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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 176

by Altonya Washington

  “Really?” Briselle smirked, brushing a tear from Georgia’s cheek.

  “Shit.” Georgia flattened both hands to her face and smeared away the remaining moisture. “When a woman’s weak in love she’s about as much good as a used trash bag.”


  “Hell, it’s true.” Georgia left the sofa. “It’s dangerous for a woman to be so far gone over any man. I grew up in a family of four boys and I watched every one of ‘em including your Westin, treat girls like they were dirt.” She shrugged. “I admit West’s made a lot of improvement but I give you all the credit for that.” She waved toward Bri. “Damon’s a sneaky devil too, but he’s good at the core. I think the right one’ll whip him into shape when he meets her.” She smoothed hands across her robe’s sleeves as if chilled. “Marcus and Houston are destined to be monsters in love and life. I pity Josephine and whoever claims Houston as her lawful wedded.”

  “But honey, Felix’s not like either of them.” Briselle turned on the table to watch Georgia pace the small elegantly furnished room.

  “It’s not about Felix. It’s about me and feeling like I’m not in control.” She smirked. “Trust me, I feel like that enough when I’m in bed with the Negro.”

  “Are you saying you’re afraid he’ll hurt you if you lose control with him?”

  “There’s a place somewhere inside me that doesn’t feel that way.” Georgia puffed out her cheeks and mulled over the statement as she paced. “I know that place is somewhere inside me, but I’ve got no idea where it is. Dammit Bri,” she bowed her head as the pressure of tears returned. “Why can’t I just trust it? Why can’t I trust him? What’s wrong with me that I can’t trust the man I love?”

  “Oh honey,” Briselle left the coffee table and went to pull Georgia close.


  Carmen’s light eyes were wide when she stepped into Jasper’s Decatur apartment. The place was far nicer than he’d led her to believe.

  Jasper was quiet, lingering behind while Carmen strolled the apartment. Whether Jasper was aware of it or not, the place was a compliment to his personality and all he’d become over the years removed from Georgia. Though sparsely furnished, there was a warmth stemming from the artwork and masks he’d collected. Carmen spent more than a few moments observing the handcrafted wooden shelving that held several pictures of friends and scenery from Vietnam.

  She could feel his warm browns on her then and straightened from the shelf. “So are we still gonna see ‘To Sir With Love’?”

  “Um,” Jasper changed his mind about lingering behind then and slowly crossed the distance separating him from Carmen. “I was thinking we could stay in.” He left only a few inches between them and shrugged. “If you don’t mind?”

  Something in his voice and swagger sent Carmen’s heart to thudding a bit harder. “I um…no, no I don’t mind.” She pressed her lips together and glanced around the small room. “Are we gonna watch television?”


  The thud became a throb in her throat. “What um…” she tried to swallow around the lump there when his body nudged hers. “What are we gonna do?”

  His deep stare narrowed when he smiled. “May I show you?”

  There were no words to be spoken then. She could barely nod and hoped that was enough of an answer. Adorably, Jasper bit his lip and his gaze lowered to the neckline of the snug mushroom colored sweater Carmen wore. For several seconds, he simply brushed his thumb across her collarbone as though he were mesmerized by the look and feel of her there. The simple touch was potent enough though to render Carmen impatient for more.

  Posting up on the toes of her wedge-heeled Hushpuppies, she nudged his jaw with the end of her nose loving the faint but incredible scent of his aftershave. Gradually, Jasper’s fingers drifted from her collarbone to the buttons securing the sweater.

  Carmen forbid herself to ask that he hurry. She’d waited so long and knew the important moment shouldn’t be rushed. Unfortunately, that was difficult to take heed of just then. To hell with not rushing, she told herself. She at least had to kiss him.

  Jasper moaned his surprise when her tongue thrust heavily against his. His fingers weakened on the buttons of her sweater- this kiss had his total attention. He became thoroughly absorbed in it and took command of the act then probing his tongue deep and lustily.

