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Her Highlander's Heartl (Highlanders 0f Cadney Book 2)

Page 19

by Fiona Faris

The door to the chamber rattled and he quickly positioned himself behind it. Whoever was entering the room was going to be in for quite a surprise in the form of a brooding, love-sick Highlander who would fight to the death to protect his lass. Grabbing the same candelabra Milly had held earlier in the morn in defense, he held his breath as the door opened.

  It was the maid, Violet, carrying what he could only assume was Milly’s wedding gown. He quickly set down his weapon and grabbed the woman from behind. She made a move to scream as she dropped the gown, but Nathan was quick covering her mouth with his hand.

  “Shhh now, lass, Milly is asleep. It’s only me, Nathan.” Violet looked at him with wide eyes. He used his free hand to gesture she needed to stay silent and he waited quietly while she registered what he’d said. She nodded slowly, indicating she would be quiet. He removed his hand from her mouth. She took a deep breath and slapped him hard across the face.

  “Ye aren’t dead, then, my Laird?” she asked. Nathan simply nodded, surprised at her sudden blow and not wishing to waste time restating the obvious.

  “What the devil was that for?”

  “Ye had Milly scared nearly tae death and beside herself in grief. I’ve never seen her so. She didn’t grieve as hard for her own da as she did thinkin’ ye were passed on. I’ll not have ye hurt her like that again.”

  “Dammit woman, it weren’t my choice. We were outnumbered. I fought like hell to stay with her. Next time I’ll fight harder, I’ll burn cities, I’ll dae whatever I can. But I got back tae her, that should earn me some good will. That’s quite a strike ye have there.”

  “There’ll nae be a next time. Ye aren’t allowed tae die again, ye here me, Laird?” Her words may have been ridiculous but her meaning was clear.

  “Agreed, I’ll not be dyin’ again, if ye give me a truce.”

  “Agreed then, truce,” she said nodding firmly. Nathan had to say he was impressed. There must be something special in the water at Cadney Keep to have such fiery strong lasses come from its gates.

  “Have ye been tae the kitchen, lass? My men were aiming tae get to the dungeons and help me secure the release of your Thomas and Gavin.”

  “Nay, Laird. That bastard cousin of yers keeps me under lock an’ key. I was allowed in th’ kitchens until yesterday eve, then he sent me up tae th’ ladies sewing tae help finish Milly’s gown. I’ve been beside myself with worry over Milly and Thomas. As far as I ken, Thomas is still locked away.”

  “My men will secure his release. I’ve also a man headed toward Cadney to send for men to support us. Ye need not worry. All will be well soon. Make sure ye place the chair back in front of the door. No-one can ken the passage is here. If all goes south today, we need this secret tae secure an escape.” Violet nodded solemnly. He turned to Violet, “When she wakes, she will be insistent on going to the chapel, and she’ll want to stick to her original plan tae murder Elias in his wedding bed.”

  “Aye, I suspect she will.” Nathan could tell Violet knew Milly as well as he did by the firm set of her jaw as she agreed with him. He would be damned if it would come to that, but just so, he wanted Milly to be prepared. There was always the chance they would not succeed, and he couldn’t leave the two women to their own with his cousin.

  “In that case, walk with me to the hearth, let me show you some ways in which ye both can protect yerselves, or even fight tae th’ death if it’s needed.” At his offer of education, the maid’s eyes lit up. Was it possible Thomas had never taught his intended how to fend for herself? He would have to give the lad a stern talking to when this was over, but for now he would take up the charge. “Grab the dirk, lass, let me show you a few things.”

  After he explained to Violet where the key arteries were in the legs and arms, and taught her a few other key moves using only her elbow and the heel of her foot, Nathan knew he had to hurry out of the chamber. He wasn’t completely satisfied with what he’d shown Violet but it was all time would allow. A stirring from the bed caused them both to silence as they turned to watch Milly as she began to stir. Nathan’s heart lurched. She slept as she hadn’t in weeks. She looked so peaceful in rest. He wanted her to dream a little bit longer. He moved back toward the door where the passageway would lead him back to the kitchens where Simon and the men should be waiting.

