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Descendants of the Light 4: Finding Eden

Page 3

by Eve Vaughn

  Eden gasped. The color left Rohman’s face. “My mother has contracted this ailment?” He jumped out of bed and hurriedly threw on his jaytu. “Stay here,” he ordered in a tone that left her in no doubt that he’d listen to no arguments, but she had to try.

  “I should come with you. Maybe I can help,” Eden protested.

  “Stay here!” Rohman left with Lusio.

  Alone, Eden was furious. Who the hell did he think he was to treat her like that? She wasn’t some damn concubine, she was his wife! Wasn’t the main reason she was brought to H’trae to help his people? What was the point of having this special gift if she wasn’t allowed to use it? It just didn’t make sense. Why did he want to shut her out, and what was the strange vibe she’d felt whenever he talked about his mother?

  Could it be he didn’t want his mother to get well? Suddenly she was hit with a powerful vision. She saw a woman who looked almost identical to her but it wasn’t her. The woman in this vision was arguing, no pleading, with someone who was obviously Ceyan. He had dark hair and an angry scowl on his face. “Please let me help your father,” the woman cried. Not only did her plea go unanswered, but she was backhanded with a mighty blow.

  The scene seemed so real it nearly knocked Eden backwards. Trying to clear her head, she shook it vigorously. What in the world? What was that all about? All her life she’d had dreams about this land, but never a vision this powerful. What was the meaning? Was it trying to tell her that Rohman was like the man with the black hair?

  Well, she wasn’t going to sit around and do nothing. She had a purpose and she’d fulfill it. Eden climbed out of bed and walked over to the large walk in closet. She’d been shown around earlier and knew this room was filled with beautiful ilsa gowns. She grabbed a short pink toga style gown and donned it as quickly as she could despite its complicated knots.

  Leaving the room without hesitation, she stepped out into the hallway. It would help if she actually knew how to get to Queen Daliah’s chambers. She walked down the opulent castle hall until she ran into a tall slender blue woman.

  Eden had never seen anything like this person. Sure she’d been waited on by women with cat faces, but seeing a blue woman wasn’t an everyday occurrence where she came from. Naked to the waist, revealing large coconut-sized breasts, the blue creature wore a short sarong style skirt that barely covered her privates. Long red hair flowed to her waist. Eden had been a fan of comic books when she was younger. The woman reminded her of one of her favorite characters.

  Standing at least a foot over Eden, the woman looked down on her with yellow eyes, the small smile on cobalt lips not quite reaching her eyes. There was something chilling about this being, but there wasn’t much time to dwell on it. Perhaps the woman could give her the information she needed.

  “Umm, would you happen to know where I can find Queen Daliah’s chambers?”

  “Actually, she’s in a little dwelling outside the palace walls. I can take you there if you like… your Highness.”

  The woman’s voice sounded like a synthesizer. Although she had no reason to feel this way, Eden didn’t like her. Maybe she was just being silly. Pasting the best smile on her face she could muster, Eden craned her neck to look up to meet yellow eyes. “Thank you, I would like that… er… What’s your name?”

  Revealing sharp white teeth, the woman shot her an eerie look that made Eden take a step back. “My name is Ani.”

  There was something ominous in the way those four words were spoken. Again, maybe she was imagining it. Stop being silly, Eden. “Well, Ani, I would really appreciate your assistance. I need to get to Queen Daliah’s chambers because I may be able to help her.”

  Ani snorted. “And what makes you think you can do anything?”

  Eden didn’t care for this woman’s tone, especially when it was unwarranted. Was she just being too touchy? Were her instant feelings of discomfort around the yellow-eyed Ani clouding her perception of things?

  Eden took a deep breath before she answered. “I don’t know if I can help or not, but I have to try. Now will you take me to her or do we just stand here? I don’t think we can afford to wait around when the king’s mother is gravely ill.”

  Ani shrugged one bony shoulder. “Of course, your majesty. Anything you want. However, whether you can help or not may not matter that much to Rohman.”

