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The Ramseys Boxed Set

Page 178

by Altonya Washington

  “Fuck.” Damon’s fists clenched as he stared down his brother, “there gonna be a trial?”

  “It’s sticky- Houston being a Ramsey and all.”

  “What the hell’s sticky about it? He did it. That girl’s a mess and he needs to pay.”

  “Why don’t you try remembering you’re talkin’ about your own brother?” Marc called.

  “I don’t give a damn about my own brother if it’s at the expense of a raped and beaten girl.” Damon slid his gaze toward Houston. “What the fuck were you thinkin’? That child’s father has every right to want your head on a plate and I sure as hell wouldn’t mind helpin’ to serve it up.”

  “His head on a plate could be substituted.”

  Marc smiled. “You see a way out of this, J?”

  Jeff massaged his neck and moved from Damon’s side. “The father’s willing to accept money for… his daughter’s suffering.”

  “Jesus…” Damon breathed.

  “See how nice it is to have money, D?” Marc chided, ignoring the foul look his brother shot him.

  “I’m all for seein’ this fool in jail, but it’ll have to wait until after a trial I guess.” Damon posed his words to Jeff. “In the meantime, this jackass is damn well out of Ramsey.”

  “You can’t do that!” Houston cried.

  “No, he can’t,” Marc folded his arms across his suit coat. “You got no authority to do that, D.”

  Damon shrugged. “No, I don’t. But West does.”

  Marcus rushed after Damon, catching his arm before he cleared the arched doorway to the judge’s corridor. “You know that’s not a good idea. Have you thought about what kicking him out of the company would look like publicly?”

  “Well I don’t know Marc.” Damon tugged his arm free of his brother’s grasp. “I’m thinking raping and beating a girl already has him looking pretty fucked up- publicly.” He spared Houston a sneer and continued on his way down the hall.

  “Pop wouldn’t want this to ruin the business, D.”

  Damon’s broad shoulders stiffened. In seconds, his steps slowed and then halted all together.

  Marc smiled and strolled over. “It was important for him to keep the family looking good. Let Hous pay off the girl’s folks. Give him the same chance you gave me.” He spoke the last softer in Damon’s ear.

  Grinding down hard on his jaw, Damon felt so incensed he could scarcely keep his eyes open. Long lashes settled down over his gaze which had impossibly turned a deeper shade of black.

  The decision was made of course. After all, hadn’t he promised his father to do whatever it took to keep the family above scandal?


  “He fires every last one of those kids and hires adults.” Damon spat, keeping his back turned. “More men than women. A cash payment to that family out of his own pocket and in the high five figures. If they want more, he’ll fuckin’ well give it or he’ll rot. I’ll make it my mission to see that he does.” He continued on down the hall then, leaving his brothers and Jeff Carnes staring open-mouthed in his wake.


  Marcella Ramsey finally agreed to the birthday luncheon her family seemed obsessed with giving. Many of her friends attended and; to Marcella’s own surprise, she had more fun than she’d expected.

  Westin and Briselle even made a special trip out for the event. Georgia joined the festivities as well.

  In addition to family and Marcella’s older friends, Daphne and Jasper had also been invited. It was clear to most everyone there that the handsome soldier was thoroughly smitten by the youngest Ramsey. No surprise there; Carmen kept her hands wrapped around Jasper’s arm and consistently gaze up adoringly at him.

  Daphne Monfrey, on the other hand, wasn’t quite so moonstruck. Her man had yet to make an appearance at his mother’s birthday party. She’d stolen a moment to ask Marcella about his absence and was told that he hadn’t been feeling well for several days. She debated on going to see him. They hadn’t spoken since the dinner where he’d arrived with another girl on his arm. Daphne was still weighing her options when she overheard Jasper Stone inquiring of Houston as well.

  “Man’s been workin’ hard. Just takin’ some time for himself.” The explanation was fast and flimsy. Marc was far more interested in observing his sister and her beau.

  He sported a wolfish grin and Carmen wondered if Jasper noticed. She prayed not, but couldn’t stop squeezing Jasper’s hand until Marc excused himself. She gave a start when he suddenly pulled himself free and leaned down to look directly into her eyes.

