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Her Highlander's Heartl (Highlanders 0f Cadney Book 2)

Page 15

by Fiona Faris

  “Will th’ both of ye stop yer yappin’”

  Their argument was his only chance. “Mayhap ye should listen tae yer friends?” Before he heard any answer from his companions, an explosion of light and pain washed over him before everything went black.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Milly ran without looking back. She heard the clinking of metal against metal and prayed Nathan held the upper hand against the traitor who attacked them. Their lives could very well depend on her getting to their horses. Hopefully the attackers didn’t do anything to prevent the animals from being ridden. It was doubtful, no matter the price they were being paid, animals had value beyond measure. If anything, she hoped she was right and they would leave the horses be in order to take them back to the keep. The thought of being taken back to the keep, against her will, was horrendous. It meant Elias will have won, and she would not allow for that. It was the reason she didn’t run to get away as Nathan begged her to do. The man was mad if he thought for one moment she would leave him behind, nay, not willingly.

  If she could only get to the horses as quickly as possible, she could circle back to fight alongside him and together they would defeat the bandits. She pushed her body to run harder, her breath coming in clipped, harsh gasps as the cool air hit her lungs. She was unaccustomed to running for her life and was quickly feeling the effects. She spared not a moment in looking around to see if she were being followed. Nathan had addressed the leader by name, Sam. It was clear in that moment of recognition Elias was behind the attack. Her skin flushed with the anger that rushed through her. Elias would truly stop at nothing, even the death of his own flesh and blood to claim her and the title of Laird. She would never allow it to happen. The need to ensure his failure surged through her as great as the need to find Gavin. Elias was a scourge upon their families from which there was no redemption.

  She approached Nathan’s stag first, and soothing the horse she saddled him astride. The difficulty of her skirts slowed her down momentarily, but thankfully the day dress was not no encumbered as to make it impossible. She wasn’t as able a rider as Nathan, especially not side saddle. Her cumbersome skirts would not help either of them.

  She raced back towards where Nathan was fighting, now against three men. Frantically, she searched for Samuel, but couldn’t put eyes on him. The horse whinnied and kicked up his forelegs, causing Milly to hold on for dear life. It was then she saw Samuel, running up to grab the horse’s reins. Steadying the beast with one hand and pulling her out of the saddle with the other, she kicked at him, screaming.

  “Let go of me, brut!”

  “Ahh, lass, come gently now. I’ll not hurt ye. Unless ye give me reason.” He had her half out of the saddle now, her dirk too far out of reach for her to grab it, instead using her arms and legs to try and push him off. “I do like it when ye fight. A lass wit’ spirit. Too bad Elias’ claimed ye for his. Might be I’d like tae take a go at ye.” He laughed before dragging her out of the saddle entirely.

  “I’ll not go anywhere with the likes of ye!” she shouted at him, his arms holding her firmly in place as she pushed against him, trying to free herself. The fall from the horse winded her, but she wasn’t injured. If she could just get a little better leverage she may be able to swing her knee into his groin, a trick Gavin taught her when she was young in order to fell any man trying for unwanted advances.

  “Now, now, lass, I wouldn’t be rash if I were ye.” A sharp point pressed into her side, and she thought better than to press to firmly. Apparently Samuel’s dirk was at the ready. She didn’t think he would stab her, but she wasn’t certain. “Make it easier on yourself, dinnae fight me. We’ll be home before ye ken.”

  “Nathan!” she screamed in an effort to get his attention. She looked up in time to see Nathan too far for her to help, being brought to his knees. “Help him! Stop this!” She thrashed at Samuel as he continued to drag her further and further away from where Nathan was being beaten. Coherent thought gave way to sheer panic. She pummeled him with her free fists, trying desperately to tear away, forgetting to care about the blade in her side. Her only thoughts were of Nathan. There was no way he could fight off all three men on his own. “They’re going to kill him! You must stop it!”

  “Well now, lass, that ’tis the general idea. We have one Laird already, or at least we will when we ye get ye proper and wed tae the master. Willnae dae any good tae have two now, will it?” He laughed at her anguish.

  “You’ll rot with th’ devil!” She spat into his face as he spun her toward him. She didn’t care about the consequences to herself for making him angry.

  “Mayhap, lass, but there’s naught ye can dae about it now.”

  Leaning back, she slammed her head hard into his chest. She wouldn’t go easily. His grip tightened on her waist as he bound her hands behind her back. She knew what was going to happen and struggled hard against it, against him. Nathan needed her. Cursing herself for being weaker than Samuel and unable to fight him off, she couldn’t help but grunt with the force of being thrown onto the horse against her will. “Let me go, I need to see tae him. He’s hurt!”

  “Again, my lady, I care not if he’s hurt. He’ll not feel much longer anyways. Quiet, be still. We’ll be back tae safety in no time.”

