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Descendants of the Light 4: Finding Eden

Page 6

by Eve Vaughn

  “Listen to yourself. Treyu was a hateful man. He was always deliberately cruel to us, and Father couldn’t care less about the well-being of his other sons. He treated Mother abominably. There were times when she’d stay in her room for days because Father had left bruises on her, but he’d tell us she’d been disobedient. He’d say it was always her fault but never his. Treyu took after him and you know it.”

  Emotions he thought he’d locked away long ago threatened to resurface. Rohman didn’t know quite how to deal with this. “Stop,” he whispered.

  Aarik continued unmercifully. “Our father had always been a little unbalanced, but the day Treyu was killed by his mistress was the day Father went insane. Our brother had been the one person he truly cared about other than himself. He had that poor woman flayed to death before our very eyes. What happened to her wasn’t right.”

  “That poor woman killed our brother… in his sleep, no less. She didn’t give him a fighting chance. Our mother would have done the same to our father if given the opportunity.”

  “Are you listening to yourself? Peaha didn’t deserve her fate. Unlike Mother, she didn’t have the luxury of hiding away from us when our brother bruised and beat her to the point where she could barely be recognized. While I by no means endorse her methods, I can’t hold her fully responsible for what she did.”

  “She murdered our brother! Since when is plunging a knife in someone’s heart while they sleep an honorable thing?”

  “She saved herself from his brutality. I never said it was an honorable thing, but like any animal who has their back in a corner, she lashed out. Everyone knew how Treyu treated this woman, but we did nothing.”

  Rohman shrugged. “She was a servant to do with as he pleased.”

  “I know you don’t actually believe the words you’re saying. This is Aarik you’re talking to. There’s not much you can hide from me, mehier. You know Peaha was forced to take action because if she hadn’t, Treyu would have ended up killing her. Papa was never the most enlightened in his opinions, but with the death of his favorite son at the hands of a woman, it pushed him over the edge. He went from being abusive to our mother to deadly. I noticed this, but you were -- are her favorite, and she took great pains to hide what he did to her from you.”

  “That makes absolutely no sense. Why would she do that?”

  “Because with Treyu gone, she knew Father would turn his attention to you. You were heir and had other responsibilities to worry about. She didn’t want to burden you with her problems and cause friction between you and Father. He knew, and used it against her. Father deliberately set out to sabotage your relationship with Mother.” Aarik paused with a sigh, raking hands through blond hair so like Rohman’s own.

  This was too much to take in. Rohman found himself collapsing in the nearest chair. “Why would he do that? She’s my mother.”

  “You know he inherited the throne through her and not the other way around. He was a prideful, spiteful man who resented that Mother garnered everyone’s respect while people merely tolerated him. Haven’t you commented on the many times he would belittle her in public for no apparent reason? He knew Mother could have married much higher than him, but she chose him for her king. Much of this story is Mother’s to tell. Talk to her before it’s too late. There’s only so much the women can do for her.”

  “What would I say to her? How can I face her after how I’ve treated her?”

  “Mother will forgive you, but can you forgive yourself?”

  “I killed our father,” Rohman whispered, finally saying the words he’d held in for so long. “How will Thane and Kal react when they know it was I who delivered the death blow?” His eyes clouded with unshed tears.

  Aarik knelt before him. “It’s time you forgave yourself. I know our brothers will understand if you explain to them what happened.”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. I have to think on this. But first, we have to renew the search for my bride.”

  “What did she do to you?” Aarik asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “There’s something different about you. Before the ceremony I wouldn’t have thought to bring this subject up with you, but now I sense a change. Could it be that she’s your heartmate?”

  Rohman stood abruptly. “I’ll have no talk of this heartmate business. I liked Eden fine, and she’ll make an adequate queen for me, but that is it.”

  His twin gave him a knowing smile. “I would say there is more to it than that, but I will let you figure that one out for yourself. In the meantime, we’ll summon Ani. I suspect she’s hiding out to see what will happen next. I have an idea.”