  “Are you afraid of him, Carm?” His mouth thinned to a grim line. The answer was obvious. Her increased trembling and unsettled gaze confirmed it adequately.

  All explanations and conversations were stifled between everyone when one of the housemaids burst past the screened back porch enclosure. Fredrina Scales rushed over to Westin and Damon. Whatever she said had both men hurriedly kissing their mother and then rounding up all guests who worked for Ramsey.

  “Freddie?” Marcella waved over the maid and clutched her arm. “What is it?”

  “An accident Miss Marcy. Somebody’s dead.”


  Much of the farm machinery Ramsey produced came out of the South End yard. Foreman Boyd Henries stood with a grim look shadowing his usually kind face.

  His back stiffened and the grim look took on a darker sheen when he spotted three of Quentin Ramsey’s four sons headed his way.

  “Give us a run down, Boyd.” Westin asked while handshakes went round.

  “Run down is ‘zactly what it was, West. We make so much of our own machinery- maybe this’ll get us to makin’ all of it.” Boyd mopped his neck with the handkerchief always perched in the back pocket of his wash worn work pants. “One of the cranes just- just snapped. Like a damn twig…dropped a bin of scrap metal on a group of workers below…” Boyd mopped his neck again. “Injured three and one- Garret Lucas was killed on impact.”

  “Is that normal, Boyd? For a crane to just snap like that? Do you think it could’ve been overloaded?” Damon asked.

  Boyd was already shaking his head. “The thing was no where near capacity and no- it ain’t normal.”

  “What about the crane operator? What’s his story?” West’s voice was dangerously hollow as he surveyed the wreckage in the distance.

  “I’ve worked with Pat Thomlinson seven years. I’d vouch for him to anyone who asks. He’s one of the best- if not the best.” Boyd punched his fist to palm. “That’s the reason why it was Pat workin’ the crane. It bein’ a new toy and all…only right Pat have first dibs operatin’ our best equipment. The way that crane just snapped though…”

  “Boyd?” Westin prompted.

  “I don’t want to speak out of my place, West.” Boyd’s grim look had mellowed into an uncertain one.

  “That could never happen, Boyd.” West stepped closer to squeeze the man’s shoulder. “You been here since my dad started Ramsey. I’d be very disappointed if you didn’t say exactly what was on your mind.”

  Boyd winced while stroking the salt and pepper stubble on his chin. “The way that thing snapped West…it was like the thing wasn’t new at all. Pat said it himself.”

  While Westin pondered Boyd Henries’ suspicions, Damon’s gaze had already slid toward Marcus; who had been abnormally silent since they’d all left the party. Eventually, Marc felt the weight of his brother’s glare and met it.

  “What did you do?” Damon hissed.

  “We’re gonna have to get the investigators out here.” West was saying, shoving hands into his jean pockets as he walked over to his brothers. “What a damn mess. What?” He quickly tuned into the sourness between the two men.

  “Why don’t you tell us where you got all our new equipment?” Damon almost growled.

  Westin’s confusion cleared. “Muthafucka,” he whispered seconds before landing a blinding punch to Marc’s jaw.


  Word of the deadly accident spread fast th
roughout the Ramsey organization. There was no need for rumor embellishment since the truth was so much juicier. Damon put to work every resource in the oversight department. He wanted Marcus gone and was obsessed with finding the necessary information to make it happen. The fact that Marc purchased the shoddy equipment wasn’t enough. He could easily claim he had no idea it was defective. What Damon needed was to find someone to confirm that Marcus Ramsey knew all too well what he was buying.


  Marcus waited outside the boardroom, hoping for a chance to speak with Damon. His younger brother’s quiet mood had him on edge to say the least. When he’d learned that it was Damon who’d called a sudden meeting with Westin and Jeff Carnes, his paranoia went into overdrive. He kept expecting to see Charlton Browning pop up from somewhere. No way was Damon digging him up though. His globetrotting friend was probably not even in the country.