  “Laird?” Violet stopped him before he ducked back into the dark hallway. “ I think I should wake Milly before ye leave. She’ll want tae say goodbye.”

  “Violet, let her rest. All will be well. Please dinnae worry.” He put his hand out to steady Violet, not wanting her to move toward the bed. The blanket that covered Milly fell away as she rolled over, exposing her naked form. Violet turned toward Nathan, giving him a hard stare.

  “Laird, how long exactly have ye been here?” she asked, her tone letting Nathan know all the good will between them would fade in an instant should he do wrong by her mistress and friend. Nathan respected her all the more for it.

  “Long enough to tell ye I love the lass. I love her, Violet. And when this is over, I intend to let her ken it.” He leaned down and placed a light kiss on the maid’s forehead. “Yer a good, lass, and Thomas is a lucky lad. All will be well, ye’ll see.”

  She gave him a tight smile as she closed the door behind him. Nathan couldn’t be sure, but he thought Milly’s friend might like him a wee bit after all.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Milly rolled over, placing her hand on the cold surface where Nathan had been. She sat up with a start. Was it all a dream? Was Nathan ever there? She looked down at her naked body. Memories flooded back. Nathan was there, and if the dull ache between her thighs was anything, it was a pure, lovely reminder that he was, indeed, very much alive.

  “Good tae see ye awake, Milly,” Violet purred from the hearth. Realizing she wasn’t alone, Milly drew the woolen plaid up tightly around her chest. Violet turned back to her work, and Milly could have sworn her friend was humming a tune? Had Violet gone mad? She was about to be forced into a marriage with a murderous brute, and her best friend and only ally in the whole of the MacKenzie keep, was humming and flouncing around the chamber as if it was Michalemas?

  “Violet, what has you in such good temper?” she asked, not trying to disguise the frustration she felt. “Ye remember what we are about tae suffer through on this day?”

  “Aye, how could I forget, but I’m not afraid, Milly, and neither should ye be.” Milly watched as Violet moved over to the small table and rearranged some food that was on a tray. “One of the kitchen maids was just here, she brought up some food. I’m sure ye must be starving. Come, get up, lass. Eat something.” Her stomach let out a low gurgling, growl at the mention of food. Violet was wrong, she wasn’t starving. She was ravenous.

  “Which maid was here? Did she say anything of value?”

  “It was Claire, and yes she did. But as it seems, ye might’ve had yer own guest in the night. Why don’t ye tell me of yer guest, then I’ll tell ye of mine?”

  Milly felt a pink blush creep up her entire body. She knew Violet had seen it. She could barely find her voice. Violet knew about Nathan. The emotions were too glorious to be put into words. She jumped from the bed and rushed to embrace the woman. “Oh, Violet, he’s alive. He didn’t die. I was wrong, we were wrong. He was here. Perfect and intact.”

  “I ken,” Violet replied, nodding and smiling with Milly. “When I brought ye that hideous gown, the Laird was here. He bade me keep quiet so ye could sleep. It seems nothin’ would keep him away from ye, not even death.” Milly blushed and turned away from her friend. She wouldn’t dare hope. She knew he cared. She thought back to what they’d shared, what they did in those early morning hours. Was it more than need that brought him to her bed? Could he ever care for her as much as she did he? She shook her head, clearing her thoughts before asking Violet to reveal more. “What of Claire? What did the lass have tae say?”

  Violet handed Milly a hunk of cheese and ripped a piece of bread for her. “For the better par
t of the last two days, I’d been sent away from the th’ kitchen, so I dinnae hear much of anything.”

  “Sent away from the kitchen?” Milly’s mood darkened. Even Elias wouldn’t be as heartless, as cruel. Then as if she remembered exactly who she was dealing with, she shifted. Of course, he could. She searched Violet’s eyes for any sign of discomfort or distress. “He dinnae put ye back in…”

  Violet shook her head and placed a hand on her friend’s arm. “Nay, nay. I was sent tae work on yer gown.”

