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Game for Love

Page 11

by Bella Andre

He hated the thought of anyone being upset with Anna.

  She really was a good girl, in the best kind of way.

  Whatever he had to do to make this up to her in the end, he'd do. It wasn't going to be money, he knew that now. Hell, even pleasure wasn't enough. He needed to give her something more, something bigger even than riches and mind-blowing sex.

  But what?

  What could he give her that she really wanted? And that could only come from him?

  Clearly nervous, but determined to continue the riveting little story she must have concocted in the car, Anna said, "Cole wanted to meet you long before now. He practically begged me to come clean with everyone about us, didn't you, honeybuns?"


  Shit, he couldn't laugh. Not now. Not when she was trying so damn hard to make it all sound real.

  Obviously not realizing she'd just given him a totally ridiculous nickname--although he did have a pretty awesome ass--her expression was totally earnest as she reached for his hand, gripping it so tightly that her nails dug into his palm.

  Crazy bastard that he was, he actually found himself hoping she'd mark him so that he could have a reason to bend her over later and "punish" her by spanking her sweet, round ass.

  He somehow managed to get the words "I did" out with a straight face.

  "It's just he's so famous and I really wanted him all to myself, at least for a little while."

  Surprised to find himself wishing they'd actually had some time together out of the public eye, he agreed. "The press can be pretty hard to deal with."

  "But Anna, how could you get married and not tell your own family?"

  Anna's face fell at her mother's soft question and he wanted to jump in and save her so badly he had to grit his teeth together to keep his mouth shut. They'd made a deal. He was going to let her lead at dinner...then she was going to follow his lead in bed tonight.

  His dick jumped to life in his pants. Crap, that was the wrong thought for a family gathering.

  "I'm really sorry, Mom." She looked around at everyone, her lower lip starting to quiver.

  He pulled her closer. "You're right. You all should have been there. It's just--I didn't want to take away from Jeannie's special day." And then she looked up at him. "And I finally had a chance to do something special with Cole. I had to take it."

  He couldn't look away from her, couldn't stop himself from leaning over to kiss her sweet, trembling lips.

  "This just might be the most romantic thing that's ever happened." Jill was the first one to hold out her hand. "I'm Jill. It's so nice to meet you. This is my husband, Brian."

  Cole shook hands with Jane and Alan, Joanne and Chris. Anna's father moved out from behind his kids. "I'm not going to pretend that we don't wish we'd known about you before now.

  But anyone who makes my Anna happy is welcome in my book."

  There wasn't understanding in her father's eyes, but neither was there condemnation. And when his gaze shifted to Anna, love shone out strong and pure.

  What a shame there hadn't been time to ask her father for her hand. But that didn't make sense. Cole hadn't even known her yesterday, wouldn't have ever sought her out if not for his grandmother's wish.

  "Thank you, Mr. Davis." He shook her father's hand, a strong handshake from the kind of man Cole would have loved to have had around when he was a kid.

  "Call me John."

  Anna's mother turned and walked into the kitchen and Anna stiffened against him.

  "Go," he said in a low voice that only she could hear.

  But when her hand slipped out of his, he found he already missed her. Not just the soft press of her curves, but the sweet pleasure of holding her hand in his, of knowing that he could fall back into pass coverage if she needed his support.

  But he didn't have long to dwell on the thought, not with seven people he was now temporarily related to all peppering him with questions and compliments.


  "Are you mad at me?" Anna asked her mother. "Should I be?"

  Anna's mother, Jackie, had always been there for her daughters with a hug and smile and chocolate. And, sometimes, when they needed it most, tough love.

  Anna wished there was something for her to do in the kitchen, for some place to put her hands and eyes so that she wouldn't completely give herself away.

  "I know my marriage is really unexpected, Mom."

  "Do you love him, Anna?"

  She met her mother's gaze on a swift intake of breath. It was the one question she'd hoped no one would ask, the one thing she'd hoped they wouldn't pick up on from her explanation.