  “Westin, Marcus Ramsey, Jeff Carnes, I’d like you all to meet Mr. Leland Shayne. Mr. Shayne’s a former equipment inspector.”

  Marcus looked ill and didn’t mind if it showed. Damon had produced someone better than Charlton. Leland Shayne’s coerced signature was on every document for the shoddy property.

  West had already taken note of Marcus’ reaction. “Have a seat and talk to us, Mr. Shayne.”

  Like a bursting dam, Leland Shayne shared his entire story. Before all was said and done, the man even spoke of Charlton Browning’s offer of cash in exchange for his signature. The testimony was thorough and damning. Jeff threw down his pen in a defeated manner. Westin thanked Shayne for his time and called in an assistant to make the man more comfortable. Damon waited to hear Westin give Marc his walking papers.

  “Where do things stand with the widow and the injured men?” West asked Jeff.

  “No one knows anything about the equipment being sub-par. If we can get them to take a settlement out of court before the investigations are done…we may have a shot at curbing this entire mess.”

  West leaned across the table and shook hands with Jeff. “I appreciate this, man. I know you hadn’t counted on such an encompassing job when you took my brother’s initial offer but you’ve proven to be a loyal and invaluable friend. I pray you’ll remain with us for the foreseeable future.” West slanted a glare toward Marcus. “I got a feelin’ we’re gonna need you.”

  Damon felt something nasty in the wind and stood to voice his complaint.

  Westin’s hand was waving before anything could be said. “Take a seat, D.”

  Marcus kept quiet, though his expression appeared more hopeful.

  “Until I decide what to do, Marc is stripped of any decision making authority, so is Houston.” He pointed a finger toward Marc. “I don’t even wanna see your name on a purchase order for toilet paper. You’ve proven to be too volatile for Ramsey. Damon; with the guidance of his colleagues in the oversight department, will have full say over day to day ops in all areas.”

  Marcus worked hard to keep his mouth closed. He was angry and humiliated but knew better than to push it.

  “Fuck that, West! I want this nigga out!”

  “Damon. We’re brothers.”

  “Screw that.” Damon closed his eyes and tried to rein his temper before speaking again. “West, I promised Pop.”

  “I promised Pop too. Promised I’d see to the family,” West shrugged. “That includes Marc and Houston.”

  “They’re out of control, West. You don’t know the half of it.”

  Marc’s apprehension returned, but Damon didn’t see fit to offer up more dirt just then.

  “We need a better solution here, West. Not just a temporary state of play.” He said.

  “I agree with you, D but it’ll take time to come up with something truly appropriate.” West’s dark stare shifted between his brothers. “Once all this is in place, I don’t intend on changing protocol until we all retire.”



  After two weeks, Daphne worked up the courage to pay a visit to Houston’s apartment in town. She’d actually worked up the courage days earlier but had hoped he’d make the first move. Call…apologize for hurting her…

  When he answered her ring at the door, there was no apology in his eyes but there was desire. Daphne decided she approved of that way more.

  Houston didn’t waste time with greetings. He pulled her into a kiss that sent the tingles already coursing her body into a more rampant surge.

  “What happened?” Daphne moaned during the kiss. “Why’d you disappear, why haven’t you called…?”

  Houston felt a rage rising in him at the mere mention of Catrina. Her call to dump him with no explanation was as unexpected as it was devastating.


  “I don’t wanna talk about it.” He squeezed her once before releasing her arms.

  “So how’s work?” Daphne bumped her fists to the sides of her brown checkered bellbottoms and tried a new approach.

  Houston wanted to discuss work even less than he wanted to discuss Catrina Jeffries. “That place has been a waste of my time,” he growled.

  Daphne followed him across the newspaper strewn living room. “But you seemed to love it there.”

  “It was pushed on me, Daph.” He kicked a beer can and watched it roll under the coffee table. “Pushed on me and Marc because our father didn’t really want us involved with Ramsey. He just did it so our mother would stop buggin’ him about it.”

  “Oh Houston I’m sure that wasn’t all it. He had faith in you and Marc- he was your dad, after all.”