  “I was safe, ye ken it! Safer than I’ll bloody be with ye. Elias is a monster. Please… I beg of ye dinnae let him die.” Tears rolled down her cheeks in anguish. She struggled against the ropes that bound her, trying to breathe with her stomach pressed flat against the back of the horse at the same time craning her head to see more of what was happening to Nathan. “Nathan!” she screamed again. No matter what was happening to him, he needed to know she was there. He wasn’t alone. If only she could see him, lay eyes on him. Samuel turned the horse away and began to ride. “No, you must go back! Please go back! You must!”

  “Lass, ’tis for the best. He’s already dead.” His laughter hit her ears like the sharp end of a needle. A sound escaped Milly that was part groan, part wail, and part growl. If Nathan was dead, every last one of the men responsible would pay. Starting with Elias.

  * * *

  There was no telling how long they’d been riding. The sun dipped in the western sky, letting her know at least some hours had passed. Milly knew they were going back to MacKenzie Keep, back to a fate worse than death. But her thoughts were consumed with Nathan. He was dead. Samuel all but confirmed it. Sobs dried in her throat, her body at war with her brain. The loss of Nathan was unlike any emotion she’d ever experienced. If she were to yell out, lash out, anything, it would be futile. He wasn’t coming back and she wanted to stop feeling altogether.

  Instead she occupied her thoughts with all the ways she planned to murder Elias MacKenzie; for her brother, for Nathan, and mostly for herself. Revenge was something Milly was not used to being consumed by. However, she was beginning to quite like the idea of her hands soaking in Elias’ blood. The bastard would stop at nothing, not even murder to get what he wanted. Now it was up to her to stop him.

  She had no memory of Samuel turning her upright and placing her in front of him on the horse. She wove her fingers through the horse’s straw like mane. He was a good stag, the only thing of Nathan she’d had left besides the dirk that was hid safely still in her skirts.

  “I need tae relieve myself,” she announced. In the meantime, gleaning information from her captor may help if she could get him to let down his guard, even for a moment.

  “And how do I ken ye won’t run off?”

  “Nathan is dead. Where am I tae go?”

  “Aye, true. We’ll be at the keep in an hour’s time, lass. I warn ye tae hold ye bladder.” He must’ve been tired since Milly could not detect the same fire in his tone as earlier. Maybe a good way to get him talking. If Elias trusted him to kidnap her, perhaps he trusted him with other information as well. It was easier to keep talking, hiding her disgust because her back was to him, but bile still rose in her throat as she forced a swe
et tone.

  “Is my brother at the keep?”

  “Ahh I was wonderin’ when ye’d get around tae askin’.” The sound of his voice made her skin crawl. But a small window of hope opened. He didn’t dismiss her question right away. He knew something of Gavin.

  “Ye’ve killed the man I loved. Yer delivering me to wed his enemy, the least ye could dae is tell me of my brother. If ye have any decency, that is.”

  “I’ve not any decency and ye’d dae good tae remember that. But, since ye’d been such a good lass, I’ll tell ye. Gavin MacGille is at th’ keep. Master Elias’ keeping him comfortable as a guest of the clan. Ye can be assured if yer a good lass, an’ dae what yer told, he may even be kind enough tae let ye see yer kin again. If it were me, I’d not be so kind.” He wasn’t revealing any part of his personality Milly wasn’t already painfully aware of. Pain filled her. Nathan was gone. She thought of the deep set blue rim of his eyes, and the way it played against the grey when he was deep in thought. Or the way the one corner of his mouth would turn in a slight smile when he teased her. Samuel and Elias took that from her. They would pay. More than once she thought of stabbing Samuel in the heart as they rode. But she decided against it. It would be easier to get back into the keep as his prisoner, let Elias think he’d won, then strike. But Gavin was alive and at the MacKenzie keep. She closed her eyes allowing a small measure of relief. She was all that was left, and it would be her charge to cut the head off the snake. Then she would deal with the men who were misguided into believing Elias had fair claim. None would die, save Elias, Samuel, and the men who killed Nathan. Let her revenge be his, but first she must secure her brother.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  MacKenzie Keep

  The familiar high walls of the keep greeted her, and where she should’ve felt relief at being back in familiar territory, she only felt sadness. There were no soldiers at the turrets and the gates were open. Chances were many of those inside had no idea what Elias was planning, or how he’d executed his plans. However, Milly knew she had to be careful with whom she spoke and took into her confidence. Nathan briefly spoke of his Uncle William being trustworthy, but first Milly wanted to get the lay of the land. They’d only been gone a week, but that was enough time to find the castle much changed. Samuel unbound her before they entered the keep, but kept her in a tight grip, walking in front of him.

  There were no people about, and it was odd for the time of day. The evening meal should’ve recently ended and Milly expected to see kitchen maids milling about removing food and trenchers from the tables in the main hall, yet everything remained empty and silent.

  “Where is everyone?”

  Her question went unanswered as Samuel ushered her to the same chamber she’d stayed in earlier when she was a guest.

  “Wait here, my lady,” he said with an exaggerated bow as he closed the door behind her. With the latch of the lock on the heavy wooden door, Milly allowed herself to sink to the floor, finally letting her grief break through. A rustle of skirts started from the back of the room, and Milly barely registered as delicate arms wrapped around hers. Violet, her dear friend was in the room with her, and now hugged her in a tight embrace. Milly leaned into the comfort of being held by her friend, but it did nothing to alleviate the grief she felt.