  It was Carmen who removed her sweater and tugged Jasper’s hands from her face to cup them on her breasts. She almost slid down the length of his body when his thumbs worked the nipples into firm peaks. The floor disappeared from beneath her feet then and she realized he was carrying her further into the apartment.

  She felt softness cushion her back and her body trembled at the realization of being in his bed. Her thighs began an uncontrollable quiver when he tugged at the waistband of the brown plaid skirt she wore. In seconds, the garment along with her tights and panties were gone- she was nude beneath him.

  “Jasper I…”

  It took him sometime to drag his eyes away from her body. How long had he fantasized over what she’d look like? Finally he brought his gaze to hers.

  “What?” His mouth smoothed across her heaving bosom.

  “I haven’t,” her lashes fluttered and she cried out once his lips closed over a nipple as his fingers manipulated the other. “I’ve never…”

  He smiled and moved up to kiss her earlobe. “I know,” he whispered before resuming his task at her breasts.

  Content and powerfully aroused, Carmen settled deep into the now tangled bed coverings and let him take charge. She raked her nails through his short, soft hair and arched instinctively when he suckled her ever firming nipples. She hardly noticed he’d removed his shirt and trousers until his hard chiseled form rested flush against her.

  Jasper worshipped the rich creamy caramel length of her voluptuous frame. His mouth was everywhere kissing, stroking…there was so much he wanted to introduce her to. Just then though, he could think of nothing other than taking her and being taken in return.

  “Look at me Carm,” he waited for her lashes to flutter open and then he kissed the corner of her mouth. “You may not enjoy this part.”

  Before she could question the comment, Jasper hooked her thigh across his hip and lunged forward to bury his sex to the hilt inside her. Carmen cried out once, her nails curving into the taunt skin of his shoulders. Before her mind could fully settle on the pain, the most awesome sensation filtered through it. The cries on her tongue mellowed into moans. She cupped Jasper’s butt which rotated in a sultry, lust driven fashion. Moments later, Carmen was mimicking the rhythm instinctively.

  “I thought you said I wouldn’t like this part?” She gasped, squeezing his rear to drive him deeper.

  Jasper’s laughter rumbled softly and mingled with his groans of satisfaction.


  Houston dropped Catrina’s hand otherwise he would have crushed it when they arrived for dinner to meet his family. It was then, that Houston discovered his mother had also invited another of his…close friends.

  Daphne had always held a keen interest in keeping up appearances and in what others thought of her. That night, those interests took a backseat along with everything else as she stood there being introduced to her man, his family and his girlfriend. Her mind teemed with questions which were answered in a few sentences: Catrina Jeffries was the daughter of two respected entrepreneurs. She was educated. She was beautiful and everything a Ramsey bride should be.

  To make matters worse, Carmen Ramsey arrived soon after along with the man in her life- Jasper Stone. When Daphne discovered Carmen and Catrina were dear friends- could the evening get any worse? In a word, yes. She’d never felt more like trash when she resumed eye contact with Houston.

  Well…she’d resumed eye contact. Houston, on the other hand, tried to do everything but look her way. At any rate, there wasn’t much time left for mingling once introductions were made. The group sat down to a feast. Daphne ate with gusto to douse the s
ob in her throat.


  A lively conversation enhanced the meal. Jasper held the diners entranced by his stories of being a soldier on tour in Vietnam. Even Marcus seemed enthralled by the stories, though he stayed true to form when he thanked God that the government hadn’t honed in on any of the Ramseys to serve.

  Laughter continued and then it was time for an array of sinful desserts. Catrina was thrilled that the evening was almost at its end, but happier still that it’d been a good evening. Things only got better when she saw her favorite chocolate cream pie on the dessert cart.

  “Houston told me it was your favorite, honey.” Marcella told Catrina having noticed the awed expression on her face.

  No one other than Houston and Carmen noticed the deadly look Daphne flashed Houston’s way.