  * * *

  Eden felt woozy and nauseous. It seemed like every time she gained enough of her senses, someone put a cup to her lips, forcing her to drink some nasty concoction. She was sure she was being drugged now, but why?

  Lifting her head slightly, she realized she was moving. Her body rested in the back of what looked like a horse cart. Where was she and where was she headed?

  Two figures sat in front of her driving the cart, one of which she recognized. It was the woman from earlier. If she strained hard enough, she could hear them talking.

  “I bet we’ll fetch a lot of coin for her at the bazaar. Just imagine all the wonderful trinkets and ilsa cloth I can buy with that,” the woman gushed.

  “I thought the point of selling her in Rozak was to use the money to help out the family, not so you could fill your coffers with pretty things. If that’s the case, I swear, Seri, if this is all about you, I’ll turn this cart around right now and go home.”

  “Enech, you will do no such thing. We’ve come this far and I won’t turn back even if I have to drag her there myself. You’ve already agreed to do this so there’s no changing your mind now. We’ll sell her as planned. I have a contact there who will be our go between. If we use him, we can get a fair price.”

  They planned to sell her? No! She had to stop them somehow, but her body felt so weak she could barely move, probably a side effect from the drugs. Maybe she could appeal to their better sides if they had them. What kind of people would just sell someone like this without even knowing a thing about them?

  “Please,” she croaked weakly. Her throat was dry, but she dared not ask for water because they’d probably feed her more of the drug.

  Her voice apparently didn’t reach their ears. “Please,” she tried again, louder.

  “Did you hear something, Seri?” the man asked.

  “No. Keep your eyes ahead of you. The last thing we need is to get into an accident before we even get there.”

  Eden attempted to sit up but only managed to shift some of her weight so that she was propped on her elbow.

  The one called Seri looked back, turquoise eyes shooting a look of annoyance, before it was carefully masked. “Well, my word. She’s awake. Would you like something to drink? I have a sheepskin filled with something refreshing for you.”

  Eden shook her head. “No. Please. Listen to me.”

  Seri’s lips tightened slightly. “Well, could it wait? We’re almost to our destination.”

  Again she shook her head to alleviate some of the fogginess. “No. This is important. I need to get back to the palace.”

  This time the woman frowned openly. “The palace? As in King Rohman’s palace? What ever do you want to go there for?” She turned to Enech and whispered something to him.

  Before she realized what happened, Enech pulled the cart over to the side of the road while Seri climbed back to sit with Eden, a large sheepskin pouch in her hands. “Your throat sounds a little dry. Why don’t you have a drink?”

  Trying to slide away from the woman, Eden grimaced. Damn. What kind of drug had they given her to make her so sluggish? “No. I don’t want anything to drink. I want you to listen to me.”

  “Of course I’ll listen to you, but first you must have a drink.” Seri smiled tightly before opening the pouch.

  “No. I have to get back
to the palace to help Queen Daliah. She’s fallen victim to the illness and I know she’ll need my assistance.”

  Seri laughed nastily. “What could a little creature like you do? Why, you’re not much bigger than a gnome.”

  “I may not be a big person, but I’m also King Rohman’s mate. He chose me in the Feast of the Flesh ceremony.”

  “You lie! If you were the new queen, you’d have the king’s cheka. What manner of being are you anyway? You’re much too small to be Ceyan, and your skin is like nothing I’ve seen before.”

  “I’m The’Ran, formerly of a world called Earth. The reason I’m not wearing the king’s cheka is because he didn’t have a chance to put one on me before being summoned away. I promise if you take me back to the castle I can see that you get some kind of reward.”

  “The’Ran? The ancient race that was obliterated years ago? For one so small, you have many grandiose ideas. Now stop this senselessness and drink this.”

  When Seri attempted to force the drink on her, Eden somehow found the strength to push her hand away, knocking the pouch out of Seri’s hand.