  Milly smiled in relief as Violet rolled her eyes. They both looked over to the garish monstrosity that was to be her bridal shroud. It was all done up in lace and finery, with so much silk and fabric Milly was sure she would drown in the damn thing. It was an understatement to call it anything less than garish.

  “But,” Violet continued, “the kitchen is full of talk. So much has happened just since last night. Claire said that in the early morning hours a group of clansmen led by the night watch leader came tae her and the other maids. They asked for help in storming the dungeons. There are not as many in the keep who stand behind Elias and his claim as we first thought. He is not only not well liked, but now that his Lairdship is alive, the clan has found new hope. They want to fight.”

  Violet was pleased, but that was the last news Milly wanted to hear. Of course, she was happy that most of those in the castle had not fallen prey to Elias and his snake like charms. They were good people who easily saw through to the greed that lay beneath his promises. But she couldn’t let the women fight him with their only backing being Gavin and Thomas, too weak from imprisonment to do any good. Nay, it would be a disaster.

  “But ye said yourself that most of the men have left the castle, and those that remain are in service to Elias. I dinnae think a fight is what’s best for the keep. I need tae marry Elias, lure him to our marriage bed, and run him through, quietly, only one more life lost. As has been the plan all along.”

  “Are ye daft Milly? Och, how I wish Ella or Kelly were here tae talk some sense intae ye. Yer way is tae dangerous. Ye cannae risk it. Ye dinnae have tae marry that beast. An’ besides, Nathan has support from the clan, and Elias’ men arenae th’ only men in the keep. The same secret passageways Nathan used tae visit ye last night can be used tae get more men inside. Dinnae fash.” Milly sure hoped Thomas knew what he was getting himself into when he wed Violet. She was stubborn as an ox, and a damn strong opponent. Milly figured she was only a wee bit better.

  “Dinnae fash, dinnae fash? Violet, all I’ve done since Gavin failed tae return with Lucas is fash. Don’t ye see, I can’t let Nathan do this without me. I can’t sit idly by and lose them both.” She watched as Violet’s shoulders shrunk. She was losing her fight, and even though that was what Milly wanted, she didn’t want to hurt her friend in the process.

  “So ye mean tae go tae th’ chapel, then?”

  “Aye,” she replied, looking her friend square in the eye.

  “Well then, let’s get ye dressed. Ye’ll see when no-one was looking, I sewed a pocket intae the lining of yer dress, here.” Violet picked up the hideous gown and showed Milly the secret pocket she had added to the pleats of silk. “It’ll hold yer dirk well, and keep it close tae yer hand so no wide movements will draw necessary attention. I added a similar one to yer chemise here, so ye’ll have it at the ready for the weddin’ night. If ye don’t mind, I’d like tae show ye a few things I learned.”

  “A few thing ye’ve learned?” She had no idea what Violet was talking about. The maid walked toward her and took the dirk from her hand, pointing it downward as she held tightly to the hilt. “Remember, Milly, stab straight and true intae his leg, then bring the dirk down, like this. Ye wanna hit the vein like so.” Violet showed her what she meant by grabbing Milly by the thick of her own thigh. Milly was too shocked at the look of aggression in her friend’s eyes to pull away. “Dinnae try and go through the chest, it’ll be too hard, and don’t look ‘im in the eye lest ye loose yer nerve.”

  “How do ye come tae ken all this?”

  “Nathan.” Violet spoke his name as if it were completely natural that Nathan should teach a woman how to defend herself. It was Milly’s turn to look shocked.

  “Nathan? My Nathan?” Before she’d even thought about what she’d said, Violet gave her a knowing smile. Milly groaned knowing she wouldn’t let the comment go.

  “Aye, yer Nathan? Are ye ready to admit it, then?”

  How could she not admit it? To not lay claim to the man who awakened her senses, made her run a gambit of emotions the likes of which before him she’d never experienced, never dreamed possible. Of course Nathan was hers, but only in that way that would cause her to dream of him for the rest of her life. If only they had found each other in different circumstances.