  Catrina didn’t notice a thing. Her lashes fluttered close on her first bite of the decadent pie. She savored the taste and quickly prepared for more.

  “Sorry I’m late everybody.” Damon was unbuttoning his hunter green suit coat while pulling out the only vacant chair at the table. “Good to see you Jas.” He reached across the table to shake hands with Jasper and locked gaze with Catrina. “Hello.” He said.

  Catrina felt the chocolate sour on her tongue. She pulled her stare away from Damon’s striking dimpled smile and fixed Carmen with a drowning look.

  “Thought you were always on time, D?” Houston made the snide remark once introductions were made.

  Damon shrugged and pulled the pie plate down the table. “I’ll just have some of this.” Again, he captured Catrina in his bottomless stare. “Is it as good as it looks?”

  Catrina’s hand weakened and she felt every bit the uncertain little girl, barely capable of a nod. “It’s very good.” She managed.

  “Well let’s get out of here and have dessert in the living room.” Marc suggested, and was soon standing with his plate in hand.

  Marcella was already waving toward the two maids who were entering the dining room then. “We’ll finish dessert in the living room and bring out some hot tea and coffee.”

  Thankful for the commotion of everyone heading for another part of the house, Catrina made her escape. She hurried in the opposite direction searching for the first dark room she could locate.

  She found one a brief distance from the dining room, leaned against the door when she pushed it shut behind her and prayed for the strength to breathe. She doubled over instead, hair falling into her face while she wrapped her arms about her waist.

  All sorts of questions raced her mind- all sorts of criticisms. First, she called herself a fool for not suspecting- never suspecting. But how could she? He’d been so slick about it all… damn him. She thought she was too smart to be made a fool of and all along he’d been playing her for the biggest fool of all.

  Damon found her some five minutes later. The second he touched her shoulder, she turned and slapped him full across his face.

  He barely flinched. “I’m sorry.”

  “What for exactly?” She shook hair from her face and let him view the full extent of fury in her eyes. “Well? What? For lying to me? Playing me for an idiot? Thinking I was a gold digger?” She tilted her head and took a step closer. “I mean, that is why you didn’t want me to know your last name, isn’t it? I might’ve done something to trick you into marrying me- that’s how it works, isn’t it?”


  She slapped him again. “Lying sack of horseshit!” She hissed and shoved him. “Get the hell out of my way!”

  Damon wouldn’t budge. Instead, he grabbed her tight, yet massaged her upper arms through the cottony fabric of her mauve dress. She tried to wrench free and he tightened his hold.

  “It wasn’t like that,” he whispered against her cheek.

  “Let go of me.”

  His mouth was on hers then and he was backing her against the closest wall. The kiss was deep, hard and she responded. She had no choice. Her body wanted this and her body was telling her mind to go to hell. She could’ve broken loose when his hold eased and his hand lightly trailed her back. She moaned, eagerly dueling with his tongue and adoring the helpless whimpers he uttered in response.

  “I love you,” he groaned during the kiss and then he was burying his face into her neck. “I think I loved you almost from the first time I saw you.” He looked at her then. “I had my reasons for not telling you but they had nothing to do with what you’re thinking.”

  “I don’t want to hear it,” the explanation only stoked more of her anger.

  Damon bowed his head feeling his jaw clench as his temper heated as well. He had no one to blame for the mess but himself. She didn’t trust him now and there was nothing he could think of to change that.

  “Come with me,” he didn’t mind begging when she twisted to get away from him again. “Please just let me talk to you.” He nuzzled her ear, kissed her cheek and could feel her melting.

  They were both so absorbed in one another; neither noticed they were being watched.

  Daphne’s light eyes narrowed in a mix of surprise and confusion. What was going on? They’d acted like strangers earlier and clearly they were anything but. They were playing Houston for a fool and part of her was angry enough with him to let them get away with it. He deserved it for the way he’d misled her.