  "He's a wonderful man."

  A man who would do anything for his grandmother--including finding a nice stranger and marrying her--couldn't possibly be bad. Even the fact that he'd lied to her no longer seemed all that bad. Not when she herself was doling out the lies by the bucketful.

  "That wasn't what I asked." Her mother nailed her with a sharp glance. "Do you love him?"

  Anna didn't know how to lie, not to one of the people who loved her more than anything else in the world.

  But just as she was about to say, "I don't know," she realized it wasn't true.

  Oh my God, she was falling in love with him.

  She was only vaguely aware of her own gasp, of her mother's arms coming around her.

  "Oh, Anna. You always were different."

  Anna's chest clenched. "And you've always felt sorry for me." At her mother's shocked look, Anna forced herself to step away. "The rest of your kids were all tall and blonde, they were all so popular, had so many dates, and won so many awards. I've never fit in, no matter how hard I tried."

  "Anna, honey, I can't believe you think that."

  But twenty-nine years was an awfully long time to hold it all in, and now that the dam had cracked, she couldn't keep it all from gushing out. "I picked out a new J name for myself when I was in first grade. Jennifer. But I never had the guts to tell you I wanted to change Anna so that I could be like the rest of you. Plus, I knew it wouldn't be enough. I'd still be me."

  She hated the spike of tears in the corner of her eyes. Damn it, for once she was going to be strong. Cole had helped her leap last night, showed her the strength--and adventurousness--she hadn't seen in herself every time he made love to her. And no matter how much it was going to hurt when their marriage ended and they went their separate ways, she'd always be grateful to him for that gift.

  Tonight she was going to have to take what she'd learned and trust that she knew how to fly on her own.

  "You were Anna, honey, right from the start, right from the first time I held you in my arms. I'm sorry you didn't feel that you belonged. But you always did. Your differences have always been special. Precious to me and your father and your sisters."

  Anna had needed to hear that for so long, she could barely take it in. And yet, at the same time, she couldn't just back down. Not this time.

  "You're right, Mom. I am different. And this is how I want to live my life. Cole is my husband. I'm his wife. I'm sorry you didn't meet him before now, but he's here tonight."

  The pain in her mother's eyes had her on the verge of an apology. And then her mother said, "Well, one thing's for certain. He's very good-looking," and Anna knew that her mother was trying to mend the hole in their relationship any way she could. This was her way of saying she'd accept Cole, if that was what her daughter wanted.


  Cole stood in the doorway and watched Anna laugh with her mother. Tension rode him from what he'd seen, what he'd heard. Her mother was right. Anyone could see that Anna was different from the rest of her family. Not just the first letter of her name, not just her looks, but her spirit.

  So full of sweetness it took his breath away.

  She turned and saw him, then, pleasure lighting her eyes as she held out her arm for him.

  And as he walked toward his wife and took her in his arms, he wanted her with an intensity he hadn't known he could feel.

/>   But most intense of all, far more intense than his desire for her, was pride at the magnificent woman he held in his arms.

  Anna was brave. Compassionate. Sexy as hell.

  And all his.


  Two hours later, they were back in his car. Anna hadn't said much through dinner and every minute that he'd been answering questions about his career, about the Outlaws' Super Bowl prospects this season, he'd been watching over her, keeping her hand safely in his whenever he could. She hadn't pulled away, but hadn't held on too tight, either. Still, he'd known that small connection helped. "You okay?" He reached over, stroked his thumb across the sensitive skin inside her wrist.

  "I think so." The moonlight was just bright enough for him to see her small smile. "You were great, Cole. Thank you."

  "You don't have to thank me for anything, Anna." Hell, he was the one who should be down on his knees thanking her. "And your family is great. Really great."

  She made a soft sound of agreement, her eyes closing at the stop light. Cole sat at the empty intersection long after the light turned green.

  They hadn't done enough sleeping the night before for him to get an opportunity to watch her like this. Her pretty face relaxed, her eyelashes long and curved across her cheekbones. The pulse moving evenly at the side of her neck.