  Rohman? That simple word caught her off guard. Eden wasn’t totally familiar with the customs around here, but she was pretty sure the servants didn’t go around addressing the royal family by their first names. Was this woman what she appeared to be or was there something here she wasn’t picking up? “What did you call him?”

  Ani giggled. “Your majesty, it’s quite all right, you know. The king and I have an understanding. It’s the way of things in Zerus. I’m sure you’ll learn soon enough.”

  Placing hands on hips, Eden glared up at the woman. Was this heifer for real? “Are you by any chance insinuating that you’re my husband’s mistress?”

  “I didn’t insinuate anything. I thought I made it quite clear. Now, as you said, there’s no time to waste. Will you follow me or just stand there?”

  Eden knew there was a reason why she didn’t like this woman, and now her suspicions had been confirmed. She’d never thought of herself as the jealous type, but finding out Rohman had a mistress so soon after what they’d shared was a blow to her heart.

  Was this truly the way things would be between them? Maybe this was the custom of the Ceyan people, but there was no way she would share her husband with this blue bitch. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell Ani off, but she thought better of it. Now wasn’t the time. She had to get to the queen, but when her path crossed with Ani again, she would definitely not let the issue die.

  “Take me to Queen Daliah,” Eden said tightly through clenched teeth.

  A triumphant smirk crossed Ani’s thin lips, and Eden wanted to slap the expression off her face. She thinks she’s scored a victory on me, but she’ll soon learn I’m not as big a pushover as she thinks.

  “Follow me then.” Ani turned abruptly and Eden had no choice but to follow. Her shorter legs made it difficult to keep up with the other woman, but she did. Just barely. It was only when they were outside, several feet from the massive structure, that Eden began to suspect something wasn’t on the up and up.

  Ani shot her an impatient glance when she stopped. “Come on! We don’t have much further to go.”

  “I’m not going any further until you tell me where she is. I’ll just find my own way.”

  The malevolent yellow eyes began to glow, almost like a cat’s in the dark. A forked tongue snaked out and it looked like the woman was actually spitting venom. Eden backed away not sure how to react to the sight before her. “Oh no you don’t. You’re coming with me.” Ani reached out, grabbing a handful of Eden’s braids as she turned to leave.

  Eden fell to the ground, fighting against the tight grip. Her enemy was powerful. Too strong for her to break free. She struggled as her nemesis dragged her several feet by the hair.

  Raking her nails down a long blue arm, Eden was rewarded by a brief respite when Ani screamed out in pain. Scrambling to her feet, Eden took off, but with her longer legs, it wasn’t much of an effort for Ani to catch up.

  A fist hit Eden on the side of the head, the blow temporarily stunning her. It was enough for Ani to put her in a chokehold and drag her in the original direction they’d been heading. She struggled and clawed, but to no avail, literally hefted off her feet.

  Ani stopped when they reached the edge of the cliff. Fighting in earnest now, Eden knew exactly what was about to happen, but the blow to her head still left her slightly dazed.

  “You think you’re clever don’t you? Rohman can never care for you like he does for me. You’re an insignificant nobody. You’re not even a full grown woman. I hope your death is slow and painful.” And with a powerful shove Ani sent Eden over the cliff.

  Her life flashed before her eyes. Thou
ghts of her gentle mother, her sister Genesis, and Rohman flickered in her mind. In all her visions of this world, Eden had never imagined that things would end like this.

  Chapter Three

  When Rohman stepped inside his mother’s bedroom, he didn’t know what to expect. Seeing her pale, still figure, lying there as if the life had already fled, hit him harder than he would have thought possible. Thane and Kal stood by her bedside with their mates. The two women knelt beside his mother with their hands resting on her body.

  “What is the meaning of this?” he asked pointing to Raven and Genesis.

  Thane’s head jerked around to glare at him, a frown marring his face. “If you’ve come in here to cause trouble you can leave right now. I won’t have you coming in here upsetting Mother.”