  A small voice mentioned that he’d not really done that. After all, their relationship had started off as sexual and had continued that way. In spite of the things he’d confessed when they lounged during the afterglow of lovemaking; he saw her as nothing more than his slut. Babydoll Monfrey’s best pupil. This was something her mother hadn’t prepared her for- the possibility that sex might not pave the way to a man’s heart.

  Then what was the answer? Wait for Catrina’s and Damon’s playing around to be revealed? Or reveal it for them?

  There was no time to mull over the answer. Carmen stood down the hall and Daphne made a dash in the opposite direction. She hadn’t moved so quickly that Carmen hadn’t spotted her though.

  Everyone was wondering where Catrina and Damon were. Under the circumstances, Carmen felt it best if she were the one to track them down. Her steps slowed when she saw Daphne peering around into the smoking room. Her steps quickened at Daphne’s mad dash and a fist clenched when Carmen saw what held the girl’s fascination. She cleared her throat and the scene dispersed.

  “Everyone’s waiting in the living room.” Carmen said.

  Unusually subdued, Damon only nodded in the general direction of his sister’s voice. “I’ll call you.” He told Catrina and suppressed a sigh when she rolled her eyes and turned away.

  Carmen waited when her brother had left the room. “Catrina…I’m so sorry-”

  “I thought we were friends, Carmen?” Catrina’s voice sounded hollow in the dark room.

  It chilled Carmen and she smoothed hands across the sleeves of her crimson sweater vest. “We are friends.”

  Catrina shook her head. “Did you really think I’d do your brother foul once I discovered he was a Ramsey?”

  “No Catrina no.” Carmen rushed to her friend and forced her to turn. “It was never like that. You don’t know the half of it.”

  “You’re so right.” Catrina punched a cushion when she walked past the sofa. “Even when I saw him at Marcus and Josephine’s party I didn’t think- never put it together…”

  “Honey why would you?” Carmen moved close again and caught Catrina’s waist to stop her from moving farther. She smiled and shook her head. “This won’t make you feel any better, but where Damon’s concerned things always have a way of working out in his favor- it’s why

  Houston hates him so. In this family, everything’s a call for congress especially regarding intimate relationships.” She pulled Catrina to sit with her on the sofa.

  “My brothers have been burned a lot and it’s turned them hard, guarded…they’ll do most anything to protect themselves from that. Damon liked you from the first- all those years ago, girl
. That’s the truth, I swear it. I think he just wanted to enjoy being with you without all the drama being a Ramsey brings into everything. I’m so sorry for the part I played in it,” the ponytail curls slapped her cheeks when she shook her head. “I pray you can forgive me Catrina. I don’t have any girlfriends and I truly don’t want to lose you over this.”

  “Carmen…” Catrina blinked tears from her lashes and pulled her friend close.

  The young women were still hugging when Houston knocked on the doorjamb.

  “I should be getting home Houston.” Catrina wouldn’t look his way as she stood.

  “But everybody’s still in the living room. I don’t think they’re done trying to find out everything about you.” He tried to tease.


  “There was a call from her folks when I left the living room to find her.” Carmen squeezed Catrina’s shoulder. “They need her back home.”

  “Everything okay?” Houston came over to squeeze Catrina’s hands.

  She nodded, still unable to maintain eye contact with him. “I just need to get back,” she whispered.

  “Sure thing,” he pulled her hand through the crook of his arm.

  Catrina looked back at Carmen just before rounding the corner with Houston. “I’ll call,” she promised.


  Arriving at work on Monday morning to an office full of problems was the last thing Damon felt like dealing with. As he’d had the grand idea to begin Ramsey’s troubleshooting department, he supposed he had no room to complain.

  It took less than ten minutes for him to realize the problems were pretty much related. They’d come from varying departments but the problem was along the same general line. Employees all over Ramsey wanted to know why the benefits they depending on to supplement their family’s health care needs or their own retirement expectations had suddenly been cut.

  “Alright everybody let’s settle down here. This is gonna be one hell of a morning.” Damon spoke to his team while frowning over the folder one of the assistants had passed him.


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