  His chest clenched at how beautiful she was. Desire was there--he already knew it would never be far from the surface between them--but it was another emotion entirely that had him unable to take his eyes off her. More than appreciation, stronger than respect.

  He wanted to cherish her, wanted to devote himself to making her happy, to seeing her smile.

  A car honked behind him and Cole stomped his foot down on the gas pedal, shooting them away from the light like it was a high-speed roller coaster ride. Anna stirred, but didn't wake up.

  Twenty-four hours. He'd known her twenty-four hours.

  It made sense that he'd like her. That he'd lust for her.

  But all this cherishing and devotion crap? Hell, that didn't make a lick of sense.

  Thirty minutes later, when Cole pulled into his garage, he had his head back on straight.

  No question about it, he'd lucked out by picking Anna as his temporary wife. But that's all their relationship was. Just a brief union that was never meant to be anything more. Sure, Anna had said she didn't want anything from him, that she would play her part solely for his grandmother's sake, but Cole was going to find a way to pay her back. In a big enough way to make sure they could both move on with their lives as they'd been before Vegas. No regrets for either of them.

  He lifted her, soft and warm, out of the car, and even though she was still asleep, her arms went around his neck and she laid her cheek against his chest. Completely trusting, just as she'd been the previous night in his bed.

  He carried her inside, up the stairs to his bedroom, kicked the covers open on his bed with one leg, then gently laid her on a pillow. She immediately curled up on her side and he had to smile as he looked down at her. The first time a woman entered his bedroom, she didn't usually just go to sleep.

  Her mother was right--Anna was definitely different from every other woman Cole had ever known.

  Sitting at the edge of the bed, he slipped off her shoes and pulled the covers over her. Ten minutes later, he slid under the covers naked. Reaching for his wife, he tucked her small body into his and fell asleep.

  That damn smile still on his lips.

  Chapter Eleven

  "You need anything, sweetheart, let Veronica know, okay?"

  Anna nodded at the woman, and forced a smile. "I'll be fine, Cole."

  He was giving her one of those looks she was starting to recognize, the one that said he knew she was anything but fine. But the truth was, she was less freaked out by being in the family VIP box before Cole's game than she'd been earlier that morning when she'd woken up in his bed, fully clothed, after dreaming of being held in his strong arms all night long. He could have easily woken her up by undressing her for bed. And if he had, well, there was no doubt in her mind that they would have made love again.

  Instead, he'd made sure not to wake her, had simply climbed into his big bed and held her.

  He'd acted like a man who cared.

  Her chest still felt tight whenever she looked at him. Not wanting to make a complete fool of herself in front of a bunch of strangers, she brightened her smile. "Have a great game!"

  She leaned over to give him a quick peck and he said in a low voice against her lips,

  "We're newlyweds, remember," then slid his hands into her hair and kissed her.

  Any embarrassment she might have felt at his very public display of affection was quickly lost in the pent-up desire from the previous afternoon in his kitchen. Without realizing it, her hands went around his neck, her pelvis pushed against his, and she whimpered softly into his mouth.

  Finally, he pulled back enough to gaze down at her. She tried to catch her breath, but she was a long way from being able to control her response to his kisses. After he'd pressed one more sweet kiss against her lips, she gratefully sank into the chair behind her and stared out at the football field.


  "Honestly, I didn't expect this from you, Cole." Out in the hall, Cole nearly walked into his agent, Melissa, who was holding her phone up and shaking it in his face.

  "Not only married, but your phone is clearly broken too, huh?"

  Okay, so he'd ignored the half-dozen messages she'd left him since the news broke yesterday. Sue him. He'd been busy.

  With his sweet wife.

  "You were on my list."

  "Sure I was." She rolled her eyes. "You should have given me a heads-up on this, Cole."