  The vehemence in his younger brother’s voice made Rohman take a step back. There were times when he and Thane didn’t see eye to eye, especially when it came to their mother, but his brother’s low opinion of him hurt.

  Quickly masking his feelings, he glared back. “This is my palace and I will go where I please. Do you wish to challenge me? Do you think you can throw me out of here? I must say, little brother, I won’t make it easy for you.”

  Thane made a move to charge forward, but Kal shot out his arm, holding him back. “Now isn’t the time for this, you two. Our mother is dying and you two stand there arguing. Get a hold of yourselves or you can both leave,” the redhead hissed. Kal was a warrior of few words, but when he spoke, it was almost always profound.

  Although Rohman didn’t take orders well from anyone, what Kal said was wise. Despite their differences, he didn’t wish to see his mother come to any harm and he didn’t want to argue with Thane.

  Thane’s mouth tightened. He didn’t look as if he wanted to back down. “I will keep my thoughts to myself… for now, but only for Mother’s sake,” he said tightly before turning back to the bed.

  Why did it have to be this way between him and his brothers? Rohman wished he were closer to Thane and Kal, but they just didn’t understand the awesome responsibility of being king. His position was ja fluke of birth. If he could, he’d give it all away to be a carefree man, but that wasn’t to be. When his father died, he knew he could never go back to being the man he once was.

  Rohman spoke softly. “Tell me what’s happening.”

  “As you can see, she’s in a bad way,” Kal answered. “Raven and Genesis are doing the best they can to sustain her, but she’s deteriorating rapidly. We don’t know why, but the illness is working faster than it has been. I wish I could say it will turn out well for her, but I don’t know. Aarik has been summoned along with his mate. It’s my understanding that she may be the key we’re looking for, although it wouldn’t hurt to have all four women here.”

  Rohman looked over to see the two The’Ran women with their hands still resting on his mother’s body, their heads bowed and a strange glowing coming from where their hands lay. “What… what are they doing to her?”

  Kal briefly glanced to where the women were gathered and released a long, tired sounding sigh, worry lines etched in his forehead. “Mother has been writhing and crying in pain. When Genesis and Raven laid hands on her, it seemed to soothe her. At least now she’s resting.”

  If he didn’t know his stoic brother better, he could have sworn there was a tear in Kal’s eye. It was times like this when Rohman wanted to throw his arms around his brother’s shoulders and assure him things would be all right, but he couldn’t let his emotions get the better of him. Letting himself feel things he had no business feeling would only cloud his judgment. He had to be the strong one.

  Merely nodding, Rohman walked over to the bed to get a closer look at his mother, breath catching in his throat when he noticed how weak and helpless she looked. Emotions raged within him. On one hand, this was the woman who’d caused him so much pain but she was also the woman who’d given him life. At one time they’d been close, but things changed with the death of his father. Now looking at his mother, so near to death, he wondered what all the hate was for. He realized how much he didn’t want to lose her.

  “Can you help her?” he asked gruffly of the two women.

  Kal’s mate, Genesis, looked up at him and then her eyes briefly scanned the room. “Where is my sister?”

  “In our bedroom. What of my mother, what can you do for her?”

  “There’s only so much the two of us can do. I feel her pain. It’s coming from all over her body. I’m just learning about my powers, so I don’t know how much help we’ll be for her. She’s delirious right now, but Raven is able to communicate with her. We found that if we touch her, it helps temper the pain a little, but it’s not doing anything in the way of healing. This is merely pacifying the illness. We need Hope and Eden.”

  Just as the words left her mouth the door burst open and Aarik stormed through the doors, Hope scurrying behind him. She looked pale and drawn, and almost like she couldn’t stand.

  Raven asked, “Hope, are you all right?”

  Aarik held Hope steady as she nodded. “I’m fine, just a little tired. One of the guards is also sick, and I was trying to help him and then…” A deep blush surfaced on her face.

  Rohman could very well imagine what she and his twin had been up to after that, but he was more interested in hearing how she’d fared in healing his guard.