  “Nathan is dead,” was all she could say before collapsing again. Violet squeezed her. There was nothing to say, but it didn’t stop the maid from trying.

  “I figured it must’ve been so. I’m so sorry, Milly. I wish it’d been different.”

  “How did ye figure? What did ye ken? Are ye working for Elias now, too?” Milly’s anger bubbled up again, and she suddenly felt as if she couldn’t trust anyone, not even Violet. She backed away from her friend, needing to put distance between them.

  “Calm, Milly. Please. I’m nae a danger tae ye.” At once she saw her friend’s eyes shadowed in dark. She looked thin and tired. Milly realized suddenly the danger she’d put Violet in etched on her friend’s face. She should never have left her behind. Guilt washed over her. The stakes were much higher than she’d realized. How stupid of her? She should’ve sent Violet back to Cadney the moment she’d decided to leave with Nathan and search for Gavin.

  “Och, I’m sorry I doubted ye. It’s been a long day of betrayal. I feel I dinnae ken if I am up or down. Please forgive me, Violet. Tell me what happened.”

  “There is nothing tae forgive. What ye’ve been through would test anyone’s mettle. I’d be lying if I dinnae say I was happy tae see ye even though I ken what it means. Elias, he is a beast. He found Thomas and I lying to him here in th’ chamber. He casts us both tae th’ dungeons. Thomas was still ill, but thankfully the kitchen maids hae been taken kindly to us and he is on the mend. I’d been in the dungeon for two days before Elias himself came and brought me back to your chamber. Thomas is still down there, as is Gavin. He’s here, Milly. He’s alive.”

  “You were in the dungeon? Did they hurt you? Thomas?” There were so many questions that needed answering. Samuel was not lying when he told her Gavin was here at the keep. Violet had seen him with her own eyes. Violet continued to tell her she’d been able to speak with Gavin, and even though his body was weak, his mind was intact. The kitchen maids hated Elias, as did most of the clansmen. But since no one knew who would be declared Laird of the clan, and with Nathan gone, most of the men have fallen into line. No one was willing to rise up against Elias, he was a MacKenzie after all. Elias has made the castle off limits to all except the basic housekeeping and kitchen staff, and most of the men were told to return to their homes, save a few clansmen kept in their roles as watch over the castle, and those Elias trusted in his inner circle. The stakes were higher than ever, and after hearing all Violet shared, Milly was grateful to those who remained and did what they could to help her brother and friends. For all of their sakes, as well as her own, she was sure as ever that she must kill Elias.

  “How did ye manage tae get out of the dungeon and back to the chamber?”

  “Elias came and got me himself. Said he’d allow me tae serve his bride when she returned, if I was a good lass. I dinnae want tae give in tae him at all, but saw it as my only way tae get tae ye, should ye make it back. When I saw that bastard Samuel drop ye in and ye began tae weep, I ken what must’ve happened.”

  “Violet, he dinnae have a chance.” She didn’t try and hide the anguish in her voice. “There were four of them against us. That bastard Samuel captured me, and left three against Nathan. He couldn’t have survived.”

  “But ye dinnae see his body?”

  “Nay, but the last I saw of him had him on his knees, surrounded.” She looked down at her empty hands, as if she could have done something, anything to save him. “I screamed for him, I wanted him tae ken he wasn’t alone, but I was already bound and on the horse. There was naught I could do. It was all my fault. I shouldnae have asked him to take such a risk for me. It was foolish, and he paid the ultimate price. And the thing is, Violet, I love him. Loved him.” Milly looked away as Violet took her into her arms again. Milly let the comfort of her friend soothe her. It was impossible to think she would ever feel whole again without Nathan. Even when she thought she hated him, she knew he was out in the world. Now he was gone from her forever.

  “I was afraid of something like this happening. Ye were too close in your youth. It was bound tae happen. I’m so verra sorry, Milly. It wasnae yer fault. The fault lies with only one and ye ken it. If I could take the pain away from you, I would.”

  “The pain will never go away … not until Elias has paid with his life.”

  * * *

  It took Violet and Milly close to a quarter of an hour to get Milly back to rights after their reunion. There was no time to waste. Surely Elias wouldn’t wait long to greet her and gloat over his victory.

  Milly filled Violet in on her plan of revenge, Violet only pausing for a moment as Milly showed her the dirk Nathan gave her after she tried to run the street knave thr
ough with the kitchen knife. So little time had passed yet so much had changed. Violet promised to find a way to let the kitchen maids get word to any and all loyal clansmen. They would need all the help they could get putting down Elias’ guards once the deed was done if they had any hope of getting Gavin and Thomas out of the dungeon and back to the safety of Cadney Castle without injury, or worse.

  “He is unstable, Milly,” Violet said, adjusting the last of the hooks on the back of Milly’s gown. “One minute he was filled with anger an’ rage. The next, he seemed almost apologetic and kind. Dinnae be fooled.”


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