  “I guess I am,” she said shyly. “For what lot of good it means. He’ll nay have me, but I’ll not let him suffer at the hands of Elias, not as I draw breath.” Her plan to brutally end Elias would lay bare for Nathan and everyone else that she was no fine, delicate lady. She would not allow herself to play victim. But doing so meant risking that Nathan would no longer want her.

  Chapter Thirty

  Nathan moved quiet as a mouse as he made his way back through the secret passages toward the kitchens. He’d stayed with Milly much longer than he should have. Morning had arrived and the keep would no longer be empty and silent. Even though there were very few who knew of the secret passages behind the walls, Nathan took great care to not be discovered. It would be disastrous if Simon and his men had been found out. The last thing Nathan wanted was to put MacKenzie lives at further risk from Elias and his henchmen. Had his cousin gotten word of his presence in the keep, or that any of the men sided with him, it would be disastrous. Their plan would be over before it had begun.

  Moving with slow and silent intention down the dark hallway, he used only his hand on the cold, stone wall and his memories to get back. Nathan didn’t consider himself a godly man, but nevertheless he sent up a silent prayer as he approached the doorway, feeling for the latch. He sucked in a ragged breath as the door creak and light poured into the passage way.

  Nathan held his breath. Bracing himself for an attack, his hand moved to the sword at his side. Simon had given it to him before they’d parted the night before.

  “Laird…?” He let out a sigh of relief. He immediately recognized the voice of Claire Tavish. He rushed forward and pulled the heavy door the rest of the way open, blinking back at the harsh light as it flooded the passage.

  “Not yet, lass, but God willing.”

  He exited into the kitchen and found himself staring at five women. Behind them Nathan was pleased to see Simon and his men. Claire looked back smiling at Simon as she took a plate from one of the women. It was filled with bread and cheese. Not a feast but enough that the sight of the food made Nathan’s stomach growl heartedly.

  “Thank ye much, lass,” he said, taking the food as she handed him the plate. Looking toward Simon, as Claire settled back in beside him, Nathan nodded his greeting. He was happy to see the lad and his men all well.

  “Laird,” Simon said. “We have count of only two men guarding the dungeons. They are fresh on their watch, so we dinnae expect any switch until after the ceremony. It should be easy enough to take them down.”

  “I dinnae want any unnecessary bloodshed. Let me lead the way intae the dungeon.”

  “These men are workin’ for yer enemy, Nathan. Why would we spare them?” It was a good question and he didn’t begrudge Simon for his thirst for vengeance. These men, however, were following orders. It could be that they will need to be dealt with, but if possible, Nathan would like to bring them over to his side. It would do no good to pit clansman against clansman; brother against brother. That was Elias’ way, not his.

  “I’ll nae judge these men without proper questioning, or a proper trial before th’ council. Those found wanting will be punished according tae clan law, but nae unnecessary bloodshed. Am
I understood?”

  There was some grumbling among both the men and the women in the room, but ultimately, Simon nodded in agreement and the rest followed suit. “Aye, Laird. We shall do it yer way. But ken if it doesnae work, we’ll hae tae dae what we’ll hae tae do.”

  “Agreed,” Nathan replied, hoping it would not come to that.

  * * *

  The men made their way to the dungeon. Nathan decided to send Simon and his three best to the gates to keep watch for any assistance from Lucas. Still no word had come from Derek, and Nathan realized help may not come in time. All the more reason to hope both Gavin and Thomas were well enough to battle. He kept the other two men with him.

  He looked back and saw the lads close on his heel. He made a movement with his forefinger on his lips indicating complete silence. He pushed up against the wall at the base of the stairs leading down to the dungeon. When approaching an unsuspecting bounty, Nathan had learned a series of choking holds that could be used to put an opponent to sleep, knocking them out cold rather than running them through. It was incredibly useful when trying to subdue someone larger, or more dangerous. He wasn’t sure who Elias had guarding the dungeons, and Simon was also unfamiliar with who he might be running up against. Hopefully he would have the element of surprise on his side for the first guard at least. He would wake up after a time with a nasty headache, but no worse.


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