  “Hmph, he may’ve had faith in Marc,” Houston stroked the stubble darkening his light caramel-toned face. “I’ve never been right at anything. Can’t remember a time when I felt the old man was looking at me and not through me.” He dropped down on the sofa. “West had the smarts, Marc the charm, guess we all lucked out on looks…that fuckin’ Damon lucked on on a shit load of all that and then some. I don’t know how I wound up in this family, Daph.” He grinned and studied his hands. “I wouldn’t be surprised if someone told me the Ramseys found me on their porch steps and took pity on me.”

  “Houston…” Daphne joined him on the sofa. “God… I can surely relate to that.”

  Houston appeared surprised by her admission. His own admission was one he’d never shared with another living soul. He took note of the emotions affecting her exquisite face and realized she could relate.

  “One day, Daph. One day people will respect me the way they respect my brothers.” He nodded as though seeing the future spread out before him. “I’ll have it all- respectable life, wife, kids…” he laughed then and flounced back on the sofa. “Shit, who am I kiddin’? Who’d marry me, pathetic as I am?”

  “Oh Houston stop it!” Daphne shook her head and balled a fist to her knee. “Damn that Catrina Jeffries.”


  “I was so hurt that night you showed up with her on your arm. When I saw them together, I was glad, glad that she was doing to you what you did to me.” She swiped the tears dampening her cheeks. “I saw them together that night at the dinner. Damon and Catrina. It wasn’t their first night meeting- they already knew each other. They knew each other quite well judging from what I saw happening between them.” She pressed her lips together and took note of Houston’s quiet and stillness. A voice warned she’d already said too much, but she took no heed and shared all that she’d overheard.

  “Don’t waste your time feeling unworthy of Miss Perfect Jeffries. She’s not the woman you need.” Daphne didn’t care if he saw desperation in her eyes then. “I’d never disrespect you with another man. You’re all I want. I love you.”

  Houston smiled, cupping Daphne’s face and studying her angelic features with an intensity that had never been there before. He kissed her mouth, then stood and left the sofa to stare past the windows.


  Marcus wouldn’t allow the shame of Westin’s decree to keep him out of Ramsey even if he did spend the majori
ty of the day behind the closed doors of his office. Damon would’ve been surprised to know that Marc wasn’t up to his usual plotting. Instead, he was learning- teaching himself what he hadn’t learned in college regarding international business.

  Marc’s interest had moved far beyond petty equipment and human resource issues. He wanted Ramsey on the international stage- a presence to be reckoned with. That would require doing things above board-playing by the rules until power allotted him the ability to make those rules.


  “Reggie?” Catrina’s face was a picture of surprise and agitation when she saw the state of the main dining room. “Why’s the place shut down on a Thursday night?”

  “A gentleman rented it out for the evening.” Reggie Jeffries explained while browsing albums from his place at the host’s podium.

  Catrina’s agitation cleared. “Wow.”

  “Mmm hmm, said it was for him and his special lady.”

  Catrina laughed and set her purse and keys to the nearest table. Her amber swing coat flared a bit more gaily as she observed the atmosphere. She took a leisurely stroll around the soft lit area. Tiny lamps on the tables gave off a glow similar to candlelight. Just then, the sounds of Marvin

  Gaye and Tammi Terrell’s “If I Could Build My Whole World Around You” filled the air.

  The hypnotic serenity was shattered much like the double front doors of Jeffries Café when they suddenly burst open. Glass and wood lay in Houston Ramsey’s wake when he bolted inside.

  “What the hell?” Reggie grabbed Houston’s arm, but found himself knocked aside and into the host’s podium.

  “Houston!” Catrina cried, running over to help her cousin who was bleeding abundantly from the cuts on his neck and face. Boldly, she ran over and shoved Houston’s chest. “What are you doing?!”

  Houston’s response was a backhand blow to Catrina’s cheek which sent her to her knees.


  Following the very meaningful discussion with Houston, Daphne felt a proposal would soon be at hand. His strange reaction; when she told him about his brother and Catrina Jeffries, wasn’t exactly what she’d hoped for. Still, she had confessed her feelings and he seemed to understand and perhaps agree that their fates were intertwined.


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