  "How is my marriage any of my agent's business?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

  "Last I saw you, I thought we were friends, too. I would have liked to meet the woman you're planning on spending the rest of your life with for that reason alone. I would have liked to have a chance to congratulate you rather than ream you for keeping secrets." Her expression hardened. "But if you just want to talk business, fine. As your agent, we both know that everything you do is my business."

  As if on cue, Julie appeared in the corridor. Unlike Melissa, she hugged him.

  "Congratulations, stud." A bemused grin on her lips, she added, "Got quite a situation with the press going on outside there. All over little ol' you." She pulled a handful of clippings from her shoulder bag, a dozen different pictures of him and Anna. "She'd different from your previous girlfriends. Really cute." She raised an eyebrow, still smiling. "How'd you two meet, anyway?"

  Cole looked over the two women's heads for their husbands, Dominic and Ty, but the hall was empty except for the three of them.


  "I've got to get down to the field."

  Melissa's eyes narrowed as Julie said, "Just be sure to come right back here after the game, Cole, so that we can work out our PR plan on this."

  He stared at his team's PR rep--and one-time friend--with a look that would have had most people running. "She's my wife. I'm her husband. Our relationship is private. We don't need a plan."

  Instead of looking scared, Julie simply shot one of her sassy little looks at Melissa, who suddenly looked less pissed off and more intrigued.

  "Have a great game," they said in unison as they walked away, their heads tucked together as they conferred with one another.

  Well, he'd fucked that one up royally. He wanted to follow them back into the VIP box and protect Anna. He wanted to make sure they didn't completely freak her out. But he was pushing it with his team as it was, should have been down on the field thirty minutes ago.

  Dread drove every footstep he took away from his new wife.


  "Congrats, buddy." A hard slap sounded across his shoulders from yet another teammate. Only Ty and Dominic had kept silent, the two newly married guys who just shook their heads as they looked at him.

He'd never been happier to hear the whistle blow. After the past twenty-four hours, he needed these three hours playing a game that was so natural to him. It was as close as he was going to get to decompressing. He wouldn't give up a second he'd spent with Anna, but her family, the press, and all of the crap swirling around them was another matter entirely.

  Football. That's all he was going to think about.

  But even as he took his spot in the defensive lineup, he found his attention wasn't entirely on the game. He'd never paid much attention to who was up in the VIP box watching him. But today, Anna was there. What was she thinking? Feeling?

  And was she okay without him there to protect her?


  "Hi there. Are you Anna?" Anna looked up to see two very pretty women standing in front of her. Getting to her feet, she hoped her legs weren't nearly as shaky from Cole's kiss as they had been a minute ago.

  She smiled nervously. "Yes, that's me."

  She was surprised when the slim blonde hugged her. "Wonderful. It's so nice to meet you.

  And such a surprise, too. Such a good surprise."

  Completely off balance from the warm greeting, she was glad when the curvy woman with the curly hair simply held out her hand. "I'm Melissa, Cole's agent. And this is Julie. She does PR for the Outlaws. We're also both good friends of Cole's."

  "Or at least we thought we were." Julie smiled as she sat down next to Anna, more put together and polished than Anna could ever dream of being.

  Melissa grabbed a seat on her other side, her business suit not nearly stark enough to hide her soft, sexy curves. "And then he goes and gets married to a woman we've never heard word one about."

  Feeling neither as put together nor as sexy as either of Cole's female friends, Anna was trying to figure out how to respond when Julie said, "Honestly, getting hitched in Vegas is something I would have expected my husband to do." At Anna's shocked expression, Julie added, "Before we got serious, Ty used to be a bit of a player."

  Melissa laughed at that, her initial businesslike demeanor quickly giving way to friendliness. She leaned over to Anna as if she were sharing a secret. "Actually, the truth is that the team had to hire Julie as Ty's personal PR rep."

  Julie shrugged. "He's a bad boy. But he's my bad boy. Besides, you should know that Melissa met her husband, Dominic, when he hired her to be his agent." She waggled her eyebrows. "I've never seen an agent that interested in her client."


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