  “You more than helped him. By the time we left the room, he seemed a lot better,” Aarik explained.

  “We need you over here, Hope. If you were to lay hands on the queen as well, it may help. We’ll need to get Eden too. She’s barely hanging on. I’m absorbing as much of her pain as I can, but it’s draining,” Raven beckoned.

  Hope nodded. “Of course.”

  She wasted no time making it to his mother’s side. Kneeling down next to Genesis, she placed palms against Daliah’s legs. Rohman stood back to see what would happen and it didn’t take long before Hope’s hands also began to glow. Then, to his surprise, the blonde woman’s head fell back and he could only see the whites of her eyes. She began to shake.

  “What’s happening to her, Aarik?”

  “This is the same thing that happened when she touched Silvius. I think if we give this a moment, we may see some improvements in Mother.”

  Rohman was a little skeptical, but kept his opinions to himself. He watched in fascination as the other two women also fell into this trance-like state, eyes rolling back and heads lolling from side to side.

  To his amazement, color returned to his mother’s face and the shallow breathing began to sound more normal. Was it possible these women were the key after all? The men stood silent, watching their women minister to Daliah.

  Suddenly, Hope fell back as if hit by a powerful jolt. Aarik rushed to her side, lifting her in his arms. “I feared this would happen,” he muttered.

  Rohman frowned. “What’s going on?”

  Hope shook her head. “I’m fine. Really I am. It’s just… I think I’ve done all I can do. I don’t know why, but whatever it was I did, just stopped.”

  Genesis and Raven both stood up, drawn looks on their faces. “What’s going on? Why are you no longer helping her?” Rohman demanded of them.

  Raven, who looked as if she would collapse any moment, narrowed flashing green eyes at him. “We’re doing all we can for her, and to be honest, I don’t think the three of us can do much more.”

  “What do you mean? She seems much better. Maybe you’ve cured her,” Thane said with a hopeful note in his voice.

  Fingers raked through her midnight tresses and she shook her head. “I’m afraid we’ve only helped her temporarily. I feel this ache all over her body, although I can’t tell the source. After Hope touched her, most of your mother’s pain was alleviated, but the illness is still there. Almost like it’s in remission, but it will come back. We need Eden to see what she can do.”

  Genesis nodded. “Yes, we need Eden. I know she can help us. At least I think she can. When we were
children, there was something she did that I always figured was one of those freak things. She picked up an injured bird. At the time I thought it was dead because it wasn’t moving, but she held on to it and seconds later it flew out of her hand. I thought maybe the bird had just been sleeping, but there have been a lot of special things she’s done over the years since then that make me question it. Please, get her. If you want your mother to live, Eden may be our only hope.”

  “Yes,” Hope chimed in, albeit weakly. “I can only do so much. The pain relief is a temporary thing. I can’t completely heal her. We need more manpower.”

  Aarik sent him a pleading look. What are you standing there for, Rohman, bring her back here. This is our mother!

  His twin’s voice reverberated harshly in his mind. Aarik had never spoken to him in quite that way before and it spurred Rohman into action. It was on the tip of his tongue to order the guard standing at the door to summon his queen, but he remembered the state of undress he’d left her in. No. It was best that he fetch her himself. “I’ll go get her.”

  Leaving the room with purposeful strides, he hurried back to his sleeping chambers as if he were being chased. If what Genesis had implied was true, then Eden just may be the one to help his mother. He already knew there was something special about her touch, and it wasn’t just the intimacy.

  Rohman burst into his bedroom and to his surprise found it empty. Where was she? She was only a wee thing, but surely she couldn’t have gotten lost in here. He looked in every nook and cranny, his ire rising steadily. He’d told Eden to stay where she was and already his orders were being disobeyed. A strong wave of disappointment washed through him. For some reason he thought she would be different, that they’d made a connection on some level.

  Why did she have him believing in something that wasn’t quite real? Dem! He imagined… well, it no longer mattered what he imagined. He was about to leave the room to find her, when there was a tentative knock on his door. Was it Eden?


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