  “Are there any black people out here, Pop?” Westin Ramsey realized he had been paying relatively little attention during the drive he and his father made from their hotel to the vast expanse of land he now stared at past the windshield.

  Quentin Ramsey’s contagious laughter bellowed as he stepped from the dark blue Ford Coupe.

  Westin shut down the ignition and Little Richard’s Good Golly Miss Molly silenced in mid-chord. West left the car and then sprinted to catch up with his dad.

  “Sure there are,” Quentin pulled his eldest son into a hug before spreading a hand out before them. “But the fewer the better- for now anyway,” his glinting dark stare glinted anew in the wake of hope.

  “It’ll give us the chance to make a statement and stand out while we’re making it.”

  “But why Seattle, Pop?” Westin stroked his square jaw while skepticism; instead of hope filled his dark eyes.

  “Because it’s not Savannah. It’s far away from Savannah.”

  Westin let his father walk on ahead before catching up and blocking his path. “Tell me what’s wrong, Pop.”

  Quent stared past his son’s broad shoulders to the flat never-ending scope of land which would mark Ramsey Industries’ future offices.

  “I want you to carry us to that next level, West.” Quent clapped the young man’s shoulder as they fell in step again. “We’re doing fine now but I want us to be more- a force. Not just in Georgia but all over- among black names and white.” He gave a squeeze to the back of Westin’s neck. “You’re twenty-four now and soon it’ll be time for you to take over completely.”

  Westin winced. The particular train of conversation never failed to unsettle him. “Pop-”

  “It’ll be time for you to implement whatever vision you see for Ramsey.” Quentin went on before some unreadable emotion shadowed his caramel-toned face. “I apologize son for not doing more to push the company along.”

  Speechless then, Westin could only watch his father with a mix of incredulous disbelief and awe. “Poppa where would you like me to start? Pushing the company along? Have you forgotten what we are in the steel business? Transportation? What about putting all those black lawyers to work in the legal division?” West laughed shortly while pushing a hand across the natural close cut waves covering his head. “Pop if that’s what you call not doing enough to push the company along, then I’ll have to work from my grave to surpass you.”

  Quent’s laughter mingled with his son’s. “Guess I have done some good. The legal division… remember the jaws that dropped over that?”

  “You bet I do.” West snapped his fingers. “What about the carpentry and remodeling divisions- prime work we’ve done on homes for black and white residents.”

  “You really know how to make an old man feel proud of himself, boy.”

  Westin squeezed his father’s arm to keep him from walking on. “I don’t ever want you to put down where you’ve taken us, Pop.”

  “I feel good knowing you’ll be here to run things.” Quent pulled Westin into a hug. “Then there’s Damon once he’s old enough.”

  Westin had to laugh when he and his father broke the hug. “Damon, Pop? The kid’s only fourteen and no way is he gonna get his chance before Marc and Houston demand theirs.”

  “Marcus and Houston will never run Ramsey.”

  Westin would have laughed again. He dared not upon seeing the dead seriousness shadowing Quentin’s face.

  “Never.” Quentin stressed. “I expect you to uphold that, West.”

  “Pop…why, Pop?”

  “Corrupt.” Quentin answered without hesitation in reference to his second and third oldest sons. “Both rotten to the core and I’ve always known it.” He massaged hand over fist and grimaced. “They’ll ruin this family one day if I don’t make plans to unsettle things a bit.”


  Quentin shook his head and began to walk again. “Steel, transportation, carpentry… they’re key producing ends for Ramsey but in the future it’ll be about brains and power and who’s got the smarts to organize and streamline those key producing ends.” Pushing hands into the side pockets of his pin-striped trousers, Quentin inhaled the crisp air.

; “Black folks have a firm handle on the manual portion of things but we need a mastery of the intellectual side as well.” The shadowed look returned to Quent’s handsome face. “Your younger brothers know this. They know it all too well. They’re two of the smartest men I’ve ever met. They’re also two of the most evil.”

  “Pop-” West was again interrupted by his father and was starting to feel like a scratched 45 by then.

  Quentin however had raised his hand for silence. “They’re my sons and I know. A father knows. There’s something… dead inside Marcus. It’s been there from the time he learned to reason…” Again, Quent shook his head as though regretting such ideas could fester about his own child. “Promise me West; promise to bring your mother, sisters and Damon out here.”

  “And Houston, Poppa?”

  “Lost.” Quentin used a handkerchief to mop his brow. “He’s weak. Weak enough to be led right along behind Marc.”

  Westin’s smile took effort, but he managed one. “Pop, do you hear yourself? You’re talkin’ about boys- your own sons like they’re men already.”

  “I’ve got plans for Ramsey, boy.” Quent began walking again. “I don’t just want to earn money; I want to grow it- to grow wealth, power, privilege, respect…”

  “But we’ve got all that, Pop.”

  “Among our people- yes. I want more.” He slid a smug look toward his son. “I want us known- on grand scale and for that to happen it’ll take men with values, morals and the ability to stand up under the pressures that’ll surely rain down.” Quentin extended a hand. “You up to the task, boy?”

  Westin’s grin illuminated his dark handsome face. He nodded and accepted the hand his father offered before they fell into another hug.



  Savannah, Georgia 1959…

  She’d known it was wrong. The first time she stayed she’d known it was wrong. She worked for them- that was as far as it should have gone. It was the promise of all those fine things- the fine dresses. The latest styles from all over the country, all over the world… The Ramsey girls had everything they could possibly want and all they had to do was be born into it.


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