  “Now look what you’ve done! You’ll pay for that. I was going to tell my contact in Rozak to make sure you get a kindly master but not anymore. We rescued you from the jaws of death, and this is how you repay our kindness? I would slap your ungrateful little face if I didn’t fear leaving a welt. The buyers would rather have their slaves unmarked,” Seri screamed, her voice so shrill it made Eden’s head ache.

  It was then that Enech decided to intervene. “That’s enough, Seri. Leave the woman alone. She could very well be telling the truth. Remember what she wore when I brought her home.”

  For the first time Eden noticed she wasn’t wearing the soft ilsa dress she’d donned just before leaving the palace. In its place was a coarse cloth dress that reminded her of a burlap potato sack. It rubbed roughly against her sensitive skin, chafing her.

  “You are a fool if you believe her. I’m sure she’ll say anything to escape.”

  “I believe her,” Enech said firmly.

  “Be silent, you fool, while I take care of this.” Seri grabbed a fistful of Eden’s hair and retrieved the pouch, forcing it to her mouth. “You will drink this demmed potion!”

  With one last-ditch effort, Eden dug her nails into Seri’s skin, and then something amazing happened. Some sort of electric current shot from her body into her adversary’s. Eyes wide with shock, Seri fell back before slumping down into the cart.

  Eden gasped. “Oh my God, have I killed her?”

  Chapter Six

  Ani walked to Rohman’s chamber with a smug smile on her face. He’d finally come to his senses and called on her. It had been a long torturous time without his warm arms around her and his cock in her pussy. She knew that little pest Eden wouldn’t hold his interest for very long. She wouldn’t be surprised if he gave up the search for her after a while.

  As she passing one of the other serving women in the hallway, her smile widened. Feya, one of the women who openly disliked her, sneered back. “What are you looking so demmed happy about? Have you grown used to being the king’s castoff?”

  Ani’s eyes narrowed, raking over Feya’s cat-like features. “You’ve always been jealous of me, haven’t you?”

  “Why would I be jealous of a lazy whore?” Feya laughed, twirling whiskers between her fingers.

  She wanted to scratch the woman’s eyes out but thought better of it. There’d be plenty of time to have her revenge. Once she convinced Rohman to make her his queen, she’d have all of her naysayers whipped, banished, and then sold to the harshest slavers in Rozak. “You may think I’m a whore, but I’m hardly cast off. I’m going to his chamber now. I’ve been summoned.”

  “Ani, you’re a liar. Why should I believe anything you say?”

  “Oh, really? Why don’t you follow me? You can see for yourself how much the king still wants me. You didn’t possibly think that insignificant little woman would satisfy his needs like I can, did you?”

  Feya shook her head. “I had the honor of serving Queen Eden before the king chose. I think she will make our sovereign a fine mate. When she’s found, you’ll be very sorry.”

  “What makes you think she’ll be found? Who’s to say she isn’t dead?”

  Feya’s lips curved derisively. “I begin to suspect that maybe you had something to do with the queen’s disappearance. Perhaps I should let the king know of my suspicions.”

  “If you dare, you’ll regret it.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so. So let’s go. Take me to the king, and we’ll see how much he wants you once I voice my suspicions.”

  “Forget it!” Ani scurried off down the hall making sure Feya didn’t follow. She’d make them all pay! Not bothering to knock on Rohman’s bedroom door, she opened it, a wide grin on her face.

  That smile immediately fell when she saw Rohman, along with all three princes and their mates. “Roh -- your majesty. You summoned me in here. What did you want me for?”

  “Is that how you address your king, wench? Bow!” Prince Aarik bit out.

  She always knew the princes didn’t like her, but she couldn’t do anything about it. When she became queen, things would change around here.

  Biting the inside of her lip to stop herself from speaking her mind, Ani bowed as she was commanded. Why didn’t Rohman say anything? “Your majesty?”

  “We have some questions for you, Ani. It’s our understanding that you were the last one to see Queen Eden before she left,” Prince Kalian began.

  What was this about? “Yes, Your Highness. I don’t know where she was going though because she was in such a hurry to leave the castle.”

  “You goddamn liar! What have you done to my sister?” The one called Genesis charged forward only to be halted by the strong arms of Prince Kalian.

  Ani tried her best to remain calm. Had someone seen her? Did they guess what had happened? Why was everyone staring at her with accusation in their eyes? And why had Rohman tricked her like this? “Your majesties, I wouldn’t dare lie to you. I don’t know where she is.”

  Rohman looked over to the pale woman with long onyx-colored hair, speaking for the first time. “Raven, do you think you can discern the truth?”

  Tela-colored eyes darted Ani’s way and an impending sense of doom swept through her. Should she make her escape now? What did they mean to do to her?

  Backing away from Princess Raven, who marched over to stand in front of her, Ani was surprised when her arm was grasped. A jolt of some kind shot through her and the other woman let go immediately. Before she saw it coming, a fist slammed into her face.

  “You bitch!” Princess Raven screamed.

  Ani crumpled to the ground, more out of surprise than from the pain shooting up the side of her head.

  When the princess would have reached out to grab her again, Prince Thane pulled her back. “Jihar, what is it? What did you see?”

  “She led Eden out of the palace and threw her over a cliff.”

  “No!” Princess Genesis screamed. “Not Eden. No!”

  Ani didn’t know how it was that this woman was able to know exactly what she’d done, but if she wanted to leave this palace with her life she had to get out of here now.

  Ani was about to slink off, but Rohman strode forward and grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her up roughly. “I knew there were many things you were capable of, but never this. If Queen Eden isn’t found alive, your life will be forfeit.”

  For the first time, Ani understood the enormity of what she’d done and regretted it. Not because she’d taken a life, but because she’d been caught. She’d throw Eden over a cliff hundreds of times if she could get away with it.

  “Have you nothing to say for yourself?” Rohman sneered, and she realized then that no matter what she said or tried to do, he’d never be hers. It was all over.

  She was Fherenji and wouldn’t degrade herself by begging for her life. “There’s nothing I can say except t
hat even if she’s alive, there’s no way she can do for you the things I did. If you expect me to plead for my life, you can forget it.”

  His eyes narrowed. An incredulous expression appeared on his face. “I don’t expect you to beg for your life because there’s nothing you could do to save it if you’ve murdered my queen, but you’re right on one instance. Eden never could do the things that you do to me.”

  Ani smiled triumphantly. “Yet you choose her over me, a superior being?”

  “You didn’t let me finish, Ani. Eden couldn’t do the things you do because she does them so much better.” He turned away from her then and for the first time, she noticed two guards standing in the corner of the room. “Guards, take her to the towers and lock the door so she won’t escape. We’ll deal with her later.”

  Ani struggled against the vise grip the guards had her arms in as they dragged her out. Shooting one last look at the king, she shouted in spite, “I only wanted you for your crown. You’re a terrible king and an even worse lover!”

  * * *

  Rohman stood frozen to the spot. He was still trying to digest what he’d just learned. Eden dead? No. She couldn’t be. Impossible. He flinched when a hand fell on his shoulder. Even without turning, he knew it was his twin.

  “Will you be all right?”

  “Yes. I feel she’s alive. I don’t know why, but…”

  Rohman turned around to see the collective looks on everyone’s faces in the room. Kal was holding a limp Genesis in his arms. The news was too much for her to handle. It was nearly more than he could deal with. “Kal, you should take Genesis to your room. This is a shock to her, but let her know there is still hope. No body has been found anywhere near the cliffs. I need time alone to think. We all need to get some sleep. In the morning, we’ll renew the search. This time… we’ll all look for her.”

  He then gave a tentative smile to Thane’s mate. “I must thank you for what you did.”

  The look on Thane’s and Raven’s faces said it all. Raven looked taken aback, and Thane looked downright suspicious. Rohman knew he had a long way to go with his youngest brother, but now wasn’t the time to dwell on it.


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